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Steph in the Diner (The Misadventures of Price-Field)

Chloe and Max had been hanging out in the diner discussing what their next adventure should be when Steph walked through the door to order something carrying her bag. Chloe noticed her and broke into a smile. She always had a playful soft spot for the young woman and suggested they invite her over. “Really? I didn’t realize you too were friends” Max said with surprise. Steph never seemed like Chloe’s sort of crowd.

“Oh yeah, we go way back” she said, waving the girl over. When she saw the blue haired girl she did a double take, not expecting to find her here. “Shit, I realize you were…of course, you’re mom works here. I am such an idiot” she said, walking over and introducing herself to Max. “Steph Gringrich. Max Caulfield right? I’ve seen you around campus.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen you too” Max nodded shuffling over so the girl could sit down with them. Steph was wearing a red top and blue pants, trainers and a beanie over her auburn hair, her green eyes staring at Chloe in bewilderment. Last time she saw her her hair wasn’t as blue. “So, how do you and Chloe know each other?”

“Blackwell” they both said, which makes them laugh calling jinx. “Stella was one of the few people I could tolerate in those days” Chloe told her girlfriend. “In fact we bonded mostly over board games. Which one was it we played with Mickey?”

“It was a table top game and I seem to recall we bonded over classic movies” Steph replied.

Chloe thought about it pulling a face. “No, I’m pretty sure it was the game. Some fantasy game, your were playing a sexy succubus or something. I was and elf…”

“Oh my god, I can’t believe you remember that” Steph said suddenly blushing.

“Remember what?” Max asked, looking at Chloe.

“It was dungeons and dragons” Steph explained to the clueless Max, telling her “Mickey and I play it all the time. Then every once in a while Chloe would come along and join in. One time she played this elf warrior and we had a campaign involving a succubus and a cave full of prisoners.” She stopped shaking her head as Chloe laughed expecting her to finish. “Let’s just say Chloe got creative with how she saved the prisoners” Steph told Max, unwilling to go into it.

Max looked at Chloe, who winked promising to tell her later. “I don’t seem to recall you complaining about my methods, or my dice skill” she told the girl. Steph rolled her eyes refusing to comment, though her face showed her flustered. Thinking about that session got Chloe’s mind ticking as she looked at Max. “You know Max, Steph has quite the imagination” she said, tapping just under her ear in a subtle signal. “It makes her quite fun to be around.”

Max narrowed her eyes as she looked at her friend across the table, who was looking at Steph with a gaze that seemed to analyze her from head to toe. Max glanced at Steph somehow sensing what Chloe was thinking, glancing around the diner before looking back silently asking her? Here? Really?

Why not? Chloe’s expression seemed to say.

Steph remained clueless about what the girls were suddenly plotting as she looked at the two of them asking “so are you two… friendly, I guess is the term?”

Max blinked surprised the girl could tell. Chloe grinned. “Oh yes, we’re very friendly” she replied before climbing out of her seat. Steph looked up at her as she walked around the table and casually slipped into the seat beside her saying “but we’re also friendly with others too.”

Steph gulped as Chloe slid in right beside her, suddenly finding herself trapped between the two girls in the booth by the window. She looked at them both awkwardly asking “when you say friendly, you’re talking about…” she stammered. Chloe smiled at her and put a hand on her knee, the intentions clear. “Oh” she exhaled, suddenly very nervous.

Next to her Max quietly asked “if you don’t mind my asking, what was Chloe talking about with that table top game.”

Steph blushed as Chloe waited for her to explain. “Well, she Um… went off book I guess. Sort of charmed her way out of trouble.”

“Yeah, that’s sounds like Chloe” Max chuckled.

“Oh, don’t hold back” Chloe said, shuffling closer pinning the girl between her and her girlfriend while her hand continued to caress her knee. “I seduced the fuck out of you to free your prisoners” she smirked.

“In character” Steph quickly clarified turning red. “Her elf seduced my succubus. She got some very high dice rolls that won out.”

“Yeah, but you also asked for details” Chloe added, leaning closer to whisper in the uncomfortable girls ear “I also recall you being very, very damp when I checked afterward. Which reminds me, I owe you something” she remarked, her fingers now creeping up her thigh.

