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Sally's Sexapades: Protecting her Son from Monsters

Content Warning: Beastiality & Rape


Aphrodite raised an eyebrow as Sally covered her face. The woman was tired from that last orgasm and felt sleepy, but the goddess was curious. “How many big cocks are we talking about?”

“I don’t know” she said, rolling onto her side with her back to Aphrodite. She was so red faced she didn’t want to look her in the eye. “Does it matter?”

“I think it does, if that’s shame I’m sensing from you” she said gently, rubbing her fingers through Sally’s hair.

The woman slapped her hand away from her head before she could probe her thoughts again, pulling the sheets tighter around her. “I’m not proud of any of it” she said quietly.

The goddess laid down behind her and stroked her shoulder softly. “Not proud of what?”

“What I’ve done. What I had to do.”

She let out a slow breath and closed her eyes, latching the bedsheets tightly. Aphrodite could feel the tension in the mortal and soothed her body, relaxing her muscles as she pressed her naked body against her. Sally slowly relaxed and rolled into her arms, resting her head on the pillow as her eyes fluttered open to look at her. “Tell me why you are so ashamed” she whispered, placing the gentlest of kisses on her lips.

“I thought marrying Gabe was the worst mistake I could’ve made” she said, succumbing to Aphrodite’s calm embrace. “But it wasn’t enough to hide Percy from the world. I had to keep him safe. Everything I’ve done was to protect my son.”

Aphrodite nodded. She could understand that notion completely. What mother wouldn’t do what it took for their child? “Tell me” she said, running her hands through her hair, massaging her scalp, kissing her softly as she delved into the most shameful part of her memory.


I knew the danger would always be out there. I put up with so much abuse from my husband, from my work, all to make sure Percy would be safe, to grow up with a normal childhood. It wasn’t always easy, but I kept him safe. But sometimes the danger would find him. I couldn’t always be there.

He came home one day and said there had been a man at school, watching him by the playground. He told me the teachers chased him away, and that he had one eye. I knew what it meant and I was so frightened for him. I convinced him it was just a normal man, and he was probably lost. But the next few days I was worried. What if the man, whatever he was, came back?

So later that week I got a day off work and went to see him at his school, just to check on him. He was in the playground and he looked happy enough. He was having a normal day. But I saw the man he talked about. A trench coat, a hat…and he did indeed have one eye.

I didn’t know what to do, but I couldn’t let him hurt my son. So I confronted him, hoping I could scare him away like the teachers did. He didn’t seem to be as easy this time. He grabbed me and tried to throw me aside. I fought him and he pulled me behind a tree, out of sight of the children. I knew he might hurt me, he was taller than me and stronger. I pounded his chest but he didn’t notice. I was terrified, for myself but mostly for Percy. He was so young.

But then the trench coat fell open and I had an idea. It just came to me in a flash, and I was horrified by it afterwards. The man…if he was a man…he wasn’t wearing any clothes underneath his trench coat. A naked man hanging around a playground. My son was there. I wasn’t thinking straight. I just wanted him to leave my son alone. So I reached out and grabbed him, grabbed his penis. He seemed to like that, his eye staring down at me.

I let my instinct take over, anything to keep his attention on me and not my son. I began stroking him, pleasuring him, wrapping my hand around his huge disgusting thing. It was so big I needed both hands, so I used both hands. I jerked him off right there, behind that tree, twelve feet away from where my son was playing. I couldn’t think about anything else, not even about being caught. I dropped to my knees and used my mouth, my tongue, pleasuring his filthy cock like a whore.

He certainly liked that. So much so he grabbed my head and forced me to suck his cock. Let it happen. I used my hands to fondle his balls, rub his shaft, I sucked his dick as he tried to force it down my throat. I couldn’t breathe, but I let it happen. He could hurt me, but I wouldn’t let him hurt my son. He used me, used my mouth, until he came down my throat. There was so much it was coming out of my nose. I couldn’t breathe. I thought I was going to pass out.

