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Sally’s Sexapades: Visit to the Headmaster's Office

“As you might’ve noticed, our children have a habit of getting into trouble” Sally remarked. “Especially in their early years. Percy, bless him, had to move schools quite frequently. I always made sure he got placed somewhere else, somewhere he could get a good education, but keeping him there was challenging. Yancy Academy was our last and best option. They take on troubled children so I believed they could support my son as such a crucial development.”

“I take it the boy got himself expelled again?” Aphrodite guessed.

Sally shook her head. “I wouldn’t let that happen. He almost did, but I…intervened.”

Aphrodite looked at the woman, flashing a devious smirk. “And how did you manage that, you little minx?” She asked.

Sally blushed, feeling the goddess probing her mind with her fingers in her hair. She wrapped a strand of the goddess’s silky hair around her finger as she shrugged innocently. “I just had a talk with his headmaster” she said. She saw the suspicious glint in the woman’s eye and felt the probe draw out the truth from the lie, forcing her to admit “he took a little convincing.”


“You’re son is a disruptive influence” the man told me almost as soon as I sat down. He was an older gentleman, not too old mind you, though he suffered from ailments beyond his years I noted. The hairpiece hiding his bald spot gave it away. He was dressed in a blue suit with a rather hideous orange shirt, but I was too polite to comment on it. Not that I could talk, I was still in my work uniform. My employer was kind enough to let me go early so I could attend this meeting (provided I make up the time after my next shift). I remember the office was very tidy, everything in its place right down to the nameplate perfectly centered in front of him. Mr S Skimmer it read proudly. I had remarked the cleanings of his office when I entered, only to see him scowl at an unfortunate bit of vandalism a Scottish janitor was scrubbing from a wall reading El Barto in permanent marker. I got the sense he found these troubled students more stressful than he anticipated. “I’m afraid after this latest incident with some of our fellow students, I have to consider expulsion for Percy” he said after politely explaining the situation.

I wasn’t about to let Percy be forced to move schools again if I could help it. And the situation described, it was clearly beyond anyone’s control. So I pleaded with him “is there no other way? Is expulsion truly necessary?” Mr Skimmer was a reasonable man, I could see it in his eyes. I knew I could convince him to let Percy stay.

“I have to think of the other students” he said diplomatically. “And with this field trip to the metropolitan museum of art coming up…frankly, handling the needs of so many children is difficult enough. I can’t be seen to make exceptions for any of them.”

“I understand Headmaster” I said, putting my bag down beside my chair and standing up. I confess, I don’t know if I had planned what came next, but it came so…naturally I didn’t question it. “But expulsion seems rather extreme. And surely someone of your…authority and dignity would be able to accommodate the needs of my son as well as the needs of the other students. There must be a solution that satisfies all of their needs, and yours” I said, walking around the desk running my fingers along the polished oak.

Mr Skimmer sat back in his seat and I could tell my arrival on the other side of his desk had made him uncomfortable. “My needs? And wh..what needs would you be im…plying” he stammered, flustered as I suddenly found a button on my uniform had come undone.

“I’m not implying anything headmaster” I said innocently, leaning against his desk with my hands at my sides, my coat open and almost falling over my shoulders. My hair was loose, I remember that though I don’t recall when I removed the hir band. Either way I knew it made me look very appealing because the man’s cheeks turned red. “I haven’t seen my son since Christmas, so I cannot possibly understand the needs of my son like you do. But I understand you needto be seen to discipline him appropriately. I just wonder if there was a punishment that could serve your needs and his need to remain in school.”

Now that I think about it, I suppose I always had a thing about teachers and schools. Being in the headmasters office was an exciting prospect, and I’d gotten accustomed to wrapping them around my finger. I guess that’s why I felt very comfortable reaching out and fiddling with the man’s tie, even as he stammered “I’m sure we can come up with something…appropriate for your son Mrs Jackson. But my…his needs are very complex.”

“I’m sure we can find a way forward together” I told him, smiling as I reached forward and gently pulled his face towards me by the tie to kiss his cheek. Innocently at first. But then the kiss on the lips…not so innocent.


