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Smut-Crisis of Two Earths: Fires of Fury

It was a bloodbath by the time the two of them were finished, the last of the mobsters falling to the ground either stabbed or struck with crossbow bolts. Helena Bertinelli lowered her weapon dripping with sweat, her purple costume speckled with blood. But she wasn’t has soaked as Nico D’angelo was, blood covering his face and leather clothing as well as dripping off his steel sword. The son of Hades was in a rather blood thirsty mood this evening, blowing off some steam after a rather messy disagreement with his boyfriend. The Huntress gave him an outlet for that rage he was boiling with, pointing him towards the mob she’d been working her way through, the last of the crime family responsible for killing her fiancé. There weren’t many vigilantes in star city willing to be so brutal. The two of them proved to be an effective pair. “Now what?” Nico asked, looking over his shoulder to Helena. She cast one last look at the maimed bodies scattered across the warehouse, spitting in disgust over the former big boss. “We burn it all” she replied coldly. Nico nodded, happy to assist after hearing about all the human trafficking these people were involved in. Ten minutes later, the two of them were standing on the docks watching the warehouse engulfed in an inferno. The flames rose into the night sky, thick smoke billowing in the wind, the rain battering down on the docks. But the fire was too hot to be quenched, incinerating everything inside and setting fire to the handful of bodies lined outside the entrance, the first to die at the heroes weapons. Helena felt a sense of cathartic relief watching the warehouse go up in smoke, tears falling down her cheeks, vindicated in her actions. Nico felt little satisfaction after this, still tense from his fight earlier that day. The huntress finally wiped her eyes, removing her domino mask to clean her face, looking across at the younger teenager seeing his distracted expression. She didn’t expect the boy to share in her gratification, but she thought, after how he relished tearing these thugs apart, he’d be more happy seeing the results. “We made them pay” she muttered. “Yeah, we did” he nodded, letting out a deep sigh. “But it’s not enough, is it?” She asked. She’d been caring this revenge for a long time. But now the last of the crime family was gone, she was left with a hole in her chest, a void of aching sorrow. Nico felt the same, for different reasons. “What now?” He asked. She didn’t know, unsure where to go from here. But right now she wanted to feel something but the aching void. Driven by adrenaline, she impulsively stepped across and grabbed Nico by the collar, pulling him into a kiss. He was caught off guard, recoiling in her grasp pulling away. “What’s wrong?” She asked. “Why would you…?” He stammered, wiping his mouth washing away the blood. “I just thought… I need you” she said. “I need to feel something. And I think you need this too” she said, turning his face back to him. Nico tried to formulate a response, to explain that he was gay and in a relationship. But then he thought about the horrific fight he’d had with Will and stalled, the tension rising in his gut again. He wanted to hurt someone, or maybe vent some frustration just like before. Without thinking, he suddenly grabbed Helena by the hair and smashed his lips against hers. The two of them weren’t looking for anything more than a distraction, willingly using each other to burn some adrenaline as they made out in the middle of the docks, in the rain next to the burning warehouse choking on the smoke filled air. Helena estimated they had approximately five minutes, maybe ten, before the emergency services arrived to fight the fire, long enough for them to fill the void as they fell the to the floor rolling in the dirt. Despite never having slept with a girl before, Nico proved to be well versed in finding his way around the older woman’s body, ripping open her costume to grab her breasts and hips, squeezing roughly while she dragged her nails across his neck and scalp, yanking on his black hair kissing him roughly. It took them a moment to disarm each other, the crossbow and sword dropped at their sides, allowing their hands to unbuckle belts and pants. Helena pulled Nico’s cock out, jerking it aggressively while he yanked her waistband down. He muttered something about being gay, but Helena was too worked up to listen, wrapping her legs around him pulling his hips closer, forcing him into her cunt. “Fuck me” Helena moaned, rocking her hips against the boy urging him to fuck harder. He grunted with each thrust, growling into her neck. Her pussy was too loose for his taste, he preferred tighter fits. So he decided to push himself out out her, much to her frustration. “I said fuck me!” “Fine” he growled, grabbing her by the skull pulling her up onto his cock, shoving his dick into her mouth. Any objections she had to him leaving her pussy evaporated when she began choking on his cock, deepthroating him roughly as he forced himself down her throat. He found her mouth much more agreeable than her pussy, and she found his dominant motivations very sexy. So sexy she almost came herself, using her fingers to fill the empty space. The rain continued to pour over them, the thick air filling their lungs as they planted and moaned, the docks illuminated by the flames. Even Helena’s expression when Nico ejaculated into her throat, forcing her to swallow his cum before she suffocated. He released her after he was done, groaning in relief now that his balls were stated. But the huntress wasn’t easily satisfied, staring at the young teenager hungrily. “Now that was hot” she purred, rising to her feet and pull him into