Steph trembled, her eyes fixed to that hand snaked up her leg. She looked at Max, shocked to find the girl didn’t seem bothered. In fact her own hand was drifting up her arm, her thumb brushing her skin. Their eyes met and Steph realized she was being not so subtly propositioned. “Okay, this is really…moving fast. I don’t know if I’m…okay with this…”

“Okay with what?” Chloe asked.

“Being…being molested in public” Steph gulped, her eyes darting between Chloe and Max. Not that she didn’t like it, and she definitely found them attractive and would love to rip of her clothes and make love to either of them. But the way they were making moves and still in the diner booth… “wouldn’t you rather go somewhere more private? Like your place? My place. The bathroom even?”

“We could” she nodded, her fingers walking up Steph’s thigh slowly. “But wouldn’t it be fun to do it right here, right now? Come on Steph, use that imagination” she suggested, leaning in to kiss the girls neck softly.

Steph gasped, inhaling sharply looking around the not so deserted diner. Fortunately nobody was yet paying attention to the three girls huddled together on a seat by the window. Chloe's body shielded the counter from their activity and Max sat up to hid them from the onlookers outside, leaving their hands covered by the table as they crept up her slim body. As she looked down and saw Chloe’s hand reach her crotch and brush a nail over her groin while Max lifted her shirt to slip underneath to touch her stomach, Steph’s imagination did indeed begin to run wild.

And Chloe was on hand to stir her dirty thoughts, muttering quietly in her ear “haven’t you ever wanted to just throw caution to the wind and fuck someone the moment you felt like it? Just reach under the table, take off their pants and devour them? It is so hot, believe me. You know Max and I did it in this diner once? She climbed all the way across the table and kissed me before dragging me up there to have sex. Everyone got to watch, right Max?”

Steph glanced over to see the brunette blushing awkwardly explaining “it wasn’t that busy, but yeah.”

“Oh god” Steph whimpered, realizing she was indeed getting turned on by this and wanted to fuck them right now. Her sensibilities screamed they should stop before they are seen, but it just ignited the fire further. “That is hot” she admitted, feeling ashamed for saying so.

Chloe grinned, biting her bottom lip as her fingers began fiddling with the girls pants. Steph tensed seeing them come undone, looking up at Chloe with a mix of horror and desire. “If you really want us to stop, if you want to go somewhere else and do this, just say so” she said quietly. “But if there’s even a small part of you that wants to try this, to throw caution to the wind…” she waited for Steph to decide, hovering over her like the temptress she was. Steph opened her mouth, the words catching in her throat as her pupils dilated. Then she closed it. Chloe grinned. “I hoped you’d say that” she beamed, taking hold of her jaw to capture her lips in a steamy kiss.

Steph’s mind stopped thinking when their lips met, the pair of them making out in the cubicle for all to see. What she hoped they didn’t see was Chloe’s hand slipping inside her pants to invade her panties and rub her clit, her hips jerking up as her knees trembled in response. She had never been fingered in public before but now it was happening her body seemed to light up with sensitivity. Chloe’s fingers were electric as they touched her, her moans engulfed by the kiss as the punk woman overpowered her. After a minute Chloe broke the kiss and Steph nearly let out a scream of pleasure before covering her mouth. “How does that feel?” She asked her.

“Oh…my…god!” She panted, unable to control herself as Chloe sank her hand deeper to probe her dripping entrance. She looked frantically at Chloe, then at Max who was gradually making her way up her shirt to her bra with her palm. “This is crazy. I can’t believe…oh fuck!” She gasped, her head falling back as her body spasmed to their touch. Max’s fingers brushed the cup of her bra and she felt her nipple harden beneath the fabric. “Her moans we’re getting louder and starting to turn heads.

Max glanced around and saw the people casting glances at them, wondering what the three young women were doing in the cubicle. “People are starting to notice” she whispered sheepishly, her nervousness matching Steph’s.

Chloe grinned, advising her girlfriend “you might want to do something about it” as she continued to fuck the girl between them, unashamed of the attention. Steph turned pale as Chloe penetrated her pussy, her legs clamping together as of trying to stop them from moving and bringing her pleasure. Max saw her mouth fall open about to scream, quickly grabbing the girls hair with her other hand to hold her head still and latch her mouth over hers swallowing the scream. Steph gripped Max’s hair tight, moaning into the kiss as her hips buckled and shook against Chloe’s hand. Max’s other hand was now beneath her bra cupping her breast.

