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Secret Clubhouse: Alanza has Fun (Female MC Varient)

You should’ve known it would’ve been impossible to keep a secret in Hogwarts. It took all day but you finally brought Alanza to the clubhouse, showing her around the three floors. She stared at the space in wonder, absolutely excited to see a fresh new private place in the castle. “This reminds me so much of my dorm room in Castlebruxo” she exclaimed, leaning out of one of the windows to peer down at the training grounds.

You stand near the balcony, silently scanning the empty space reminded of all your memories with Rowan here. You hadn’t intended to bring the exchange student up her. But then you hadn’t intended her to overhear so many pieces of information let slip by your friends plotting your next move as the newly formed Circle of Khanna. Amongst those snippets were references to this place where you were holding your meetings. She got so excited about a Secret Clubhouse that if you didn’t show her operating as her designated guide she’d have gone exploring for it herself. And knowing how many secret passages are hidden in this school you didn’t want her to stumble upon one of the five Cursed Vaults hidden here. You leant against the banister, thinking about your time here and what was to come, grief still very raw in your gut as you thought about Rowan.

The olive skinned Brazilian exchange student bounded over to join you, grinning from ear to ear. “This place is amazing” she beamed.

“Yeah, it is” you agreed, a faraway look in your eye.

She looked over at you and claimed herself down, leaning against the banister asking “so who was this Rowan person I’ve been hearing about? She seemed to have touched a lot of people.”

You broke into a sad smile and nodded. “She did. She was incredible. She was best friend. We met just before we arrived at Hogwarts. She…she died recently, saving someone we cared about.”

Alanza reached over and squeezed your hand, looking at you compassionately whispering “I’m sorry for your loss.” You smiled, appreciating the gesture. Everyone kept saying how sorry they were, friends and strangers. It didn’t make the pain of her loss any easier, but it helped to know she was loved by so many others. Alanza waited a respectable minute before cautiously asking “so this Circle of Khanna…that’s in her honor?”

“To help bring the people responsible for her death to justice” you nod. You had already been forced to explain what it was after she didn’t buy it was a support group. At first she wanted to join, but you talked her down. “It needs to stay a secret. If the teachers find out…it’s just so hard. There’s so much to do, so much to think about…”

“Sounds like you need a break” Alanza said. You chuckle, wondering where you’d find the time. She smiled, suggesting “that’s how I can help. I’ll be your escape. When you are getting stressed, or if you need a breather from Circle business, you can come to me and I can distract you for a while, remind you to have fun.”

You look at the young woman dubiously. It did sound like a good idea, you just wasn’t sure if you could find the energy to have fun after what happened. “Maybe a break would help” you admit after a while, pushing away from the banister to turn to her. “Okay. What kind of fun were you thinking?” You ask.

Alanza rapped her nails against the banister to think about it. Her eyes scanned the clubhouse before falling onto the large king size bed sitting nearby. Her lips curled into a playful smile. “I know just the thing” she said, grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you over to it. You’re pulled along by the arm before she spins your around asking “you’re not a virgin are you?”

“Um…no” you mumble.

Her grin widens as she suddenly leans in, kisses you on the lips and then shoved you back onto the mattress. “Good” she said, climbing on top of you to make out with you.

You didn’t expect Alanza’s idea of fun to include sex, but it proved to be an effective distraction for you. You were hesitant at first as the young woman made moves over you but you fell into it after a while, pulling her green coat off her shoulders and tossing it aside. Your uniforms came off next until you were both lying side by side in your underwear, your lips interlocked as your hands explored each other. Alanza was much more energetic than you, negating your reluctance with enthusiasm. “You’re a very good kisser” she complimented, her eyes drifting over your body admiring you. “I bet you’ve had some practice. Are you dating anyone?” She asked curiously.

You stare at her as her hands dance down your front. “Um, sort of…I’ve been on a few dates” you tell her.


“Some of them” you blush.

She reads between the lines and smirked. “Good for you. I’ve experimented with both sides too. Plenty of time to settle down and decide things like that” she said, showcasing her sexual freedom by kissing her way down your chest, especially your nipples.

You moan as she molds your breasts in her palms, her lips sucking your nipples. “What about you? Are you dating…were you dating anyone before you came here?”

“A couple” she replied coyly. “Nothing serious. I’m not looking for a relationship right now, just some fun. So if you ever need that escape, I’ll be happy to take your mind off things.”

“With sex?”

“Doesn’t always have to be sex” she laughed. “But I wouldn’t say never” she smirked, crawling down and removing your underwear to slip between your legs.

You gasp as she proceeds to munch on your pussy, devouring you with her tongue making your body tremble. “You’re really good at this” you mutter.

“I’ve had a lot of practice”she replied.

“You do this a lot?”

“Have sex? I’ve got some stories. They’re not all limited to people either.”

You open your eyes and look down at her. “You’ve had sex with…other things?

She looked up and bit her lip. “Like I said, I like to experiment. Too much sometimes. I’ve fooled around with a ghost, which was an experience. Fun fact, ghost dicks are tangible enough to be felt in all sorts of ways, like having a reverse blowjob. Ooh, then there was the time I accidentally charmed a greenhouse full of vines to come to life. I got in trouble for that, especially when four of my friends were caught in there with me. We had so much sap in our belly’s we had to be taken to the hospital ward. Have to say though, highly recommend getting tentacle fucked by a plant just for the life experience. A harmless one though, nothing venomous.”

You listened to her ramble while her fingers slid in and out of your cunt, not sure if her tales were turning you on or putting your off. “You’ve certainly gotten around” you mutter.

“I know. There were mishaps too. During the Quidditch season I had this idea to stick a golden snitch up my vagina. I think I was tipsy from firewisky at the time. Anyway, I didn’t realize one of the nifflers from our magical creature's classroom had gotten loose until he found his way into my dorm room. I have a way with magical creatures, they seem to like me. I pant say I was fond of this one when he caught a glimpse of the shiny snitch in my snatch and tried to shove his way inside to get to it. I was lucky to pull it and the snitch out before it could do anything permanently scarring. I think I had a drunken fantasy of being fucked by a large niffler that night” she added thoughtfully.

You suddenly gasp as you feel something enter your pussy, looking down to see her hand had sunk down to her wrist inside your pussy. You stare at it and then at her as she wiggled her fingers. “Merlin’s beard!”

“See, amazing what is possible when you didn’t think about stuff”she remarked, running her other hand over you belly feeling the bulge of her fist in your cunt. She looked up at you and smiled, using her thumb to flick your clit twisting her arm to stir you up. “Try to relax. I have it put in a moment, just as soon as I make you orgasm” she promised.

You reluctantly lie back and try not to think as Alanza had fun with your body, closing your eyes and moaning as her fisting took your mind of your grief and the stress of what was to come.

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