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Smut-Crisis of Two Earths: The Art of Negotiation

Negotiations seemed to be going well. At least Nysa Al Gul seemed to think so as she crouched over Thalia Grace’s naked body, thrusting her fingers into her cunt listening to her moan. The daughter of the demons head was very adept at negotiations, and she liked to always stay on top. “Now, tell me again what it is you think your hunters can offer the league of assassins?” Nysa asked.

Thalia Grace wasn’t as fluent in the negotiating strategy the assassin was employing, less clothing that she was used to. And this was the first time she’d attended a negotiation in someone’s bed chamber. It felt unorthodox, but it left her unsure whether she was making progress or if the young woman was just toying with her in more ways than one.

She came to Nadat Pabat, the headquarters of the league of assassins to negotiate an alliance with the hunters of Artemis. She got the location from some mutual friends, who warned her the daughter of the demon wouldn’t be easy to convince. But the daughter of Zeus and leader of the hunters was determined to reach an agreement, by any means necessary if needed. She met Nysa in the entrance hall, cloaked figures surrounding her, and made her proposition. She’d formulated every argument she could think of, but she hadn’t anticipated the young raven haired girl inviting her to her private chambers to continue in private.

The bedroom was extravagant, the most extravagant Thalia had ever seen. The assassin had more furniture and art than any leader of the hunters could hope for. But their attention wasn’t on the décor as they face one another. “So tell me, what is it you believe the league of assassins can give you?” Nysa asked.

“Help” Thalia answered nervously as the young woman circled her like a predator. “An alliance with you will let us share resources, intel and protection. And I was hoping your organization could give us a place to stay in preparation for what’s to come. The Amazons are also on board, but we need more.”

“More from us, but what can you give?”

“Whatever we can. Our best archers, fighters, healers, and whatever other skills our utters can offer. I have people from all over with different backgrounds, including demigods. If you help us we’ll gladly offer our assistance.”

“I see” Nysa said thoughtfully. “This alliance means a lot to you, doesn’t it” she observed, fixing her gaze on the raven haired younger woman. “How desperate are you I wonder?”

Thalia held her nerve as she was sized up. “Whatever it takes, whatever it costs, I’ll pay it. I want what’s best for my group. We need the league. So if you need me to prove our commitment or whatever, I’m willing to work something out.”

Nysa smiled, liking the determination behind her conviction. She had ways of testing that resolve, unhooking the straps on her weapons. She saw Thalia’s eyes narrow and dilate as she removed her cloak, watching her body language shift uncomfortably. She always enjoyed that look, the way their expression always changed. The moment their expectations are knocked off balance. It left them wide open for the opportunity for her to take advantage. “I may be open to discussing terms” Nysa said, stepping towards her nudging her backwards against the wall, closing the gap between them. “But first, I want to see how desperate the situation is.”

“It’s important” Thalia nodded, inhaling nervously from Nysa’s close proximity.

“Indeed?” She replied, keeping her face neutral to hide her expression. She had a test to see how far the girl was willing to go for this alliance. It wouldn’t be the first time negotiations would evolve this way. “Would you kneel down for me?” She requested calmly. She didn’t make it an order, that was part of the test. If they refused, she wouldn’t hold it against them. Pride was nothing to be ashamed of. But Thalia, while hesitant and uncomfortable, complied with the request dropping to her knees in front of her. “And would you kindly help me with my uniform?” She then asked, indicating to the buttons to her pants. Again, Thalia obliged nervously, assisting with the removal of her trousers while Nysa unzipped her jacket. When they were halfway down her legs she reached down and pushed her underwear down to join them, watching Thalia’s reaction carefully. She expected confusion, repulsion, maybe a hint of arousal, and she wasn’t disappointed. “Remind me, how badly do you want this alliance to happen?” She asked.

Thalia looked up from Nysa’s shaved pussy swallowing heavily. She hadn’t expected this talk to go like this and was worried about how far it would go. But she reminded herself she’d promised to do whatever it took. The stakes were too important. “Whatever I must” she replied.

“Show me” Nysa responded flatly, offering herself to the girl. She didn’t say any more, didn’t need to. All part of her test. The moment Thalia leaned forward and pressed her lips to her pussy, she understood how desperate the hunters of Artemis must be to require an alliance with the league of assassins. And understanding that, she had a better idea of how to negotiate.

