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Seducing Frank: Deleted Scene (A Companion's Guide to Smut: Life is Strange) [CONTENT WARNING]

Two minutes after their shared climax Max recovered enough to push herself up off Franks chest. The older guy was drowsy post colitis offering a mere grunt as she slid her soaking wet snatch off his flaccid cock. "Holy fuck" Max sighed feeling his seed drip out of her slowly. Her breathing was labored, her heart beating against her rib cage so loud she didn't register the sound of the RV door creaking open. She didn't notice when a wet snout nudged against her sex however.

"Shit!" She squeaked turning her head around to find Franks dog behind her, the German Shepherd Pitbull Mix breed sniffing curiously at her dripping pussy. If the photographer hadn't already discovered the canine had a soft spot for her she would have been terrified for her head right now. But her affectionate glance was replaced with slight trepidation when she felt the dogs tongue begin licking at her. "Holy shit" she shuddered as it lapped up Franks cum, her nipples growing hard at the pleasurable sensations running through her cunt. "Shoo cujo" she told it, trying to kick the dog away from her. She couldn't manage it however, her knees still wobbling from the explosive orgasm earlier. Fortunately Pompidou seemed to get the message and backed off.

Unfortunately he came back was a more insistent agenda. While Max was struggling to crawl off of Franks body the hound leapt up onto her back shoving her back down against his owner. "Hey!" She complained, pushing against the dogs weight as it's paw lay across both her shoulders. It barked in her ear, the close sound making her wince, while it's hind legs clattered on the floor behind her. She grumbled in annoyance at the dog's unusual behavior, but didn't feel scared until she felt a sloppy but firm penis nudge against her thigh. And after being fucked by Franks devil of a dick she knew this didn't belong to him. "Um…Cujo? Please tell me that isn't…" Max stammered as the new organ searched around her backside before finding its target. Pompidou barked again before it's claws dug into Max's flesh, the hounds body hooking forward plunging the doggy dick into Max's vulnerable cunt.

"Oh my god!" Max screamed as the sudden erection penetrated her sex. Her body tensed from the alien intrusion, her mind going blank as she froze. Did Franks dog just put its cock inside me? Pompidou seemed to answer the thought by humping her back, plowing its animal dick into her human vagina as if this wasn't unusual. Oh shit, his dog is fucking me! I'm being fucked by a dog! This can't be happening!

Max couldn't do anything to stop it, pinned under the hounds weight as it humped her feverishly panting it's hot breath against her neck. Her hips rocked against the dick involuntarily drawing out a pained whimper as she cried "bad dog! Bad dog!" She tried to use her powers but the unsettling mix of disgust, pain and reluctant pleasure clouded her mind and confused her emotions. She couldn't concentrate on the time-stream of save her life.

As the unholy sex continued Max's mind went into overdrive of horrifying images. What if it cums inside me? What if I get pregnant? I know I'm on the pill but does that even work on dogs? I going to be it's breeding bitch and carry it's puppies! Oh god, what will chloe say? Would she still like me if she knew I let myself get fucked by a animal? What if more animals wanted to breed me? What if I enjoy this? She shook her head in denial. Get it together Max! You're not enjoying this. You have to get out of here.

"I guess I'm not Pompidou's favorite person anymore" Frank chuckled, waking up to find his new lover bent over becoming his pets bitch.

She looked down at him desperately, whimpering under the beasts brutal assault. "Please, do something."

"One moment" he replied holding up a finger, reaching over to grab her camera from her discarded bag and bringing it over to record the horrifying moment.

Max looked up to face the camera, Pompidou panting in her ear with a smile as its hips quickened. She felt it's cock knot inside her, clinging to Franks broad shoulders as she was fucked harder until the dog let out a howl over her shoulder ejaculating into her womb. She moaned painfully as her body betrayed her, quaking in orgasm as it milked the doggy dick of all it's seed. The sound of a camera click marked the exact moment of climax, the Polaroid immortalizing the moment forever.

Max felt sick as she collapsed onto Franks chest, her butt hanging in the air as Pompidou slid out of her, giving her sex a few affectionate licks before he trotted off back to the bedroom to take a nap. Her hips trembled still pulsating from the orgasm, tears falling from the girls eyes as she hugged the only human being available for support. "You're okay kid" Frank whispered soothingly, stroking her hair comfortingly while also sliding the photograph into her jacket pocket.

A few minutes later Max had erased that timeline as if it never happened, but she still had the photograph as she walked away from the RV along the beach, the image capturing the moment of her most shuddering sexual encounter she wished she could just forget.

"Please god don't let Chloe ever see this" Max prayed.

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