“so you seduced him” Aphrodite purred approvingly, reaching down to stoke the arousal between the mortal woman’s thighs.

Sally bit her lip and moaned as the goddess rubbed her, closing her eyes recalling that afternoon in the headmasters office vividly. “I didn’t mean to…or maybe I did. I don’t know. Like I said, it came so naturally…”

“Nothing unnatural about a woman using her wiles to get a man to do what she wants” Aphrodite said, kissing along the woman’s jaw demonstrating much the same. Sally melted under her touch, succumbing to her advances much like Mr Skimmer did that day. “Sex is a potent means to manipulate some, and a very pleasant means. You shouldn’t be ashamed about what you did. It was for your son after all. And I can see you’ll do anything for your son, won’t you?”

Sally opened her eyes and looked at the goddess. “For Percy, I would do anything” she nodded. “Even seduce his headmaster to let him stay.”

Aphrodite smiled, sharing a kiss with a fellow mother feeling much the same for her children. “So…was he any good?” She asked curiously.


I was surprisingly easy what needs the man had when we got started. I deduced he was rather inexperienced with how much he stammered and fumbled with his trousers. And one glance at all the pictures lining the shelves told me he was a mommy’s boy. In my experience, men who latch onto their mothers after a certain age crave adoration because they lack it in other parts of their life. Mr Skimmer craved loved, needed to be loved. So for a short while, I gave him what he needed.

And by this point I guess I was getting rather adept and pleasing older men. At least this man was sweet, if a little timid. But he opened up a lot more once I was on my knees in front of him and pulling his penis out of his trousers. And before you ask about the Scottish janitor, Me Skimmer dismissed him the moment I dipped behind the desk. I don’t think he would’ve been up for having an audience for for this parent/teacher conference. Once we were alone he became much more relaxed, especially when my hands were stroking his cock and my tongue was circling his tip. I fell into a familiar role of naughty student, only this time I was the naughty parent willing to do what it takes to keep her child in school.

And I was good at the role. I could feel him melting as I sucked his cock, his hand stroking my hair while his eyes stared down at me in disbelief. I’m sure he went home that night still wondering if it really happened or if he just imagined it. I judging by how quickly I got him to cum into my mouth, I’m guessing he didn’t get to have sex as often as he’d like. I swallowed his load like a good girl and climbed up onto the desk, dropping my coat around my elbows so I could unbutton my uniform and show my cleavage. I’ve been told I look very sexy in my uniform, mostly by customers I’ve fooled around with, so I knew it would excite Mr Skimmer. “Tell me if there’s any way I can assess your needs Headmaster” I said as I sat on the desk with my legs spread, pulling my underwear aside to show him my pussy.

For a moment he just sat and stared at me, and for a moment I thought I had scared him off. But then he leapt out of his chair and basically pounced on me. Not in an aggressive way, more like how a teenage boy would when he realized he’d never get this opportunity again. He jumped up and we met in a tender yet passionate embrace. We made out and he was so sweet, until he got to my breasts. Then he became like a child, playing with them and sucking on them, squeezing them tightly. I thought he was being a little rough, but it wasn’t unpleasant. I let him play with them, even as he suckled on them like he was trying to draw milk. And I won’t swear by this but I thought he was mumbling something into my tit, maybe heard his say the word mother. I didn’t pay it any heed at the time. However the thought he might’ve been thinking about his mother while making love to me became a little off putting in hindsight.

Regardless, when he was finished with my breasts he dropped down to my pussy next. And oh wow, he was incredible with his mouth. I’ll admit, I was swooning by the time he put his tongue inside of me. It didn’t take me long to orgasm, he was that good. Where he learnt to please a woman like that I’ll never know, but it was an incredible moment that day. And it more than prepared me for him when he quickly switched and rose up primed and ready. I had my hand around him and was guiding him to my entrance instantly, eager to see if his talents extended to his pelvis.

