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Secret Clubhouse: Wild Things (Hogwarts Mystery)

Clothes lay discarded over the floor leading to the bed in the clubhouse where two Hufflepuffs enthusiastically made love. They were alone in the tower so nobody was there to listen to the erotic screams and moans as the covers shifted, rose and fell over the naked bodies tangled up together. If someone was to walk in, they’d hear the panting of a young woman and the soft growling from her lover while glimpsing their feet poking out from under the sheets. And if you waited long enough, you’d see a hand clutch the pillow before another feminine hand gripped the first, interlocking their fingers tightly. Then you’d hear the screams of an orgasm that would shake the bed and cause the headboard to rattle.

A few minutes later, Tonks emerged from under the covers to get some air, covered in sweat and panting heavily. She colapsed against the pillow blinking frequently, a goofy smile on her face. Moments later her lover, a silver haired young woman, would emerge to collapse beside her, equally sweaty while licking her cum stained lips.

“Merlin’s beard” Nymphodora gasped, staring at the ceiling, her body buzzing from stimulation. She took a moment to catch her breath before turning her head to look at Chiara. Her grin widened and she broke into a laugh. “I don’t know how, but you always seem to blow my mind” she remarked.

Chiara blushed. “You’re welcome” she replied, her hair falling around her head, her breasts rising and falling. She was tired but not exhausted. She was just as out of breath, however.

Tonks shook her head in disbelief. “Seriously, I don’t know how you do it. You’re usually so shy and reserved. Any other day, you’re a quiet and gentle soul. But ever so often, when we get into bed, you turn into this…wild animal” she said in amazement.

Chiara shifted uncomfortably, not liking that turn of phrase. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” She asked nervously.

Tonks sat up and checked over the handful of bruising she might’ve gained. She shook her head. “Nothing that won’t heal” she said, rolling over to snuggling with her. She pressed her lips to hers and they made out intimately. “Fuck, I’m glad you asked me to make this a casual thing. Shame it can only be for one day a month” she whined.

Chiara put her arms around the girl’s neck, kissing her fondly. “I’m open to making it more than a monthly fling” she said affectionately. “I like hanging out with you. In bed or out of it.”

Tonks grinned, happy to hear it. They made out some more and basked in the afterglow of their last lustful orgasm. She stroked the shy girl’s cheeks gently, sensing that wild side was slinking back to wherever it came from. “You up for another round?” She asked playfully. “We’ve got another hour until curfew.”

Chiara considered it, returning her playful smile. “Okay. But only thirty minutes. I have homework to finish.”

“Fine by me” Tonks cheered, pecking her cheeks. “So how do you want to spend the next thirty minutes?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you’ve got in such a good mood, and I like you a lot, I’m up to do anything with you.”

“Anything?” She asked nervously. “Like what?”

“Whatever you want” Tonks giggled, kissing her mischievously. “I am a Metamorphagous. I could change into someone you’ve always fancied. Maybe a friend of ours” she said, shifting into a familiar curse-breaker. “I could be a boy or girl. Student or teacher” she suggested, alternating through a few faces. She leaned in while in the form of Proffessor Sinistra, whispering “I could become Professor Snape, or Madame Pomfrey.”

“Please don’t” Chiara quickly squeaked, not wanting to put the image of either the professor or her mentor naked into her mind. She already got scarred when she caught Tonks playing with Tulip in Proffessor Sprout’s body and now she can’t look the Herbology teacher in the eye.

Tonks changed back into her regular pink haired form, teasing the girl’s nipples and blowing a raspberry between her breasts. “Point is, I’m willing to do whatever you want with me. I’m up for anything. Whatever you want.”

Chiara stared at her, overwhelmed by the trust she was putting in her. She laid back to consider it, wondering how she wanted to play with the naked shapeshifter for the next half hour. Color suddenly rushed to her cheeks as an idea, a fantasy, came to mind. She sat up nervously. “Anything?” She asked.

“Anything” she nodded excitedly.

“What if…um…what if it you think it’s weird?” She asked uncomfortably.

Tonks perked up, curious and intrigued. “I’m not one to kink-shame. Your secret is safe with me” she promised.

