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Sally's Sexapades: Grover Underwood (Percy Jackson)

Sally ran her hand through her hair as she stared at the ceiling in her bed. It felt like she’d exorcised a lifetime’s worth of stress tonight. She had not expected a regular night in with her husband to turn into a night of sex and therapy with a Greek goddess.

“Feel better?” Aphrodite asked, lying next to her gently massaging the mature woman’s breast with her palm.

The mortal nodded, exhaling deeply. Did wasn’t sure what the goddess did to her, but the last echoes of some of her most shameful moments faded away and became distant memories. She rested her head against the pillow and turned to look at her lover, who watched her with her head supported by her elbow. “What time is it? Paul should be back any minute” she said, lifting her head and checking the door to her bedroom.

“He’ll be along, don’t worry” the goddess assured her with a smirk. “We’ve got plenty of time” she whispered, kissing the woman on the shoulder. She gently turned her face back towards her, leaning in to kiss her on the lips. “Let’s discuss something more pleasant” she suggested.

“Such as?” Sally asked, feeling completely at ease as she kissed the goddess.

“Such as your son’s friends. I know you’ve grown quite fond of his current paramour, my kinky little pet” Aphrodite smirked.

Sally blushed guiltily as the goddess kissed her neck. “I suppose you want me to tell you about how I ended up seducing poor Annabeth?” She sighed.

Aphrodite tapped her chest with her fingers thoughtfully. “No. They’ll be plenty of time for that” she said. “Let’s discuss his other friend. Mr Underwood.”

Sally bit her bottom lip as she looked at the goddess. “Do we have to?” She asked.

“Are you ashamed about what happened?” Aphrodite asked curiously, stroking the woman’s hair.

She nuzzled against her hand as it brushed her cheek, hesitantly confessing “a little. He was his best friend. It felt wrong to take advantage of him like that.”

Tell me what happened” Aphrodite gently commanded, kissing the corner of her lip as she snuggled between the sheets with her, stirring the memories within her mind to coax her into sharing.


It was a month or so after he started at Yancy Academy. He and Percy had become friends. It was a blessing, really. Percy struggled to make friends, moving schools all the time. I hoped Grover could help him adjust, maybe keep him out of trouble.

Of course, I realized that would be a tall order the moment I met the boy. Oh, he did his best to disguise himself, but I could just tell. I never said anything though. Percy liked him. I liked him. But I had an inkling why he was here and subtly asked him to keep an eye on my son. He acted all innocent and confused, but I think we shared a moment of understanding.

He would come by every so often with Percy when he could. That Halloween the boys were trick or treating and they finished at my apartment. Gabe was out drinking with his buddies that night, looking to gamble all the way until morning I should hope. That gave the three of us the place to ourselves. Percy, bless him, had a sugar crash after eating all the blue candy he could manage. I put him to bed and let him sleep. That left me alone with Mr Underwood.

I’ll admit, I had been drinking a little that evening. Only half a bottle of wine, but…my head was tipsy and I was lonely. My ex husband was useless and…well, you know. It had been a while and I made the mistake of letting my inhibitions run away from me that night. Grover was such a gentlemen, sweet thing.

But he was so embarrassed when I sat down on the couch next to him dressed in my night gown. The front was open and I forgot I was only wearing a pair of panties. Which meant I had my tits out and my gown was hanging off one of my elbows, and poor Grover got such an eyeful. I must’ve looked like a right state.

“Are you okay, Mrs Jackson?” He asked me, when he was able to look up at me and not stare at my breasts.

I was a little…surprised. He must’ve been the first person to ask me that in ages. I suppose I got a little emotional thanks to the wine. “I’ll be okay” I told him. “Percy is safe. That’s all that matters.”

He looked at me and I could see how awkward he was to be in the same room alone. But he looked me in the eye and promised “I won’t let anything happen to him.”

I believed him. And it filled me so much hope. I finally realized what I was wearing, and not wearing, and had the sense of cover myself up. “What must you think of me” I laughed, wiping a tear.

Grover was sweet enough not to make fun of me. “I think Percy’s lucky to have a great mum like you” he said.

Such a sweet boy. I thanked him. Then I finally told him I knew. “I know what you are” I said, reaching over to put a hand on his leg.

It was meant to be a gesture, a hint that I knew what was hiding under the baggy clothes he was wearing. I guess my hint was too direct because he suddenly turned as red as a tomato. Looking back I realize why. My hand had slipped further than I intended and was resting on his thigh, just beneath his crotch. So embarrassing.

But he didn’t freak out, too much. There was a little stammering, a moment of awkward silence, and then he nervously mumbled “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Oh, I think you do” I said, in a drunken…mortifying voice I realized was an attempt to be sultry. I was actively attempting to seduce my son’s best friend. What kind of mother does that?

He got all flushed and nervous, so much so he dropped his crutches and stood up, his shoes falling off basically proving what I had been hinting at. His baggy trousers even fell down, which was embarrassing for him. Couldn’t help but laugh. Not to shame him, but satisfied I had been right.

And also because I noticed something else he was embarrassed by. The hard erection between his goat legs.

I had never seen a goat’s penis before. Never expected to see one on a teenage boy. He tried to hide it and run out of the apartment, but I caught him and told him he didn’t have to leave. “Quite a strapping young man you are” I said, pulling him back to the couch with me.

I positioned him so he was standing in front of me, my tits hanging out for him to admire, and his cock standing tall in front of them. I had my hand around him so quickly. As soon as I felt it in my hand, I knew I had to play with it. I was so lonely, so bored, so drunk… I wasn’t thinking straight that night.

