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Secret Clubhouse: Lovers Snare (Hogwarts Mystery)

You stare at the pit of vines spread out in front of you, the plant extending across the floor and up the walls and clinging to the ceiling. It’s slimy texture glimmered in the candlelight of the hallway as it completely covered the staircase you know it meant to be at the end.

You step back nervously and turn to your excited friend. “Where did you even get that thing?” You asked.

Liz Tuttle beamed as she stepped around you to present the plant before you. “From the Forbidden Forest” she explained. “It took me a few weeks to cultivate a cutting, and a lot of herbivicus charms to get it to grow fast enough. What did you think?”

Behind you, Penny Haywood, Barnaby Lee and Charlie Weasley stared at the mass of vines intently. “Um…is it safe to have Devil’s Snare in the Hippogriff Club?” Penny asked, glancing back down the hall to the hidden door they walked through.

Not that any of you were worried about being disturbed. The notice-me-not charm on the door kept it hidden from members outside of the Circle. It wouldn’t be much of a Secret Clubhouse if everyone could find it. But that was part of what made you so nervous; the idea of nobody finding you.

Liz shook her head and quickly explained “this isn’t Devil’s Snare. I get why you’d think that though. This is actually an offshoot from the same family, originally grown by an ancient herbalist who altered its genetics to take on more…friendly characteristics.”

“Friendly?” Charlie scoffed. “Doesn’t look friendly.”

“Maybe we just need to get to know it” Barnaby said supportively.

You narrowed your eyes at the blood red plant anxiously. “What exactly makes this different?”

“Apart from the distinct color difference?” Liz reached into her satchel and pulled out a blood she had borrowed from the restricted section. “Unlike the traditional Devil’s Snare, or the Flitter-bloom some have speculated to share characteristics to, Lovers Snare was given the instinctive drive to stimulate and pleasure those who enter it’s embrace, either willingly or unwillingly.

Lover’s Snare?” Penny squeaked.

“Yeah. I think the herbalist made this particular offshoot because she was lonely” Liz said thoughtfully.

“So this plant doesn’t suffocate people who touch it?” Barnaby asked.

“No. Well, yes, if the victim continues to struggle just like with a Devil’s Snare” she corrected. “But this Varient was designed to…basically bring pleasure to its victims.”

“Oh, so it rapes you before it kills you” you said, taking another step back alongside Penny. Nothing about this was helping you understand why Liz looked so excited. “And you just found this in the forest?”

“I was looking for mooncalves and I fell into a nest of it” she replied, adjusting her glasses. “At first I was worried it was going to hurt me, but then I remembered the lesson on Devil’s Snare and stayed relaxed even as it’s vines wrapped around me…”

“And then it raped you?” Charlie stepped forward to look at the odd girl. “Are you okay?”

Liz blinked in confusion for a minute before laughed. “Oh…oh you think I’m…aw, that’s sweet, but I’m fine” she smiled assuringly. “Honestly, it was…quite wonderful actually. It didn’t even tear my clothes up or touch me the first time.”

“First time!” Penny cried.

“Well the first night happened so fast. It rubbed me and groped me, but before I knew it I was falling out of its grasp and it let me go. I thought it’s behavior was odd so I did some research into Devil’s Snare and learnt about this. I came back a few times to investigate it, and got a lot of information out of the experience.”

“And you’re just…okay?” You ask in bewilderment.

She shrugged. “Any reason why I shouldn’t be?”

“Apart from getting molested by a plant?” Charlie replied.

“There’s nothing cruel or evil in what it did. It’s just it’s nature” she said crossing her arms. “Besides, it’s not like I’ve got boyfriends lining up to show me a good time” she added quietly to herself. She pushed her glasses up and looked at Penny. “Now, to answer your question, it’s perfectly safe. It has all the same characteristics as Devil’s Snare, but also the weaknesses. It still wilts in sunlight. But it’s immediate drive is to stimulate you. The longer your in its grasp, the further it’ll go. If you struggle, it will get rougher and will try to suffocate you. But as long as you relax, it will let you go rather quickly.”

You, Penny and Charlie share a dubious glance, still looking at Liz with concern. Barnaby had turned his attention to the plant itself, examining it curiously. “If it lets you go when you relax, how is it supposed to have sex with you?”

