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Smut-Crisis of Two Earths: Meeting at Half-Blood Hill

World will live, worlds will die, and nothing will ever be the same.

In the wake of the Crisis on Infinite Earths and the defeat of the Anti-Monitor, the multiverse was compressed into the new Earth-1. This left all the heroes who saved the day left to figure out what was new and what had changed. With the multiverse collapsed many of the refugees were stranded or integrated into this new world. Any other concepts were merged altogether. This left the newly formed justice league with the task of investigating all the new threats and anomalies that were out there.

One such anomaly was detected by team flash and verified by the watchtower in National city, leading to Barry Allen, the Flash, and Kara Danvers, Supergirl, racing across the country to Long Island sound to check it out. They were on site in a blink of an eye, coming to a stop at the base of a hill. “This is the place” Kara said scanning the surrounding area with her telescopic vision. “I don’t see anything.”

Barry looked at the tracker in his hand, built by Cisco to detect anomalous readings linked to Star Labs. “According to this it’s further up the hill” he reported, looking up the gentle slope seeing a tree at the top. Kara followed his gaze, suggesting they take it slow as a precaution. They walked cautiously up the hill, keeping their eyes on the surrounding area and the roads down hill, watching for danger. It occurred to Barry it was pretty isolated for an anomaly. Which meant less casualties if things went bad. “Are you getting a bad feeling about this?” He asked Kara nervously.

“I’m getting an odd feeling about this” she replied, her gaze fixed on the tree further up as she carefully hovered a few feet higher to get a better look. After a few minutes she came back down and told Barry “there’s something there.”

“You sure?” He asked, peering up the hill. “I don’t see anything.”

“Neither do I” she said. “But I’m sure there’s something there. Like a force field preventing me from seeing it.”

“That’ll be the mist” a voice said from a few feet away.

Barry and Kara both froze and spun in the direction to see a pair of teenagers walking up the same hill a few yards away, both of them holding bronze weapons in their hands. The superhero’s dropped into a fighting stance but the young man held up his hands. “Whoa whoa whoa, we’re not the bad guys” he cried, stopping on the hill to talk to them. “We’re here for the same thing you are!”

“How are you?” Kara asked them, examining the young boy with jet black hair and sea green eyes dressed in an orange t-shirt and jeans. Behind him a blonde haired girl with stormy grey eyes ignored the pair of them to continue up the hill towards the tree, also wearing an orange t-shirt and jeans.

“People who know what we’re dealing with” she answered, giving the blonde heroine a sideways glance looking at her red and blue costume, focusing on the red cape, red skirt, red boots and blue long sleeved top with the large S embalmed upon her chest. “I’m guessing your Supergirl” she remarked.

“Yeah, I am. And you are?”

“I’m Percy” the boy replied. “Percy Jackson. This is my girlfriend, Annabeth Chase. We were out on a hike when we saw… that” he said, pointing to the top of the hill.

Barry still couldn’t see what they were seeing, taking a few steps closer cresting the top of the hill. The tree came into focus, nothing about it out of the ordinary. But when he walked closer he got a dizzying feeling trying to push him away. “What is this place?” He asked.

“It’s the mist, it’s keeping your kind from seeing through it” Annabeth explained. “Hiding monsters and gods from mortals like you.” She turned back to the pair of them curiously. “Why are you here?”

“We detected some kind of anomaly here” Barry told her. “I’m the flash, by the way. We’re here to investigate. Do you know what’s going on?”

“I honestly don’t know. But I’d guess someone in Olympus is messing with us again” she assumed as she looked at the hidden object the superheroes couldn’t see.

Getting frustrated at this cloak and dagger, Kara decided to March forward until both the teenagers warned her not to get too close. “Why not? Will someone tell me what’s going on? Who are you?”

Percy and Annabeth shared a look before shrugging. “You won’t believe us” Percy said.

“Try me” Kara growled.

After a long sigh Annabeth explained “we’re demigods. The children of the Greek gods. My mom is Athena, and seaweed brain here is the son of Poseidon. And top right now, we are here because one of those gods appears to have put something next to our tree to annoy us.”

Barry and Kara both stared at the teenagers, but they didn’t appear surprised to learn the Greek gods were real or that they were demigods. “Okay, so what is there?” Flash asked, trying to move closer.

“That’s…hard to believe” Percy whispered as the four of them closed open on the tree. The mist finally parted allowing Kara and Barry to see the oddly placed ornate oak bed under the tree, with pink and white bedding. The heroes blinked making sure they were seeing right before looking at the teenagers. “Being a demigod is weird” Percy said in response.

“what is this?” Kara asked in bewilderment staring at the bed in front of them. “I don’t understand.”

“Neither do we” Annabeth replied crossing her arms, looking up to the sky disapprovingly. “But someone up there is messing with us. They’ve put it right next to the tree that acts as the border to our camp. They wanted it to be noticed.”

“You have a camp here?” Barry queried, unable to see anything beyond the hill.

“It’s hidden against mortals” Percy explained. “For demigods like us, a safe place. I don’t get it, why would someone put a bed here?” He asked his girlfriend.

“It could be enchanted” she speculated. “Maybe Aphrodite put it here, or Hera because she hates us. For all we know, Zeus might’ve put it here to court some nature nymph or something. We should really ask Chiron to look at it.”

Barry had stopped listening to the two teenagers in order to get a closer look at the bed in front of them, analysing it with Cisco’s device. It rang with the same energy their satellites detected to bring them here, but wasn’t sure what kind of energy it was. He supposed it could be magic, god power or the like. This wasn’t the first time they’d dealt with magical stuff, as the Legends could attest to, and it wasn’t the first god they’d heard mention of so these two being demigods didn’t raise many alarm bells. Since the creation of Earth-1 new things had been popping up. Why not real life Greek myths?