Chloe got a kick out of seeing Max kiss another girl, the two of them locking lips in a desperate fashion as she fucked Steph towards her first climax. But she decided to have a bit of fun and torment the girl by giving her some relief at the last minute, pulling her hand back out of her pants. Steph gasped at the loss of contact and then whimpered, releasing Max from her kiss to pine. “Not fair” she whispered, looking at Chloe in disappointment.

“Sorry not sorry” she grinned, marking her nose with her wet finger. Steph followed it a moment before grabbing it to lick clean, which made Chloe very excited. When she got her hand back she thrust her tongue into her mouth to taste it before suggesting she and Max continue to get aquatinted. Max was happy to help and the two shared a more passionate kiss where Steph got to return the favor by lifting up her pink shirt and palming both her breasts. While they were distracted Chloe unzipped her own pants and eased them down her thighs a little, rubbing her pussy to test the wetness. She sucked her finger after taking a dip before slyly taking Steph’s hand and guiding it down between her legs.

Steph yelped as she found her hand at Chloe’s crotch, looking down to see her pussy for herself on display. She sat up and looked around the diner, panicking a little whispering “are you crazy?”

“Maybe a little” Chloe admitted as Steph yanked her hand back, reaching down to help her pants down to her knees. “But I’m also really horny” she said as Steph resisted the urge to yell and alert the diner to what was happening. Chloe looked over to a nervous Max suggesting “you too SuperMax. Just like the table, remember.”

Max knew what Chloe was hoping for, but it still require the act of putting themselves on display in public. But Max reluctantly pushed her jeans down anyway, leaving all three girls sitting side by side with their cunts out waiting to be played with. Steph looked at them both shivered, feeling very exposed as both girls each took a hand and guided them down to their pussies for her to rub. She exhaled nervously, exploring their clits with her fingers before finding the hole to slip into. Both girls sighed as they were penetrated, reclining on the chair letting the young woman finger them before reaching for her lap. Steph tried to resist as they took her knees and pulled them apart, eventually melting to their advances as their hands drifted up to her groin and rubbed it together. “Do you want to go first?” Chloe asked her girlfriend.

Max looked at it and then replied “together.” They nodded and both sets of fingers entered her and Steph had to bite her bottom lip to stay quiet.

Three hot sexy young women fingering each other in the cubicle at the Two Whales Diner. It was the short of show you could sell tickets to. Steph kept her eyes shut. She dare not open them in case she saw a couple of peeping toms outside the window gawking at her, or some sleazy trucker at the counter masturbating to their private sex show. She kept expecting the waitress to walk over and stumble upon them with her pot of coffee, imagining the horrified look on her face. Max shared much of her sentiments, but she was brave enough to keep her eyes open in order to focus on what her hand was doing in her cunt. Steph is turned out could finger both girls with her eyes closed, and she had then both panting softly. Chloe was much more confident in their cubicle, actively looking around daring the men and women to watch them as they fucked each other. To her disappointment most of the restaurant staff and visitors didn’t pay any of them any attention, though she did catch a glimpse of a young waitress glance in their direction before hurrying in the opposite direction.

“Oh fuck…” Steph whimpered, her body shaking as Max and Chloe’s fingers fought over her pussy while rolling her clit from two sides. Her pants became labored as she said “I think…I think I’m going…I’m close…”

Chloe could feel her climax approaching too, biting her bottom lip in preparation. She looked over at Max, excitement on her face, until she he realized the brunette was still a way off. “Shit” she muttered under her breath, leaning over to Max asking her “tell me you’re close!”

“Almost” Max whispered back, but her expression said otherwise.

Fuck Chloe thought. This was likely to derail her plans. She turned to Steph suggesting to “hold it in. I want us all to cum together.”

“I don’t know if I can” she replied desperately, her body beginning to tense.

“Please!” Chloe begged, pushing her own climax back realizing how painful the build up was getting. Eventually Steph nodded but the strain on her face told them both she may only be able to hold it for seconds. Chloe looked at Max, who shrugged as Steph’s attention on her pussy slackened. Chloe abandoned Steph to lean over and help her work on a Max, rubbing her clit roughly eager to bring her to their level.

