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Secret Clubhouse: Graduating Hufflepuffs (Hogwarts Mystery)

The last day of school was a bittersweet affair. After seven long and hard years, graduation was finally here. There was a feast in the grand hall, Dumbledore said some inspiring words, there was a huge celebration followed by a big party across all four houses. There had been cheers, laughter and tears as you all hung out with your friends for what could be the last time.

Not that you were worried about losing touch. No matter where you went or what path you took, your friends will always be there for you. And you’ll be there for them.

For now though, this last day had you reminiscing about your time at Hogwarts. You’d just come back from a long walk around your favorite spots on the grounds and in the castle, and your last stop was the Hufflepuff common room. Your housemates were all here already, mingling and celebrating and crying and hugging. The train doesn’t leave until the evening, leaving you all with a few more hours to spend here to remember the last seven years.

All your bags and suitcases had been packed away, most will be at the station by the time you arrive. That just left the goodbyes. Much of them had been hard. You’d gotten very close with many of your housemates over the years. Some more than others. You hoped you’d get a chance to give a proper farewell to your friends in the other houses. You also fought the tears as you thought about the one friend who couldn’t be here to graduate with you. “We did it Rowan” you whisper, shuffling to a corner to wipe a tear from your cheek. “We graduated. I miss you” you say quietly, holding the scarf he bought on his first day in your hands.

“Hey. There you are” a feminine voice called from behind you. You compose yourself and turn around, smiling in delight as Penny bounced over wrapping her arms around you. “I was worried you wouldn’t show” she said.

“I’m sorry. Got lost in some memories” you apologized, slipping the scarf into your jacket pocket before turning your attention to the gorgeous blonde witch. She gazed into your eyes, her affection making them sparkle as you stood together. You looked up at the other students around you, disappointed you weren’t alone. And and Penny had been dating in secret for a few years now, and it pained you not being able to kiss her in public.

She clearly felt the same, her lips pressing together in the way they did when she was imagining you kissing them. She glanced around before leaning up on her toes to whisper in your ear “I’m glad you’re here. I wanted our last day at Hogwarts to be special.”

“What did you have in mind?” You ask quietly. “The clubhouse?”

The clubhouse was usually your preferred dating spot. Plenty of privacy and a very large comfortable bed. However Penny grinned and bit her bottom lip. “Follow me” she whispered, checking over her shoulder as she took your hand and led you towards the stairs.

You follow her excitedly, if a little apprehensively as she guides you towards the staircase to the girls dorms. She pulled you with her, dragging you to her dorm room, her head on a swivel making sure you were both alone. You looked up as you entered the girls dorm for the first time in seven years. It wasn’t unlike your dorm room, plants growing up the columns as yellow curtains draped over the warm bricks. And like yours, it was tidy and empty now that everyone had packed up. And nobody had reason to be up here any longer, so everyone was downstairs leaving the place vacant.

Penny led you by the hand towards one particular bed, turning back to you with a wide grin. “We had so many memorable dates in the past” she said, looking into your eyes as she squeezed your hands. “The Equinox play. The concert with the Weird sisters. Padfoots café. Hagrid’s Garden. And we got to spend so much time together, making love and hanging out. We’ve had the clubhouse, the hedge maze, the lake…the library” she giggled, remembering how you almost got caught with your pants down in the restricted section. You laugh too, remembering all the other close calls the two of you had to get some alone time. She looked up at you, quietly explaining “but there’s one place we never did it, one place I’ve always wanted to bring you.”

You followed her gaze and looked past her to the bed…her bed. The bed she slept in for seven school years. You feel your chest inflate as she turns back to you with a vulnerable blush. You lean in and kiss her deeply. “I would be honored you share your bed with you” you whisper, wishing you had thought of it sooner. Instead you had only today, your last day. That’s what made it special.

Penny smiled and kissed you back, pulling you into a passionate make out session tangling with your tongue. When the anticipation was too much she broke away, holding a finger to your lips urging you to wait before eagerly circling around her bed. You stood at the end and watched as she removed her clothes in a hurry, her eyes dancing mischievously as she flashed you a playful smile. You begin doing the same, slowly peeling the clothing away while Penny stripped down to her underwear. Then in moments she was under the covers, climbing back into bed pulling the sheet over her.

You narrowed your eyes curiously as she sat against the headboard, the covers shifting around her. Then her hand came up and she held her underwear in her palm, tossing them onto the floor leaving her naked under the sheets. “You are such a tease” you muttered.

She giggled, pulling a corner over and patting the space she opened up. “Hop in and join me?” She requested. You accepted her invitation, removing your underwear and climbing under the sheets with her. She shuffled next to you until you were both laying side by side, your noses touching as you gazed into each others eyes. You rested a hand on her hips, above the covers, not yet making a move to unravel what she’s hiding. You were both content to lie here, pretending it was another day of school, the pair of you waking up in the morning before breakfast, sharing one another’s company. Penny sigh wistfully. “Everything’s about to change, isn’t it?”

“We’ll figure it out” you promise, leaning forward and kissing her softly. “Maybe we can think about getting a flat together. Then we could share a bed like this everyday.”

“Are you asking me to move in with you?” Penny asked, caught by surprise.

You blinked. I guess I am. “Is that something you’d be interested in?” You inquired.

