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One-Shots from Ramsey Street: The Wedding Reception

The wedding reception was incredible fun for everyone who attended as they danced and drank well into the night. But for some things got rather confusing and confounding. Particularly for Kiri as she bounced on the balls of her feet with her housemate Chloe, the gorgeous tall blonde haired woman who she’d been developing a steep crush for over the past few months. Chloe felt the same about the half cast young dark haired woman too, but they decided they didn’t want to make things awkward with them being housemates. A relationship would only complicate matters. Didn’t stop either of them from staring longingly at the other as they danced.

Unfortunately Kiri’s eye occasionally wavered over Chloe’s shoulder to the red haired young woman dancing nearby with the curly blonde in the green pants suit. Nicolette was smiling as her dance partner, Asher, swayed with her putting their arms around the girls neck. Considering the non-binary individual was only here because Nicolette’s mother took it upon herself to try and set her daughter up with a date, they certainly seemed to hit it off. Kiri couldn’t help a tiny pane of jealousy when she saw them kiss each other on the dance floor, even with Chloe inches away from her.

Kiri wasn’t the only girl whose attention was wavering though as Nicolette, still smitten from their holiday romance months ago that ended in disaster, stole the occasional glance at the dark skinned woman. Now she knew she was beginning to look beyond her not so stellar past that hope for things to re-emerge was starting to reignite. She was smart enough not to push it though, not while she was still growing closer to her ex girlfriend Chloe.

Fortunately they all had plenty of alcohol to distract them. Unfortunately all that did was bring the four ladies together to dance into the night, often with each other. Nicolette danced with Asher, then with Kiri. Kiri had her arms around the waist of both Chloe and Nicolette. Chloe got to meet Asher at the bar before dancing with Kiri. And Asher was happy to be dancing with people as beautiful as Nicolette and her friends. They danced and laughed and smiled and soon kisses got exchanged as passion and lust took over, the alcohol removing any inhibitions that was keeping the women sensible and restrained.

It was no surprise the now intimate party moved into a hotel room.

Nobody would be able to recall who booked the reservation, though it was possible Chloe used her employment at Lassiter’s to book the room on the sly. Nobody would be able to recall who suggested they move to the hotel room, though it was likely a drunk Nicolette might’ve floated the idea without remembering who she was talking to at the time. Nobody would be able to recall who placed the do not disturbed sign on the door, but it was most likely Kiri as she was the most sober of the group. The biggest thing none of them would be able to remember is how it came to pass all four of them were in that one hotel room late at night with the lights out and the door shut. It was possible the sexual tension reached breaking point, someone made the proposal, wires got crossed and in their inebriated state they simply wandered as a pack out of the waterhole to the hotel, tipsy and grinning and groping each other.

The first vivid memory any of them would get the next morning is the distinct flashes of clothes being removed as four hot sexy women entered the dark hotel room and began kissing and stripping each other of their dresses, their jackets, their trousers, shirts and underwear. Naked flesh became the prize as their bodies collided against walls and furniture until they found the firm bed and the soft pillows and silky bedsheets. Lips met and passion inside, and in the dark it could be argued none of them were completely sure who they were kissing or touching or fondling.

But that would be a lie for some, especially for Nicolette. She had the memory of Kiri’s curves and boobs and lips etched into her memory ever since that first night and she could find them with her eyes closed. Her heart fluttered when their bodies came together, their arms wrapping around each other as their lips met and tongues invaded. Her hands wove through Kiri’s hair never wanting to let go, pulling her closer desperate to keep her forever. But her attention was diverted when a second pair of lips found her cunt, as Asher’s mouth wrapped around her, their tongue extending into the girls pussy to explore and pleasure her. Nicolette moaned into Kiri’s mouth, her body melting into their mouth savouring the pleasure they brought her. She liked Asher too and soon found their technique intoxicating.

Kiri pulled away from Nic eventually, panting for air while listening to the redhead’s moans recalling how sweet she sounded. A part of her knew it was a bad idea hooking up with Nic, but her head wasn’t thinking clearly right now. That’s probably while when she felt Chloe’s lips on her neck she didn’t question it, turning around to catch her pony tail freeing her hair, leaning back against her busty chest to embrace the woman. While Asher crawled up Nicolette to make out with the girl, Chloe reached around her housemate and fingered her to a hearty scream.

In the dark sensations were heightened. Clits got inflamed and nipples got hard. The mere brush of a fingertip had Goosebumps on their flesh. Chloe always had a secret kink about blindfolds and willing closed her eyes to enjoy the sensations of lips on her nipples, sucking them gently as tongues circled them. She had one mouth on each breast. She didn’t know who they were. She didn’t care. She happily kissed the first pair to find her mouth, reaching up to comb her fingers through their short straight hair. The body pressed against her felt familiar, as did the way their hips rocked between her legs to stimulate her. She went along, lost in the passion of the night and the lust of the moment.

As far as first dates go, Asher was having the time of their life. She made out with a gorgeous redhead on the dance floor and was now enjoying a steamy three way with her friends, their pussy riding the face of one while they snogged another. They found them cute as they danced, happy to follow them to the hotel for some sexy action. They wouldn’t be sure if they weren’t responsible for suggesting the orgy, but they were never the type to turn the opportunity down, not when they had three smoking hot girls to play with. Their fingers found the third girls pussy and started fingering them, listening to them moan which sounded like music to their ears. Later they would be the one on their back with a face in their pussy, their mouth licking at another, all the while laughing and moaning in glee.

The hotel room walls were thick, capable of protecting the neighbouring guests from loud noises unless it became excessive. Fortunately for them the sound of four voices screaming and moaning and panting into the night was muffled, their sexual intercourse remaining a private affair until the last girl collapsed onto the mattress with their sweaty lovers spent and exhausted. They all lay together in the bed, some curled into the bed covers snuggling side by side, the others strewn across their bodies like rag dolls. Somewhere in the night one of them climbed under the sheets with the others, wrapping their arms around the first naked body they found falling asleep instantly.

Chloe was the only one to awaken before morning and, in a moment of lucidity, found her clothes and got dressed enough to leave the hotel room and make her way home. She didn’t see Kiri until morning after waking up with a massive hangover and no recollection of what she did last night.

Kiri stirred awake the next morning in bed, opening her eyes to find Nicolette beside her. Believing she had drunkenly seduced the poor girl she silently stumbled out of the bed and hastily gathered up her belongings to sneak out before the girl woke up. After all the stuff coming out about her mum cheating on her dad with Glen, she was worried she’d made a mistake by hooking up with Nicolette, even though she and Chloe weren’t formally together. She left in a hurry chasing the guilt away.

When Nicolette woke up, all she found in the hotel room with her was the sleeping figure of Asher with their arms wrapped around her waist. She didn’t remember how she got hem were what happened last night, but figured if she was waking up next to a sexy young person like them it must’ve been a good night. And she wasn’t willing to climb out of bed or disturb them just yet so she lay back down and closed her eyes with a big smile on her face.

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