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Smut-Crisis of Two Earths: Animal Instincts

The stables weren’t usually the most romantic location to have sex. But fortunately, these two didn’t consider what they were doing romantic. Mari McCabe, aka Vixen, dragged the young demigod Frank Zhang into the filthy space by the collar, smashing her lips against his duelling with their tongues. She liked Frank because he wasn’t as gentle as some of his friends, showing his Roman attributes by shoving her against a wooden post and tearing her costume open. “Expecting anyone to be here?” She asked, clawing at his short black hair.

“Not a soul. I gave everyone on stable duty the day off” he replied. Perks of being the praetor of camp Jupiter. The only inhabitants here tonight were the horses and them, and they had this pen all to themselves. “I cleared my schedule too, so we have all night.”

“Good” she grinned, kissing him aggressively as she tore his shirt from his back. He tossed the ripped fabric away and removed his jeans, kissing her back furiously as she scratched at his skin. When she started to draw blood he grabbed her arms and pinned them behind the post, lashing his belt around them to restrain her temporarily. Long enough for him to pry her costume open and attack her breasts.

She hissed as he bit her nipples, moaning with pleasure as heat rushed to her loins. Good lovers were hard to find, especially for a superhero who can summon the traits of the animal kingdom. Her totem channelled her powers with every thought and touch, able to activate at will when she need it. She used it to heighten her senses so every touch on her flesh exploded in pleasure, and she felt all the pain twice as much. She was fortunate to discover the existence of demigods, able to withstand greater pain and endurance, stronger and tougher. It allowed her to let her wild side out more, and Frank proved equally ravenous in response. When he released her tits, he fixed a predatory gaze on her as he climbed out of his clothes, ready to rip her out of hers.

She didn’t give him the chance, summoning the strength of a gorilla to snap the belt around her wrists and shove him back into the hay before pouncing on him like a Jaguar. “I think I’ll keep my clothes on tonight” she whispered, grazing her teeth along his nose.

“Fine. But I insist on a few adjustments” he replied, reaching around her ass and tearing a gap in her fabric exposing her holes. She approved greatly as he shoved his cock into her pussy, making her gasp at his violent intrusion. No preparation, no foreplay, just as she liked it.

They fucked like animals in the hay, the darkness masking them as they romped wildly kissing furiously. Maybe nobody can see them, but if anyone walked by, they could hear them clear as day. In fact, it was possible all of New Rome could hear their sex noises. Vixen was certainly testing that possibility as she rode Frank’s cock, screaming into the sky. Frank didn’t try to stop her. Instead he grabbed her hips and thrust even harder trying to make her scream louder, his own moans mixing with hers as she dug her nails into his chest. In the neighbouring pens several horses whined from the noise, which just made Vixen even more aroused as she buried her tongue down Frank’s throat.

There rough sex got even rougher, their hands scratching and clawing at their bodies gripping them tightly. Mari always believed it wasn’t a proper night out if you didn’t wake up with bruises the next day. Frank was sure to leave a few of his own as he flipped the superhero onto her back, pinning her legs over her shoulders and slapping his cock deep into her cunt. She channelled the python to squeeze him, crushing his cock giving him something tighter to push into. He groaned in discomfort, forced to pull out of her crushing walls. Next she summoned the agility of a monkey to break out of his pin and wrap her lips around his bruised penis, sucking his good and hard. He retaliated by grabbing her scalp and face fucking her brutally, choking her on his erection. He hit the back of her throat with each thrust, threatening to punch a hole through her skull when he ejaculated down her throat. She used the totem to adjust her throat muscles so she wasn’t spilling sperm out of her nose, swallowing every last drop before being let go. They locked eyes on each other as she wiped her mouth, their feral gaze concluding there weren’t done as they pounced onto each other.

They fucked and pounded each other, running nails over their skin, pulling hair and slamming their bodies into the stalls. Frank proved why he was in charge of camp Jupiter, taking control of Vixen’s body brutally fucking her. He ripped the rest of her costume from her athletic body so he could gorge on her flesh, sucking her nipples until they were swollen and sensitive. When Mari stole control back, he allow her a moment to enjoy it before flipping the tables with the strength of Mars pinning her down and claiming a new hole for his erection. And each time he fucked her harder, hard enough she need to use her totem to withstand the relentless onslaught. What she couldn’t anticipate was the demigods incredible stamina. The boy’s godly powers let him last five times longer than the average man, leaving Mari fighting exhaustion by the time he rammed into her ass, yanking her head back by the hair as she gasped in discomfort. They’d been going attitude for over three hours and she had welts growing all over her dark skin.