She waited for Chiara to open up. The girl bit her bottom lip before hesitantly pulling herself forward to whisper it in her ear, as if scared to speak it aloud.

Tonks listened attentively, her eyes widening. She stared at the young woman. “Really? Are you sure?” She asked. Chiara nodded sheepishly. Her grin widened. “Always the quiet ones” she whispered, jumping into her arms and kissing her passionately. “You are a wild thing. If you’re sure, then your wish is my command you kinky little witch.”

Chiara made out with Tonks one last time in her normal form before she pulled away to transform into the shape the girl requested. She shuffled back against the headboard and watched in anticipation as her fantasy came to life and Tonks became something that always made her apprehensive.

A werewolf.

Chiara recalled hearing about the time the Metamorph changed into one at Halloween one year to pull a prank, so she had been thinking about this request for a while. A long while. And it wasn’t that she fantasized about having sex with a werewolf. Frankly, any interaction with the beasts since her infection terrified her. Yet she had this craving curiosity over the last few months about what it would be like to have a sexual experience with one in her human form. Because the truth is, she knew she had already had sex with a couple during her transformation. The first few times was when she would give her Wolfsbane to Lupin, forgoing her Aconite and risking a savage full moon. She’d wake up the next morning in a confused daze, getting flashes of those nights in her dreams, memories of violence and animalistic urges that kept her awake at night. Then, when she started taking her medication regularly and obsessively, she would grow more comfortable in her transformed state and sometimes enjoy it. And once or twice, she would meet up with another werewolf in the forbidden forest and they would hunt together, fight each other, and maybe fuck each other. Having sex in her beast form was like watching a dream. A dream that wasn’t entirely awful. Of course she knew the risks. She made sure to get regular checkups with Madame Pomfrey after every full moon to be safe. Those experiences have left her mildly curious, however. If she was to get pregnant during one of those nights, she’d beat a wolf cup like Borf. Sometimes she’d play with the wolf pup and ponder what it’d be like to have a puppy of her own. The thought terrified her and she’d be extra careful to avoid such complications while she was at school. But still, she had a yearning curiosity for the subject of sex with a werewolf. She wanted to experience it in her human form, not her werewolf transformation. But such an experience would be dangerous, even deadly.

Hence why she asked Tonks, who she knew wouldn’t want to harm her, couldn’t infect her (not that she could be infected twice) and wouldn’t tell anyone about this.

Of course, not she was here in a werewolf form that was a foot taller than Tonk’s normal height, hairy and muscular and very male between its powerful legs, Chiara had to fight the instinctive urge to panic as her heart started racing. She’s not a real werewolf, she told herself, her body tensing up as the drooling, snarling beast leaned closer to her.

Thankfully, Tonks was clever enough to put her at ease. The fact her fur was pink was a bit of a relief, even making Chiara snigger at the absurdity. Then the snarl disappeared and was replaced by a doglike smile as the tongue extended and licked the girl’s cheek. She slobbered all over the silver haired young woman until Chiara was begging her to stop, breaking into a giggle fit as it’s fur ticked her skin. She used her snout and tongue to tease her naked body, crawling down her front licking at her breasts and nipples.

Chiara bit her bottom lip nervously as her clawed hands carefully spread her thighs so she could bury her snout between her legs. She gasped when her nose brushed her clit and sent shivers up her spine. When her tongue began licking at her cunt she was moaning and trembling. “Okay. Okay…” she whispered repeatedly, pushing the fears and the nightmares she used to have out of her mind and focusing on the experience she had wanted. Not a real werewolf. She’s my friend. And my friend has a very wet tongue and a very large penis, she muttered to herself, looking down to examine the form Tonks had taken. A very intimidating form, but also a playful one.

Tonk’s didn’t know Chiara was secretly a werewolf. Outside of a few select individuals sworn to secrecy, nobody in the school knew. But Tonks did know about the girl’s fascination and apprehension about anything relating to the subject. So when she looked up and saw Chiara mumbling to herself with her eyes screwed shut, she crawled up and softly whispered in her ear in her own voice. “Do you want me to change back?” She asked her.

Chiara opened her eyes, looking into the eyes of the werewolf and seeing concern and worry. She shook her head, reaching up to pet her behind the ears. Tonks found she enjoyed being scratched there and whimper. “I’m okay” Chiara replied, stroking the pink snout and kissing her wet nose. “Thank you for asking” she said, nuzzling her cheek against her face.

