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Ravenclaw & Slytherin: Tulip & Merula (Secret Clubhouse)

Whenever you ask Tulip what it was like to be friends with Merula in the early years, she would say she wasn’t as bad as she is now. If you asked Merula, she’d just insist she was never a friend. The truth was neither girl would speak much about their time before the fight that drove them apart, about their hunt for the Cursed Vaults or anything else. In fact they seem to avoid the topic of their friendship all together now, even if they are back on speaking terms. You got the sense it was a close partnership, their drive for the Vaults and causing trouble bonding them, but you often wonder how close the two of them once were.


In reality their partnership went beyond friendship at one point. Neither girl could determine at what point it had developed into something forbidden, or how it happened. It might’ve been when they found Jacob’s old room and the research into the Vaults, where their victorious hug lasting a second longer than was comfortable. It could’ve been when their hands touched across the table in the library while they were searching through piles of books, their eyes looking up before their cheeks flushed red. It could’ve been when they sat for lunch in the great hall, each in their own respective houses, catching each other’s eye and sharing a smile before averting their gaze awkwardly. Most likely it was around the night they snuck out onto the grounds in the rain chasing a lead that ended with them running back into the halls from Filch soaking wet, their clothes drenched and their hair sticking to their faces as they stumbled into a small alcove laughing and panting. Tulip looked up at the orange strand of hair cutting between Merula’s brow as the Slytherin caught her breath, her heartbeat racing as the rain dropped down her nose. Next thing she knew Merula was leaning in and planting a kiss on her. She saw her pink eyes flash with horror when she realized what she’d done. But before she could flee into the castle in shame the Ravenclaw leapt in and kissed her back, their lips connecting leaving both of them in shock staring at each other.

Yeah, their relationship changed after that kiss in the alcove. By the time the two girls sprinted into the safety of the clubhouse they’d discovered the year before, holding hands with giant smiles on their faces, there was no going back for them. As soon as they crossed the threshold Merula was pulling Tulip into another kiss, pinning the Ravenclaw against the wall making out with her. The red haired girl didn’t put up any resistance, in fact embracing the kiss running her fingers through Merula’s wet hair. As the kiss got more steamy Tulip determined they should get out of their wet clothes before they caught a cold, the soaking uniforms feeling restrictive. She wrestled Merula over to the fireplace where she cast Incendio to make a fire, bringing the Slytherin with her and suggesting they get undressed so they could dry their clothes. Merula agreed, peeling off her cloak and draping it over a chair before quickly recapturing Tulip’s lips.

The girls continued to make out as they fought their way out of their clothes, kicking off their shoes and dropping their uniform in front of the fireplace. Halfway through they stopped undressing themselves and started undressing each other, removing their waist coats and ties and shirts in a desperate frenzy. The kiss got more passionate as hormones took over, both girls experiencing something new between them spurring them on. After a few minutes their uniforms were hung or dropped to the floor, leaving both of them in their underwear and socks. They stared at one another briefly before running their hands over their skin, exploring their bodies feeling goosebumps rise on their arms. Their eyes met and their pupils dilated, a magnetic pull drawing them closer until their lips met again. They tripped over each others feet and fell to the floor, the comfortable carpet cushioning their landing as Merula fell on top of Tulip. She didn’t skip a beat as she aggressively kissed the girl, pressing her body against her pinning her down to make out with the redhead. Tulip embraced the Slytherin and rolled her onto her back, making out with her passionately in front of the fireplace letting her impulses drive her actions.

Neither could recall when they fell asleep that night, but Tulip was alone when she woke up the next morning. She stirred awake on the carpet in front of the fireplace, a blanket draped over her half naked body, her uniform dried out next to her. Merula was gone, and so we’re her clothes. Tulip sat up and sighed, wondering if she left because she was ashamed or because she was embarrassed, worried their friendship was over.

Luckily she arrived in the Great Hall before breakfast was finished and nobody in her house had noticed she was missing last night. She spotted Merula at her table across the hall, making a large amount of effort to avoid looking in her direction. The first class their share was potions, where they both spent the whole lesson in silence. They didn’t talk about last night until that evening when they returned to Jacob’s room, where Merula promptly declared what happened was a mistake and they should never speak of it again. Tulip shrugged and went along with it. She didn’t want to lose their friendship and felt like a mistake to her. She knew her parents would freak if they knew she’d kissed a girl. So they dismissed it and chose to forget about it.

