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Sally's Sexapades - Prologue

Things were shockingly quiet for the Goddess in Olympus, which meant Aphrodite was bored. When she got bored, she usually sought out company. Unfortunately her usual lovers were busy, even Ares, so she was even more bored. She rolled over on her bed and huffed, twirling a strand of hair around her finger as she as she sulked. She was so bored she found herself entertaining the idea of having sex with her husband, only he was too busy to entertain her too. If this is the start of a dry spell, I will throw myself into Tartarus she thought, casting her eye over the edge of the bed to scan the mortal world seeking entertainment.

She could always rely on the mortals to keep her amused in some form or fashion. She tried not to consort with too many for sex because she had a habit of causing trouble. Her mere presence could turn spouses against each other for her affection, trigger orgies or inspire other more deviant behavior. She recalled venturing to one of her children’s PTA events on a whim and causing an embarrassing scene (though she still insists she helped all the students grades by improving parent-teacher relations, even if she did traumatize a few of them when their parents mounting their teachers in the hall at the same time), and she shuddered each time she looked at a zoo (vowing never to step foot in a gorilla enclosure again, no matter how desperate she was). Fortunately her favorite pass time was simply watching the mortals, their behaviors erotic enough to keep her entertained. As the goddess of Sex and Love she could witness all its forms when they occurred, from the subtle acts of affection to the erotic gang bangs and parties. She found plenty in New York alone, spoiled for choice of sexual acts to watch. She rested her chin on her palm and skimmed the sights of men and women fucking each other, some very adventurous examples passing her view that made her warm and fuzzy between her legs. She even found a pair of wind sprites taking a break from serving their godly masters to fool around in the sky with each other, their cloudy hair swirling together creating a thunder cloud out of their orgasm.

She was about to summon those sprites to her chambers for some fun when her attention drifted to an apartment building. “Oh hello” she purred, her eyes peering into the home of Sally Jackson as she made love to her husband Paul. She had almost forgotten about this woman, a fascinating mortal for many reasons. The mother of a demigod, one who could see through the mist on some level, and one who had managed to capture the attention of the Goddess of Sex. Aphrodite had sworn to keep a close eye on her when she had witnessed this mortal engage in some erotic acts with her own son as his friends. Admittedly she nudged them in the right direction, but she didn’t manipulate her into having sex with her further daughter in law or Aphrodite’s own daughter. The goddess could sense the depravity in this woman, a hunger for lust she didn’t see in many mortals her age. He caught her curiosity, so she made a point to keep an eye on her. And now she had time to spare, today was as good a day to investigate the depths of that depravity.


Ever since their daughter Estelle was born it was hard to get an evening to themselves. Fortunately tonight was one of those nights she was able to fall asleep which gave the two of them enough time to fuck. They kept the baby monitor close by, but Sally was determined to make the most of the peace as she and her husband had sex in the next room, careful to stay as quiet as possible lest they wake the baby. Paul was very attentive to her needs, thrusting between her legs fucking her pussy with his stiff erection rapidly. She moaned and hugged him, kissing his beautiful face massaging his length with her walls. They fucked like horny teenagers, eager to finish before their parents caught them. She raked her nails along his back as she felt her climax approaching, panting erratically until he ejaculated into the condom he was wearing. She came alongside him, milking his cock as she squirted all over him before collapsing onto the bed. He rolled off her and removed the used condom, throwing it into the bin across the room with practiced accuracy.

As if on cue, the baby monitor rattled as Estelle woke up. They both sighed, relieved to have at least gotten one orgasm each before they had to become parents again. “I’ll go darling” Paul said, dutifully climbing out of bed to get dressed. Sally reclined against the pillow, rubbing his back in thanks watching him leave the room to check on his daughter. She relaxed in the bed naked, listening to him on the monitor as he soothed their baby with his musical voice. She smiled and rested her eyes, letting her post-orgasm mind wander to naughty and dirty thoughts.

It was these thoughts a certain Goddess of Love was interested in as she materialized in Sally’s bed with her, running her elegant fingers through her brown hair counting the grey streaks within. She scanned the attractive mother admirably as the woman rolled over to find the stunning goddess in her bed. Aphrodite was prepared for a shocked reaction, but she was surprised when the mortal didn’t raise an alarm. Most mortals freak when a naked woman appears in their beds for sex, but Sally simply shrugged. “I don’t believe we’ve met” she said quietly, her blue eyes eying her curiously. “But then I don’t get visited by many gods these days.”

Aphrodite flashed a curious smirk. “How could you tell I was a goddess?”

“Just a hunch” she said, casting an eye over the attractive woman. “Are you here for my son?”

“No. I’m here for you” she explained, brushing a finger over her cheek shuffling closer. Sally didn’t pull away as the woman came closer, her hands pulling her towards her so their bodies touched, her eyes soaking in her face. “I’ve had my eye on you Mrs Jackson, or do you prefer Mrs Blofis?”

“Sally is fine” she replied, accepting the unspoken invitation to kiss her. Their lips touched and she tasted all her favorite treats in her lipstick. She eyed the goddess thoughtfully. “We’ve met” she whispered, narrowing her eyes. “Percy’s apartment…his father was there, with you…Piper, you’re her mother.”

Aphrodite was impressed. She didn’t think even her daughter had managed to recover that memory she and Poseidon suppressed. “You are quite remarkable Sally” she smiled, cupping her cheek and kissing her deeply. “Such passion, such desire, in a mortal your age no less…I’m curious, what other appetites do you have?” She wondered, pulling the woman into her embrace with a kiss.

Sally entered Aphrodite’s arms willingly, making out with her in her bed, seizing the opportunity for some much needed recreation. “My husband will be back soon” she remarked, though not out of concern.

“He’s welcome to join us, or I can ensure we are not disturbed for quite some time” Aphrodite offered. She was intrigued at what she sensed from the woman, arousal and excitement at having another woman in her bed, possibly with her husband. She got the feeling their marriage wasn’t as exclusive as she initially thought. “And open relationship?” She asked.

“Let’s just say our children aren’t the only one with certain…arrangements” Sally replied with a smirk.

Aphrodite smiled. Curious indeed. “Tell me about them Sally” she purred, kissing the woman deeply as her hands massaged her scalp. Sally moaned as the goddess Kneaded her fingers through her hair, her fingertips stimulating her skull and stirring her thoughts. It felt like Aphrodite was reaching into her mind to draw out the memories she wished to see, the thoughts and fantasies that caught her attention, all while making love to the mortal woman. “Tell me your story Sally Jackson” her voice purred seductively in her ear. “How does a mortal like you become such a wild nymphomaniac?”

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