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Purely for Research

It had been a long evening of team building between the newly formed champions, the camp deep in the woods where the five of them could get some privacy from the rest of the world. Kamala was glad for how well it was going, despite the shocking curveball of Viv and Amadeus kissing. Kamala’s fanfic mind immediately began crafting inspiration from that reveal, distracting her for the rest of the evening. It didn’t help when Viv explained she was merely gathering data on human interactions and suggested she try with a female partner. With Kamala the only girl in the group, everyone turned to her. She shot it down immediately. But that didn’t stop the idea floating around in her head.

She did everything she could to push it from her mind, but the thought persisted. It wasn’t the first time she had perverted thoughts about interacting with her fellow heroes. She had a laptop full of private fanfics she composed involving her and most of the superheroes she’d met. She even had a creative brain fart about the champions engaging in an orgy. So when the suggestion of her kissing Viv vision came up, she wanted badly to say yes. But she couldn’t admit that in front of her teammates. So when she found a moment alone, she went looking for Viv herself. She had no idea what she intended to do when she found her, hoping to figure it out by the time she got there.

She found Viv floating in a secluded spot by a tree, her gaze elsewhere mentally collating whatever data she was reviewing. The benefits of being a walking computer is she was always online, even if the rest of them weren’t. Kamala hesitated as she approached, asking herself why she was here. Viv noticed her pacing her floated down to meet her, her innocent expression becoming curious. “Greetings Ms Marvel. Is there something you wanted?” She asked calmly.

“I’m…” Kamala stammered. Too late to turn back now she thought. “I was just thinking…”

“That you wish to assist me in my data collection?” Viv finished. Kamala realized she’d been expecting her to visit, which was the reason they were alone right now. she flushed bright red from embarrassment. Viv had no concept in her programming of embarrassment. “I would be happy to continue my research into human interaction with you. A female case study would correlate well with the data I collected from Mr Cho.”

She moved closer, prepared to initiate a kiss, until Kamala instinctively backed away. Her cheeks turned bright red as she gulped, second and third thoughts shooting through her head. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea” she thought.

Viv tilted her head thoughtfully. “I apologize for being forward. Did I make a wrong assumption?”

She wanted to say yes, she’d made a mistake. But she’d be lying. “No, you were… I’m sorry, I just…this is new to me. I’ve never kissed a girl before.”

“If it helps, technically I’m a synthazoid and thus not materialistically a human girl.”

“That doesn’t really help” she muttered. Viv was patient as she let the young hero think it through. She wouldn’t hold it against her if she changed her mind. Fortunately, it only took her a couple of minutes less than what Viv calculated it would take. Kamala glanced around the woods, making sure none of their teammates were nearby to see them, before returning to the Android. “How exactly would this work?” She asked nervously.

“Do you require instruction to how to kiss someone?” Viv asked. Kamala blushed but confirmed she knew how to kiss, simply requesting clarification on what Viv was looking for. “My father wants me to assimilate more with human society, so I’ve been experimenting various human interactions. So all I require from you is your permission to interact in a more intimate manner. Don’t worry, it will be strictly platonic I promise.”

Right, Kamala nodded, butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

“Would you like me to initiate the experiment?” She asked patiently. She gave the darker skinned girl a moment to consider, waiting silently for her to take a deep breath and nervously nod. She took it slowly, learning from her earlier mistake of rushing into the moment. Stepping in close, she put her hands gently on Kamala’s shoulders, soothing the trembling girl softly as she carefully leant in. Kamala managed to hold her nerve long enough for her friend to press her lips to her mouth, closing her eyes as they shared their first kiss. Viv closed hers too, discovering the simple act tended to ease the partners tension, turning her focus to collecting the data she was seeking.

Kamala couldn’t think straight, her mind going blank. She couldn’t believe she was kissing her friend and fellow champion. She was even more shocked at how soft her lips were, proving the synthazoid wasn’t all cold hard steel. Viv was gentle and soft, holding the kiss for a long time. Kamala found herself moving her hands up to her waist, embracing the green and pink hero kissing her back. She didn’t know how long they kissed for, she kept waiting for someone to interrupt them just like she had done with Viv and Amadeus, and she was disappointed when it came to an end.

“Very interesting” Viv said curiously, releasing Kamala’s lips leaving her breathless. She had found the interaction indeed different from her kiss with Amadeus, but she would need more data from further test subjects to deduce the correct factors. She looked back and found Kamala staring back at her. “Is everything alright?” She asked.

Wow she thought, blushing deeply realizing she was still holding Viv’s waist. But she didn’t let go and Viv didn’t seem to mind. “That was…was that okay?” She asked her.

