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One-shots from Ramsey Street: In Nell's Bedroom (Neighbors)

Nell knew she was probably going to be in trouble if they were caught, but at this point she didn’t care. The way her dad was acting was completely unfair to JJ. He wasn’t a bad person but Toadie was treating him like a criminal. JJ was her friend and she didn’t care what he said. He can’t ban her from spending time with him. He was her friend.

She snuck the boy into her room while her family was out for dinner. They wouldn’t be back for a long while so she was confident they’d never find out. It felt really nice to hang out again. She missed him at school. She found she’d been missing him quite a bit recently, which might explain why she was sneaking off school more often. She allowed herself to enjoy the moment rather than dwell on anything else. So she helped take his mind of things happening with his family. She soon had him laughing and they were fooling around as he tried to snatch her phone off her when she showed him a picture she snuck of him earlier that day. Their playful wrestling led to her landing on top of him on the floor, the pair giggling and grinning. They fell into a comfortable silence as they stared at each other. It felt good to be teenagers together again.

The silence lingered and Nell started to figure they should be getting off the floor. But neither of them seemed to be in a hurry, content to lie there staring into each other’s eyes. Then she felt JJ’s curious hand brush her leg. Nothing major, just a gentle nudge testing the waters. She felt butterflies in her stomach she she tested the waters by placing her hand on his exposed stomach, slowly moving it up under his shirt. He shivered from her touch, but didn’t stop her. Nor did she stop him from letting his hand drift up her leg to her hip. Her arms started to ache from where she was holding herself up, so she shifted her balance to straddle him. It was a spontaneous move that he reciprocated, sitting up on his elbows admiring her quietly. She sat back on his lap and brushed her hands up and down his chest, her fingers caressing his neck.

She wasn’t sure what she was doing. She’d seen women do this with men on some of the movies she had watched (usually proceeding stuff her parents would keep her from watching when she was little). She felt a little awkward and asked if JJ wanted to get up. “I don’t mind” he said, though he did sit up so he could wrap his arms around her waist. She looped hers around his shoulders, her heart racing. They gazed at each other and suddenly wondered if they should be alone in her bedroom. “I should go” JJ said after a moment.

“I don’t want you too” she blurted out, keeping hold of him so he couldn’t leave. She averted her eyes in embarrassment, but he didn’t make fun of her. He turned her face back to him and met her gaze, staring at her affectionately.

Something between them tugged and suddenly the two teenagers were sharing their first intimate kiss. A warm kiss that sent shivers up their backs. Nell felt butterflies again, pulling herself closer against JJ and deepened the kiss. She felt warm and tingly and wanted to touch him more. She felt so warm she wanted to take her clothes off to cool down.

The thought snapped her to her senses and she pulled back. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that” JJ gasped, thinking he’d done something wrong.

“It’s not you” she said, climbing off his lap awkwardly. She sat on her bed, her face bright red, feeling very embarrassed. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

He wavered on the floor for a moment before climbing up onto the bed to sit beside her. “Do you want me to leave?” He asked. She shook her head, unable to meet his gaze. “What do you want?” He asked.

“I don’t know” she whispered, her heart racing. She forced her eyes to look up at him, seeing his affectionate gaze. She felt those butterflies in her belly, fluttering more urgently. She wanted him. But she was afraid. What was she afraid of? “I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know what to do.”

He wasn’t sure what she was saying. But he nodded, getting comfortable on the bed next to her. “I’m not going anywhere” he told her.

She laughed, relieved he didn’t think she was being weird. They sat together for a while in silence, trying to figure out what to do next. “I’ve never had a boyfriend before” Nell whispered.

JJ was surprised, taking a slow breath to digest what she was saying. “I’ve never had a girlfriend” he replied, conveying the same.

She let out a shaky breath, feeling more nervous than she’d ever been. She bit her bottom lip, looking at the young man. “I’m not sure if I’m ready” she said.

He shrugged. “You don’t have to be. You can take as long as you need. Take it as slow as you want.”

“And what do you want?”

He looked back at her, considering what he wanted. “I want you to be happy” he said.

She sighed, laughing at how cheesy that sounded. But it was also very sweet. She reached over and took his hand in hers. He held it delicately. “I think I want to go to bed” she said. JJ nodded, preparing to leave. “I want you to come with me” Nell added before he could go.

JJ looked at her, then at her bed. His cheeks turned pink. “Are you sure?”

“No” she confessed. “But maybe we could take it slow?”

He considered it before hesitantly agreeing. “As slow as you want.”

Nell nodded. She wanted to take it slow. She let him go and shuffled up to her bed. She paused and looked up at him. “Could you turn around?” She asked nervously. He nodded, turning around so he couldn’t see. She awkwardly started undressing, peeling out of her clothes while he kept his gaze averted. She got to her underwear and quickly ducked under the covers, using them to hide her body while she got naked. Then, as an afterthought, she pulled on a T-shirt to cover her torso while hiding her legs under the covers. “Okay, you can look now.”

