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One-Shots from Ramsey Street: On the Rebound

Mackenzie would blame what happened on the alcohol. A moment of madness brought on by intoxication. That was the only explanation for why she and Byron ended up making out around the back of Harold’s at the Christmas fair.

She wasn’t quite sure how they got to this point. They complimented each others hair, he talked about how she was smart and beautiful, she was assuring him Reese was an idiot for dumping him, they both wondered why they were both single…somewhere in the tangle of laughter and drunken stumbling they stumbled into each others lips and started kissing. And now they were running their hands through their incredible hair and giggling between kisses. It was weird, but also fun.

Maybe they both just needed a bit of fun tonight.

After a few minutes of awkwardly making out hands started roaming to places other than their hair. Fortunately one of them was sober enough (not by much) to point out they were still in a public place and should probably go somewhere else before they were arrested for indecent exposure. They could’ve called it a night there, but in their drunken stupor they decided to just change venues.

Byron suggested slipping into Harold’s, but Mackenzie said no. She was struggling with her jealousy about Haz and Holly and having sex in her housemate’s workplace seemed weird. She suggested getting a room and Lassiter, but Byron said no. That was where he met Reese and spent most of his time with her. He didn’t want all the reminders of her while fucking another woman. That left only one obvious conclusion, they return home.

Again, they could’ve called it a night there. They were in their house, stumbling through the front door, through the corridor. Mackenzie could’ve gone to her room, Byron could’ve gone to his, they could’ve said goodnight and avoided this whole mess.

But instead, Byron ended up stumbling into Mackenzie’s room with him, giggling madly as she fell onto the bed pulling him on top of her. He kissed her passionately, feeling her up through her incredible dress as they let their inhibitions go. Clothes started coming off and hands went to places that they shouldn’t. The housemate rules went out of the window that night, but both of them were too drunk to care. They had a lot of stress and emotions to vent and this was the best time to exorcise some of it.

For Byron, it was cathartic to be making love to a beautiful woman. He showed Mackenzie all of the skills and Talana’s he’d picked up as an escort and made her melt for him, his hands massaging and caressing her body in ways she never thought possible while he lowered down and pleasured her womanhood with his tongue. He closed his eyes and let his body go into autopilot, subconsciously going through motions he once did with Reese to make her fall in love with him. He heard much of the same noises from Mackenzie as he did from her. His feelings for his housemate were completely platonic, fortunately. But that didn’t stop him from wanting to give the trans girl his best.

For Mackenzie, she realized this was possibly the first time she’d been with someone since Hendrix. The thought lasted only a moment for her, but guilt wasn’t what lingered in her gut. Her deceased husband wouldn’t want her to live the rest of her life like a nun, she knew that. He would’ve wanted her to be happy. No, what lingered was the memory of love she would get whenever she and Hendrix made love. It was warm and safe and comforting. She clung to it, even though it was being created with another man. It was a man she trusted, a friend, and it wasn’t anything serious. It was a relief to have someone treat her like a woman again, to make her feel alive. Her friends were right, she just needed a quick hookup. Thank god she didn’t go for it with Ed.

It also felt good to be fucking someone in this house. Why should Haz get all the action? First Billy, now Holly? How many more women would she have to hear through the walls, or watch saunter out of his room in his clothes? Holly was sweet, but she doesn’t have to be so blatant about it. So yeah, she could hook up with someone too. She could have sex and moan loud enough to annoy her housemates.

She brought Bryon up and welcomed him into her pussy, gasping at the feeling of a penis inside of her. It had been so long she forgot how amazing it felt to be filled, how powerful it was to take a man into herself and give them pleasure while extracting her own. She wrapped her legs around him and squeezed him as he thrusted into her, rocking his body against hers showing her how talented at sex he was. Which was good, because she deserved the best. And judging by the moans she made each time she orgasmed, she got his best. She hugged him close and closed her eyes, and he closed his making hot steamy love to her through the night.

Unfortunately, somewhere in that lust fueled haze, their thoughts had drifted back to the very people they were trying to put out of their minds. For Byron, he was making love to Reese once more. For Mackenzie, she was fantasizing about fucking Haz in her bed. While they both thoroughly enjoyed the romp together, when it was over they both unanimously agreed it would stay a one off and never speak of it again before falling asleep. Byron was too tired and intoxicated to make it to his bedroom, so Mackenzie let him stay in her bed that night.

Which made for quite the misunderstanding when Haz spotted a half naked Byron coming out of Mackenzie’s room the next morning.

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