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On School Grounds (The Misadventures of Super-Max)

Max waited by the statue just outside Blackwell Academy, her leg twitching nervously as she looked around the dark street trying to spot any sign of her friend and co conspirator. "Come on Chloe, where are you?" She sighed out loud checking her watch. She's really late now. She did say after dark tonight, right?

Starting to get worried Max pulled out her phone and dialed Chloe's number, pressing the device to her hear praying for her to pick up. After several rings it went to voice mail. "Chloe! I'm at Blackwell where you told me to meet you. Where are you? Please call me back and let me know you're okay." Ending the message Max started spiraling through all the things that could've gone wrong. Maybe she changed her mind, but then why not just tell me? What if she got caught sneaking onto school grounds? Maybe… Maybe we just got the meeting place wrong? Hoping for the third option Max stood up and started exploring the grounds to search for her. She's probably waiting for me around one of the corners or something.

After stumbling through the dark for a few minutes she tried her phone again, listening for the dial tone over her rapidly beating heart. She didn't want to panic but anythingcould've happened to her out here. But then out of the darkness she heard it, the faint sound of Chloe's ringing mobile phone. "Chloe?" She called out following the sound towards a more out of the way patch of concrete where she knew many students adopted as a smoking area. As she chased the faint ringing the sounds cut off suddenly, and Max froze in hesitation.

"M…Max?" Chloe's voice rang out of the speak on Max's mobile.

"Chloe?" She answered immediately, shock and relief overcoming her as she held the phone protectively. "I was so worried. Where are you?"

"Everything… I'm fin-uh. I'm so-oo-ry I di…didn't heehar the……oh…"

"Chloe? Are you okay? So sound rather strange?" She asked her still walking in the direction she heard her phone buzzing.

"Oh..I…I…I… Oh Max, I… oh, oh..oh..oh I can't, I IEEAAH!"

Max recoiled as Chloes voice deteriorated in a series of high pitched wails and moans, sounds she could hear coming from the dark corner of the academy grounds as well as the phone. Fearing for her friends life Max sprinted in her direction to help her, rounding the corner breathless as she found her best friend sprawled across the floor pinned to the ground by a towering figure, his hips gyrating against her red backside as his cock pummeled her ass relentlessly. Chloe writhed on the ground beneath his weight screaming incoherently, her mobile clattering out of her grasp. The figure glanced up as Max appeared around the corner, his dark predatory eyes locking onto her as she froze in horror.


Max didn't hesitate as she held out her hand, time and space whizzing around her as she focused on saving Chloe from the security guards clutches. The last time she saw that look he was raping her in her bedroom while she hid in the wardrobe, before she rewound time and instead got the better of the arrogant stepfather. Now…now Max was ready to stop this before it started, reminded to before Chloe was attacked ready to save her.

When she let go of the time stream she was alone in the dark, neither David nor Chloe in sight. She checked her watch; I got here five minutes after this moment. So where's Chloe? She pulled out her phone about to dial when she heard footsteps. Heavy footsteps. "Crap" she cursed under her breath diving for cover behind a nearby hedge. Peering through the brambles she spied David marching down the path with a torch in hand, patrolling the grounds in his security uniform. He had his trademark air of confidence about him, like he owned the school and kept order within its walls.

Max stayed silent as he walked along scanning the shadows for trouble until a fresh set of footsteps drew his attention up to the path leading to the main gate. Max's eyes followed his torch light and saw Chloe materializing into the light dressing in her usual fades jeans and jacket, white T-shirt and blue beanie nearly glowing as the beam hit her face. "For fuck sake dude, get that out of my face!" She called out angrily shielding her eyes.

David lowered his torch while regarding his step daughter disapprovingly. Max's. Reach caught in her throat as she saw Chloe approach her would be attacker. What is she doing?She thought as she prepped herself to leap out of the bushes when he made a move. "You should know better than to skulk around Blackwell property in the dead of night" David growled as Chloe scanned the area making sure they were alone. She didn't see Max in the hedge as she returned her gaze to her step father. "So" David asked regarding her suspiciously, "what do you want?"