“Hey, be careful” Annabeth warned him when she saw how close to the bed he was walking. “We don’t know what it might do” she warned walking up to the Flash.

Percy walked over to Kara, who was standing with her hands on her hips stoically. He couldn’t believe the famous Supergirl was actually here. He’d followed her adventures on the news along with half the camp over the last few years. Unlike Kara, neither Percy Jackson or the rest of Camp Half-blood were aware of the multiverse from before the crisis. They had no recollection of an antimatter wave destroying their earth before they were integrated into this one. To them, this was the only earth they knew. “So, what brought you to Long Island sound?” He asked her.

“We detected the energy coming from here” she echoed. “So you’re really a demigod?” She asked curiously, diverting her attention from their allies beside the bed to the young man next to her. “Your dad is actually the Greek god of the sea?”

“Yeah, I didn’t believe it at first either” he chuckled. “But when you get chased by the Minotaur and have to jump into the underworld a couple of times to save the world and fight a second titan and giant war, finding out your dad wasn’t around because he’s a god seemed less of a concern.”

“Wow. And I thought seeing my planet blown up was huge” she muttered.

He shrugged. “But hey, at least your Supergirl. People like us get to look up to you. Meanwhile the mist keeps us hidden.”

“There are a lot of refugees from other planets hidden from the world too” she told him. She looked around at the landscape around them thoughtfully. “I feel like there’s so much changing about this world I still need to learn.”

“Story of my life” he replied. His eyes suddenly narrowed as he looked back over to the tree and the bed. “What the hell are they doing?” He suddenly asked.

Kara turned back to look at the bed and was equally shocked to see both Annabeth and Barry wrestling on the mattress. “Flash?” She called out, moving forward to intervene, thinking this girl had for some reason turned on them. Percy raced after her thinking the opposite. But they got within a few feet and realized they weren’t fighting. They were…kissing? “What the Rao?” Kara exclaimed as the two of them rolled over to reveal Annabeth’s hands were tearing open the scarlet speedsters pants trying to reach into his groin while he groped her under her t-shirt, their lips locked and grinding against each other frantically.

“Hey, let go of my girlfriend!” Percy shouted, running forward to pull Flash away from a breathless Annabeth. “Annie, are you alright…” he asked rushing to her side, only to be met with a powerful kiss as she wrapped her arms around him. The moment she made contact with him Percy felt an insatiable lust for pleasure overwhelm him as he fell forward embracing her, returning the kiss with equal ferocity.

Kara watched baffled as the two of them grappled on the bed trying to rip their clothes off, hands flying everywhere under the girls top was pulled over her head and thrown to the floor revealing her Cotton sports bra. She looked over to a dazzled flash, who was staring at them intently from the edge of the bed. “Flash? What the hell are you doing?” She asked him, suddenly averting her eyes when she realized Barry Allan, married to Iris West, was jerking himself off in broad daylight. “What is wrong with you?” She asked red faced, wondering how she was going to explain this.

“I can’t help it” Barry replied, still staring at the hot couple making out next to him as he pumped his dick. “We just came over here and then something came over me. I feel so…”

“Horny” Annabeth finished, feeling the same thing as she whipped off her bra to reveal her perky young breasts to the world. Kara’s eyes widened when the girl reached over and grabbed Barry by the hair, pulling over to join her boyfriend as they started sucking on her nipples, falling onto her back moaned in pleasure. She saw Kara trying not to watch, still looking for an explanation. “Look at the headboard” she told her.

Kara reluctantly turned back and focused on the headboard above them, examining the delicate carvings showing a goddess upon a bed with several handmaidens and lovers next to her. She didn’t see the significance.

“It’s one of Aphrodite’s enchanted beds” Annabeth explained between kisses with the two boys as they rubbed her body, easing her out of her jeans. “It makes anyone who sleeps upon it receive her blessing, makes them crazy for sex. She uses it to seduce people. She must’ve put it here knowing me and Percy were coming back, holding we’d fall under her spell.”

“Well it worked” Percy grinned, kissing her deeply while Flash finished undressing the young woman leaving her in her grey panties with tiny owls sewn into the fabric. “So what do we do?”

“I guess we wait for the spell to wear off” Flash suggested, his hand vibrating against Annabeth’s crotch making her gasp in surprise.

“Or you get off that bed” Kara suggested as an alternative, refusing to see one of her friends and teammates cheat on his wife even if he is under a spell. She sped forward and grabbed both the boys yanking them off Annabeth’s body pulling them from the bed.

But the moment she got close to the mattress she felt the enchantment drift over her, her body overwhelmed by an instinctual need and desire. Her mind went fuzzy and suddenly all she could think about was how hot and sexy all three of them looked and how badly she needed to fuck them. Crap, why do Kryptonians have to be weak to magic?

“It’s the real power of the trap” Annabeth whispered, coming up to greet the unsteady blonde woman. “Once your caught, you don’t want to leave” she giggled, taking her hand and pulling the alien onto the bed climbing onto her. Kara felt her super strength and speed refuse to obey as the demigod pressed her lips to hers, the lesbian kiss sending butterflies through her stomach and her heart racing. Her hands flew up to grab her shoulders, her mind telling them to push her away only for her body to pull her closer. Moments later they were making out on the bed with two horny young man flanking them, waiting for their turn as they rubbed their groins furiously.

Kara couldn’t believe she was making out with this complete stranger she’d just met, battling her with her tongue for dominance over her mouth, inhaling the scent of her shampoo from her blonde hair. Kara’s fell around her head like a halo, a tangled mess for Annabeth to lose her fingers in while the demigods was tied back in a pony tail revealing her beautiful face. Not that Kara was looking at her face, her eyelids falling closed losing herself in the throes of pleasure as she reclined upon the mattress. She wasn’t powerless, the magic seducing her nothing like kryptonite, but she liked the feeling of being pinned to the bed by this sexy topless teenager, the excitement making her nipples hard.