Tonks hummed, returning the affection with a few wet kisses of her own over her neck and cheek. Chiara peppered her snout with kisses until Tonk’s tongue reached her chin. The two of them embraced the strangeness of the night as Chiara parted her lips to let her tongue slip inside and lick inside her mouth. She extended her tongue to circling around hers and shared a very intimate kiss with the werewolf which got both their sexual organs dripping.

Chiara inhaled sharply when she felt the slick meaty rod brush between her thighs and across her stomach, looking down to see it throbbing and pulsing. Tonk’s was panting, excitement making her hard and larger. Merlin’s beard! Are they all that big? Chiara didn’t have a frame of reference. Even the textbooks were vague about the size of a werewolf’s genitalia. But she didn’t ask Tonks to make it smaller, not yet. If this was the natural proportion for the beasts, she wanted to try it. I just hope it doesn’t break me.

“Put it in” she said, leaning against the pillows propping her up and watching Tonks slide back slowly. The pink werewolf brought its organ to her entrance, which she spread open with her fingers to make it easier. Her legs were spread wide and she held her breath as Tonk’s eased herself towards her opening.

“I don’t want to hurt you” Tonks suddenly said, breaking the immersion a little.

Chiara nodded. “You won’t” she said, having faith in her. “Take it slow.”

“Let me know if you need me to pull out” she said, putting a paw on the headboard before lowering herself into the young witch.

Chiara’s mouth fell open as Tonk’s penetrated her sex, the penis stretching her wider than any ordinary dick should be able to. She braced herself and dug her heels in, holding her hips still while her body resisted the command to relax. There was a surge of pain as the dick slid deeper, filling her cunt and stretching her further. She grunted and clutched the bedsheets. Tonks froze but Chiara shook her head. “Don’t stop” she panted, wrapping her legs around her, pressing her heels into her tail. Tonks growled and slide further, her claws digging into the headboard as Chiara’s tight walls crushed her. The silver haired witch could feel the dick in her stomach, almost pressing against her womb. Then she felt the knot at the base push against her clit and she whimpered.

It was in. Merlin’s beard, it was in.

Chiara panted and felt like she was suddenly in heat. She had a werewolf cock inside her pussy and it felt big and moist and good. Oh fuck, it felt good. A primal feeling rose from her stomach and the girl heard a growl rumble from her throat, as if the wolf in her had woken up again. She wrapped her arms around the furry beast on top of her and weaved her fingers through the pink hair. She leaned in and nibbled on Tonk’s ear, whispering two words. “Fuck me.”

Those words lit a fire in the metamorph’s loins and she released a lustful growl as she dragged her penis out of her tight, velvet walls to eagerly thrust back inside of her. The sound Chiara made upon recently made the Hufflepuff hard and she felt her fingers curl into her fur. Usually her perception of the world around her remained the same when she changed form. But in this form, her senses seemed to enhance. She could smell the arousal from the young witch, her intoxicating scent of sweat and cum filling her nostrils arousing her further. She began humping her vigorously, acutely aware of the girl’s needs as she tugged and squeezed her. She didn’t want her to stop, she wanted her to go faster. The shy, gentle soul was once more consumed by something wild and savage.

And Tonks grew wild alongside her. The urge to fuck her like an animal grew so intense it took a lot of willpower to keep herself in check so she didn’t hurt her friend. But fuck, it felt good to let go. The bed rocked as her hips thrust back and forth, stuffing her small pussy and filling her insides. She was so tight she felt like a sleeve for her monster cock, which pulsed and throbbed and threatened to grow bigger. Tonks howled in Chiara’s ear when she felt her clench, her body hugging her tightly when she climaxed around her. Her claws cut into the mattress, the pressure becoming almost painful.