Max wasn’t great under pressure, but having both her girlfriend and new friend rub her together was enough to spur her body towards that waiting orgasm. “Okay, I’m close” she said after a few moments, much to both their relief.

“Okay, on the count of three” Chloe said, panting heavily as she held her climax watching both her girls intently. Steph was struggling, her strangled moans getting louder drawing more attention to the three of them. At this point none of them cared how many stares they were getting, just as long as they got to have their orgasm. Chloe shot Max a silent look, waiting for her to give her the nod before counting down. “One…t..two…three!”

On three the trio simultaneously let go of their tension and cried out in climax, their bodies shuddering together as they came in the cubicle. Their voices filled the diner and could be heard outside. Everyone turned to find three young women shaking and trembling in their cubicle tangled in a heap of sweat and cum. Steph briefly felt the dozens of stares before she closed her eyes and gave into the orgasm, curling up between her new friends as their bodies crushed her in their convulsions. It felt so good to cum, no matter where she was doing it.

While her eyes were closed, her body suddenly felt a tremor she could explain and she opened her eyes to find herself gasping for breath but fully clothed. Chloe and Max were still beside her but their clothes were on too. Chloe’s hand was on her thigh, Max’s just beginning to skirt under her T-shirt, just like before. Steph let out a spontaneous moan as she felt the aftershock of pleasure erupt in her groin soaking her underwear. She must’ve just cum in her pants from the…what was that? A dream? Have I been daydreaming again. Shit, my fantasies must be getting more vivid she thought.

“You okay Steph?” Chloe asked, looking at the girl curiously seeing her panting and breaking into a sweat.

“Mmhm” she replied sluggishly, feeling a buzz like she’d already had sex as she sat back in her seat. The girls were good enough to remove their hands so she could wipe her face and catch her breath, unable to explain what got into her. She looked at Chloe and decided to blame her. “Fuck, how do you get me so hot” she complained.

Chloe smirked. “It’s not hard when dealing with someone as horny as you” she shot back, hooking her chin to give her a peck on the lips. “You’re lucky you’re hot as fuck” she added.

While Steph was trying to figure out what happened Chloe was glancing over to Max who was wiping her nose with a napkin, steaming the nosebleed her little trip through time triggered. She saw Chloe’s concerned glance and gave her a thumbs up, signaling she was fine. “You alright Steph?” She asked the girl, who nodded obliviously.

After a moment she straightened in her seat and awkwardly asked them “so…does this mean we’re really going to…like, the three of us? Are you sure it’s okay?” She asked again,

Chloe rolled her eyes and nodded to Max, who chuckled as she leant in to kiss Steph on the lips. “Unless you want to pass” she said. Chloe hyphenated the point by kissing Steph again, then kissing Max. Steph looked at them both as they looked expectantly at her before nervously leaning forward to kiss each of them in turn before they all made out in a passionate three way kiss. “Okay, I just need to quickly go to the bathroom” Max said, still finding her nose bleeding a little, climbing over the two of them to step out of their seat.

Chloe gave her a playful slap on the bum as she passed telling her “don’t take too long.” Max rolled her eyes and shook her head before walking away leaving Steph and Chloe alone together. Chloe wasted no time in relaxing the drowsy young woman, putting an arm around her shoulders shuffling closer acting all seductive. “So, you definitely in?” She asked her.

Steph took a deep breath before nodding. “Yeah, I would love to” she smiled, looking at the girl putting her own hand on her thigh. “Besides, you owe me after that D&D game.”

“Do I? I guess the succubus deserves a proper fuck from this elf” she said, tracing a line around her breast with her finger. “The question is…where should this fuck take place?” She cast a look around the diner, playfully asking “somewhere public? Or private?”

Steph went pale thinking about having sex somewhere in the open, like her fantasy had projected. But the dream did remind her how hot the idea had been and how turned on it made her. That being said, she wasn’t ready to live out her fantasy. “Private” she said assuredly. Chloe hid her disappointment, nodding happily reclining in her seat so they could wait for Max. But then she felt Steph’s hand reach down to cup her groin as she felt an excited tingle run up her spine as the girl playfully whispered “but not too private.”

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