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Rachel gets Dominated (Welcome to the Jackson’s)

Rachel had a habit of inviting herself around to their place, and using their shower like she lived here. This was the first time Annabeth caught her using their shower while nobody was in though. She came hope and heard the shower first, assuming it was Piper. When she found Rachel Dare humming to herself she crossed her arms and waited until the young woman noticed her. She didn’t act startled, or embarrassed about getting caught. And Annabeth didn’t waste either of their time asking stupid questions. “You know Percy isn’t here, so how did you get in?”

“He keeps the spare key in the same place as your last place” she smirked.

“Not anymore he doesn’t” she muttered, immediately rifling through the girls clothes to confiscate it. Rachel continued her shower, not ashamed at all. Annabeth scowled, as she peered through the steamed glass door at her. “When you’re finished I want you out, understood?” She said, storming out of the bathroom slamming the door shut.

She waited in the kitchen impatiently, sitting at the table with her legs crossed rapping her nails against the table. She couldn’t understand why this woman irritated her so much. Maybe it was because she used to date Percy (though date was a loose term), or maybe it was because she treated their relationship so casually. Just because she and Percy agreed to keep their relationship open to others didn’t mean she could just swing by without warning or when she feels like it.

After ten minutes the bathroom door opened and Rachel came out, still dripping wet and naked. “I’m sorry for dropping by” she said. “I didn’t think you’d mind. The shower at mine was broken.”

“So you broke in to use ours?” She scowled.

“No. I was hoping Percy might be in. When I found out he wasn’t I figured I’d have one while I waited” she explained. “So…any idea when he’d be back?” She asked curiously.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. “Not for a while. So you might as well leave” she suggested.

Rachel pouted, striding out across the apartment to the kitchen. “Pity. Are you sure I can’t persuade you to let me stay? It’s been too long since the three of us spent any time together. It could be fun.”

Annabeth shook her head in amazement. “You don’t give up, do you?” She marveled. “I could throw you out, whether you are dressed or not” she warned.

Rachel chuckled. “Percy told me about the gift Piper’s mom gave you both” she said, nodding to the statue on the mantle piece. Annabeth looked at it and scowled harder. “Personally I figured you’d have gotten rid of it by now. Though I guess getting people to do what they’re told is on brand for you.”

“Helps in getting rid of unwelcome visitors” she growled, strongly leaning towards charming her out on her ass. But the mention of her charmspeak gave Annabeth an idea, something she’d been dying to do for a while. She fixed her gaze on the mortal oracle and sneered, her stormy grey eyes looking at her up and down. “So how were you going to do it?” She enquired curiously, crossing her arms.

“Do what?” Rachel asked.

“Seduce my boyfriend. What’s why you came here isn’t it? To have sex with him?”

She shrugged. “If he was in the mood. Which he usually is. Boys, am I right?”

Annabeth stared at her, at her naked body. No doubt Rachel wasn’t the type to be turned down. She was very attractive. And she was very confident in her body, in herself. She didn’t embarrass easy. Annabeth once saw her fuck a group of guys in the middle of Camp Half-blood in front of a dozen campers and then walk back to the Big House covered in cum and completely naked without a single care. Chiron was furious but she took it in her stride. “So how would you do it?” She asked.

Rachel raised an eyebrow at the blonde, shrugging her shoulders smiling. “I don’t know. Depends on the mood I’m in. Why? Looking for tips Annabeth?”

“I’m just curious how a…a woman like you would go about seducing a guy in a committed relationship into having sex with you” she replied, implications heavily implied.

Rachel laughed. “Oh come on! It’s not like we’re sneaking behind your back cheating on you. You’re more than welcome to join us whenever you want.”

“Yet you always come around when I’m not here” she noted. “Why is that? Do you want him all to yourself?” Rachel laughed again, but this time Annabeth wasn’t playing games. Her next statement was laced with charm-speak; “you will answer all my questions truthfully” she said. Rachel’s smile dropped and she tensed. Annabeth fixed her eyes on her intently. “Did you want Percy all to yourself?”

Rachel quickly gulped before the compulsion to speak overcame her. “Yes” she replied. “I wanted him all to myself.”

Annabeth nodded. “Are you trying to break us up? Is that why you always sneak around like this? Like sneaking into our place?”

