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Sally's Sexapades: Sweet as America

“You have to understand, at first I never meant to be unfaithful” Sally explained, looking rather guilty as she laid in bed with another woman while her husband continued to sooth their infant daughter, his voice coming through the baby monitor. “I mean, with my first husband” she corrected.

Aphrodite nodded, resting on her elbow letting her fingers dance over the attractive woman. “Yes, I can see in from your thoughts. I might have glanced past him. Repulsive pig. I fail to understand why you married such a man.”

Sally sighed. She offended wondered the same thing. Gave Ugliano was a vile and abusive man. Escaping him was the best thing she ever did after giving birth to Percy. “It was a necessary sacrifice” she explained. “That man, as horrible and odorous as he was, was exactly what Percy needed. Oh, not as a father figure…Gabe was many things but never paternal. But somehow his scent hid my son from the monsters that would hurt him. I put up with him to keep my baby safe. Any mother would do the same.”

Aphrodite mused to herself, wondering if she would make such a sacrifice. She thought about her own husband, who was just as ugly as Mr Ugliano, and shivered. No, she probably wouldn’t, not even for her children. “I’m sensing from your thoughts that your first husband was also lacking in a particular department” she noted, her hand stroking Sally’s head softly.

Sally closed her eyes and grimaced as memories of her time with Gabe rose to the surface, bringing an unpleasant aftertaste with them.


At first he wasn’t the most unpleasant man I’ve ever had the misfortune of sleeping with. After my experiments with my friends Clara and Amy I dated quite a few guys over the years. Some were less entertaining than others. I remember one man in particular was older and distinctly rough me with, and he ejaculated too quickly. It left me very disappointed, but it was also an ass. He tried to force me to fuck him again, but I decided to end our relationship quicker than he finished by kicking him in the groin. I don’t imagine his performance improved after a knee to the balls. Gabe, unfortunately, wasn’t much better than that arsehole. He would be rough too, treat me like a servant both in and out of bed. I remember he would feel me up while I was cooking dinner, or doing the chores, even when Percy was in the room with us. And when he wanted to have sex, he didn’t like to hear no. He never forced himself on me, thank god, though I know he came close a few times. If I insisted he slow down or back off because I was in the middle of something, he’d complain but leave me alone. He’d leave and hang out with his gambling buddies. I sometimes suspected he would find some other poor girl and take his frustration out on her. I tried not to think about it. When I did let him fuck me he would always take control. He liked to be the man in charge. It used to be playing the submissive girl turned me on, but with him I just grit my teeth and bore it. He never lasted longer than five minutes, but he made the most of those five minutes by bending me over or throwing me against a wall, onto a bed or table, and fucking me roughly until he satisfied himself. He was never romantic and it was rare I got to experience a genuine orgasm with him. But I got good and pretending to keep him happy. I learnt it was best if I convinced him he was a fantastic lover. Amy once said I could become an actress. In a way I did.

My sex life with Gabe left me feeling very…disappointed. Unsatisfied. I guess it was only a matter of time until my eye started wandering.

Again, it wasn’t something I meant to do. But I wasn’t sad that it happened. Since Gabe wasn’t the type to like raising children I was always home to take care of Percy. But when he was at school and Gabe, on the rare few occasions, held down a job it gave me a bit of time outside of the part time work to socialize. Amy and Rory paid me a visit and I got to escape from the life I’d made for myself for a hour or two a week. It was good to hang out and catch up. It got even better when I was invited to join them in their car for some spontaneous sex like old times. I hadn’t realized how sexually frustrated I had been until I nearly passed out in the backseat after having sex with Rory. Amy was amazed, said she’d never seen me cum like that before. I got rid of so much stress I was walking on air for the rest of the day. I went home to Gabe and told myself it was a one time thing and I should be faithful to my husband.

Five unsatisfying minutes of sex with him quickly changed my mind.