She attention was briefly snatched away from Annabeth’s mouth when she felt an eager pair of hands reach under her skirt, grabbing hold of her panties and pulled them down her legs in one swift motion. She gasped in surprised at the blatant violation, closing her thighs quickly as she peered over the girls shoulder trying to see who was there. Barry was still on the bed just behind Annabeth, crawling up behind her to admire her round butt. Percy Jackson, however, was kneeling in front of Kara’s knees slowly coaxing them apart. He looked up and saw her staring back at him, giving her an apologetic look. Annabeth glanced down at the nervous boy and smiled, cupping Kara’s cheek. “He’s always wanted to meet Supergirl” she explained. “You were his school boy crush. I even dressed up like you for him on his birthday” she chuckled, looking fondly at her boyfriend.

Kara wasn’t sure how she felt about learning she was this boys schoolboy fantasy, but she couldn’t say she didn’t have boys drooling over her before. And maybe it was because of the bed enchantment, but she was desperate for someone to get between her legs and munch on her pussy. So, with polite smile to the boy, she opened up her legs for him and nodded him in. Percy gulped at the amazing sight before him, grinning like and idiot before jumping in like an excited puppy. Kara jumped as she felt his lips immediately kiss at her net hers, his tongue lashing around her clit and folds with no plan or technique. “Not so fast, slow down” she gasped, sitting up to put her hand on his head to make him stop.

“You got to take it slow seaweed brain” Annabeth chided, rolling her eyes. “Just try the same thing I taught you with me.”

“Sorry” he replied blushing. “I got a little excited.” Taking up a more cautious position, Percy made himself take his time as he slowly kissed the inside of her thigh moving up to the vagina, following the same path he would if it was Annabeth he was about to eat out.

Kara sighed, enjoying the slower advance much more as she fell back onto the mattress. “Sorry about him. Let me make it up to you” Annabeth offered, lifting Kara’s top over one of her mounds to circle her tongue around her nipple. The kryptonian moaned as her tit was sucked, sighing in pleasure as the second tongue reached her pussy to slowly explore her folds this time. No doubt about it, these two demigod knew how to please an alien girl.

Meanwhile Barry was watching the three of them waiting for his chance to join in. He saw Kara’s expression and found it sexy, the way her long neck stretched out when she sighed, her eyelids fluttering whenever Annabeth pinched her nipple with her teeth. Speaking of Annabeth, Barry was carefully peeling her panties over her arse so he could see the plump young bottom in all its heavenly glory. Annabeth looked over her shoulder, giving his a wink as she shook her bum at him invitingly. He couldn’t help salivating at how perfect her ass looked from this position, her pussy dripping before his eyes. Licking his lips, Barry took her cheeks in his hands and placed his face in between them to kick at the dripping entrance, lapping up her fluids with his tongue.

Annabeth moaned around the nipple in her mouth as the flash inserted his tongue inside her, exploring her thoroughly while squeezing her bum cheeks. She also felt his nose poking at her back entrance, worried he might get a little carried away an using the wrong hole. It wasn’t she didn’t like anal, she preferred a specific order to her love making. Anal came after several other positions, starting with getting her pussy fingered. “What else can you do with those hands?” She asked teasingly, hoping he’d take the bait.

And take it he did as he pulled his face out from her pussy, his lips covered in glistening liquid. “I’ll be happy to show you” she grinned, slapping her butt a few times to get the heart pumping. Annabeth giggled and mewled as the flash spanked her, not anticipating a like rough from a hero like him. But she was very prepared for his gloved fingers penetrating her sex as two red digits interred her from behind. “Are you ready to see why they call me the flash?” He asked her.

“Oh yes” she moaned as he thrust into her over and over. She hoping it wasn’t a reference to his stamina. To her delight, he was talking about his powers as suddenly his hand started vibrating against her pussy, making the brainy and confident demigod squeal like an excited schoolgirl. “Oh fuck yes!” She cried, accidentally pushing her thighs against his palm bringing her clit into contact with his hand as he inserted a third vibrating finger. Her back arched and she squealed again, riding his buzzing hand until she came all over his gloved wrist, her walls clamping down on his fingers as she shuddered against Supergirl panting from the orgasm. She couldn’t believe she was the first to cum.

Kara wasn’t far behind as Percy got into the groove of licking her pussy, using his hand to penetrate her deeply with two of his fingers. Her nails dug into the mattress as she kicked out wildly, moaning loudly the closer they curled upwards towards her g-spot. She forced herself to stay calm, worried her powers might go crazy if she climaxed (it wouldn’t be the first time, she promised Alex no more scorch marks in the ceiling). Percy didn’t make the task easy, finding holy grail at the same moment his tongue flicked her clit. “Oh fuck Rao!” She screamed, her hips thrusting up in response almost throwing the boy off her, her body hovering briefly a few inches from the bed.

Percy grabbed her by the thighs as she squirted over his face, keeping her from flying off so he could keep pleasuring her. He paused as her tight walls clamped around his hand, pulling his fingers out before they got crushed by the kryptonian orgasm. He watched her shudder in escasty, her face a picture of beauty as she started sweating. He never thought he’d be able to make Supergirl cum like that. “Should I keep going?” He asked nervously.

She nodded her head after catching her breath. “Do it again” she laughed.