He turned back to find her in bed waiting. He took a deep breath and climbed up to join her. “So…where do you want me?” He asked. She wasn’t sure. But it seemed fair to let him join her. She lifted the covers, keeping her body hidden, and invited him under. He slipped into her bed fulled clothed and they both lay side by side staring at the ceiling.

There was a long moment of awkward silence between the teens until JJ cleared his throat. “So…um…what should we do now?”

“I don’t know” she replied nervously, clutching the duvet to her chest. “I’ve never done anything like this before. Have you?”

“No” he told her. He cautiously glanced across at her, feeling a little uncomfortable in her bed. She glanced back, her face flushed red, awkwardly fidgeting. Suddenly she shuffled closer and reached out to grab his hand, pulling it under the covers. He inhaled when he felt his hand brush against her body and discovered she wasn’t wearing anything from the waist down, fighting the urge to pull his hand away when his fingers brushed across her leg. Nell guided him lower before she could psych herself out of it, bringing his hand to her Virgin pussy. They both gasped when she brought his fingers into contact with her. “Wow” JJ stammered, keeping his eyes above the covers.

“Yeah” Nell squeaked, a little weirded out she was letting a boy touch her down there. She had only just started rubbing it herself, and how she had someone else’s hand between her legs. She let go of his hand and he gingerly pulled it away before he could be tempted to do anything else. They couldn’t meet each other’s gaze for a long moment. “That felt nice” Nell whispered.

JJ swallowed, his gaze darting to the spot where her legs were under the duvet. “Yeah”he agreed, a part of him wanting to touch her again. He nervously shuffled closer, turning his face to her. She looked at him nervously. “Can I…” he cleared his throat. “May I be able to touch you…down there…again?”

Nell blushed at the modest request. She nodded, too nervous to speak. JJ brought his hand to her face first, caressing her cheek. Then he stroked down her neck, helping her relax. When she was ready, she lifted the duvet and his hand went lower. She gasped when he accidentally brushed her boob and he quickly kept going, across her belly and down to her groin. He blindly sought out her sex and she opened her legs for him. She gasped softly when his fingers found her wet entrance, her whole body shivering. He shuffled closer, leaning on his side, getting comfortable being able to rub her young teenage clit for the first time. “There is…there is something I could try”he told her.

“There is?” She asked, turning her face to him curiously.

He blushed in embarrassment before explaining “when we were old enough, our parents sat me and Dex down and explained how…they gave us the talk, you know?”

Nell nodded, recalling a similar awkward conversation between her and dad (Melanie was there to help at the time).

“Once we understood how babies were made, they told us about the sperm donors and gave us a brief rundown on how two women can…ahem, anyway…after a while, I got curious exactly how two women can…do it, so I did some research.”

“You looked at porn” Nell laughed.

JJ’s face turned red, but he didn’t deny it. “You can laugh, but it helped me understand a lot about mum and ma being together. It’s not like I touched myself to those videos.”

“Really? From what I hear, guys tend to find two girls kissing more interesting then a man and woman having sex.”

“Well those guys don’t have lesbians for parents. Kind of kills the mood when you keep imagining your two mums being the two women kissing.”

Nell found herself cringing, imaging his point of view. She stopped teasing him.

He didn’t stop teasing her, and she was beginning to get warm. “I did learn a lot from watching those videos, however. If you’d like, I could show you? Maybe? I’ve never done this with a girl before.”

Nell bit her bottom lip and glanced down at her lap, feeling his fingers caressing her pussy. She nodded, giving him permission to try it with her. He took a deep breath and shifted his hand to bring his fingers to her folds and his thumb to her clit. She inhaled sharply and moaned, closing her eyes to focus on what she was feeling.

What she was feeling felt very good. Better than anything she had felt before. It was strange, weird, a little overwhelming but also intoxicating. Once Jj started stroking her, she didn’t what him to stop. He rubbed her clit is tiny circles and caressed her folds, gently spreading her lips open. She discovered there was an opening in her sex, which yearned to be filled. She began breathing faster, her chest rising and falling. She felt warm and tingling, her legs quivering. JJ scowled down, asking if she wanted him to stop. She shook her head, encouraging him to keep going. She felt lightheaded, like she was floating higher into the sky. Her heart was racing, butterflies in her stomach. Then JJ gently nudged his fingertip into her opening and she cried out, her loins becoming so hot she gushed to quenched the flames. JJ froze immediately, watching the young girl shake and tremble before falling still panting heavily. Her face became flushed and she felt goosebumps all over her skin.

“Did I do it right?” JJ asked nervously.

Nell exhaled, wiping her forehead with her arm. “I don’t know” she panted. “But whatever you did…it felt amazing” she grinned, turning her head to stare at him. “Thank you” she whispered, enjoying this rosy glow she felt. JJ smiled back, relieved he was able to make her feel so good.

Suddenly they heard footsteps coming from outside and they turned pale. They both shot up in bed just in time for Nell’s dad to knock on her door and come into her room. The look of surprise, shock and horror on his face dwarfed the mortified embarrassment on the teenagers faces when they discovered they were caught.

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