Liz turned to him and smiled, happy at least one other person in interested. “Took some trial and error, but the key is to strike a balance between relaxed and tense. Struggle a little bit and it’ll keep going and keep hold of you.”

“Okay, fine” you interrupt, officially determining this conversation is very weird. “Why did you bring a sex plant to the Hipogriff Club?” You ask her.

“And what’s it doing in front of the entrance to the clubhouse?” Charlie added.

Liz’s cheeks blushed as she looked at the covered entrance. “Oh, I thought it would make an effective barrier for our side of the entrance” she answered. “Like an extra defensive wall.”

You cocked an eyebrow and glared at the mass of vines. “So you grew this plant” you summarized, skipping the part where Liz must’ve submitted herself to this thing multiple times leading to her taking a cutting, brought it here and had it fortify the entrance to the clubhouse. And now what? In order to access the clubhouse, we…”

“Just pass through it” she beamed.

You eye her like she was crazy. “We just…enter the embrace of a plant, let it rape us, and then carry on to the clubhouse” you say.

“If you stay relaxed, it doesn’t have to fuck you” she argued innocently. “Thought it’s quite the experience. You should try it” she smirked.

You finally burst out laughing and shake your head. “I have got to be dreaming and this is a nightmare” you mutter.

“Liz, you can’t seriously think this is going to be okay” Penny said.

“It’s not like I’m asking the whole school to have sex with it” she said.

“No, just you’re friends” Charlie said. “Are you sure you’re okay? Should we take you to see Madame Pomfrey?”

“I’m fine, honest” she replied. “It’s completely safe. Here, I’ll show you.”

She hefted her bag and strode towards the plant. Your breath catches in your throat as you leap forward and pull her back before she could step into the mass of vines. “What are you doing!” You cried, louder than you intended.

Liz pulled herself out of your grasp and huffed. “What’s the big deal? It’s not like this is the weirdest thing we could have sex with.”

“It isn’t” Charlie asked, but Penny elbowed him before he could encourage her.

Liz looked around and finally saw how uncomfortable everyone was about this, her shoulders sagging. “I’m sorry. I just thought this would help. I haven’t contributed much to the Circle of Khanna. I wanted to do…something.”

Your eyes softened as you squeeze her shoulders. “I know you’re hearts in the right place” you sigh. “But this…” you look back at the plant and feel a knot in your stomach. “I’m not sure about this.”

“There’s no harm in trying it though, is there?” Barnaby said suddenly.

The knot in your gut tightened as everyone turned and stared at him. “Are you serious?” Charlie gasped.

He shrugged. “Liz put a lot of work into this” he said. “Least we could do is try it once. If it doesn’t work, we move it somewhere else. If it does, then we take a vote or something.”

The rest of you blink and all look at each other. “That…that sounds pretty reasonable” Penny admitted.

“You cannot be considering this” you say, staring at her.

She shrugged, eyeing the plant nervously. “I’m not thrilled at the idea, but…if Liz swears it’s not dangerous…”

You stare at the Hufflepuff, then at the rest of your friends, each of them coming around to the idea. “This is insane” you whisper.

“Please” Liz begged, her round eyes pleading with you like puppy dogs. “I just want to help.”

You look at her and sigh, your resolve crumbling under her gaze. You look at the foreboding plant waiting for you and gulp. “I don’t like it. But…okay, just this once” you say anxiously.

Liz cheered and grabbed your hand. “You’re going to love it, I promise” she said, leading you to the Lover’s Snare.

You didn’t share her enthusiasm as she brought you to the interwoven mass of vines. The Lovers Snare settled silently as the five of you approached cautiously. You stared at the plant and struggle to shake the foreboding tremor in your gut, or the voice in your head screaming for it to go away. While Liz takes a step forward, you remain rooted to the spot.

She doesn’t notice your agitation as she steps carefully into the swarm of vines. They shiver and react the moment she enters their presence, the tendrils slithering around her feet as she tip toes further. You hold your breath as some of the vines creep towards her, surrounding her as she reaches the end of the hall where the plant is at its thickest. She turned around and smiled as they brush the back of her leg, the vines creeping up her knees beneath her skirt, another slithering around her waist. “That tickles” she giggles, falling onto the blanket of vines where more catch her and begin to slowly envelope her. Her expression does not show any fear from the quirky young witch.