Meanwhile, Frank’s body was covered in similar bruising, deep scratch marks and bites everywhere. He didn’t feel a thing though, a gift of his parentage. “You had enough yet?” He asked her, his tone indicating he could go all night.

She had no doubt he could. He was being polite making sure her heart wouldn’t give out on him. It was already beating twice as fast as usual. But she summoned the endurance of an ostrich and replied defiantly “is that the best you can do? I’ve been taken on rougher rides than this.”

Frank took a second to consider if she was bluffing, ending with a smirk as he clamped his lips to hers roughly kissing her. She kissed him back, biting his lip for good measure. “You really are something else, aren’t you” he said, shoving her head into the hay ramming her backside harder. “You like being taken like an animal, don’t you?”

“Mm, and you like fucking me as one” she responded, clawing at the dirt. “Taking young women in the stables like a freak.”

Frank burst into a laugh. “Oh trust me, if I wanted to get freaky, you couldn’t handle it.”

“Try me” she challenged. “I can handle freaky.”

Frank paused in his assault to pull her back up, regarding her for a long moment. “Okay, animal lover, answer this hypothetical” he said, holding her ear close. “Out of all the creatures in the animal kingdom, which would you rather let fuck you?”

Vixen had a feeling this was a trick question, but she didn’t take long to think about it before answering “horse.”

“Really? I thought the correct answer was human?”

“But I’ve met your centaurs” she grinned. “I love a good horse cock.”

That surprised the boy, but he rolled with it saying “noted.” He then rode her to another orgasm before coming in her ass, dropping her back to the ground. He gave her a few minutes to rest, long enough to walk over to his discarded clothes and retrieve a long strip of cloth. By the time he came back, she was on her hands and knees panting for air drawing strength from her totem. He stood behind her and placed the cloth over her face turning it into a blindfold, tying it tightly behind her head. “You don’t get to take it off until I say so.”

“I asked for freaky, not kinky” Mari complained. He promised to her just that, slapping her ass hard as he threw her back onto the pile of hay. She climbed up to her hands and knees, unable to see and waiting to see what Frank has to offer. She was wearing only her totem, her costume in tatters around the stables. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but the sound of rustling drew her attention to behind her. She felt a breath on the back of her neck, hot against her skin bringing Goosebumps. “Frank?” She said excitedly. But when he didn’t answer, she trembled. And when she felt something brush against her pussy, she inhaled sharply. “Frank?” She said again, but against he didn’t answer her.

Unable to wait any longer, but refusing to rip her blindfold off, she tapped her totem and channelled the bat’s echolocation to find out what was happening. She gasped in shock as she found the large shape of an equine looming over her with his massive cock rubbing between her legs. “Frank, what fuck!” She screamed as the oversized penis aligned with her entrance and penetrated her.

“You said you love a good horse cock” Frank’s voice reminded her, coming from the animal pushing inside her small human vagina. “Want me to stop?”

She gasped as she felt it fill her body, pressing against her womb, and still only part way in. She quickly summoned the spirit of an elephant and planted herself in place so she wouldn’t tip over, pushing back against the dick. “No” she replied through gritted teeth. “Give me your best shot!”

So he did, forcing himself deeper into her cunt making the heroine growl and scream as her cervix was breach and half her internal organs were pushed aside. Her stomach bulged from the intrusion and she had to summon the spirit of an octopus to keep herself flexible enough to adapt. She focused on her breathing as Frank, who she forgot could shape shift into any animal, fucked her in his horse form.

Yeah, this was freaky enough for her. And yet, it was also really turning her on.

Frank couldn’t say he was expecting Vixen to be up for anything like this. He was prepared to have a multitude of fresh bruises and a few broken organs if he attempted anything like this. But Mari had a way of bringing out the freaky animal side of him and he felt compelled to put his shape shifting abilities to the test. He was a little concerned about his lover’s safety when he put his elongated cock inside her, but she proved resilient enough to take it. So he gave it to her, good and hard, his hooves digging into the dirt as he fucked her into the pile of hay making her scream with each thrust. He’d never pushed this deep into a woman before, his penis pushing against the walls of her uterus roughly. She rode him as hard as she could, ripping off the blindfold in order to get a look at the might stallion he’d taken the form of. She peered over her shoulder and moaned, her walls clenching around the cock two thirds of the way into her cunt. She didn’t beg him to stop, instead she encouraged him to go harder, her head flinging back in ecstasy.

After a few minutes of brutal doggie/horse fucking, Frank felt his balls clench and he ejaculated into her womb. He unceremoniously let out a wild neigh as he pumped an engorged load of semen into Mari’s belly, filling the girl to capacity as she clenched her walls in orgasm, her eyes wide and mouth open in shock and pleasure.