It didn’t, but it wasn’t terrible. A bit over enthusiastic maybe. I had to grab the desk keep myself steady as he humped between my legs, hoisting one of them over his shoulder to get better traction. He fucked me so hard if the desk wasn’t heavy it would be shaking. I was shaking, trembling by my second orgasm. He palmed by boobs and nibbled on my neck while I just laid back and closed my eyes. It wasn’t about submitting to him, I was enjoying myself. It felt good, tender, sweet despite how vigorous it was. Frankly I had Gabe to compare it too and it was still yards better than that man. I cradled Mr Skimmer tightly when he began panting more heavily. I could tell he was close and I wanted him to finish. I felt he needed this much more than I did. He drove himself as deep as he could into me, practically falling on top of me, and ejaculated inside of me. It felt wonderful to have my womb filled with sperm again. I made sure to take the morning after pill so I wouldn’t be sending another student to his school mind you. But for a moment, it felt nice.

The man took a long while to recover. I held him the whole while until he finally climbed off and slumped into his chair panting. I sat up on the desk and looked down at the mess he left behind. It was leaking onto his desk so I pulled out a wipe from a box nearby and cleaned myself up. I remember looking up at him and giving him this coy friendly smile which made him blush. He cleared his throat and stood up to put his dick back in his pants. “Well…ahem…I think your son would benefit a lot from this school, so I will not be excluding him at this time” he said as he composed himself. “Percy will be put on probation however” he added. “Especially with this visit to the Metropolitan museum of art. If he steps out of line again, I will have to take the necessary measures.”

“I understand” I said, climbing off his desk and fixing my clothes. I pulled my coat back on and looked up at him, promising “I’m certain Percy won’t be any further trouble, I’ll make sure of it.”

“See that you do” he nodded. “I’d hate to have to call you back in again Mrs Jackson.”

I could tell the moment he said it the same thought crossed his mind. I didn’t help the red in his face when I stepped forward and playfully fixed his tie. “Would that be such a bad thing headmaster?” I asked, watching his cheeks turn bright red. I giggled and stepped away, retrieving my bag and walking to the door, calling over my shoulder “I’ll look forward to our next parents evening Mr Skimmer. Thank you for your time.”

I left the office and waited until he was out of sight before exhaling. I didn’t realize how nervous I was about the whole meeting until that moment. I kept thinking what if it had gone wrong? What if my actions could’ve made things worse for Percy? Thankfully it didn’t and he got to go on that museum trip. And I didn’t regret my actions. I did it for my son after all.

It was a little awkward when I bumped into Mr Brenner in his wheelchair on my way out. He was polite enough to say hello and mention I had missed a button on my blouse. I must’ve been very red faced when I fixed it because he invited me into his classroom to offer some tea, asking if I was alright. He knew who I was, deduced why I was here, and he was happy to talk about Percy with me. I had the rest of the afternoon so I was happy to stay for a while and talk with him.


Sally squirmed as she felt Aphrodite’s hand knead her scalp, shaking away her probing fingertips before she could glean the rest of that afternoon from her mind. The goddess smirked, already glimpsing enough to tease the red faced woman. “I did more than talk with the man you saucy woman” she laughed, kissing her down her neck as she played with her mortal lover. “Did you know who the charming man was?”

Sally blushed as Aphrodite dropped down to her chest to kiss her nipples, which were hard as pebbles after sharing so much about her sex life. “I didn’t know who Mr Brenner was the first time. I just knew him as Percy’s Latin teacher, his favorite teacher at that school.”

“Hmm, and we know you have a weakness for teachers, don’t we” Aphrodite smirked, massaging her breast as she sucked on her nipple. “You are a naughty girl Sally Jackson” she purred, reaching down to stroke the moist lips between her legs. Sally’s hips shivered from her fingertips, her knees trembling as her legs fell open on their own. “Very naughty. And don’t think I didn’t notice you use the words first time. How many times did you visit Mr Brenner?” She asked. Sally refused to answer, embarrassment in her thoughts. “How many after you found out his real name?” The goddess queried.

Sally bit her bottom lip, looking down at the curious goddess stubbornly. “Are you going to read my mind again if I don’t answer?” She asked nervously.

Aphrodite grinned mischievously. “I honey, I’ve got more effective ways of making you talk than that” she said, lowering herself down between the woman’s legs to interrogate her pussy with her mouth.

Sally moaned as she was eaten out by the goddess, resisting as long as she could before sharing more of her dirty little secrets.

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