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Sliders Smut: Jang Deok-Su & Kang Sae-byeok (Squid Game)

The large room was plunged into darkness immediately after the announcer declared lights out. You lay in your bed staring up at the bunk above you, listening to the man shifting nervously above you. After the events of the last few days, including the last game, it would be a surprise if anyone got any sleep tonight. Nevertheless, you decided to close your eyes and try, pulling the blanket over your clothed body. You didn’t much care for these turquoise jumpsuits you were forced to wear here, but it wasn’t like you had any alternatives to pick from.

You gave up after almost an hour, tossing and turning in your bunk before finally throwing the covers off and swinging your legs over the side. You made a quick survey of the dark room, barely able to see anything through the darkness. Nobody else seemed to be up and about, so you crept out and decided to find the bunk you’d noted a while ago. Fortunately you memorized the rooms layout hours ago, so you didn’t trip over anything as you walked silently between the beds around sleeping men and women. You found the row you were looking for and climbed up the railing to the top bunk where a large man with tattoos was lounging.

He stirred when he heard you climbing, opening his eyes and sitting up sharply. You quickly put a finger to his lips before he could make a noise and alert everyone, whispering “if you want me to consider your proposition, you won’t make a sound. Understand?”

His eyebrows furrowed for a moment before his brain finally started working, a smirk lifting on his mouth as he nodded. You removed your hand and climbed up to join him on the bed, pushing him back onto the thin mattress straddling his hips pinning him down as you sat upon the man. Already you could feel his bulge growing in his groin against your undercarriage. “I knew you’d come around” he whispered, his hands reaching up to grope your body moving towards your chest.

You swiftly grab his hands and throw them beside his head, trapping them beneath your arms as you lean over the Korean man and hiss “if you want me to have sex with you tonight, then you are going to do exactly what I tell you to. If you try anything I don’t like, I’ll leave you hanging with blue balls so big you’ll have to amputate them.”

You doubted he’d take the warning seriously, but it seemed to get the message across. Inside, you were still wondering what brought you to his bunk tonight after his absurdly outrageous proposition he made that afternoon. He came over to where you were sitting and started “chatting you up”, if you liked being compared to the usual whores he finds attractive. Initially you blew him off, and after a few choice words he strode off claiming you’d change your mind. You almost ran over to the nearest guy ready to suck that stranger off in front of him, see how he took that. But you didn’t, and instead you were here ready to fuck him instead. You couldn’t explain why, maybe because you wanted one last fuck before you died in one of these games and he was the only guy willing? But you assumed you could’ve approached any guy in this room and they’d be happy to have sex with you. Or maybe you wanted to show this thug that you weren’t like his usual whores.

Either way, you made sure you were calling the shots tonight. Starting with sitting up and demanding for his name. “Jang Deok-su” he said after a little resistance.

“Okay Deok-su” you whispered. “Remove your shirt” you ordered. He grumbled but complied, removing his jacket and dropping it onto the floor before pulling his shirt over his head. You reached down and planted your palms firmly on his chest, shoving him onto his back listening to him grumble. “Stay still, and I might give you a reward” you said as you ran your fingers over his muscled chest. You could feel his breath as he inhaled shallowly, watching you carefully as you took your time examining him.

After a few minutes you smiled, impressed by his patience and restraint, shuffling down along the bed so you could take hold of the waistband of his pants and slowly pull them down. Like you, he wasn’t wearing any underwear, as revealed when his throbbing erection sprung out to greet you. You heard him chuckle when his penis came on display, no doubt proud of its stature. You didn’t have the heart to tell him it was quite a disappointment. It appeared to have girth, but not the length you were hoping for. Nevertheless, you figured he deserved a reward for doing as he was told. So you took hold of his cock, gave it a few test pumps before leaning forward and running your tongue around its tip in preparation for what was probably going to be one of the most underwhelming blowjobs you could ever deliver.

Jang Deok-su didn’t seem to mind as he moaned and grinned watching you pleasure him. He went to grab your head to force you to deepthroating him harder, but you quickly slapped his hand away, letting go of his cock giving him a stern glare. He got the message, falling back onto his elbows letting you control the pace. Satisfied, you returned to sucking his dick, fondling his balls until he was ready to burst. “Oh shit!” He grumbled, his throat growling on the verge of ejaculating. But before he could get release you pulled away, sitting up trailing saliva from the tip of his penis. “What the fuck?” He he hissed glaring at you.