After the climax she was left panting, heaving in breaths as sweat poured from her skin, easing her bruised cunt off Franks horse cock before collapsing into the hay. Frank changed back to his mortal form and knelt behind her, catching his breath watching the heroine climb into a sitting position. Cum leaked out of her pussy as the swelling in her stomach deflated, pooling between her knees as she turned to face the demigod. “You okay?” He asked.

She brushed the hair out of her face and smiled. “That was new” she said, looking Frank more approvingly. “You fuck your girlfriend like that?” She asked curiously.

Frank and Hazel had an interesting relationship, but he replied “no, not really.” But they had discussed it. The only time he used his powers in the bedroom was when they were drunk and she asked if he could turn into an octopus to fulfil a tentacle fetish she had. He tried, but in his drunk state he ended up too small to tentacle fuck her so she got an hour of octuplay instead. All he could vividly remember of that night was Hazel cheering him on as he climbed inside her pussy to explore her insides. They never discussed that night ever again, too embarrassed to bring it up.

Mari scooped up a finger of cum and put it in her mouth, humming with approval as the same animalistic intent returned. She looked down at his lap and found his cock still rock hard, so she looked him in the eye and asked “what else have you got?”

It turned out, quite a lot. And now that the door was open, Mari had a feeling it was never going to close. Not while they continue to casually hook up. With cum still pouring out of her, Frank offered to lick it out with his tongue. Said tongue came from a beautiful panther she got to lay atop of, it’s head buried between her legs lapping at her snatch with its paws on her ass. Every so often Frank got over excited, making Vixen wince as his claws dug into her cheeks. “Careful” she warned, rubbing the boys stomach and erection in her hands before returning to give the oversized kitty a big blowjob. She got it him to orgasm before her, gulping down his load before cumming into his hungry maw. He lapped it up like milk, cleaning every inch of her pussy.

Next to receive treatment was her ass as she knelt against the gate, ass in the air ready to take a thick bull cock. Frank lasted over ten minutes humping her in this form, fucking her so hard they broke the gate and nearly spilled out of the stables. She kept screaming, feeling like her ass was getting torn apart, but the totem kept her together until he pumped her intestines full of sperm. She felt her belly swell again, sensing some of it filling into her stomach making her feel sick. She persevered, begging the demigod for more.

He responded by changing into a huge silver back gorilla, lifting her off her feet and onto his lap where a thick phallus waited for her. He shoved himself back into her gaping ass, listening to her bellow while her arms got pinned to her waist with his massive hands. Using her whole body he abused her like a sex toy, bouncing her on his cock sending her tits flying over her torso. She loved it, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she became delirious from pleasure. When he shoved one of his large gorilla fingers into her cunt, the size as big as her fist, she moaned and climaxed abruptly, making her even more sensitive when he lifted her off his dick and impaled her through the pussy to cum inside her womb. She whipped her head back against his muscular chest rolling her eyes into her skull as she felt her belly swell further, forcing the cum in her stomach up until she coughed it through her nose. After that he gave her a moment to rest, fondling her bruised body with his large hands as she reclined against him, stroking his fur and hair.

“You’re enjoying this too much” Frank commented, coiling around Mari’s sexy olive skinned body listening to her sultry moans. “You like fucking animals?”

“And you like fucking me like an animal” she retorted, writhing in his hold as he wrapped his scaly reptilian form around her. So far his python form was her favourite, his smooth flesh rubbing hers as it massaged her body, coiling around her legs and arms while his slick tongue spun around her dark nipples. He flicked her clit with the tip of his tail, each touch making her moan.

“And you call me freaky” Frank teased, drifting his head down between her twitching thighs to lick her pussy.

Mari smiled, admiring that might be true. But she found even she had limits when she felt Frank’s nose edge a little too far into her folds. Her mind flashed with vivid images of him slithering into her womb, changing into an elephant and bursting out of her stomach, sensing her into a momentary panic. “No!” She squeaked, grabbing his neck and pulling him away clamping a hand over her entrance. “Not there.”

“Sorry” Frank hissed, disappointed as he cast his reptilian eyes over her. But while his words were apologizing, his intent remained. That night with Hazel and the octopus spurred something new inside him and he felt compelled to try something new. Something dangerous. Something beyond perverse. He slithered around her form, climbing her body like a serpent, looping around the back of her neck gently squeezing her until she gasped for breath. She got a mild orgasm from the crushing sensation, her mouth opening wide as she released a long moan. “I’m sorry about this, but try to relax” he said, hovering before her preparing to strike.