Then he let me go. He let me go and I fell onto my hands and knees. I watched him walk away. He never stalked Percy again. I made sure he never saw me, I stayed out of sight behind the tree. And then I threw up. I felt disgusting, but at least Percy was safe.

But it wasn’t the only time I had to save him from monsters.

I used to take him to Central Park during the holidays. He liked to go on the long walks, even if he spent the whole time complaining. We’d get ice cream and hike the trails. My ex husband would never come, so it was just us. I think that’s why he loved those walks so much. We’d find a spot and have a picnic. Our favorite was by this pond and he’d walk up to the edge and stare at the fish. He was still too young to understand why, but I think he always knew he had a special connection to the water, and the creatures in it. He had this adorable little laugh whenever he’d dip his hand in and the fish would swim up to meet him. I saw so much of his father in him in those moments.

Then one day he came up to me and said “mom, look, it’s a cat.” Only it wasn’t. The mist, it kept him from seeing what it really was. I had never seen a lion so big, not even at the zoo. Nor had I ever seen one with gold fur and silver claws. It was drinking from the pond, swiping at the fish. And then it looked up and saw Percy, and I knew we were in terrible danger.

“Percy, I need you to run. Run as fast as you can until you see someone and stay with them. I’ll be right behind you. Go!” I said. I didn’t yell, or shout, but I was so frightened I made sure the urgency was clear. He hesitated only for a moment and I thought he was going to stay, but thankfully he ran. He looked so worried. He must’ve seen the fear in my expression as I stepped between him and this animal. I kept my eyes on the lion while he ran into the park. It stared back at me. And then it pounced.

I thought that was it for me. I thought I was going to die. I was scared. Who would take care of my son if I wasn’t there?

But the lion didn’t kill me. I don’t know why. I felt it’s claws in my back, my clothes torn as I fell to the ground. I tried to crawl but it pinned me down. I went limb and closed my eyes, waiting for its jaws to bite into me. I could feel its breath on my neck as it sniffed my hair, heard it growling above me as I trembled. It brushed its paws against me, my hips and legs, my shoulders. I winced each time my clothes ripped further, felt those claws scratch my skin. I was too scared to scream.

But what happened next was…I wasn’t ready for it. But I couldn’t stop it. I felt something push against my back, something hard and slick, something big and rough. I didn’t dare open my eyes as it poked me over and over, proving the back of my thighs, brushing my body where my pants had been torn open. Where my underwear was ripped. I couldn’t move. I felt this weight fall upon me and suddenly it was inside me, forcing itself into my pussy. Wailed but it roared, drowning out my screams as it raped me. Its paws pressed against my back as it humped me from behind, fucking me relentlessly. I couldn’t move, or scream, or fight back. I managed to open my eyes, but only to look up and stare at the narrow path Percy had ran down. I prayed to his father he was safe, that he got away, that he wouldn’t see me like this.

I don’t know how long that animal was on top of me. I don’t remember much of the attack. I vaguely recall cumming, cumming around that huge thing inside my cunt. I think it came too, it’s cock ejaculating inside of me. I remember a howl, or a roar, before I blacked out. The last thing I do remember was it’s weight on top of me, crushing me as it had its way with me. The next thing I remember is waking up on a gurney being wheeled into an ambulance. Percy was there, holding the hand of a police woman. He had found her and told her where to find me. They assumed I had been attacked by a wild animal. They were right. But I couldn’t explain what attacked me, or the nature of the attack. They wouldn’t believe me.

They all said I was lucky to be alive. I never felt lucky.

The only blessing was I couldn’t remember everything about that attack. Unfortunately I can’t say the same about the Minotaur.

That night Grover came to see us to warn us about Zeus coming after my son wasn’t the first time I had seen that beast. One evening I was returning home after my shift, after some unscheduled overtime, and I was so late I had to cut through an alleyway to make up for it.

That’s where I found it, completely by chance. It was it was sitting in the alley, alone, it’s towering body hunched over growling. I saw its arm was moving, rapidly, like it was smashing something over and over. It was facing the other way so I couldn’t see anything.