“No” she said honestly. “I know Percy loves you. I like him too much to hurt him like that. I like…I like to pretend he’s cheating on you. That I’m his mistress.” She shook her head, her cheeks blushing red a little. “Shit” she muttered, like she hadn’t anticipated that answer either.

Annabeth raised an eyebrow. It was surprising, but also on brand for Rachel Dare. “So how would you have done it?” She asked. “If it had been Percy who walked in and not me? What would you have done?”

Rachel bit her bottom lip nervously. “I would’ve waited for him to find me in the shower, and then I would’ve opened the door. I would make sure he could see me wet and naked, just like I am now, and then invited him to join me. Of course he’d be so polite and refuse at first. So I’d have to step out and…tempt him.” Rachel managed to resist saying anymore, taking a deep breath staring at Annabeth. “Why all the questions?”

“Just curious” she replied coldly. Rachel narrowed her eyes. She knew Annabeth well enough it was more than curiosity. “Show me” she said.

“Excuse me?”

“How you’d do it” she said. “Pretend I’m Percy and show me how you’d seduce him” she commanded, her charmspeak washing over the red haired woman. Rachel shivered for a moment until her green eyes shimmered, her pupils dilating as her body took on a life of its own, her bare feet carrying her closer towards the waiting demigod. Rachel felt like she’d been hypnotized as she approached the young woman and stood in front of her, eyes eyes scanning her body as she brought a hand over her knee and up to her shoulder. Annabeth kept her cold gaze on her as she leant down and brushed the tip of her nose with her lips, her body swaying in a gentle dance of temptation. The blonde girl didn’t move, not even when Rachel leaned down and pecked her cheek, kissing along her jaw towards her neckline. She only allowed a soft exhale as the young woman caressed her neck, her naked body hovering in front of her tempting her to touch. Rachel was persistent, swaying her hips giving her a little lap dance, her hands stroking her blonde hair before leaning down to kiss her on the lips. Annabeth watched the woman work, finding her very arousing as she rubbed her jeans sensually, coaxing her knees apart so she could crouch between them, pressing her breast against her chest as she kissed her. Annabeth had to move her arms to her sides to avoid touching her, refusing to respond to her attempts. She could see how Percy would be entranced by this dance however. “Enough” she whispered, snapping Rachel out of her trance.

Rachel blinked, staring at herself in surprise before looking up at her. Then she shrugged. “Can’t blame a girl for trying” she joked.

Annabeth chuckled, leaning forward and surprising her further with a kiss on the lips. “We’re just getting started” she whispered, devilish intentions flashing behind her eyes. Rachel watched her curiously as sat up, unbuckling her jeans in front of her. “Percy won’t be coming home for several hours” she told her. “So it’ll just be the two of us. But you won’t be my mistress, I’ll be yours.”

Rachel curled her lips in a smile. “Very kinky” she approved.

“I wouldn’t get your hopes up” she warned, shuffling her jeans down her legs. “I don’t intend for you to enjoy this. Now, your mistress has an itch” she informed her, opening her thighs revealing her pussy, pulling her panties to the side. “Be a good girl and lick it for me” she said, grabbing Rachel’s head and shoving her face between her legs. Rachel didn’t hesitate to begin eating the blonde girl out, not requiring charm-speak to be convinced. She devoured her pussy eagerly, lapping at her folds and sucking her clit, all under the watchful gaze of Annabeth as she held her head in place. She hummed quietly, refusing to voice her approval as the mortal did a good job. “Don’t stop until I’m satisfied” she insisted, kneading her scalp with her fingers while her other hand massaged her boob through her top. She didn’t release her grip until she climaxed, grunting softly as she came into Rachel’s mouth. Rachel drank her fluids without prompting. She tugged her hair back to reveal her glistening face. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised you’re as good a pussy licked as you are a cock sucker” she said.

“I’m good at a lot of things, mistress” she purred playfully.

Annabeth groaned. She didn’t want the girl getting aroused by this. Unfortunately there were things even a control freak like her can’t control. “Stand up” she barked, rising to her feet as Rachel rose up with her. “I suppose you want a reward?” She assumed. Rachel didn’t say anything. Annabeth looked down at her moist pussy and scoffed. “This isn’t meant to be a reward. It’s meant to be punishment. Bend over the table.” Rachel obeyed, taking up the position while Annabeth stood behind her. She gazed at her big round ass, considering her options. She could give her a spanking, use a spatula if she had to. But a thought occurred to her. “Remember, you will answer my questions truthfully. Do you enjoy being spanked?”