“We don’t want you busting your nut too soon, do we?” You replied calmly, distracting him by removing your jacket and T-shirt slowly. “Not when we’re just getting started.” You saw his expression change from outrage to awe as you reveal your stunning torso with your modest bust to him, discarding the shirt over the side with his. Now with the man transfixed upon your breasts, you rose up onto your knees to shimmy out of your pants and out of your shoes, dropping them down onto the floor leaving you naked straddling his waist. His eyes hungrily scanned down your body, staring at the moist pussy hovering over his penis waiting to swallow it. You cast a look down as you aligned yourself with him. You predict you could take the whole thing in one go and you’d barely feel it. “Ready?” You ask, locking eyes with the tattooed man. He smirked, nodding his head. So you lower your hips down on top of his, allowing the penis to enter your vagina easily.

As you predicted, it was underwhelming. Yet you made a show of gasping and moaning to spare the poor man’s feelings. He bought it without question, laughing as you took hold of your hips to begin grinding against you. You allowed it, pressing your hands against his chest grinding against him, hoping the friction would’ve made the embarrassment worth it. After the grinding came the bouncing as you hopped upon his lap, bringing your pussy up to his tip before slamming it back down to the hilt. His thickness offered some stimulation, but his size gave you barely enough room to play with.

He appeared to be enjoying you much more though, his hands moving from your hips to your breasts squeezing them roughly, whispering countless dirty things between groans and moans as he kept thrusting into you. You rode this man for almost three minutes before he suddenly ejaculated, slamming his cock as deep as it could go before pumping his semen into your body with a grunt. You watched his face contort in pleasure until his balls ran dry, his expression suddenly going slack as he slumped against the mattress. Seconds later he was snoring happily.

You stared at the passed out thug releasing a disappointed sigh, brushing the hair out of your face as you removed his limp cock from your womanhood. You could feel his cum leaking out of your entrance dripping over him, not enough to make you feel full or satisfied. You even doubted you ran the risk of getting pregnant with this pitiful lot. But you seemed to make the man happy, though now you were just frustrated at him for leaving you hanging. With a scowl etched into your face you climbed down back to the floor to gather your clothes, getting dressed and sneaking back to your bed. You didn’t bother throwing his clothes back up to him, let him wake up in a panic exposed to the rest of the players. You waited till you were back in your bunk and under the covers before shoving your hand down your pants to masturbate the rest of the night, seeking that release Deok-su just wasn’t capable of giving.

The next morning the fool came by to congratulate you on a fine night work, requesting a repeat performance that night after the next game. You held your tongue and politely declined, making a lie about cherishing their one night fling, praying he wouldn’t survive the next game to spare all future lovers from the same disappointment you willingly subjected yourself to.


The large room was plunged into darkness immediately after the announcer declared lights out. You lay in your bed staring up at the bunk above you, listening to the man shifting nervously above you. After the events of the last few days, including the last game, it would be a surprise if anyone got any sleep tonight. Nevertheless, you decided to close your eyes and try, pulling the blanket over your clothed body. You didn’t much care for these turquoise jumpsuits you were forced to wear here, but it wasn’t like you had any alternatives to pick from.

You dozed for maybe an hour before you sensed a presence hovering over you. You open your eyes to find a young woman standing by your bed, her short dark hair falling around her face. She was wearing the same as you, just like everyone else. The only difference was the number embroiled on the jacket and shirt; hers read 067 while yours read 179. “We’re you serious? About what you said?” She whispered, her eyes scanning the slumbering players around you both.

You blinked awake, sitting up on your elbows to look at her. You were amazed she decided to show up considering how well your last interaction seemed to go down. “Yes, I was” you replied quietly, glancing around the bunks surrounding you.

Your bunk was on the floor, the bottom of a column of four. Rows ran either side towards the centre of the room, but not all of them were occupied. There were only about 180 players left in this place, all playing for the large dome of cash hovering over their heads. After two games that eliminated a good chunk of contenders you had a feeling more were going to die before the games were over. That was why you made a private and spontaneous offer to the young Korean woman standing before you earlier that evening. You caught her by herself in a corner, not difficult due to how withdrawn she clearly liked to be, and managed to get her talking a little. Not enough to get a name, just enough to make small talk about the next few days and how soon they could be facing the end of their lives. Out of the blue you posed how nice it’d be to have “one last night of fun with a beautiful girl” before you died. She didn’t respond, which surprised you. You were expecting at least a disgusted scowl or a punch in the groin. So you decided to hedge your bets and told her if she was interested in her own final night of fun she could look you up. It was ironic, gambling was what brought you here in the first place. Yet it seemed to have paid off as the girl you’d dubbed 067 crouched down and climbed onto your bed glaring at you silently. “You say a word about this to anyone” she warned in her native tongue, her accent differing from yours. It sounded northern. “You say anything, and I’ll cut your sick off and make you swallow it” she said.

“Understood” you replied after a tense pause, lifting the covers offering her a place beneath them.