“It was illuminating” Viv reported, stepping away out of the embrace. She had what she needed, but she sensed Kamala was seeking more. It was a common side effect she found following such a passionate interaction. She thought about her data and decided it wouldn’t hurt to gather more. “Would you like to continue our experiment?” She offered.

Kamala blushed even harder when she was asked, her logical mind telling her to decline and keep things as they were. But when she thought about how nice the kiss was she wanted to keep going, dangerous thoughts running through her head. This is a bad idea she thought, even as she nodded stepping forward to grab Viv’s head springing into a follow up kiss.

It was like Kamala finally let herself off the leash as things between her and Viv became more passionate, even if it was only within the kiss. Kamala convinced herself what she was doing was just research for her superhero fanfics, already contriving a new twist in her secret “champions romance” folder. If I’m going to have the female protagonist romantically involved with her teammate, I should at least get some first hand inspiration like a writer should she thought. And she was getting a lot of inspiration right now as she made out with the pink skinned Android, who was just as curious as she wrapped her arms around Kamala rubbing her hands along her back. It may have been the first time either of them kissed a girl, but they each proved rather adept at it.

Viv proved to be more experienced however, having watched hundreds of videos through the internet in her research into this kind of interaction. She maneuverer her lips to part Kamala’s so she could insert her tongue her mouth, intertwining with hers as she welcomed it nervously. Kamala's hands stayed at Viv’s neckline, but Viv guided hers lower testing various predicted pressure points to see what would happen. Her results showed Kamala tended to shiver when her fingers ran the length of her spine, hum when she massaged her arms or shoulders, sigh when she threaded them through her hair, and squeak when she cupped the curve of her bottom. When she continued to explore, she discovered a damp patch just below the human girl’s navel, sparking a investigative node in her brain. What substance could’ve stained this fabric? She pondered, logging the discovery to investigate later.

Kamala was getting really stimulated by all the ways Viv was experimentally touching her, not realizing how many hidden pleasure spots the Android had found, the girl quivering as she reluctantly broke the kiss to take a breath. Her face was flushed with breads of sweat on her brow, panting softly as he clung to her partners green hair. Viv looked back blankly, her yellow eyes blinking thoughtfully. “Is everything alright, Ms Marvel?” She asked.

“Yeah, everything’s fine” Kamala replied, wiping her forehead. “Just catching my breath.”

“Hmm” Viv hummed. “I have noticed human bodies react accordingly with that of extreme exercise, despite them not performing any such motions.” She gave her a moment to pause, respecting her wish for a break before asking “may I continue my analysis?”

Kamala nodded, happy to help now she was this deep in. But instead of returning to kiss her lips, Viv moved onto the next stage of her tests and began kissing along Kamala’s jaw and neckline. She gasped in response, closing her eyes and sighing allowing her to do her thing. Viv made her way slowly down her skin, her research into those internet videos indicating this was the most appropriate next step calculating a path down Kamala’s body. She got as far as the base of her neck, carefully pulling the scarf aside to uncover as much skin as she could, before realizing her projected path would be hindered by the girls costume. She paused and returned her gaze to Kamala’s face, politely requesting “May I have permission to remove some of your clothing?”

“What?” Kamal blinked, panic filling her stomach as she glanced down at her clothes. Suddenly they seemed to be moving too fast, she wasn’t sure if she was ready for whatever came next.

“I will not be able to continue without your permission” she explained softly, waiting patiently for her to let her remove her costume. It took some reluctance for Kamala to undress, unwrapping her scarf while Viv unzipped her dress, lifting her top over her head and dropping it neatly to the floor beside them. Kamala shivered as she was left standing in the cold half dressed, rubbing her bare arms while Viv analysed the blue bra and decided it would be an obstruction. She expected its owner to resist but she allowed it to be removed, crossing her arms hiding her chest anxiously. “Is this alright?” Viv asked.

She nodded, nervously lowering her arms showing her flat chest, her womanly features still in early development. Viv didn’t have a preference one way or the other, resuming her experiment as she kissed Kamala’s neck making her way downwards. Kamala gasped as her pink lips kissed her flesh, moaning softly as they found their way towards her excited nipples. She squeaked when Viv curiously licked her nub, which only encouraged her to wrap her mouth around it and try sucking. It felt incredible, better than anything Kamala could’ve imagined, fuelling a hundred more fantasies she would have to compose as soon as she was able. “Ow!” She yelped. Viv had started testing with her teeth and bit a little too hard.

“Apologies” she replied, changing her approach as she shifted to the other nipple, avoiding anymore accidental pain. Fortunately she was able to accommodate her strategy and brought nothing more but pleasure to Kamala’s tiny boobs, kissing and teasing them until moving down her stomach. “Your skin has an intoxicating texture” Viv observed, her yellow eyes glancing up at her face to see her gently moaning. “How are you finding this experience?” She enquired.