Chiara came and she moaned erotically, the fire in her gut intensifying. She waited for the explosion from the cock pushing against her cervix, anticipating the sperm that would flood into her womb. But it never came. Tonks denied herself an orgasm. She sensed her apprehension, her hesitation. She stifled a snarl of frustration, pulling on the pink fur to drag her up to her face. She grabbed her head and stared intently into her eyes, those blue orbs full of lust and hunger. “I want this” she told her, more sure of it than anything. “I want you to fuck me. Fuck me like a beast. I can take it, trust me” she promised, kissing the werewolf, wrapping her legs around her, grinding her clit against the knot. She felt the wolf inside of her yearn for it, memories of her previous encounters flooding her mind. She reached up to her ear, playfully tugging on it with her teeth. “Fuck me, you wild thing” she whispered.

As much as she needed her inside of her, Chiara made a point of repositioning herself so she would be prime for the fucking she wanted. She turned onto all fours, her ass in the air, her dripping entrance beckoning her back inside. It was a hollow feeling extracting herself from that monster cock, but she followed her instincts. She took the submissive role, allowing Tonks to mount her from behind. Her prepared pussy swallowed her dick easier from this angle and she moaned in pleasure. She encouraged her to use her paws and her claws to grope her body and her breasts, unafraid of being scratched or hurt. The animal was loose and all she desired now was to breed. Breed me you kinky little witch, Chiara’s beast screamed.

Tonks penetrated Chiara from behind and felt a distinct difference. She felt like the alpha and dominated the young woman beneath her, pounding her harder with more powerful thrusts. Chiara shook from each thrust, her pussy gaping before gulping her cock deeper. Her hair fell over her face, obscuring the look of rapture and desperation. The werewolf grabbed her shoulders and her hips, pinning her to the bed which rattled violently, fucking her body relentlessly. Her toes curled and she gripped the bedsheets, growling in approval. A large claw was placed over her fist and gently crushed in in its palm. Chiara closed her eyes and let her urges take over.

Of all the werewolves she had fucked before, this was the most intimate in her memory. Yet each thrust brought back a memory, a recollection of a previous encounter. She saw glimpses of her in her transformed state, riding or being ridden by a powerful beast, howling at the moon in escasty, a desire to mate filling her soul. That same feeling returned, and it become something stronger because it was someone she knew. Someone she cared for and trusted. She awaited the climax, the final moment when their loins would overheat and their mating ritual would conclude. Give me your seed, she begged. Let me bear your puppies.. Make me your bitch. DO IT!

Tonks could t hold of her urges any longer. Chiara’s body was too enticing and her wild behavior got her so aroused she lost control. She leaned over the young woman and pounded her senseless, her balls swinging back and forth until the moment came. They both braced for it and Tonks obeyed Chiara’s final word to “push” and forced the knot of her penis inside of her. Chiara screamed as her cunt stretched around the knot, the dick pushing through her cervix and into her womb. Her backed arched and she let out a powerful howl as she orgasmed around her. Tonks joined the howl and ejaculated into her womb, their wolf cries bouncing across the walls of the clubhouse threatening to wake up every living creature in the castle. They howled until Chiara’s walls were done milking her cock of all its cum, where they both colapsed onto the bed in satisfaction.

They lay there for a while, panting and covered in sweat. Chiara slumped prone, crushed under the weight of the werewolf licking her ear. Her breathing was shallow, her chest barely able to move making her moans small. Her body trembled around the penis lodged all the way inside of her, cum leaking out of the sealed opening. She basked in the afterglow of her orgasm, feeling like she was back in the forbidden forest when she was free and alive. Then the body above her shifted and the knot trapped in her cunt attempted to pull out. Her walls clamped around it, refusing to let go. Mine, the wolf growled.

The werewolf on top of her suddenly deflated, and Chiara whimpered when the cock shrank down to slip out of her overflowing sex. The fur faded away to be replaced with soft flesh and Chiara lifted her head to the feeling of a pair of human lips kissing the back of her neck. “Thank you” she said to her loyal friend and lover as the two of them rolled over to share a kiss.

“You’re welcome, you kinky little witch” Tonks whispered, wrapping her arms around the naked young woman and snuggling against her back.

They spooned on the bed and settled down to fall asleep with the shapeshifter cupping Chiara’s breast while Chiara cradled her cum filled belly. She knew she would have to pay a visit to the hospital wing the next morning and make sure, but tonight the young werewolf chose to pretend she was carrying her own wolf pup or two. And more importantly, she carried this experience into her dreams with a smile on her face.

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