The same could not be said for yours.

Your friends notice your apprehension as you watch Liz play with the vines slithering over her. You look down as Barnaby’s hand takes hold of yours and you squeeze it tightly. Penny gently takes your other arm and quietly whispers “we can just go, if you want.”

You inhale a deep breath and try to quell the nerves racking your body. “No…we can do this” you say shakily. You glance to your left and see her face next to you, here to support you. You squeeze her hand comfortingly, gulping again before taking a tentative step forward.

The three of you walk together, there to support each other as you step towards the snare. Charlie follows behind, not as apprehensive as you or Penny but not as eager as Barnaby. You hesitate briefly when your foot brushes a vine and it recoils, your chest tightening and your breath inhaling sharply. Barnaby pats your hand encouragingly as he steps ahead of you, ignoring the vines looping up his legs to help you ease into the mass of vines. Penny clings to your arm as she follows, and soon both of you are surrounded by vines as they slither around you.

“Eep” Penny squeaks as one of them brushes her calf, looking down nervously as they catch her ankle and prevent her from moving. You’re yanked back by her sudden stop and you both tumble onto your butts landing in the pit of vines. Your grunt catches in your throat as you feel a vine instantly loop around your waist and hold you down. You grip Penny and Barnaby’s hands tightly as more slither over you, drawn to your body like moths to a flame. Two wrap around Penny’s legs pinning her knees together and she briefly tries to pull them off, but they just tighten. Her eyes widen in concern as two circle your wrists where you’re holding hands, creeping up your arms.

“Remember to relax” Liz said, reclining in front of your spreading her arms as the vines coiled around her. More encircle her thighs as a thick tendril slithers between her legs. She moans as it brushes the underside of her exposed underwear.

Barnaby had sat down next to you, tripping over the vines around him as they hovered around the boy. Charlie sat down on the other side of Penny, already with tendrils wrapped around his torso. “Little hard to relax knowing what it wants to do?” He muttered.

“You mean rape us?” Penny whispered shakily.

“Then kill us” you gulp.

“I told you, I won’t hurt you as long as you stay calm and relaxed” Liz repeated, the Snare creeping under her jumper to molest her chest. She writhed upon the bed of vines, it’s grip tightening, but she seemed to be encouraging it. “And it’s a really good lover, if you want to let it” she added.

You gasped as you felt a vine brush your undercarriage, tensing the moment you realized it had already invaded your skirt. More slithered up your back and you trembled as it found their way under the helm of your top to seek out your skin. You look over and find Penny experiencing the same, a vine looping around her neck to invade her from above, sliding down her chest to touch her boob. She bit her lip to stifle a moan and a whimper, her knees rubbing together as the vines coiled around them.

On your other side, Barnaby was leaning back as tendrils massaged his arms and legs and under his shirt. “This is actually very nice” he said, closing his eyes and enjoying it.

Seconds later it suddenly sank into the plants vines. You cried in alarm as his body slipped down and his hand slipped from your grasp. “Barnaby!” You cried as he vanished.

For a moment there was a panicked silence. But then the four of you heard a grunt from somewhere beneath you. “Ow” Barnaby’s voice muttered.

“Barnaby! Are you okay?” Penny called out.

“Yeah” he replied. “But I landed on my butt and fell down the stairs.”

“See” Liz smirked. “If you just relax, it’ll let you go.”

“You seem relaxed, but you’re still here” Charlie remarked.

She shrugged. “I enjoy its company” she replied.

To emphasize the point, she moaned in pleasure as the first of its vines violated her body, inserting itself into her pussy after pulling her underwear aside.

You stared at her wide eyed, unable to comprehend how she could possibly enjoy what is happening to her. You felt vines beneath your clothes slithering over you, their slimy flesh making you shiver. They felt cold against your breast, the tip probing under your bra to rub your nipple. You squirm in repulsion but the vines had wrapped around your legs and hips now, more crossing around your body. It was becoming hard to move, and even harder to relax as something thick rubbed between your legs.