However, things between them never got back to normal. Time spent together alone became awkward, much of it in silence. Talking about anything became nerve racking, like they were afraid speaking would lead to something. When they spoke it was short and pointed, plotting next steps or delegating leads. For the next few days it felt like they were walking on eggshells. They hung out, searched for the Vaults, went back to their dorm rooms and tried not to think about the kiss. But each night they both found themselves dwelling on it, the kiss invading their dreams making them uncomfortable. Fantasies emerged, ideas both the daughter of Death-eaters and Daughter of Ministers tried to suppress. Two students either side of the castle both sharing the same dream.

Over time Tulip got frustrated and snuck out of the dorm room at night, sneaking through the corridors to return to the clubhouse. She pulled a blanket and cushion from the sofa and curled up in front of the fireplace, watching the embers as she drifted to sleep. For some reason she was less restless sleeping here, like this spot was more comfortable than her bed. She always woke up before sunrise so she could sneak back to her room before anyone noticed, beginning another day of awkward silences. She couldn’t stop herself from stealing glances at Merula throughout the day, seeing her in a different like, recalling how vulnerable she looked when’s he kissed her in that alcove. When Merula caught her eye she would turn away from the hard express that greeted her, wondering if she’d ever see that side of her again.

One night she found herself tossing and turning in her bed again so she snuck out to the clubhouse once more, bringing a pillow because the cushions weren’t as soft. She slipped into the clubhouse and was stunned to find it was already occupied. Merula sat in front of the fireplace, a blanket wrapped around her green pajamas as she stared into the fire. When she realized Tulip was was there she shot to her feet, staring at the Ravenclaw girl nervously. Tulip stared back at her, dropping her pillow as she saw that same vulnerable expression she saw in the alcove. “It wasn’t a mistake?” Tulip whispered. Merula shook her head. Tulip nodded in agreement, walking forward to meet her best friend halfway in a powerful and passionate kiss.

Their friendship was over and something new had taken it’s place. Something that brought the two friends to the fireplace where they recaptured the spark from that night, making out on the blanket until their fell asleep in each others arms. This time when Tulip woke up, Merula was there with her. She would be there for many more nights like this.

During the day, the two acted like everything was normal. They had breakfast separately, went to class, continued their investigations into the Vaults, conducted the odd prank here or there. They hung out more, like they used to, much more comfortable around each other again. In public they were just friends, class mates, ordinary. But in private, they were something more. They would steal glances at each other in the corridors, share smiles across classrooms. When they sat together during lunch, or in Potions, their hands would brush each other out of sight of the other students, their knees touch to feel close. They never made eye contact, pretending there wasn’t anything going on. But every so often they would find a moment, a turn in a hallway or in a stairwell, where the two would join hands, or they’d find an empty alcove, or classroom, a chance to slip in out of sight and risk a kiss, the adrenaline making this stolen moment more exciting. When they were in Jacob’s room, Merula insisted they focus on the task. But it wouldn’t stop Tulip from placing her hand on her arm, or brushing a strand of orange hair out of her eyes, or pecking her sheet. Merula would brush it off, too focused on their search. But she’d always return the favor in the end, an affectionate kiss on the cheek or a squeeze of her hand. During the day they acted like normal.

During the night, they explored what this friendship had turned into. They would sneak out nearly every night and meet in the clubhouse, climbing to the third level to sleep in the more comfortable bed. Their first time in it was exciting and nervous, like they were crossing an unspoken threshold. Tulip took charge the first time, guiding the anxious Slytherin onto the bed stroking her face affectionately. They kissed softly as their hands roamed over their pajamas, unbuttoning their tops seeking the same soft flesh that intoxicated them the first night. Merula blushed as Tulip gazed at her underdeveloped boobs, hiding them out of embarrassment. Tulip smiled and pulled her top over her head, revealing her flat chest to the girl. They fell into each others arms and explored, appreciating each other fondly caressing their chests with their palms. They didn’t do much else but kiss that night, content to take things slow.

Over the next few nights they got more confident with each other. By the end of the week they were able to sleep naked, though some nights they left their pajamas on and just cuddled. The nights they didn’t were full of experimentation, seeking out the delicate sensitive spots that made each of them tremble. The make out sessions got more steamy when their naked bodies pressed together, their legs intertwining as their arms wrapped around each other. Merula was the first to kiss along Tulip’s body and discover how good it felt to have their nipples sucked on. Tulip nearly hyperventilated from the pleasure and quickly returned the favor, wondering what else would make her feel good.