“Oh yes” she said excitedly. “The harder, the better.”

She sighed in frustration. There wasn’t going to be much she could do that this freak wouldn’t enjoy. “Well is there anything I could do you wouldn’t enjoy?”

“Refuse to have sex with me?” She suggested. “I’m so horny. I’m dying to fuck you.”

Annabeth could work with that, a devious smile rising on her lips. “Stand up against the wall” she said, bringing her away from the table and pushing her roughly with her back to the girl. Rachel gasped as she was shoved against the surface, the blonde demigod pressed against her back. She breathed heavily, her hands grazing her stomach drifting over her navel. “You want me to fuck you, do you?”

“Yes, very much so” she nodded.

“Too bad I have no intention of fucking you, yet” she whispered. Before she stepped away she gave her a simple command. “Finger yourself, right now.” Rachel wasted no time in reaching between her legs and thrusting two fingers into her pussy, masturbating under Annabeth’s watchful gaze. Being watched made her more aroused, feeling her gaze on her naked body bringing goosebumps over her flesh. Annabeth sat on the table, watching with great interest. “How often do you masturbate?” She asked curiously.

“I don’t know. Once, maybe twice a day” she confessed.

“Do you do it in private?”

“Not always” she moaned, inserting a third finger.

“Where do you like to masturbate? In public?”

“In my cave at Halfblood Hill” she confessed, panting with arousal. “I like to pretend it’s how I trigger my visions. Demigods would come and watch me orgasm before I give them a prophecy.”

“Quite the imagination” she mused, lifting a foot so she could casually rub herself. “Have you ever masturbated in front of anyone before?”



“Sometimes” she nodded. “Sometimes others. One time a demigod caught me fingering myself in the cave. She was after a vision for her quest.”

“Did she get one?”

“After” she smiled, moaning heavily thrusting four fingers inside her. “She agreed to wait until I was done. She sat and watched. And then I fell into a trance when I orgasmed. Best vision I ever had.”

Rachel still faced the wall, so couldn’t see Annabeth’s amused expression. “What happened after the vision?”

“We had sex” she giggled. “Then she went on her quest.”

“Do you fuck all your visitors?” She asked disapprovingly.

“Only the attractive ones” she replied, her knees startling to buckle. “Of fuck, I’m so close” she panted.

“Good” Annabeth smirked, waiting a few moments before telling her to “you can stop now.”

Rachel’s eyes widened as her hand removed itself from her, leaving her pussy aching for attention. She whined as she shivered against the wall, clutching it for support until Annabeth took hold of her and spun her around. “Let me cum” she pleaded.

Annabeth grinned. “I told you you wouldn’t enjoy this” she told her. Rachel whimpered, her groin aching with need. “Now follow me” she said, leading the girl to the bedroom as the redhead trudged behind. Once inside she asked her “where did you leave your box of toys?” She pointed to the corner, where she hid it the last time she stayed over. Annabeth walked over and found it, opening the box and rifling inside. “You didn’t think I’d find this, did you?”

“I thought you and Percy could use it to spice up your sex life” she shrugged. “Or maybe Piper could use it.”

“I have my own toys” Annabeth told her. She fished out a pair of hand cuffs and gave them to the Oracle. “Tie yourself to the bed” she ordered. Rachel smirked, taking them and climbing onto the mattress. Annabeth watched as she laid herself down and hooked the cuffs around the headboard, clamping them around her wrists. “You’ve don this before?”

“A few times. I like being tied up” she grinned.

“What about Percy?” She asked, pulling out some silk rope and lassoing her ankles to the end of the bed.

“He’s not a fan actually” she replied, a little bemused. “He doesn’t like to restrain people. Not even when he’s fucking us with his watery tentacles.”

Annabeth rose and eyebrow. And here she thought Rachel brought out his kinky side. She tightened the knots and stood over the girl. “Still horny?” She asked. Rachel nodded. “Do you like to watch people masturbate?” She asked, removing her top and bra.

“Yes” she answered.