You heard Charlie groan and looked over to see him shifting against the tendrils wrapped around him. Your eyes fell to his crotch where one had slipped down his pants to grope his crotch. Judging by the look on his face it had found his penis and was pleasuring it, which made the boy really uncomfortable. “This is not what I was hoping to do in the club today” he muttered.

“Um, so should I just wait down here for you guys, or what?” Barnaby called up from below.

None of you were in a position to answer, your attention diverted by the plant violating all of you. Penny stiffened as one of the vines pulled her panties down and she was invaded from beneath, her legs wrapped up tight holding her in place for the plant to fuck her. She had a vine around her shoulders and she arched her back in alarm, her free hand covering her mouth as she made a sound that was a cross between a moan and a gasp.

You continued to clutch her hand as the plant forced itself on her, and on you as it finally invaded your pussy and shoved a thick vine inside. You grit your teeth and whimpered, your free hand trapped behind your back as a vine latched itself to your wrist tightly. You couldn’t move as the tendrils holding you coiled tighter, and you felt one wrap around your breast roughly.

Charlie grunted and was pulled a little further into the mass of vines, his trousers bunching up around knees as his coat was yanked open. Vines wrapped him in a cocoon as they pinned him down. He suddenly gasped as you glimpsed a vine slither up his ass and writhe inside him, another coiling around his stiff erection that was yanked from his boxers. “Fuck!” He moaned.

“Is it fucking you too?” Penny asked, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

His face turned as red as his hair as he sighed. “Yes” he whispered, and his expression told you how much he was enjoying it.

Liz lifted her head from her bed of vines and giggled. “Told you. It’s an experience” she cooed, two vines fucking both her pussy and ass now. More molested her boobs through her top and she stroked those brushing against her palms. She titled her head back and another drifted down from above and moaned as it filled her mouth. Out of all of you, she was the only one enjoying what was happening to you.

So it came as no surprise when she sank down through the plants nest next.

You watched her disappear and freak for a moment. But then you heard her gasp as she landed on the stairs below you, and a grunt from Barnaby as he caught her. “Aw damn, I hoped I could get one orgasm before I was finished” she pouted.

Charlie was next to sink through the Snare. You didn’t even realize he was gone until Penny called out for him. You turned around and his spot was empty, the vines filling the gap left behind.

You and the Hufflepuff looked at each other, the only two left. “Are you okay?” Penny asked you.

“No” you replied honestly, grimaces as you were raped. “Are you?”

She shook he head. But her expression was one of reluctant pleasure. You could see the torn apprehension in her eyes as she looked down at the vines molesting her. “This feels so wrong” she muttered.

“I can’t get to my wand” you say, tugging on your wrist unable to break free. You were trapped. Penny didn’t hear you, her eyes closed as she started to pant heavily. The vines around her shifted and tightened, and you panicked as they coiled around her further, looping around her neck and ankles. “Penny!” You cried, squeezing her hand trying to snap her out of whatever daze she was in.

She suddenly whimpered and gasped, her body shuddering against the vines in her cunt. You saw fluid gush out of her and blink. Did she just cum?

Her relieved expression indicated she did as she exhaled and relaxed in the vines grasp. “I’m sorry” she sighed, her eyes fluttering open. They were glazed with pleasure, and a little sleepy as they fell onto you.

But then she began to sink.

“No! No, Penny!” You scream, clutching her hand as she suddenly fell through the plants tendrils. You lost sight of her as she was pulled down, gravity carrying her down the stairs. Her hand slipped form your vice grip and suddenly you were alone.

You heart beat started to thrum in your ears as you stared at the vines surrounding you, their tendrils everywhere. Your chest rose and fell with each breath as you began to pant rapidly, fear filling your gut. You could barely hear their muted voices calling to you, but your heartbeat drowned them out. All you felt was the vines wrapped aorund you, groping you, thrusting into you.

Stay calm. Relax. You need to relax.

You closed your eyes and tried to breathe. Slowly. If you can relax, it’ll let you go.

The vines around your wrists resisted as you tugged on them. You couldn’t get your wand. More vines slithered over you, trapping your legs, your waist, your arms. You squirmed, your pants getting quicker. Your ears rang with your heartbeat. Your eyes were wide as they darted from vine to vine, each one closing in to suffocate you.