But that didn’t mean they couldn’t have some fun during the discussion.

Thalia’s nerves didn’t hinder her skill with the tongue as she pleasured Nysa’s pussy. She didn’t know what game the assassin was playing, or even if she was taking the offer seriously, but she had to hope these extreme steps were necessary. Fortunately, she had Atermis’s blessing to negotiate however she required, including performing sexual acts provided they didn’t violate her oath.

Nysa was surprised to find the young woman was rather adept at anal sex, relaxing on the balls of her feet releasing a subtle moan. It had been a long time since she took a lover, not since the temporary death of her beloved and marriage to Oliver Queen. She ran a hand through Thalia’s hair as the girl uncomfortably rubbed the back of her thighs, thrusting her tongue deep into her vagina rubbing her clit with her nose, looking up at the older woman to see the stoic expression masking her pleasure. Yes, maybe she is worthy to share my bed tonight she thought.

“Very well, emissary of Artemis” Nysa said, hooking her finger under Thalia’s chin to lift her back to her feet giving her a kiss on the lips. “I shall listen to your proposal and we can discuss terms” she told her, even as she was helping the demigod out of her clothing stripping them both completely naked. Thalia found little choice but to comply as the woman led her to the bed and pushed her onto the mattress, continuing their conversation more intimately.

Nysa lived up to her name “daughter of the demon” as she dominated the bedroom, staying in control and on top of the younger girl. Thalia diligently attempted to pitch her alliance again, even as Nysa was licking her pussy burrowing between her legs making her moan. The hunter proved difficult to distract, which Nysa admired as she rolled the girl onto her stomach, climbing on top of her to insert her fingers into her cunt. “Now, tell me again what it is you think your hunters can offer the league of assassins?” Nysa asked.

“Wha…whatever you need…fuck!” Thalia moaned, clutching at the bedsheets arching her back, knees curling upwards from where the fingers thrust into her. It was taking all her willpower to resist moaning too much so she could speak, and twice that to push the orgasm back down. “I’m offering to share resources” she gasped, craning her neck to look at her. “My hunters will be at your disposal, if you agree to…to join us… shit, what are you…”

Thalia gasped and shuddered as Nysa curled her fingers inside her, making her toes curl and hands turn into fists. Nysa knew how to exploit every weakness in her opponents, find every nerve and pressure point to bring both pain and pleasure. With just two fingers she flooded Thalia’s body with pleasure until every muscle and fibre was buzzing and alight. But the girl refused to orgasm, which brought a new level of respect to the assassin. “We have plenty of fighters, experts with bows among other weapons” Nysa told her, hooking her other arm around Thalia’s shoulders to lean close to her ear, allowing the girl to grip her forearm for support. “We need not for concubines either” she smirked. “Though if your followers are as talented as you, I’m sure I could find some men amongst our ranks to entertain them.”

“We don’t…associate with men” Thalia muttered.

Nysa shrugged. “Plenty of women amongst us too.” She kept the pressure on, ramming her fingers into her harder and faster, hitting the right sport with each thrust until Thalia was force to concede into climax. She watched the girl shudder in her grasp, letting out a hollow moan as she came all over her hand. “So tell me” she asked again, “what can you and your hunters offer the league of assassins that we don’t already have?”

It took her a few minutes to recover from the orgasm, which she’ll later admit was one of the best she’d ever received. Nysa was patient as she squeezed the arm around her torso, her walls still clinging to her slick fingers. When she’d caught her breath, she replied with a raspy “power. We can give you power.”

Nysa raised an eyebrow, prying her fingers out before flipping the girl onto her back to examine her. “Power?” She asked sceptically, smearing her fluids across her tits. She leaned closer, pecking her lips and kissing along her jaw and neck, staying in control as she spoke. “The league of assassins has been around for centuries, it’s influence spread across the globe. It’s one of the most powerful organizations in the worlds. What power could you possibly have to give?”

Thalia inhaled deeply as the woman nuzzled her neck, moaning softly placing her hands on her arm and shoulder, hooking her leg behind the older woman’s knee. “I can give you our power” she said, waiting for Nysa to look up at her inquisitively. “What do you know about us?” She asked.