“Amazing!” She gasped, looking down and taking the androids face in her hands, pulling her up to kiss her passionately. They made out intimately, weaving their fingers through their hair until they stumbled over their feet, landing on the ground with Kamala on top. “Sorry” she apologized as Viv embraced the topless girl, giggling playfully.

“You find this amusing” she replied.

“I find this bizarre, but incredible” she smiled, kissing Viv on the lips. They made out some more, their legs rubbing together. Viv felt the distinct dampness against Kamala’s groin with her knee, once more arousing her curiosity. “So, are you finished with your experiment?” Kamala asked.

“Almost” Viv replied, rolling the two of them over so he was laying on top of Kamala. “One more thing to investigate, with your permission.”

“Whatever it is, you have my cooperation” she giggled excitedly. Viv was grateful, crawling down towards her hips taking hold of her leggings. Kamala helped herself out of her shoes so she could pulled her leggings down her legs, pushing up onto her elbows to watch the green haired synthazoid kneel in front of her parting her dark coloured legs apart. She analysed the damp patch on her blue panties, circling the logo for captain marvel emblazoned in the centre, her fingers rubbing against her body. Kamala’s breathing got heavier the longer she rubbed, biting her bottom lip when she saw Viv examine her fingers tasting it with her tongue. “I thought you said you couldn’t eat or drink?” She queried.

“My father tried to emulate all human senses when he made me” Viv explained as she gently peeled the underwear down her thighs, lifting her hips to remove them. “My sensors mimic what you call taste buds.” She looked up at the girl with a hint of a smirk. “Your skin taste sweet, if you are curious. And this…” she said, scooping up a trickle of fluid from her soft pussy and giving it a taste. “A curious substance, unlike anything I’ve sampled before.”

“Are you saying my cum is unusual?” Kamala whispered, holding back a moan as Viv continued to probe her folds. She’d never let anyone touch her like this, never experienced such tension building in her core, each brush making her fingers and toes curl. “What are you doing?”

“This is the first opportunity I’ve had to observe a female vulva up close” Viv replied bluntly, exploring the girls pussy with her fingertips, scanning each detail with her eyes. “Such an intriguing sight. Such an intriguing specimen” she muttered, getting lost in her thoughts.

Kamala shivered and shook as Viv probed deeper, breathing shallowly muttering incoherently as pleasure rocked through her body. “Please” she begged, looking down at her friend with tears in her eyes, holding back waves of emotion as they fell over her domino mask. “Viv, I’m so sensitive…” she whispered.

Viv looked up tilting her head. “What would you like me to do?”

“I don’t know” she gasped, clawing at the dirt desperately. “I don’t know, just… something. I feel so… Allah, help me!”

Viv examined her body language and the pitch of her voice, deducing Kamala had entered what she observed as a feral state of sexual arousal. Something she noted in her research leading up to a climatic event humans refer to as an orgasm. It clearly was causing ms marvel great distress, so she calculated the best way to help; inserting her fingers into her pussy and licking her sensitive nub. Her approach proved effective when Kamala curled into her mouth with a relieved squeal, covering her mouth muffling the scream in case she drew attention to their finale. It didn’t take long for her to reach her peak, curling into a ball clutching Viv’s hair until she was struck with a lightning bolt of escasty, arching her spine as she climaxed violently. Viv was painted in cum as Kamala squirted all over her face, riding out Kamala’s orgasm until she slumped onto her back exhausted. She removed herself carefully from between her thighs and crawled up to check on her. “Are you okay?” She asked.

“Better than okay” she replied, reaching up to kiss her again. “That was amazing. You’re really good at this.”

“Thank you. And thank you for helping me with this experiment” Viv smiled, pecking Kamala on the forehead as she floated back up to her feet. She calmly composed herself, straitening her outfit and cleaning her skin and hair while Kamala sat up against the tree, breathing heavily watching her turn to leave. “I believe I have everything I need. I’ll leave you to recover, and ensure your privacy by intercepting the rest of the team. Will you be okay?” She asked.

“I’ll be fine” she sighed, waiting for her to turn and disappear into the woods before closing her eyes. I can’t believe we just did that. I just had sex with a colleague, a friend. And it was incredible! She thought.

When she was able, she gathered up her costume, preparing to get dressed once again when Viv appeared out of the trees again. “Apologies, but I just wanted to express that I may require future tests to complete my research. Perhaps we could discuss it at a later date?”

“Yeah, I’d like that” Kamala found herself answering, butterflies fluttering in her stomach when she realized that might very well be a next time.

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