Relax! Just relax!

More tendrils shot out and coiled around you, pulling your arms together, your feet apart. You gasp as something yanks you against the bed of vines, those thick tendrils brushing against your back. You feel some of them crawl across your throat and begin to squeeze.

Suddenly you’re back there, in that room, your wand in your hand and Rowan pounding on the door.


I cant. I can’t…” you whimper, panic overriding your thoughts. You begin to struggle, fighting to get away, break out of the vines grasp. But that just makes it squeeze harder, tighten their grip. You feel it begin to strangle you as you begin to shout “help! Get me out! LET ME OUT! HELP ME! LET ME GO!”

A vine suddenly lashes across your mouth and your shouts turn into frantic screams, your whole body writhing in fear and pain as it begins to crush you, squeeze you, suffocate you. You have tears in your eyes as you get flashbacks to the Devil’s Snare as it pinned you against the wall, your wand falling from your grasp, the Lumos spell failing as it wrapped around your waist, your throat, your arms. You were trapped, screaming for help. Rowan was there, pounding on the door trying to get it open, her fearful eyes locking onto yours as you both believed you were going to die in this room.

You couldn’t breathe. You can’t breathe.

Suddenly there was a flash of light.


Lumos Solem!

Bright sunlight burst from their wands as the three of them blasted the Lover Snare from below. The vines wilted and recoiled from the light instantly, letting go of the curse breaker and dropping her into Barnaby’s arms as he waited beneath. As soon as she was free, she scrambled out of Barnaby’s arms and collapsed at the bottom of the steps hyperventilating.

“Are you alright?” Penny cried, dashing to her side and falling to her knees next to her. She put her hand on her chest as she pressed her back against the stone wall and panted rapidly. Penny could feel her heart beating so fast it might burst. “You’re okay, you’re okay, we’ve got you. Just breathe” Penny said, clutching her hand and staying beside her.

Liz wrung her hands as she stood beneath the wounded plant above them. Barnaby and Charlie hovered over their friend, both of them worried. “Is she okay?” Liz asked.

“I don’t know” Charlie said, crouching down on her opposite side.

“I…I couldn’t…breathe…” the curse breaker stammered, tears in her eyes as she gasped and panted, clutching her chest. She didn’t notice the state her torn clothes were in, or how exposed her body was.

Barnaby turned to Liz and quietly asked for the green sweater around her waist. She gave it to him and he passed it to Charlie so he could cover her up. “I think she’s having a panic attack” Penny said.

“What do we do?” Charlie asked.

“Wait for it to pass” she said, squeezing her hand and leaning closer to her. “It’s okay, you’re okay” she told her.

“I swear, it wasn’t supposed to hurt anyone” Liz whispered guiltily.

“We know” Barnaby said, walking over and putting an arm around her comfortingly. “It didn’t hurt the rest of us.”

“Why didn’t she just relax?” Liz asked.

Penny looked over her shoulder and explained “she and Rowan were locked in a room with a Devil’s Snare during their first year. She almost died.”

Liz’s eyes widened in horror. “I didn’t know” she gasped.

“Neither did I” Charlie muttered.

“It was traumatic for them” Penny said quietly. “If Hagrid hadn’t found them…”

“I’m okay” the curse breaker whispered, her breathing starting to slow down. She closed her eyes and squeezed Penny’s hand tighter until she was able to breathe easier and opened her eyes. “I’m sorry” she whispered, feeling very embarrassed.

Liz walked over and apologized. “If I had known…I never meant for this.”

“It’s okay. You weren’t to know” you say, looking at each of them thankfully. Her eyes drifted to the plant above them and she stiffened. “I can’t do that again” she whispered shaking.

Liz nodded and turned regrettably to the Lovers Snare. “This was an awful idea, wasn’t it” she said.

“It was a nice thought” Barnaby replied, standing beside her. “Maybe we could move it somewhere more private. Like a well? That way people can still try it, but without it blocking an entrance.”

“Or maybe I should just get rid of it, before it actually hurts anyone else” she sighed.

Barnaby reached over and squeezed her shoulder. “We all make mistakes” he said. None of them were angry at her misguided attempt to be useful.

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