She hesitated a moment before joining you, pausing to glance above you when the man upstairs shifted. “If we do this, we don’t make any noise” she said.

“If we do this” you countered, “we do this without these clothes on.” She looked at the outfits and nodded, shrugging off her jacket and carefully removing her shoes. You did the same before helping her out of her bottoms and shirt, discovering she was wearing no underwear beneath them. Neither were you when you removed your clothes. It would appear the masked men who gassed you and dressed you didn’t see the need for them. For once you didn’t mind as you both placed the articles under the bed and returned under the covers, safely out of sight of anyone who might be watching. In the darkness you didn’t get to see much of 067’s naked body, but you could feel it as it pressed against you. She was slim, petite, her breasts were small, almost flat, her limbs toned and athletic, her skin tough from hardship. You tried not to fondle her too much as she cautiously put her hands around you, reaching down to adjust the position of your erection as it prodded her thigh. She wasn’t comfortable on the think mattress, or in the situation, but she had a defiant look in her eye when she met your gaze. “Are you sure you want to?” You asked her.

“You are say you don’t want to have sex with me?” She replied curtly.

“I would be happy to” you said defensively. “But I want to be sure you really want to. If you don’t, you can just leave and it’ll be fine.”

She hesitated again, mixed feeling across her expression as she thought about it. “I want to stay” she whispered, remaining where she was. You nodded, planting a kiss on her forehead softly. She decided to give you a kiss on the cheek, a quick peck full of uneasiness. You had a feeling she wasn’t as accustomed to hooking up with strangers like this. You managed to relax her a little by kissing her on the mouth, holding it long enough to feel the tension dissipate. Only then could you both begin to enjoy each other’s company.

As promised, you kept your activities as quiet as possible as you fumbled under the bedsheet, your bodies manoeuvring around until she lay on her back with you comfortably on top of her naked body. She didn’t need any prodding to open her legs, helping up guide your manhood in between her thighs until your tip rubbed her moist young entrance. When you were ready, you gently eased it inside, listening to her release a silent breath as you filled her pussy with your erection. You watched her carefully, but her expression never changed an inch. You couldn’t tell if she was enjoying having a cock rubbing inside her or just disinterested and going through the motions. She masked her thoughts and feelings well.

You waited to give your bodies time to adjust to each other, resting on your elbows hovering over her, letting her make the next move. She looked up at you and did something unexpected, she kissed you, then she took hold of your ass and began humping your hips. You took that as a sign to start thrusting, fucking her slowly and gently, relishing the way her tight walls massaged your penis. It took much to hold your voice in, wishing you could swear and moan about how incredible this felt. She barely made a sound, simply closed her eyes and put her head back, letting you ride her keeping her hands against your back. If you didn’t know better, you might’ve thought she was asleep through all this sex. But every so often you heard a stifled moan escape her mouth and you knew she was enjoying it. The biggest giveaway was the crushing sensation of her vagina clamping around you when she orgasmed.

You had to commend her, she held her breath through it all. When it was over, all she did was exhale and open her eyes, looking at you inquisitively, asking if you were done. You weren’t, but you were close. You wrapped your arms around her shoulders, resuming thrusting, capturing the girls lips in yours and fucked her for the next five minutes. She didn’t resist, didn’t complain, in fact she kissed you back and hooked her feet behind your legs to help, groping your ass with her palms. When the climax came, you broke the kiss to warn her. She simply nodded, not attempting to disengage. She clearly wasn’t worried about getting pregnant in here. When it came, it was met with one of hers, the orgasms colliding sending out waves of euphoria that threatened to reveal you both to the other players. You held firm and collapsed in each other’s arms, your bodies exhausted and sweaty, your skin sticky as you panted into each other’s shoulders.

It was about an hour later when you opened your eyes again. You found yourself on your side exactly where you rolled after pulling out of the woman, who shuffled next to you to sleep with your arm around her. But now she was awake too, quietly crouched by your bed retrieving her clothes and getting dressed. She looked up and caught your eye, her expression much the same. But you thought you detected a blush in her cheeks. “You should get dressed to” she suggested in a hushed whisper. “And remember you can’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t, I promise” you assured her. “Can I at least get your name?” You asked.

She hesitated, staring down at the floor as she pulled on her shoes. “Kang Sae-byeok” she replied with trepidation.

“Good luck in the next game, Sae-byeok” you say.

She gave you a hint of a smile under her hooded eyes, hovering by your bed for a moment before saying “good luck to you too” before sneaking back into the darkness to return to her bunk.

You watch her disappear before laying back on your bed, releasing a heavy sigh considering if that might just have been the last time you ever have sex with a beautiful woman.

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