She struck gold during one of her visits to Filch’s office, rifling through the confiscated box and stumbling across a stash of muggle porn magazines. She had no idea which student they belonged to but she spent hours in her dorm room in the late evenings flipping through the sticky pages. She skimmed past the naked guys and couple stuff and found a lot of material about how to make a girl orgasm. She studied the material diligently and tried it out with her partner that night, crawling between her legs asking Merula to trust her. Merula watched in anxious fascination as Tulip opened her legs and kissed her nether lips. She soon discovered new waves of pleasure as Tulip taught her about oral sex. The Slytherin was an impatient but fast learner and soon the Slytherin had Ravenclaw screaming in climax long into the night. Their experiments got even steamier as they tried new techniques, including fingering, scissoring, humping and licking. They both agreed the best position was the sixty-nine method, both girls pleasuring the other in a contest to see who would break first. Most nights ended in a satisfied draw that left both the witches panting for breath covered in cum with big grins of their faces.

It was an incredible few months for the pair, though it wasn’t without their challenges. Tulip noted more than once how they couldn’t keep sneaking in and out of their dorm rooms like this forever, wishing the sorting hat had put them in the same house so they wouldn’t have to cross the whole castle. Merula continued to insist on secrecy, which was getting more difficult as neither girl could fight the anticipation for meeting up again. One day the attraction was so fierce Tulip just threw caution to the wind and yanked Merula into a classroom between lessons to make out with her. They nearly got caught, which Merula scolded her for. But later she retaliated in Jacob’s room, scattering papers and scrolls to fuck Tulip on the creaky table tearing their uniforms off. It was the first and only time they had sex outside the clubhouse, during the day, and it was wonderfully thrilling. They forgot to keep their voices down and almost attracted Snape’s attention, but the professor was distracted and diverted before he could stumble upon the lesbian teens. Their secret relationship was getting risky. Sooner or later they were bound to be discovered.

But that’s not why it ended. It ended because of that fight, their last fight, the big fight.

Tulip hadn’t seen it coming. Neither did Merula, but Tulip was the first to notice. She had wondered for a while if they were still friends, or if they had evolved into lovers, or girlfriends. This relationship was now a relationship. She realized it when she found herself anticipating the time she spent with Merula. All the time, not just the sex. She wanted to see her, to hold her, to kiss her, to snuggle with her. Most nights in that bed in the clubhouse Tulip would lie there and watch Merula sleep, staring at her fondly as she snored like a kitten. She found it adorable, found Merula gorgeous. She was kinder during these nights, her guard down revealing the sweet and lovable girl under her hard shell. She fell in love with her. She never told her that though. She wanted to however, wanted to tell her how much she liked her, that she didn’t want their relationship to be a secret anymore. She didn’t want to hide in this clubhouse forever. She didn’t know how to tell her though, afraid of what she might say.

Merula must’ve sensed something however, because over the next few weeks she began pulling away. She stopped hanging out at lunch as often, avoided her in class. The nights they spent together became erratic, she wouldn’t show up leaving Tulip waiting for hours. Eventually Tulip asked her about it, wondering if she’d done something wrong. Merula became cold however, informing her what they were doing was a distraction, she needed to focus on finding the Vaults. Tulip tried to tell her how she was feeling, how she felt, but Merula shot it down before she could say anything, calling it a dalliance, a meaningless act. After all, why would the Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts be interested in someone like her? Tulip couldn’t believe it, how callus her best friend became. She got angry, screamed at her, asking her if the last several months really meant nothing to her. Merula insisted it was a mistake, that demeaning herself to sleep with a Ravenclaw was a mistake, that she didn’t need her to distract her. Tulip lost her temper and lashed out, slapping Merula so hard she shocked both of them. She tried to apologize but Merula stormed off, leaving Tulip heartbroken and sobbing.

They didn’t see each other for months. They didn’t speak until you asked for Tulips aid in getting into your brother’s room. They never spoke about their relationship ever again. Merula never apologized and Tulip never told her how she felt. The pain of the breakup eventually faded, but so did the friendship that once existed. The damage was irreparable and there was no fixing it ever again. What was once beautiful and innocent between them was gone, which left something very hollow in both the Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

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