He was more than willing to. But as he looked down at her throbbing pussy, her lower lips puffy and sensitive, he spied her tighter anus pulsing further down. He got a devious and naughty idea, possibly influenced by the enchantment of the bed, as he positioned his soaking lubricated finger at her pucker. After distracting her with a few soft kisses to her clit, Percy pushed his middle finger into her anus as much as he could. To his shock, the digit sank further than he expected it to.

Kara wasn’t ready for the penetration into her back door, but her attention had been diverted elsewhere. While she was recovering from her first orgasm, Barry and walked aliens the bed to the opposite side to join her, looking down at her in his crimson red costume. She stared up at him as he towered over her, blushing a little realizing this was the most exposed she’d been to her friend. And that was taking into account how they first met, when her shirt had caught fire from the Flash’s super speed. She blushed even more when she saw how hard Barry’s cock was a few inches away from her face. It looked rather large for a man of his size. She couldn’t help but gulp.

Annabeth was already giving it some love as she kissed up and down it’s shaft, but she pulled away when he moved it closer to the blonde alien, sensing the electricity in the air. She gave them a moment, after sharing a passionate kiss with the girl, before spinning around to check on her boyfriend. Now Kara was nervously offered the throbbing penis, and for once Kara didn’t want to turn it down. “Won’t Iris mind?” She asked Barry, already raising her hands to pull his hips closer so she could inhale his musk.

“I think we’re both past thinking reasonably right now” Barry sighed, already having had this inter turmoil about cheating on his wife.

“We were possessed by a magic bed” Kara argued. “Hopefully she’ll understa..Ah!” She suddenly cried, feeling Percy’s finger thrust into her anus.

“I hope so” Barry muttered, taking her widening mouth as an invitation, driving by animal instinct. Barry Allen always had a tiny affectionate crush on Kara, so the chance to fuck Supergirl was something he couldn’t pass up. Before she had a chance to argue he was tilting her head back over the edge of the bed and thrusting his cock into her gullet. He stopped about halfway before she could choke, until her hands grabbed his by the arse and yanked him the rest of the way.

Kara also had a deep rooted affection for the Flash, and guiltily wanted to sample his cock for years. She never thought her best opportunity to suck his dick would be in broad daylight, on a magic bed as part of an orgy, but beggars can’t be choosers. And now that his penis was shoved down her throat, her brain was electrified with pleasure.

Annabeth watched jealously as Supergirl deep throated the Flash’s cock, the girl of steel swallowing his lightning rod whole with every thrust of his hips. She could feel the throbbing member through the woman’s throat when she placed her palm over her neck to follow the bulge move up and down, feel the tremors of her voice as she moaned. It made the demigod feel very wet, envious of missing out on his cock. Fortunately she had another to turn to as she crawled along Supergirl's stomach to find her boyfriend hiding under the red skirt. “Having fun down here?” She smirked seeing Percy’s face covered in cum with a dopey grin on his face.

He licked his lips, finally pulling away from the addictive nectar of the kryptonian’s pussy. “Sorry, I got pretty carried away” he mumbled blushing.

She chuckled, hooking a finger under his chin to lift his head into a kiss. She could taste the cum on his mouth and off his tongue. “Mm, maybe I should have a taste” she thought, looking down at the beautiful flower nestled between Supergirl's thighs toying it with her fingers. “If you don’t mind sharing” she asked the teenage boy.

“I’ll always share with you” he whispered, kissing her passionately reminding her she was the one he was in love with. She smiled kissing him back, absently fingering the pussy between them making the young woman shudder on the bed. After making out with her boyfriend Annabeth dropped her head down and sampled the delicious nectar herself, dipping her tongue into the delicate folds. She lay on her side with her upper body resting on her hips, her legs stretched beside Kara’s left arm. This meant the first thing Kara reached for when she felt a fresh pair of lips on her crotch was the soft calf of Annabeth’s leg, her nails digging into the flesh instinctively. Annabeth inhaled sharply, the aliens grip not to tight against her demigodly endurance, glancing over her shoulder to check she was enjoying it before inserting a finger into the soaking entrance. Kara moaned around Barry’s cock response, her hand massaging the girls leg encouragingly.

Percy got up from his knees, his eyes glued to the sight of his naked girlfriend licking at Supergirl's pussy, unable to contain his erection as it fought to escape his jeans. He tore open his trousers, unbuckling the belt and pushing them down his thighs along with his underwear so his aching trident could breathe the musty air. He pumped it furiously, the shaft throbbing eager to enter the leaking vagina waiting for him. He had dreamed of this moment for years. He couldn’t believe Supergirl was here in front of him waiting to be fucked. But just as he was reaching forward to guide his penis into her opening, Annabeth was there to intercept it, catching his cock with her hand.

“Oh no you don’t seaweed brain!” She whispered, realigning his cock away from Supergirl's pussy and positioning it at her mouth. “As your girlfriend, I get first taste of your cock” she declare, immediately claiming with with her heavenly lips. Percy just shrugged, happy to trade one blonde for another. They were both equally hot as they sucked dick.

Annabeth was no slouch as she took Percy into her throat, pushing herself all the way down his shaft fighting against her gag reflex. She didn’t say it out loud, but she was silently competing against Supergirl to see who could suck the cock best. And she’d rather fuck a centaur that let a mortal alien best her. So she gave Percy the best blowjob ever, bobbing her head up and down slathering her tongue all over him, palming his balls and rolling them in her fingers like dice until he was a drooling zombie gripping the back of her head. Her other hand continued to finger Supergirl's pussy, raising to three fingers thrusting in and out of her entrance. Kara started to return the favour, her hand on her calf crawling up her leg trying to reach for her dripping sex. Annabeth felt her fingertips brush against her folds and sighed, shuffling back a little so she could be fingered by the woman. She kept the contest up until Percy came in her mouth, almost making her choke and vomit all over the bed. But she held her resolve, her eyes watering as she kept her mouth clamped around him as she slip off his hard cock, holding onto all his seed so she could dutifully swallow it in one gulp. In her mind, she won the contest.