“What are you doing?” She asked, struggling to breath as he kept squeezing her, his body wrapping her up until she couldn’t move. She stared up at the tantalizing snake staring at her face and she realized he was up to something. Her legs were together so he couldn’t access either of her holes. Except one. She realized too late when he loosed her windpipe, her lungs inhaling air involuntarily, leaving her mouth vulnerable for invasion.

Frank’s head shot forward and he dived where no demigod had gone before, leaping down Vixen’s throat before she could clamp her jaw shut.

She screamed in shock and panic as the snake rushed into her mouth, choking on her lover as he slithered inside her through her throat. She squirmed in his grasp as it loosened, pulling an arm free to try and pull him out. But his body was slippery and he was too far in. She could feel his tongue taste her as he burrowed deeper, her throat bugling from his size. She stopped thrashing for fear he might change shape, panting through her nose hoping he’d finish his journey quickly.

It was a strange sensation having a snake slithering into your stomach and explore your insides. It wasn’t another to be the snake filling said stomach until it bulged, by which he found the way into her intestines to continue exploring. Mari choked and trembled as her legs kicked against the hay more of the snake’s body crawling into her mouth and releasing her sweating figure as her belly expanded and squirmed. It felt painful, but that just turned her one even further. She damned her body for climaxing to something too weird even for her, but she couldn’t help herself. Fortunately, Frank didn’t want to waste time in case he got stuck inside her, pushing through towards her colon where she felt the build up of pressure in her back passage. She clawed at the floor, lifting up her his as she felt Frank penetrating her anus from the inside out, screaming around his tail as he burst out of her gasping for breath. Her eyes rolled into her skull as her body betrayed her, fluid squirting out of her cunt causing her to spasm and tremble. He crawled out of her butt and dragged the rest of his body with him, his tail disappearing into her throat until she was able to breath again. By the time he was completely outside of her body, she was a shivering wreck in the stable, her face splotchy from asphyxiation.

“Never…again…” she muttered, still gasping for air as Frank climbed up to check on her.

“Well, I had fun” Frank smiled, giving the young woman several kisses to cheer her up. She didn’t want to, but the moist tongue tickled her skin forcing her to giggle. She opened her eyes and found Frank in the form of a large wolf. “So does this mean you want to stop now?”

Vixen had to consider it for a long moment. Her body ached and her insides hurt. But she felt like she owed the demigod one last climax, so she reopened her legs. “Not in the ass” she muttered while Frank licked at her nipples.

Frank gave a woof in delight, positioning himself between her thighs rubbing his erection against her. She barely responded as he penetrated her loose and abused pussy, humping his hips against her feverishly desperate to finish inside her one last time. After a minute Mari was able to move again, wrapping her arms and legs around the furry animal moaning passionately. Her fingers tugged on the fur as she climaxed over and over, her push too sensitive sending her wild, so wild she started kissing Frank back when her tongued her, pecking his snout and chin and finishing locked around his jaw swirling her tongue around his.

After a lifetime of perverse pleasure, Frank’s cock knotted inside Mari’s cunt and they howled in unison as they came together, cum spilling into her already full womb. Something about this orgasm triggered Vixen’s totem as she was overcome with wild spiritual lust, her eyes glowing as she roared in a dozen animal languages. Frank’s body morphed back to his human form when he finished cumming, exhaustion reverting him back as he began pulling out of her body. But her legs suddenly clamped together shoving his human cock back in, the totems magic compelling him to empty the last of the contents in his balls mixing it with the sperm in her uterus. He groaned and gasped as he unloaded into the possessed heroine, who continued howling at the night sky before collapsing in a heap. He collapsed with her, rolling out of her overflowing pussy and falling next to her in the pile of hay and dirt. They both lay there, panting and sweating, black spots dancing over their vision as each of their powers finally let their bodies rest.

“Fuck” Frank breathed, his cock feeling deflated and dishevelled as he nursed his bruised muscles. He looked over at the battered young woman next to him, asking her “what was that at the end?”

“I don’t know. The totem never did anything like that before” she replied, turning her attention down to the swelling in her belly. She run a hand over her stomach and dipped a finger into her entrance finding sperm coming out. “That’s a lot” she observed, feeling it all sloshing around inside her.

“You worried I might’ve gotten you pregnant?” Frank asked.

“I’d be surprised if you didn’t” she replied. “I guess it’s just a question of what kind of litter we have” she muttered. The idea of giving birth to a litter of wolf pups or baby gorillas haunted her dreams as she fell asleep in the stables for the rest of the night, not to wake up until dusk the next day. Frank dozed off soon after, but woke up hours before her to tend to his duties as praetor. He made sure to send someone to bring Mari safely to a private bedroom to let her rest for as long as she needed.

Despite how freaky that night was, it wouldn’t be the last time Frank and Vixen got creative with their animals sides.

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