“Then you can watch me. And you’ll hate it because you can’t touch yourself” she taunted, parading her naked body over her as she stood on the bed, her pussy in her view as she began rubbing herself, showboating her sexy body. Rachel watched and whimpered, shifting uncomfortably against her restraints as her eyes followed her hands all over her flesh as they massaged her breasts and fingered her cunt. Annabeth was slow and sensual and teased the girl relentlessly, exaggerating her moans taunting her further, flaunting herself like she was filming a porno. She played with herself until she came, her wails hot and erotic which made Rachel drip with desire. She slumped on top of the woman, licking her fingers clean as she stared down at the pinning Oracle. “Did you enjoy that?”

“Yes” she panted.

She danced her fingers over her chest. “Did you want me to touch you?”

“Yes, please, fuck me!” She begged.

Annabeth relished in tormenting her, climbing off the bed leaving the redhead whimpering in desperation. “I think I will. But first, let me show you my new toy” she said, reaching into a nearby drawer. Rachel strained her neck to see as Annabeth fished out a strap-on penis, hooking the harness around her waist fixing it into place. She turned back, showing the Oracle of Delphi her bronze metal penis. She could see the drool coming from Rachel’s mouth as she stared at it. “Like it? Leo made it for me.”

“Leo always was talented” she said in approval.

“He is” Annabeth agreed, climbing back onto the bed. “Here, take a closer look” she said, straddling Rachel’s chest lifting her head up. “In fact, have a suck. I insist” she suggested.

Rachel’s mouth fell open as Annabeth guided her strap-on between her lips, stuffing her face with bronze cock. She gagged on the stiff metal rod as Annabeth forced it into her throat, attempting to do as the girl instructed with a muffled grunt.

Annabeth clutched her red hair as she fucked her face, thrusting her cock into her mouth enjoying the sound of her choking on it. “That’s a good girl” she sighed, leaning forward planting a palm on the headboard so she could indulge her mouth. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a long while, if only to shut you up” she told her, talking aloud while she humped her face. “I’ll be honest, I never understood what Percy sees in you. I never liked you personally, you stuck up whimsical bitch. Who do you think you are, parading around with my boyfriend. You really think Percy would leave me for you? Or was you hoping to move in like Piper? I’d rather go back to Tartarus then let a slut like you live under the same roof as us. When we’re done here, I’m not waiting until Percy comes home before throwing you out with the trash.” Rachel stared up at her as she was forced to listen to Annabeth bad mouth her, forced to slurp on her cock as it pounded her mouth roughly. Annabeth closed her eyes and clutched her head, grinding her pelvis against her face. “But if you came here to suck cock so badly, then it might as well be mine” she said, shoving her toy down her throat before hooking a finger under her toy and pressing a button. Rachel gagged as she felt a stick fluid spurt into her mouth, her eyes widening as it clogged her airway. “Be a good slut and swallow it. All of it!” Annabeth demanded, forcing the fake cum into her mouth.

Rachel’s throat was raw as she struggled to gulp the substance down. It tasted awful but she persevered, her eyes watering as she choked on the metal cock. Once Annabeth was sure she’d drunk it all she pulled her cock free, leaving Rachel to cough and inhale and stare at the smug blonde. “Fuck” she muttered, moving her aching jaw.

“Did you enjoy that?” She asked her. She was pleased when the red-haired woman shook her head. “I’m not surprised. The liquid is something Leo made” she explained, ejecting the empty capsule. “It’s not toxic, but it doesn’t taste nice. He’s determined to fix that. Unfortunately for you, that leaves me with a few dozen of these capsules which need emptying” she teased, slotting in a fresh cylinder into her strap-on. Rachel gulped as she looked down and saw Annabeth priming her toy at the end of the bed, her stormy grey gaze on her vulnerable pussy. “Do you still want me to fuck you?” She asked her.

Rachel stared at the young woman defiantly. “Yes” she replied. Annabeth smirked, stalking towards the eager young woman crawling between her legs. She left her tied to the bed, unable to move as she quivered in anticipation. Her pussy was dripping with arousal when Annabeth lift her hips, sinking her metal phallus inside her. “Oh gods” she moaned, her head rolling back as Annabeth sank as deep as she could.

“Does that feel good?” She asked her. When Rachel nodded enthusiastically she reached down to a selection of switches on her belt. “Let’s see if it can get better” she teased, twisting a dial which shifted the metal plating in the cylinder. Rachel gasped as the cock expanded, doubling in size inside her pussy. Annabeth watched her face contort as her pussy stretched around her cock, the thick toy sliding in and out of her. She began thrusting, hard, fucking the oracle of Delphi mercilessly. “You want me to fuck you” she grunted, grasping her hips plunging deeper making the girl scream. She got aroused watching her tits bounce on her chest, reaching down to squeeze and fondle them. Rachel moaned as her walls clamped around her, her orgasm hitting her quickly. “Are you cumming?” She asked.