Percy stared at her in amazement as she looked up at him, his cum dribbling out of her mouth as she licked it all up. He couldn’t believe she was able to deliver such a performance and kissed her as a reward. She took the kiss before rewarding him with a hand getting into position between Supergirl’s legs, his still hard erection aimed neatly at her groin. Annabeth was amazed it was still rock hard. Usually Percy needed at least five minutes after an orgasm before it was back in fighting form. She assumed it had something to do with the magic of the bed. Parting the woman’s folds with her fingers, Annabeth gave Percy a nod signalling for him to proceed, watching his incredible penis penetrate her smoothly.

Now that she had two dicks thrusting into her, the spit roasted Kara Danvers found control of the situation harder to come by. Her focus was wavering and her attention to Barry’s cock slipped. Thankfully he pulled himself out to let her catch her breath and compose herself, watching her as she gasped and moaned in pleasure from the demigod fucking her pussy. She looked apologetically as Barry, who already had his sights on another warm entrance rocking teasingly nearby. Annabeth noticed the flash pulling himself away from Supergirl and made herself available for him, lifting her booty up so her dripping entrance was on full display. Kara continued to stroke her folds with her fingers until Barry crawled over to take his hips in his hands, smoothly gliding his penis into her vagina. Kara was jealous this stranger was the first to get to fuck Barry, but she didn’t have room to complain as Percy rammed his cock all the way into her loosened hole.

Percy couldn’t believe his luck as he began thrusting into the kryptonian, his balls slapping against her hips with each swing. He leant forward to put more force behind them, eager to deliver his best sexual performance to his favourite superhero as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She caught his eyes as he fucked her, blushing bright red but never slowing. She pushed herself up on her elbows and grabbed his head to kiss him, her hips rocking against him. “I can take it” she told him, a kind smile on her lips. “Fuck me as hard as you want. As hard as you can.”

Those became the magic words as Percy Jackson, spurred on by excitement and lust, wrapped his arms around her and began ploughing his cock into her has hard as he demigod strength allowed. True to her word, Supergirl took him at his best, riding him diligently clinging onto his shoulders panting like a bitch in heat. Every once in a while she whispered encouragement in his ear, begging him to go harder, pushing him further than he dared risk. He got lost in the smell her hair, animal instincts taking over as the bed rocked beneath them.

They weren’t the only super/demigod couple rocking the bed at that moment as Barry fucked Annabeth from behind doggy style at a brutal pace. She clung to the bedsheets moaning endlessly, pushing against him riding his cock like a jockey. She kept looking over her shoulder to gaze into his eyes through the mask, biting her bottom lip as he ran his hands over her back and hips, gripping her tighter, occasionally playing with her boobs. He was good, amazing, but she had the feeling he could do better. “I thought they called you the flash” she said tauntingly. “Is as flash as you can go?” She challenged.

“No” he admitted. “But the friction from increased speed can be dangerous, and I don’t want to hurt…”

“Fuck this silence talk” Annabeth interrupted him, determination in her voice. “Just go as fast as you can until I say stop.”

Barry was sceptical about that approach, but he was too engaged in the moment and possibly intoxicated by the magic bed to argue with the horny demigod. So he increased his pace, starting slowly before lighting started to flicker around his body tickling the girls skin. Within a minute Barry had doubled his speed, his hips flapping rapidly against her from behind. Another minute later and his speed tripled, his hips a blur. Now Annabeth started to feel the friction burning in her pussy, her moans becoming pants and groans. “Fuck!” She grunted, bracing her body in place as the flash pounded her like a jackhammer on steroids. The moment she felt his pace slacken she screamed “faster!” Prompting him to for harder and quicker, the burn increasing. “That’s it! Fuck me faster, Flash. Impale with with your lightning rod. Faster!”

The two couples fucked at their own pace, with Barry nothing but a blur from the waist below as Annabeth screamed and sailed for more. Thought her super senses Kara thought she smelt burning, looking over worried at the demigod being super-fucked by the speedster. Percy was concerned too, until the magic of the bed nudged them back to making out and fucking as hard as possible, while Annabeth was only concerned with how fast Barry was moving. Shockingly she managed to take his speed, along with the minor electric shocks from his lightning, for a long while. Long enough for Barry to finally ejaculate inside her, emptying his balls and stumbling back to a crawl from exhaustion. Annabeth was his with her own orgasm at the same instance, triggered by a lighting bolt shooting through her body electrifying her pleasure centres until she almost passed out. She collapsed onto the mattress gasping, rethinking how much she could actually take from a meta human in the future. Barry pulled out of her and sat on the bed to regain his breath, watching Kara and Percy make love until reaching a more natural and calm but considerably vocal conclusion. Percy groaned loudest and he unloaded into Supergirl's cunt, briefly wondering if he might get her pregnant since neither of them had protection. He figured maybe her alien DNA wasn’t comparable with his human/godly sperm. Annabeth would later explain Aphrodite's beds never let anyone get pregnant.

They all took a pause basking in the afterglow a moment, catching their breath convincing themselves this actually happened. Kara unconsciously found herself floating in the air again, only for Barry to catch her ankle and keep her close by. The pause only lasted a few seconds however and the magic bed rejuvenated their libido instantly, the boys cock springing up as the girls got super horny again.

“how long are we going to keep this up?” Percy asked panting heavily.

“I guess until the enchantment wears off” Annabeth guessed as she crawled up to her boyfriend to passionately kiss him, jerking his off with her hand before yanking the boy by the shirt onto the bed.

“I don’t understand why you keep trying to fly away” Barry chuckled as he gently guided a floating Kara back, watching her twirl lazily in the air to give his a hot upside down kiss.