I remember looking up at him as I fondled his little goat dick, his eyes so wide and his mouth open, his expression shifting from shock to fear to pleasure over and over. I felt him throbbing in my palm. It felt hairy, I remember. And so stiff. I could see him staring at my tits, my big plump tits aching to be touched. I picked them up and held them around his dick, and asked him “would you like to fuck them?”

“Yes” he said, after a strangled whimper. But it was all the permission I needed to wrap those jugs around his cock and rub him up and down.

I watched him as I gave him a tittie fuck. He was confused and nervous, he kept staring at me like I had gone mad. “Consider it a reward for taking such good care of Percy” I told him as I squeezed my breasts around him.

“Th-Thank you” he muttered, completely dumbfounded.

“No, thank you” I replied, before taking him into my mouth.

Oh my god, I still couldn’t believe it all got as far as it did. I was seducing this poor boy. I was sucking his cock. He was my son’s best friend. I’ve never done anything like that before then. But damn, it felt so good to have some fun with someone so young. I know it should’ve been weird. He looked Percy’s age. But I knew Satyrs are older than they appear, so I was sure I was safe in that regard. At least I thought I was. It didn’t occur to me I might be taking this boys virginity or something. I will admit, there was something very arousing about being a cougar. I guess I started developing a kink for younger boys. Quite a change after spending my youth fucking older men.

Fuck, I must be such a freaking whore. I could only imagine what he was thinking that night.

Although, at some point he must’ve gotten into the whole thing too. I remember he asked if he could touch my breasts when I was finished popping his cherry. (By the way, goat cum tastes like cheese weirdly. But I’m sure you know that already.) I sat back and let him play with my tits, and got very turned on by watching his face. So innocent and full of wonder, like he couldn’t believe this was happening. I couldn’t believe I was doing this, but I loved it. Loved the attention. I suggested he kiss them and he sucked on my nipples. I ruffled his hair and felt his horns hidden within. He seemed to like me stroking them, so I did. He was so gentle and nervous, it was adorable.

Fuck, I was so turned on I couldn’t help myself. I started masturbating while he played with my tits. Then I asked him to return the favor. He looked so shocked as I opened my legs up for him, and practically shoved him into my pussy. Poor thing didn’t have a clue what he was doing. He did his best though. I think he wanted to make me feel good, to make me happy, or make a good impression. I was so horny I didn’t care how clumsy he was. He was already doing more than my Ex Husband. I took that boy by the horns and rode his face until I was so aroused his tongue wouldn’t be enough. Then I grabbed him and pulled him to his feet, rubbed that cock of his until it was hard, and begged him to fuck me with it.

Looking back I can’t understand why he agreed to do it. He looked so freaked out. But then I guess he’d gone this far with me, and I looked so desperate and he was so sweet, he wanted to help. He managed to clumsily stick that cock inside me, and I pulled him in as deep as he could go. It felt so good to have a dick inside me, human or goat. I wrapped my legs around his furry hips and I just milked him. Bless his heart he put everything he could into helping me cum. He thrusted so hard, so fast he was bleating as much as moaning. I pulled him against my chest and let him fuck me, begged him to fuck me. I think I even kissed him on the mouth.

I can’t remember how long we fucked for. Couldn’t have been more than five minutes. I remember he came inside me. It spilled out of me when he pulled out. He was apologizing so much. I was giggling like a drunk schoolgirl. I know I slipped off the couch onto the floor. I think it was down there I had the idea to have him fuck me from behind. He got hard very quickly. And he didn’t take much convincing.

Later I learnt he always found me very attractive, in a Milf sort of way, so I guess I was flattered. I’ve never considered myself a milf before. I wonder if he had dirty dreams about me before that night. I’m sure he did after. Could never look me in the eye after that.


Aphrodite pulled her hand away from Sally’s pussy, which had coated her fingers with arousal while she recounted her story. “I’m sure he did, you naughty milf” she smirked. Sally blushed, a cheeky smirk slipping through her veil of shame. Clearly the satyr wasn’t the only one who enjoyed that night. “Did Percy ever find out you slept with his best friend?” The goddess asked.

Sally paused before awkwardly explaining “he almost caught us that night.”

“He did?”

“Yes. I guess we made too much noise. He came out of his room to ask what was going on. Fortunately I was hidden behind the couch where he couldn’t see me, on the floor on my hands and knees. Grover was standing behind me, buried in my cunt. He turned really pale when he saw Percy staring at him over the sofa. He couldn’t speak for a moment. I think he stopped breathing. I quickly told Percy to go back to bed, that Grover was helping me clean up. Percy was tired and half asleep, so he went back to his room without investigating further. Just as well. I don’t think anyone was ready to explain why Grover had goat legs and was fucking me from behind.”

“Oh, you are filthy, aren’t you” Aphrodite laughed, rubbing up against her getting really aroused. Listening to Sally’s adventures was exciting. She wished she could’ve been there to watch them from this start. “How did the night end?”

“With a lot of apologies” Sally laughed. “We agreed never to tell Percy. And I vowed to be careful around the wine when I had guests. I’m just glad I didn’t scare Grover away.”

“Oh, I bet having sex with you was the highlight of that seeker’s life” the goddess grinned as she played with her nipple. “I’m sure his demigod friends have been able to please him since, but they must’ve paled in comparison to an experienced older woman. And a sexy one at that. I pity him, stuck with a plain and dull dryad.”

Sally slapped Aphrodite’s hand in response to that. “Hush. Junipers a sweet girl” she chided.

Aphrodite raised an eyebrow. “You’ve met her?”

“Of course. He brought her to thanksgiving dinner once, just as Percy brought Annabeth” she said. “And I happen to like her.”

“Did you happen to sleep with her too?” The goddess joked.

The hesitation and sudden redness in her cheeks made Aphrodite realize it might not be a joke. “Oh hush” Sally snapped before Aphrodite could tease her.

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