I tried not to make a habit of it. It’s not like I had any regular friends to call for a quickie, but I discovered it wasn’t difficult to find distractions if you look for them. I had a rotation of part time jobs over the years, including some waitressing and bar work. I managed to land a regular job at the candy shop Sweet as America. I found I enjoyed that job mostly, and it paid very well. The waitressing job was exhausting and the bar only took me on casually on weekends, but between the three of them I was able to support my family, and my husband. They became an escape from that house, from him, after a while. I could be myself out there when I’m talking to people. Customers were friendly, some were even attracted to me. I might’ve…exploited some of their affection once or twice. Like I said, I didn’t want to be unfaithful. But after a few weeks of Gabe I was craving a little release. I started flirting a little more, toying with some of the men who paid me a compliment. It w didn’t take much to convince them to meet me after work, or during my break, somewhere private where we could be alone. The alley behind the bar, the car park outside the diner, the men’s toilet cubicle. I made sure it was done in under twenty minutes, sometimes less. The risk of being caught made it a thrill beyond anything, at any moment I could be seen fucking a random stranger at my workplace. My lovers would vary; a gruff biker against the wall behind the bar, a businessman in the toilet cubicle rattling the door, a young man down on his luck in his pickup truck. I tell each of them it can only happen the once, I didn’t want to draw attention. They made the most of their limited time with me and it made the sex we had even better. It was hard to keep my voice down when they helped me relieve my stress, especially in that toilet. I would grip the cubicle so tight my knuckles would turn white, and my toes would curl when I orgasmed. When it was over I would thank them and say my goodbyes, and always compose myself by the time I returned to work or got home.

I ended up having an affair once a month or so in the end. I’d wait until I couldn’t stop the cravings and then find a decent looking man to vent my frustration with. Some of them were sweet. One man drove me home after our quickie once. I risked everything to thank him with a blowjob for that because he got me home early. Of course some were more rough with me, but their bruises didn’t compare to those Gabe gave me so he never noticed. And they never forced themselves on me. One tried, got a little too rough in that alley, but a swift knee to his groin ended that situation quickly enough. I quit bar work a few days after that, just to avoid his glowering over the bar. I didn’t want to push my luck. I stayed on as a waitress for another year before the sweet shop became my main source of income. I had a few regulars who I got to chat up at the diner, and one by one they ended up as a one time hookup. I was rather mortified after one of my dates when we finished up in the toilet during my break. While I was fixing my uniform his hand slipped into my bra. I thought he was trying to cop a feel, but then I felt the paper against my skin. It was money. He never mentioned it and I was too embarrassed to say anything. The thought that the man mistook what we did as a…business transaction freaked me out a little. I stopped flirting and stayed faithful to Gabe for over three months after that misunderstanding.

My hobby didn’t go unnoticed, however. I hadn’t anticipated being caught out about my infidelity, not least by my boss at Sweet as America. I was more afraid of Gabe figuring it out, but that odorous man never suspected a thing. Not once. My boss, Mr Wonka, called me into his office one evening before I went off shift. He had been kind to me up to that point, a good boss, treated me fair. When he sat me down he explained he noticed the incident in the stock room earlier that week. I had gotten rather desperate in my sexual frustrations and ended up seducing the young man who worked with me behind the counter, inviting him into the stockroom during our shift when customers were light. We were only there for five minutes (a much more satisfying five minutes than with Gabe). I didn’t think anyone noticed we were gone. Mr Wonka revealed he came to inform us a customer was waiting and found my colleague with his head under my skirt, his face buried between my legs while I covered my mouth to muffle the screams (that tongue was a godsend). He didn’t want to embarrass either of us so he dealt with the customer and made sure we returned to work. I was mortified, but I apologized and promised not to shirk my duties like that again.

I thought that was all, my boss reminding me of the workplace etiquette, but then he explained he had seen me around after hours, during my break, socializing with those men, including some of his customers. He showed concern at first, he knew I was married, but then he made an indecent proposal. He didn’t think it was safe for me to be having so many of affairs with strangers, so instead he suggested I have sex with him after my shift once or twice a week. He even offered to pay me overtime. I was shocked, horrified, humiliated. He let me leave so I could think about it. I thought it was outrageous. But then I began to worry he might tell my husband. I didn’t want to consider what he might do if he found out. But then a few days went by and Mr Wonka didn’t directly press me. He asked if I had come to a decision. I didn’t say yes, but I didn’t say no. At the end of the week he pulled me aside and swore he wouldn’t tell my husband anything, that he was simply concerned for my well-being, that sleeping with randoms was dangerous.