“Orgasms make my powers react dramatically” he replied, holding his head tethering herself to the flash so they could make out. “You should’ve seen the damage I did when I first started masturbating” she giggled.

Annabeth climbed on top of Percy’s face after he lay sprawled onto his back, lowering her hips onto his obedient mouth so he could give her the same attention he gave the alone earlier. “I guess the feeling of walking on air after sex becomes literal if you can fly” Annabeth scoffed as she looked up at Supergirl, reaching out to grab her waist and pull her down till her backside was level with her head. She had plans for this ass as she slapped the woman’s cheeks before lunging in to lick at her hole. Kara gasped in shock as her tongue penetrated the wrong entrance, but Annabeth never missed her target. “Just going to warm you up” she replied, pushing her fingers into Kara’s anus to loosen it up, making sure it was lubricated with saliva.

Kara moaned as the girl played with her arse, writhing in the air as Flash continued to kiss her, her back curved in an arch to accommodate both lovers. She’d never experimented with sex in mid-air before, the zero gravity adding an interesting dynamic to the experience. She made “fuck someone while flying” a note on her bucket list as her body was spun around until she was once more right side up, Barry staring affectionately at her while the young demigod took hold of her hips and guided them lower to the bed. She looked down in time to see the erect cock of Percy Jackson below her poking at her navel, until Annabeth’s hand aligned it with her lubricated back door. Barry saw what was to happen and smirked, taking Kara legs to help pull the alien girl down to earth and onto the hard penis below her. Kara gasped as Percy’s cock, slick with her own juices, penetrated her tight anus forcefully. The boy grunted and groaned into Annabeth’s pussy as the kryptonian was pushed onto his lap until he was buried all the way inside.

“Oh Rao!” Kara whimpered, her ass stretched around the thick trident belonging to the demigod. She stopped floating and sank back against the naked body of the girl behind her, who caught her and fondled her through her top. “It feels bigger than before” she whispered as Annabeth combed her fingers through her blonde hair to get to the soft flesh of her neck.

“I just wanted to see him fuck you in the ass” she smirked, turning her face around to kiss the girl deeply, moaning in response to how Percy was licking her pussy. The boy was incredible with his tongue, and even better with his cock as those hips began moving slowly to fuck Kara’s ass. She moaned in nervous excitement, pressing her palms against his chest for support as she bounced on top of him, riding his cock slowly.

After a few moments of getting lost in the company of the two demigods, Kara almost forgot about Barry Allen. That was until he made his presence known by stepping in closer to slip into position in front of her. His eyes were glued to her bouncing breasts where a pair of young hands were fondling them, but his hands were busy shaking up her legs to hook his fingers under her knees and pry them further apart. Kara broke away from her kiss with Annabeth when she felt his throbbing cock rub against her vulnerable open pussy, returning his gaze panting heavily biting her bottom lip. “Mind if I cut in?” He asked, leaning forward teasing her opening as moved his lips closer.

“Please” Kara whispered, catching his lips with her mouth as his penis found its way into her vagina. Finally the two superheroes were joined at the hip and the electricity in the air wasn’t just from the speed force. Barry didn’t waste time as he began grinding his cock in and out of her pussy while their tongues twirled around each other within their mouths. With two cocks fucking her holes Kara found herself overstimulated with pleasure, moaning intently into the kiss as she had a micro orgasm. Annabeth felt her shudder against her, hugging her tighter waiting for their kiss to break so she could swoop in and make out with the Flash over Kara’s shoulder while she moaned.

Barry was happy to accommodate both girls riding the young teenager trapped on the bed, who appeared happy to be where he was. The flash suddenly had an exciting experiment as he, apologetically, pulled his self out of Kara and raced around the bed to slip in behind Annabeth Chase. The girl blinked from the gust of wind and blur of red, squealing in surprise whiten his gloved hands stroked her hips feeling his erection probing her back. She looked over her shoulder while Kara complained at the loss, caught between two sets of arms as Percy’s tongue explored her pussy while the Flash carefully pushed his lubricated cock into her mailing anus. She moaned happily as an envious Kara pouted, settling to continue bouncing on Percy’s cock.

Barry fucked Annabeth’s ass for a couple of minutes, letting her get used to his size before running back around the bed to re-join Kara. Annabeth whined while Kara cheered as he re-entered her cunt to continue fucking. Then a few minutes later he sped around the bed again, re-entering Annabeth from behind and fucking her some more. He repeated the process over and over, and finally both girls started to look curiously at each other and their speedster lover. He just gave them a wink and a kiss as he fucked them, the times between his dashes shortening with each cycle. But as his minutes turned to seconds, his pace increased, his hips a blur as the slapped against ass and thighs and crotch leaving just an aching moaning hole waiting to be filled again. Kara tried to follow him with her eyes, using her own super speed to keep up, but her attention got diverted by a horny Annabeth and a reliable Percy as they pleasured her between them. Annabeth gave up trying to figure out what Barry was up to, satisfied with riding his cock and Percy’s tongue between groping Supergirl and nuzzling her neck.

Barry’s experiment came to fruition when he managed to pick up enough speed and rhythm to start running between thrusts, plunging into Kara once, then Annabeth, back to Kara and back to Annabeth in the blink of an eye. He became a red blur spinning around them in a dazzling display of yellow lighting, the static making their hair hover in the air and their skin to tingle. He picked up a little more speed and soon Kara and Annabeth were moaning constantly at the same time, their holes pounded furiously by the same man moving so fast he looked like he was in two places at once; one standing behind Annabeth holding her hips still, the other in front of Kara holding her knees apart. It looked surreal with these three lovers caught in this cyclone of red and yellow, but nobody cared as long as they got fucked. And Kara and Annabeth were dutifully fucked by both these boys on this bed.