She refreshed her memory, kissing her for a moment before replying “you serve the goddess of the hunt, Artemis, trained as archers and trackers. I did hear you aren’t allowed to consort with with the male sex, and there’s was a rumour you’re all immortal.”

Thalia smiled, returning the kiss taking Nysa by surprise. It gave the hunter an opportunity to flip them across the bed, bringing Thalia on top of the assassin. “All that and more” she told her.

Nysa found herself impressed with how efficiently she turned the tables, her hands placed perfectly to pin her own down while her leg sweated her off balance. Her lips curled into a smirk when Thalia returned the favour, kissing her face dragging a finger along her neck.

“We hunters aren’t just good with a bow” Thalia explained. “Many of us are children of the gods themselves, demigods. That makes us stronger, faster, tougher, and more importantly grants us gifts. Powers of our own” she whispered, demonstrating by running a current of lightning out of her fingers. Nysa gasped silently as her skin tingled from the electricity as Thalia dragged her nail down her chest, flicking her nipples making the woman inhale sharply. “I’m the daughter of Zeus” Thalia told her. “The god of the sky, thunder and lightning. Imagine what someone like me, you can summon lightning, could do with your resources. Imagine if you had more of us” she whispered, leaning closer as her hand moved between Nysa’s legs and make contact with her pussy.

Nysa bit her lip when she felt the electricity arc from her fingers to her clit, refusing to let herself scream. She’d heard about demigods and their powers, but until now had never witnessed it in action. But if they were all as talented as Thalia was, she could indeed envision much they could offer. But for now, she’ll be happy to receive such an intimate demonstration if it kept making her feel this good.

Thalia didn’t hide her grin as she saw Nysa’s stoic expression flicker for a moment as she inserted two of her fingers, using them as cattle prongs inside her cunt electrifying her body. She expected the woman to try and regain dominance, but she just lay their staring up at her, arms above her head letting herself be fingered. “If you join us, we can share our talents. And through us, you would be allying with even more like us. Camp half-blood, the Amazons, camp Jupiter, Olympus… you would have demigods as friends in your time of need. And in return, we would have you as friends in ours” she said, thrusting into Nysa over and over, listening to her gasp as she rocked harder and deeper, her chest rising and falling with each breath. She held her face close to feel her breath, noses touching but keeping her mouth away so they wouldn’t meet hers, denying her the pleasure of a steamy kiss. Nysa held her gaze the whole time, panting heavily when she abruptly came to a stop mid thrust, staring into her electric blue eyes. “That is what we have to offer. Those are our terms. What do you say?” Thalia asked quietly.

Nysa held her gaze for a long moment, her body quivering in anticipation. Thalia’s quivered too, holding her position inside her cunt waiting for an answer. The tension became unbearable between them. But then, after a long and uncomfortable pause, Nysa but her bottom lip and sighed, allowing her body to orgasm. “That was a very good pitch, daughter of Zeus” she said gently, relaxing into the bed as she came over her hand. “The league of assassins accepts your offer of an alliance” she smiled.

Thalia felt like she wanted to scream with joy, but respectfully held back and nodded in appreciation. But given the situation, she thanked her with a passionate kiss anyway. Nysa kissed her back, folding her arms around her letting the tension disappear as their negotiations came to an end.

“I must warn you” Nysa warned a few moments later, kneeling on the mattress alongside Thalia, each straddling a knee to rub each other while their arms hugged their bodies. “My sister won’t be as easy to convince as I am.”

Thalia figured as much. The plan had been to bring the hunters, Amazons, league of assassins and the league of shadows under one alliance to prepare for what was coming. One powerful force against a common enemy. Thalia already had plans in place for Thalia Al Gul, Nysa’s half sister. “I need to ask, do you always negotiate in the bedroom?” She asked curiously between kisses.

Nysa shrugged. “I only allow those I trust or see great potential into my bedchamber” she replied. Thalia stared at her, wondering if Nysa had already decided to accept her offer before she brought her in here to have sex. She didn’t give anything away as she brushed her dark hair behind her ear and made out with her deeply. “Now, I say we take this opportunity to consummate our new partnership. And then I can give you some advice on how to win over my sister” she proposed.

Thalia welcomed any assistance she could offer as she embraced her new ally for what was sure to be a hot, steamy and fulfilling evening.

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