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One-Shots from Ramsey Street: Lost in the Bush

Of all the places the two of them could’ve gotten lost, they were fortunate to find an enclosed location as beautiful as this. The water was perfect as they took a swim in their underwear, their swimsuits left at the cabin. Harlow stood in the shallows of the pool underneath the waterfall bathing in the spring water, enjoying the reprieve from the stress of the situation. Ned took a moment to join her when she motioned his over, standing beside her with his face facing the falling water. It was quiet, save the sound of the waterfall and Harlow's racing heart-rate.

The thoughts dominating her mind snuck up on her without her realizing, the realization only kicking in once she looked up at Ned and his toned muscles, tattoos and chiseled jaw and felt her stomach flutter. For a moment their eyes met and she wondered if he was thinking the same thing, until he stepped away awkwardly and returned to the pool to continue swimming.

She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he floated laps in the warm water, her mind conjuring images of them kissing beneath the waterfall, their bodies pressed together in a steamy embrace. She imagined the last of their clothes disappearing as they sank into the pool together, diving underwater still kissing exploring each other’s naked bodies. She closed her eyes and tried to stop the lewd thoughts of Ned making love to her in the warm depths invading her mind, cursing those erotic novels for giving her such a vivid imagination. She turned her face back to the falling water, hoping the wash away the blush in her cheeks composing herself. Being lost in the middle of nowhere alone with a hot guy was giving her dangerous ideas.

After a while they both finished their refreshing swim and got redressed. Harlow was for a moment relieved to see Ned with all his clothes on, but it didn’t stop her picturing him without them. They sat together on a rock and talked, their connection as strong as ever. They were great friends and neither was expecting anything more than that. But that didn’t stop Harlow who, in a bizarre twist of expectations, expressed how glad she was to have Ned with her out here. She ended up kissing him, an instinctual move she give have time to stop. When it happened she looked up at him and saw the surprise in his face.

“Should I not have done that?” She asked.

Ned was silent for a moment before replying “no, I’m glad you did” before leaning forward to kiss her back.

Things took an unexpected but welcome turn after that as the two friends started making out on the smooth rock beside the waterfall. The kiss became passionate and effortless, paused briefly so Ned could remove his shirt and guide her onto her back. She pulled him with her, their lips interlocked as their hands explored their bodies becoming lost in the moment. Harlow’s fantasies seemed to become a reality as they let passion take over their actions, logical thinking giving way to animalistic lust. But Ned was never anything but a gentlemen as he let her control the pace, content to kiss her and feel her touch until she started removing her own clothing. Within minutes they were both naked and humming with excitement as their bodies came together, their friendship become much more intimate.

Time seemed to lose all meaning after that as Ned fell gracefully between Harlow’s legs and began rocking his hips, the sex so hot and steamy it seemed to evaporate the water dripping from their skin. Harlow wrapped her legs around him pulling him deeper, her fingers running through his hair as their kiss intensified. She could feel her breasts pressed against his chest, her nipples hard as pebbles and as sensitive as her clit which rubbed against his crotch. She sighed as a wave of pleasure rushed through her body, her head falling against the rock exposing her slim neck for Ned to nibble on. She accepted this gift willingly, all common sense lost. She no longer cared if they were found, occasionally opening her eyes to look over Ned’s shoulder into the blue sky to make sure that helicopter they saw wouldn’t come back. She could stay here like this forever, lost in escasty with a man as warm and gentle as Ned Willis.

This left her disappointed when the moment passed, their climax blending together into one beautiful harmonious song igniting a fire between them, Harlow was left both immensely satisfied and deeply disappointed. Ned finished inside her and collapsed atop her naked body, his elbows supporting his weight as his face fell into her shoulder panting hard. She sighed in content, hugging him tightly feeling the last of her orgasm subside until her body started to ache, the adrenaline wearing off. Moments later Ned rolled of her and collapsed onto his side, his arm draped over her stomach. They both lay there exhausted, alternating between staring at the sky and at each other. Neither of them had expected this to happen. Neither was disappointed it did, only that it was over.

After almost ten minutes of silence recovering on the rock they reluctantly gathered their clothes and got dressed, suddenly breaking into giggles. They had to admit they really enjoyed it. But then they heard Amy and Toadie calling out their names and the fantasy was over as they returned to Ramsey Street.

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