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Sliders Smut: Introduction

The machines around you hum to life as the company started the process. They initiated the countdown, giving you one last minute to make sure everything was in order for your trip. you’d been prepped, briefed and trained for the mission, just like all the others who went before. The company wanted the multiverse mapped, key individuals identified and monitored, potential assets and threats catalogued. You didn’t know why and you knew better than to ask. Most importantly, you would be on your own the moment you stepped through that portal into the Omni-verse.

You stepped up to the platform and adjusted the high tech device on your wrist. It monitored your vitals, as small as a bracelet, the metal melting into your skin as tiny Nano-machines interfaced with your nervous system so the company could monitor your experiences throughout. They claimed to have eyes and ears through you, but couldn’t control your actions. You would be a free agent on the other side, to explore whatever worlds you landed in however you chose. You were explorers, the company hoping to map the entire multiverse and greater omniverse to share with other entities.

Ten seconds to jump.

You made your final checks on the skin tight jumpsuit you were wearing, specially designed to survive the transition between realities. The company hoped you would be their greatest explorer, to go further than any of your predecessors. You tried not to think of all the rumours about what happened to the previous travellers as you braced for the final three seconds.

The machines hummed louder as you activated the wristband, blue energy swirling around you being channelled through the Nano-machines into your body preparing for the jump. With one last salute to the observation window, the device sent a pulse through the chamber and you were transported into the omniverse to explore realms and dimensions far and wide.

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