another powerful kiss. The next thing he knew, she was flipping him over her hip and throwing him to the ground, hitting the wet floor with a thud. “Now this is more like it” she grinned, pinning his arms behind his back as she reached into her coat. “What are you doing?” Nico struggled, his cheek pressed against the concrete. From where Helena had him trapped, he was bent over on his knees with his ass in the air, jeans pulled halfway down his thighs. “I gave you that blowjob for free” she said, pressing her hand against his back. Reaching into her costume, she unhooked a vital piece of kit from her belt. “You’d be surprised what skills I picked up during my mission. Turns out there are more effective methods of interrogation that torture. The mere threat of being ass fucked was enough to make these monsters sweat.” Nico looked over his shoulder, his eyes narrowing when he saw Huntress strapping her new toy to her waist, the ten inch dildo sticking out from her crotch. She leaned over the demigod, her breath tickling his ear as she whispered “I hear you prefer cocks to pussy, so this sound be fun for both of us.” “You’re crazy” he grunted, trying to break free. She retaliated by shoving the fake cock directly into his bumhole. This wasn’t Nico’s first butt fucking. wasn’t the first time he was fucked in a public place either. It wasn’t even the first time he was fucked amongst the dead. But it was the first time he allowed a girl to fuck him in the ass. If she hadn’t been so amazing at it, he wouldn’t have let it go so long. She proved to have surprising skills in drilling a guy, thrusting her hips at the perfect angle to strike his colon, finding the right spot to send shockwaves through his spine. It would take Will at least ten minutes to get the technique right to this level. Helena was a natural, but there was room for improvement. “Like that?” She asked, grazing her teeth against his ear. “Is that as hard as you can go?” He asked in challenge. She smirked, accepting it. She adjusted herself, releasing his arms so she could grab his hair yanking his head back, pressing her other hand against the small of his back so his spine arched, smashing her dildo deeper into his anus. She obliged by doubling her pace, increasing the force of her thrusts. He grunted in response, digging his nails into the concrete, his hard erection inches from the cold ground. Helena was brutal, dominant in her strokes, the strap on grinding against her clit as it gets lodged in the tight ring. She refused to give up control, and Nico considered punishing that control by summoning some of his undead friends. He could see it now, skeletal figures rising from the ground to surround Helena, their bone dicks penetrating her holes, submitting her to a powerful gang bang until she begged for them to stop. But he decided to do it, suffering the humiliation instead. Helena seized the moment, yanking him back, reaching around to squeeze his cock until his ejaculated. She jeered in victory, climaxing from the excitement. “Now that was fun” she sighed, relaxing against his back as he slumped forward. The two of them was interrupted by the sirens of emergency vehicles, headlights illuminating them both as they looked up in shock. Nico was quick to react, using his powers to pull them both through the shadows out of sight, leaving the space in front of the warehouse empty so the firefighters and police could surround the burning warehouse. When they came out of the darkness in a nearby alleyway, Helena was thrown against a crate with Nico behind her, his cock spearing into her ass as he took hold of her fake cock to press it against her clit. “I allowed you to fuck me, now it’s my turn” Nico hissed, ramming himself deep into her anus making her squeak. “Fuck! Ow, fuck!” She gasped, shoved against the crate forcefully bracing against the rough young demigod. She glanced back at him as he pulled her hair, biting into her neck drawing blood. “You never said…Ah! never said what you and your…boyfriend were fighting about” she said between hisses and yelps, stifling screams as he increased his force. “Doesn’t matter now” he muttered, clamping his hand over her mouth to shut her up before her screams gave away their position. She screamed into his palm as he pounded her as hard as he could, holding her still so she couldn’t move. The dildo dug into her pussy as he fucked her from behind, her tolerance beyond comfort. He had no intention of being gentle with the huntress while they watched the warehouse fire get put out, raping the girls ass in the shadows while she struggled in his grasp, and he wasn’t planning of stopping anytime soon. It took him half an hour to cum, spilling his seed into her bruised and battered ass. Helena’s eyes rolled into her skull as she came for the last time, her legs stained with fluids leaking from her aching entrance. They lost track of her orgasms twenty minutes ago, her voice lost to the muffled screams and moans as tears feel down her face. When he finally finished with her, she slumped against the crate on the verge of consciousness. Nico let her drop to the floor in a heap, looking like an exhausted whore. He was impressed she held on al long as she did, letting him vent all the frustrations and anger he was suppressing. He wasn’t as furious with Will anymore, willing to go back and try talking again. So, after zipping up his pants, he bid the vigilante goodnight and disappeared into the shadows. Helena sluggishly picked herself up and sat by the wall, resting to catch her breath, unable to speak or move for a long while. It would be three nights before she could go to the bathroom without being in pain, and a whole week before she was willing to have sex again.

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