“Fuck, I’m cumming!” Kara cried, screaming frantically now that she had two cocks double penetrating her and a hot blonde clutching her chest, her finger clawing at Percy’s torso. “I’m going to cum” she screamed, squirting across the bed attempting to clamp down around the vibrating cock in her pussy.

“Me too!” Annabeth joined in, her moans deafening Kara’s left ear. She flooded her boyfriends mouth with juices with a bellowing wail.

“Muftt!” Percy groaned as he drowned in Annabeth’s cum, ejaculating into Kara’s ass filling her with sperm, his balls constricting painfully.

“Oh fuck!” Barry grunted, stumbling around the bed unable to stop himself as he shot his own load out of his penis. Unable to stop his momentum his cum flew all over them, sticking to Kara’s top, her cape, Annabeth’s back and legs, Percy’s chest, all their hair and faces. The flash’s seed rained down on all of them like rain until the speedster caught the banister and fell onto the mattress next to them, sweaty and gasping for breath exhausted.

The shared climax ran its course, leaving all of them drained and aching. They enough strength to pull themselves apart and collapse onto the bed. Kara stayed grounded thanks to three different hands clutching her body pinning her down, letting her go so she could lift her ass off of Percy’s cock trailing cum behind her. Annabeth climbed off Percy’s face so he could catch his breath, giving him a proud peck on the cheek as she wiped the cum from her face. The four of them all looked at each other panting breathlessly, before sighing as the bed returned their strength ready for another round.

“We can’t keep going like this” Barry complained as he was dragged onto the bed next to Percy so Kara could straddle him. “There must be a way to get out of this.”

“There is” Annabeth told him as she mounted her boyfriend. “Just leave the bed. It’s that simple.”

“Unless we don’t want to” Kara muttered as she started making out with Barry, rubbing her pussy against his shaft daring him to push her off. He didn’t, instead rolling her onto her back so he could thrust back inside her and smash his lips against hers. She returned the kiss wrapping her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper buckling her hips against him as hard as she dared.

“I guess we’re still doing this” Percy chuckled as he stared up at his naked girlfriend riding on top of him, rubbing his hands over her glistening flesh covered in sweat and cum. She grinned as she put on a sexy show grinding their hips, rubbing the cum into her skin making her breasts stick out for his to drool over. All the while she watched their two favourite superheroes make love out the corner of her eye getting incredibly turned on. They were definitely dressing up as Supergirl and the Flash next Halloween.

Despite how tired Barry was after using his speed to fuck two girls at the same time, he found his second wind as he began to relentlessly fuck the kryptonian woman into the mattress as hard as he could. He knew her alien physiology would allow him to be much more rougher than he ever could be with Iris, which meant he could put a lot more speed and energy behind his thrusts. She proved to be more than willing, her usual hook ups with humans normally less challenging unless she had sex under a red sun lamp. She threw her head back against the pillow as he began fucking her faster, her back arching pushing her body up to drive him deeper. “Yes, fuck, yes” she moaned, her legs hanging in the air so she didn’t get the compulsion to crush him between her thighs and snap his spine like a twig. Barry planted his hands either side of her head, leaning down to kiss her. But she interrupted him by pushing him back so she could grab his mask and push it off his head. She wanted to see Barry Allen, not the Flash. “Fuck me Barry” she whispered, her eyes dilating with need. He stared back just as desperate, their lips smashing together as their love making moved into a new gear.

The two heroes were fucking like crazy, their hips colliding like pistons that made Annabeth and Percy seem stationary. But their love was a result of romantic affection and not suppressed curiosity. That’s why Percy was in no hurry to fuck his girlfriend while she got off on watching the horny couple next door. But it was difficult to stay gentle when the alien and the speedster were moving so vigorously the whole bed was shaking, the wood creaking as it fought to resist the strain. Annabeth heard the creaking noises and had a brainwave, grabbing onto Percy’s shoulders to begin fucking him even harder, using her whole body to drive them into the bed at the same rhythm as it was shaking.

“Fuck! Annabeth, what are you…fuck” Percy grunted as she grabbed his arms and pinned them above his head so he couldn’t slow her down, throwing her strength into her groin i a playing herself deeper onto his erect cock. He tried to throw her off before she hurt either of them, but she was persistent.

“Just fuck me” she hissed, resisting the urge to climax using the tension to increase her pace. “Trust me, I know wh…what I’m…going…” she panted heavily, pushing her hips harder and faster urging him to do the same so their movements contributed to the violent shaking of the enchanted bed. She looked across to the two super powered lovers, shouting to them over their cries “don’t cum. We can do it together! Let us orgasm at the same time!”

“I don’t know if I can hold on” Kara replied, wrapping her arms around Barry clutching his shoulders as he bit into her neck. His cock was hitting her so deep and fast now it felt like a jackhammer inside her womb.

“Fuck, I think I’m going to cum” Barry warned, speed force lightning electrifying around him from all the humping.

Annabeth rode Percy harder, forcing her own orgasm back down. “Not…yet!” She ordered, looking down at Percy who was straining not to dump his cum into her and make her pregnant. She clutched at his shoulders, her nails digging in warning him not to cum. He grunted in protest, his hips buckling against her, his balls begging for release. She rode him as hard as she could, listening to the cracking sound of wood splintering. “Just…a little…longer…”

Somehow Kara and Barry clung onto their climax, the suppressed urge driving them to fuck harder desperate for release. Barry’s balls swelled as they slapped against Kara’s ass, the insides charging like batteries waiting to explode. Kara’s insides ached, like she was barring an flood of desperation. They moaned and whimpered as they held on, staring at each other trying not to focus on how badly they wanted to cum. But all this suppressed pleasure was started to stir up their powers. Barry’s speed force electrified the air around him threatening to rip through the hill unless he let go, his skin sweating in the suit as he tried to keep it under control. Similarly Kara’s powers were beginning to flare, her breath becoming cold as she felt heat started to build behind her eyes, her ears homing in on the rapid heartbeats of all four of them. She pulled Barry closer and hugged him tight, clinging onto him like a life line and keeping his head out of her line of sight in case she lost control.