She was silent for a moment before breaking into a smile. “I might be” she said. “It’s very…official.”

“We are exclusive” you pointed out. “And we wouldn’t have to sneak around any more.”

Penny purred thinking about it. “No nosy roommates. No disapproving teachers. No curfews. And we’d get to see each other everyday. Sounds perfect” she grinned.

“Plus, living together would save us a lot on rent” you add.

“Not as romantic as what I said” she noted.

You shrugged. “Being practical can be romantic.”

“We’d have to find somewhere close to where we work” she muttered, thinking past romance like you were. “It’d have to be affordable. What if our jobs don’t match up? We could end up out of sync, never being able to see each other until…”

You interrupted her with a kiss, silencing her worries temporarily. “As long as we have each other, we can handle whatever life throws at us” you say confidently. Your confidence was infectious and soon she was smiling along with you. “Does that mean you say yes?” You ask.

She laughed, running her fingers through your hair, replying “it means I’ll think about it.” You took that, kissing her passionately shuffling closer to bring her into your arms. She melted into your embrace as you rolled her onto her back, your hands exploring her perfect body under the covers, preparing her for a very intimate session of love making.

Despite how little time you had left together, you took your time making love to your girlfriend. She was in no rush to fuck your brains out either, leading to the two of you basically rocking on top of each other kissing sensually. You laid on top of her sexy nude body comfortably, your elbows either side of her as you ground your hips against her. You had learnt the best way to position you weight so you pressed your chest onto hers without crushing her, just enough compression to mean each time she breathed her breasts pushed against you. Each time she moaned it came out as a tiny adorable noise that made your heart flutter. Her hands stroked your back as she laid beneath you, her legs rubbing against yours as your cock sheathed in-between her thighs, which were partially open leaving her pussy tight and perfect. She massaged your dick with her inner muscles, showing how skilled her core strength had grown over time. It was incredible.

You didn’t know how long you fucked her like this for. An hour. All day. Being here with her, in this moment, making love to her, kissing her, watching her close her eyes as her mouth hung open in concentration, you could stay like this forever. You wanted her to be here with you forever, to have her lips kissing yours everyday, to feel her body pressed against you every night, to wake up next to her every morning. Her beautiful eyes gazed up at you after each adorable moan and you wondered if she was thinking the same thing as she squeezed your cock, hugged your back, brushed her nose against your cheek.

You kissed, you fucked, you savored every moment until the moment came to a natural, amazing, blissful orgasm. Penny’s legs opened up as she hugged your tighter, her body pulling you closer to sink deeper into her pussy, to rock against you faster. Her breathing became heavier, her hard nipples pressing against your chest harder. Your foreheads touched and you stopped kissing, your eyes closing as you both concentrated on what was coming. The incredible feeling of being joined in one glorious climax. The wave hit and you came together, her pussy gushing around your cock as you pumped her full of your seed. It lasted a long incredible minute before leaving you both panting and aching, your foreheads pressing together. “I love you” you find yourself mumbling.

Penny opened her eyes and looked up at you silently. For a moment you fear you’d gone too far. But then her smile lit up her face and she wrapped her arms around your neck. “I love you too” she whispered back, capturing your lips in a kiss full of love and passion. You beamed with happiness as you kissed her deeply, a new level of affection forming between you.

“I knew it!” A voice cheered, interrupting your perfect moment shattering it.

The two of you jump up startled, whirling around pulling the covers around your naked bodies to see you were no longer alone in the dorm room. Your friends Chiara and Tonks were standing at the foot of Penny’s bed watching you with smirks, along with Penny’s little sister Beatrice. Penny stared at her younger sibling in mortified horror as she crossed her arms. “It’s not what it looks like” she blurted out. Her face immediately turned red as she realized that bluff wasn’t going to work one bit.

Beatrice wasn’t shocked, however. She turned to Tonks smugly. “I told you she had a boyfriend. She had been acting weird all year.”

Tonks crossed her arms, looking at you and Penny in bemusement. “I guess all those dates paid off, huh” she smirked, laughing at your embarrassed blush. “We came up to invite you to one last drink at the Three Broomsticks” she explained. “But now I think we’ll just head off and let you two catch up when you’re done” she laughed. She turned around and led the grinning Haywood out of the room, laughing hysterically the whole way.

Chiara stayed behind to apologize for interrupting. “We didn’t know you two were…see you later?” She said. You nodded, sheepishly, waiting for her to leave before turning back to your mortified girlfriend.

After a moment you both burst out laughing. “Oh, my god, that was so embarrassing” Penny gasped, falling onto the bed hiding her face.

You shook your hand, laying down next to her prying her face out of hiding. “Guess we’re not so secret anymore” you say, unable to hide the grin at the revelation. “Which means I don’t have to wait till we’re alone to kiss you anymore.”

“I guess not” she sighed wistfully.

You ran your fingers over her chest, circling her nipples like she was a sculpture. “Want to go join them for a drink, like a proper couple?” You ask.

She considered it before taking your hand and rolling over to nestle against your chest. “Not yet. I want to stay here for a while longer” she replied.

You smiled, happy to spoon the young witch for a while, enjoying the final moments of Hogwarts with your not so secret girlfriend.


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