“What would happen if I say no?” I asked.

“We would speak no more about it” he promised.

I wasn’t comfortable with the idea, so I turned him down. He kept his promise. But then a few weeks later I had a familiar itch. I found myself flirting with the customers. Then I caught Mr Wonka watching me from his office. I didn’t mention it, but my boss was taller than me and hand long brown hair, silky smooth. I always meant to ask him what conditioner he used. My shift ended and I ended up reconsidering his offer. I was so in need of some relief I walked into his office and closed the door. “Is that offer for Overtime still available?” I asked him. You should’ve seen the smile he gave me. I couldn’t decide if it was smugness or confidence. It was like he expected me to change my mind.

And suddenly I had a regular lover to commit adultery with. Once a week I would stay behind after my shift, pick up an hours pay in overtime and spend it working in Mr Wonka’s office. It felt dirty being paid to have sex with my boss, but in the end it ended up being a productive arrangement. I was able to pay the pills, and with Percy being forced to change schools nearly every year I was able to afford the best for him. I never told him how I earned my wages, he still doesn’t no. I never told anyone, not even Paul. It’s a part of my life I’m most ashamed of. But it was a sacrifice I made for my son, and for myself. Mr Wonka was a sweet man, though some evenings he could get…carried away. He was never violent, but he could get rough. I remember he liked to bend me over his desk and fuck me from behind, put his thumb in my butt, slap my ass, call me degrading names. I chose not to let it bother me, even if I didn’t wonder if he was right when calling be a slut or a whore. But I asserted myself when I needed to. He liked it when I mounted him in his chair, ride him in a reverse cowgirl, rub against his chest so he could play with my body. Most evenings we kept our clothes on, others he would take off my uniform and fuck me on the desk or the floor, against the wall or in the chair. We always did it in his office where nobody could interrupt us, even though we would be the only two working late. But like I said, he could get carried away. I remember he got a little over confident one morning the day after we fucked and tried to get a quickie on my shift, groping me while I was in the stockroom. I wasn’t particularly in the mood for his harassment that morning (troubles with Gabe and concerns about Percy getting expelled again) so I pushed him away and told him to leave me alone. He backed off. But then he called me into his office during my break so I could apologize. I had to stand there and let him molest me and kiss me until my break was over, tell him I was sorry for snapping and return to work. It was humiliating. But thankfully he never put his hands on my during my shift ever again.


“so when did this affair end?” Aphrodite asked curiously.

Sally shrugged. “When I stopped working for him. Disappearing in the Underworld didn’t help my career prospects, but by then I was shot of Gabe and taking a different path. I never told anyone about Mr Wonka before” she said, looking at the goddess with a red tint to her cheeks. “Like mother like daughter. Piper had a way of getting me to admit to things too.”

“Takes after her mother” Aphrodite smirked. “I’m sensing despite how disgusted he made you feel, your former boss was a talented lover” he said, still massaging Sally’ scalp.

Sally finally sat up and nudged the goddess’s hand off her head, taking a break from the naughty memories she was drawing out of her subconscious. “He was a good distraction, I’ll admit” she sighed, the bed sheets falling around her waist.

“What happened to him?”

She shrugged. “Last I heard he was sacked for allegations of sexual harassment. Somebody reported him anonymously to the company about having affairs with his employees. Three of his ex lovers came forward when it reached the news.” Sally kept her eyes on her lap, but Aphrodite could see the smirk she was trying to hide. She didn’t mention how the allegation was made after Sally started making changes in her life. “I may not be proud of certain parts in my life, but everything I did was for Percy and his future” she said confidently.

Aphrodite sat up on her elbows and raised a curious eyebrow. “I sense a story behind that statement” she smiled.

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