The bed was a powder keg waiting to burst, everyone desperate to let go. Annabeth forced them to wait as the mattress started to buckle and warp. Just a few more thrusts and…


At the exact instant she heard it, Annabeth screamed for them to cum. The hill was suddenly alive with a thunderous bellow of four very horny heroes sharing the most explosive orgasm of their lives. Percy and Annabeth burst like regular mortals would, their cum squirting all over and inside each other like fountains as they froze in place locked at the hip. Kara and Barry on the other hand, their orgasms were followed by a literal explosion as their powers combined into a burst of lightning and heat vision. The Barry let loose a bolt of speed force energy that ignited inside Kara’s body and electrified all of her senses while his swollen balls pumped her full of his cum, while her deafening scream ripped through the sky along with two trails of heat vision shooting into space. If Barry’s head wasn’t crushed against her collarbone it would’ve melted upon climax.

At the same time as their mutual climax the bed shattered beneath them, the mattress tumbling to the floor almost sending the lovers spiralling. And with the bed, the enchantment broke, the magic gone as the four of them came down from their orgasmic high and immediately became exhausted. Their tired bodies collapsed from fatigue leaving them panting and breathless. Annabeth slumped limply on top of Percy's chest covered in sweat, her blonde hair hanging loosely over her shoulder after falling out of her pony tail. Barry weakly fell to the side rolling of Kara’s body, the pair of them gasping for breath staring up at the sky.

It took almost seven minutes before any of them was able to speak in a quiet whisper. “I don’t think we’ll be able to do anything like that again” Percy mumbled, his chest rising and falling hollowly.

Annabeth tried to ask him what he meant when she felt his bruised penis peel itself out of her dripping entrance, realizing her inner walls might have squeezed him a little too hard. There was a good chance it might be out of action for a few weeks. She promised him she’d make it up to him. Too weak to push herself up off his chest she turned her head to look at the costumed heroes. “Are you two okay?” She asked them sluggishly. “The enchantment is broken now. We should be fine.”

Neither Kara or Barry could talk, their eyelids struggling to stay open. They were covered in sweat, cum staining their outfits, Barry felt bruised all over and Kara could barely breathe. But worst of all they were both embarrassed. Two of the most famous superheroes on Earth and they got jinxed into fucking each other. Kara felt ashamed for doing something so crazy in public like this, but Barry was humiliated and horrified. He was married after all. He melted trying to figure out what he was going to tell Iris. Kara was wondering how they were going to report this anomaly when they got home. She was sure Alex was going to get a kick out of this.

“So, now what happens?” Kara asked, forcing herself up into a sitting position trying not to look at the naked demigods next to her. “How are we going to explain this?” She asked, hoping Barry had some answers.

Barry was too busy climbing off the bed and zipping up his costume, pulling the mask over his face muttering in a panic under his breath. Kara reached out to calm him but he flinched away from her. She couldn’t blame him. Still feeling his semen leaking out of her pussy she pressed her legs together and looked around the broken mattress. Percy looked down to his side and reached over to the ground and brought up her blue panties giving them to her with bright red cheeks. “So,” Barry said, addressing the demigods while Kara put her underwear back on. “Who exactly are you guys?”

“Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson” Percy explained, staying where he was on the bed too tired to get up. “Children of the Olympian gods. Our camp is nearby. It’s a whole thing. Don’t worry though. There’s this thing called the mist that hides us and the monster we deal with from mortals, and usually makes their memory fuzzy around these things. You’re bound to either forget this ever happened or the details will alter.”

“Well that’s comforting” Kara whispered awkwardly, rising unsteadily to her feet. “So when we tell our friends about what happened here..”

Annabeth looked down at her boyfriend, unsure what to do about this situation. They didn’t normally have to deal with their sort of thing outside of other demigods. The few mortals who know about them were close friends or family. “If you still remember all this, I guess you know where to find us. Come back tomorrow. We can explain more then.” Kara nodded, seemingly satisfied with that idea. She didn’t really want to stay here any today. Her body ached and the embarrassment was worse than kryptonite. “It was nice meeting your Supergirl. And you Flash.”

Barry was already racing off down the hill and into the distance, no doubt in need of clearing his head by going for a run before going home to his wife. “It was…it was nice meeting you too” Kara replied hesitantly, giving them a warm smile before jumping into the air and flying after him.

The two teenagers watched them vanish over the horizon and sighed, snuggling on the broken bed together. “I can’t believe we met Supergirl and the Flash” Annabeth muttered.

“I can’t believe we had sex with both of them” Percy muttered in amazement. He groaned sleepily, wondering “why the hell would Aphrodite put the bed here to mess with us? And how did they detect it.”

“Someone in Olympus wanted them to investigate” Annabeth guessed. “Wanted us to meet. Or they just fancied seeing us have sex with two superheroes.”

“I don’t know which makes me more uncomfortable” Percy grumbled, wrapping his arms around Annabeth so they could fall asleep together. “That the gods orchestrated this orgy or that they were probably watching the whole time.”

Annabeth nodded, resting her head on his shoulder snuggling against him letting her eyes fall shut. They were too tired to get up. If people were willing to watch them have sex in broad daylight, then nobody was going to care that they were prepared to sleep out here for a few hours.

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