At first I froze. It hadn’t seen me. But then it looked up. I guess it smelt me, or heard me inhale. It turned around and I realized what I had interrupted. It’s penis flopped down onto the ground as it turned and it howled at me. I had been masturbating. I never thought monster like it would do a thing like that. But clearly this one does, and it wasn’t at all happy to be have me interrupt it beating it’s meat.

It lunged for me and I tried to run, but I tripped over my heels and fell to the ground. The next thing I know it was standing over me, it’s huge hand wrapped around my waist lifting me off the ground. I screamed and kicked at it, my shoes falling off, my bag dropping to the ground. It glared at me and sniffed my face, like it was deciding to either crush me or eat me.

I panicked and looked down at the erection between its legs. In that moment I thought I could placate it by helping it finish what it started, it held me close enough for me to reach out with my legs and rub it with my feet. I had never given a foot job before in my life and this thing was massive, but I did my best out of pure fear.

It seemed to work. It didn’t kill me. But it didn’t let me go either. I looked down at the monster between its legs and tried to think of a plan to calm this beast down. I was prepared to use my hands, or try and suck it off if I had to. But sniffed my groin and I realized I had made a terrible mistake, because then it ripped my uniform and my underwear and brought my body to its huge cock. I screamed and pounded its hand, begging it to let me go. I knew it wouldn’t fit, it would tear me apart. It didn’t listen. It forced itself into my cunt and shoved me all the way down it’s dick.

I blacked out, I think. When I came too my body was limb and I was hanging upside down. I could feel it inside me, stretching me, bulging my stomach as it held me tightly. My body kept swaying, the world around me spinning. It was using me like a cock sleeve, like a toy. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe. My legs were spread so wide, hanging uselessly. I tried lifting my head but I was dizzy. I tried to scream but my throat was raw. I don’t think I stopped screaming even when I passed out. I could feel it’s hot breath against my chest, it’s nose nuzzling my breasts. I don’t remember when it ripped my blouse open.

At some point I think I got a second wind, because I managed to lift my head up and look at the monster. It was grunting and howling. I reached up and grabbed its horns. It roared. I don’t know if it liked that, or if it didn’t. My body felt like it was on fire, my insides twisted out of shape. I saw the shape of its cock, it reached all the way to beneath my breasts. It hurt, so much. I never thought I would survive that night. I never thought I’d have children again. I don’t know how I survived.


“but you did” Aphrodite whispered, kissing her shoulder gently as Sally rested her head on the pillow.

“I passed out around the moment it came inside me. I remember it felt like my uterus was going to rupture. I thought I was going to see my belly split open and I’d just die. It hurt so much I wished it had just killed me, then the pain would stop.”

“But you survived” the goddess repeated softly.

She nodded. “I woke up the next morning. I was on the floor. Everything ached. I was sure my body was broken. But then I sat up, and looked down…my uniform was fine. My body was fine. It looked like I had just collapsed from exhaustion. Like what happened with the monster was just a bad dream. I went home convincing myself it was, though deep down I knew it wasn’t a dream.” She buried her face in her pillow. “Sometimes I have nightmares of that night. I have nightmares of all of them. But I keep telling myself it’s okay, because Percy is safe. Better they hurt me then they hurt him.”

Aphrodite stroked the woman’s hair as she laid beside her, soothing her gently with soft words and gentle touches. The goddess had never known any mortal to survive such and encounter with a Minotaur, or a Nemean Lion, maybe a Cyclopes. She mused on it to herself. This woman must’ve had a Devine guardian angel watching over her, keeping her healthy to survive such an ordeal. She wondered which of her fellow Olympians might’ve been watching over her. “Would you like to forget those memories?” She asked her.

Sally clutched the bedsheets tightly and nodded, a tear falling down her face.

Aphrodite leaned in, pressing her lips to her ear. “Then let those horrible memories fade away” she whispered, her charm-speak penetrating her mind.

Sally exhaled as the tension evaporated from her body, her mind clearing of the nightmares as she opened her eyes. She looked up at the goddess, a look of relief crossing her face. “Thank you” she whispered, even if she was forgetting why she was thanking her.

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