“Yes” she panted.

“Do you want me to stop?” She asked her.

Rachel considered it for a moment before reluctantly whimpering “yes. It’s too much.”

Annabeth smirked, flipping a switch on her harness. “Too bad” she whispered as the cock began vibrating, causing Rachel to scream louder. “I don’t intend to stop until I’m satisfied you’ve been punished enough. You’re going to lie there and take everything I throw at you” she told her, pounding her pussy even harder. Rachel wailed as she climaxed again, her orgasm cascading into another as Annabeth fucked her relentlessly, the bed shaking from her assault. Her wrists and ankles tugged at the ropes and handcuffs as she writhed on the mattress, her body rocking violently, her breasts bouncing wildly. Annabeth grunted and panted and moaned as she pounded her, throwing all her strength into her hips as she glared at the young woman, clutching her hips and shoulders so hard she left bruises. Each thrust rubbed her clit against the vibrating dildo, stimulating her further until she felt her own climax approaching. She forced it down, determined to last as long as possible, hellbent on driving Rachel Dare utterly insane even if it paralyzed the poor mortal. This will teach you for fucking my boyfriend you bitch she thought.

Rachel lost all cognitive function as her orgasms blended into one, her body shaking with sensitivity as she fell limp. She became Annabeth’s sex toy as the demigod vented her frustrations out on her, her abused pussy burning with pleasure and friction as the vibrating cock slid in and out of her faster than a hummingbird.

After an eternity of nonstop torture and bliss, Annabeth’s orgasm hit the girl triggering the sensor in her harness, ejecting the contents of the container she loaded into the toy. The same fluid she was force-fed earlier was ejected into her womb, the sensation triggering a final powerful orgasm from the redhead. The climax was so powerful is made her body go rigid, her eyes rolling into her skull before suddenly turning bright green. Annabeth moaned loudly as she orgasmed, her eyes falling closed as she slumped against her. While her hips were jerking uncontrollably between Rachel’s legs, pumping her cocks fake sperm inside her while she leaked her own fluids, green mist spilled from Rachel’s skin drifting around the room. The Oracle started mumbling to herself as she climaxed, staring into space with her glowing eyes as the oblivious demigod continued to cum and moan before slumping on top of her. The orgasm ended with a whimper, the blonde collapsing on top of the redhead heaving heavily. When she finally opened her eyes, the green mist had evaporated as Rachel’s eyes had returned to normal, though they remained rolled into her skull.

Annabeth moaned as she pushed herself off the lifeless mortal’s body, extracting her cock from her clenching walls and turning the vibrator off. She slumped onto her butt staring at the limp body in front of her, wiping her brow of sweat. “That enough fun for you?” She asked the young woman. When she didn’t answer she snapped louder. “Wake up!” Rachel groaned weakly, faint signs of lift escaping her throat as she tried to lift her head. But she collapsed immediately and quickly passed out again. Annabeth leaned over and slapped her face, but she remained unresponsive. “Crap” she sighed, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. “You’d better not be in a coma” she scowled, climbing off the bed to clean herself up in the shower.

Fortunately for her, the number she did on Rachel wasn’t as permanent has she feared. It only took her four hours to wake back up. By then Annabeth had showered, eaten and read a good book. She heard Rachel groaning and walked back in wearing a dressing gown, the front open leaving her naked body on display. Rachel opens her eyes sluggishly and looked up at her, her body aching. “How do you feel?” Annabeth asked her.

Rachel took stock of her condition, surprised to find her wrists and ankles were free. She took a few slow breathes and muttered “like I’ve been in a boxing ring. Fuck, I’ve never been fucked so hard in my…did I get fucked into a trance again?” She asked curiously, recalling some vague images of a vision.

Annabeth shrugged. “Not that I noticed. Can you still feel your legs?” She asked, sipping her coffee. Rachel wiggled her toes and smiled. “Good. Then you can get your stuff and walk home” she told her, turning away from the girl. Rachel whined as her body forced itself to move, obeying her mistress’s commands. As an afterthought, Annabeth added with an evil grin “don’t bother getting dressed. You can walk home naked.”

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