"I think it's more a question of what do you want?" Chloe shot back closing her arms. "You're the one who wanted to "meet"" she gestured with air quotes.

"You picked this time and place" he replied.

Wait, Chloe came here to meet up with him? Why? Max wondered puzzled listening more intently.

"I thought its be…quiet" Chloe shrugged. "Less exposed than our last meeting place. Can I assume you wanted to talk about what we discussed yesterday at the diner?"

David didn't say anything but Chloe got the impression she'd struck gold. What are they talking about? Max wondered. This whole thing was making less and less sense. Why was David attacking her when I got here? Why did Chloe choose to meet in the middle of the night?

David was silent as he stood in front of his step daughter, glancing from side to side ensure nobody was in sight before replying "let's say I might be interested in what we had discussed, would you be available?"

"You know my price" she reminded him with a cocky grin. "But I'm charging per discharge. Can't have the punters getting too carried away, can we?" She put her hands on her hips watching the older man patiently as he switched off his torch and putting it away. The corner was plunged into darkness but the yellow glow from a street lamp several yards away illuminated enough for Max to see the pair of them as the security guard pulled a wad of cash from his breast pocket. Chloe held out her hand for him to transfer the payment, casually pocketing it without checking the amount, trusting he paid in full.

The blue haired punk girl stared into David's disciplined expression as she slowly squatted down onto her knees in front of her, her hands unbuckling his trousers to pull out his waiting member before jerking him off slowly. Max watched her stroke his shaft and play with the tip using her tongue, her eyes never leaving the man's gaze as she took him into her mouth. "Chloe?" She whispered in shock. Why would she be giving him a blow job? And why did David just give her moment. Wait a minute, did David just pay Chloe to suck his cock? Is that what Chloe's been doing with those men? Is she a hooker now? Is she really that desperate for money? All these thoughts raced across Max's mind as she realized all those assaults she was saving Chloe from may not have been assaults, but rather a consensual fuck with a pay out. That means I didn't have to rescue Chloe from him because she wanted this? But then…what do I do?

She couldn't just leave now without revealing herself So Max quickly retrieved her phone, careful with the screen lest the glow give away her position. She also turned off her sound and vibrate function before quickly typing out a short text message to send to Chloe's phone. She looked up to hear it ping, her best friend calmly retrieving it while she ran her lips around the guys cock furiously, never breaking her pace as her blue eyes glanced down at the screen. "There a problem?" David grunted when she paused releasing his dick with a pop.

At Blackwell Main Entrance. Where R U? Max's text read.

"No problem" Chloe replied quickly tapping a response, pressing send before smiling up at her step dad. "Now where was I?" She asked rubbing his length. As the man groaned from her pumping motions she slipped under and started licking his balls with her tongue, pulling the orbs into her mouth to roll them around sucking hard making him grunt and grit his teeth.

Max stared in wonder as she watched Chloe pay with David's cock and balls, quickly checking her phone to see Chloe's reply; running late, B there soon. Luv C. X. "Yeah, right" Max sighed remembering how long she was waiting the last time before she stumbled upon Chloe fucking her step father like rabbits. She settled down in the bushes careful not to make a sound, resigning to the facts she was going to be here a while. But she decided to make the most of it by quietly slipping her hand over her crotch to rub herself through the clothing, breathing slowly while her other hand cupped her breast under her shirt. Might as well enjoy the show.

Chloe was a master of teasing people, getting David so worked up by the time her mouth reattached itself to his dick he was begging to fuck her throat raw. His hands flew to her blue hair ripping the beanie off and gripping the dyed strands, yanking her head against his hips to fuck her mouth harder. Chloe leant her lesson from last time as slackened her jaw, allowing the older man to control her as his dick thrusted against the back of her throat, his heavy balls slapping her chin with each flick of the hips. She moaned around his shaft sending vibrations through his body driving him mad. "Fucking punk bitch! You keep running your mouth like that and I'll making you eat my motherfucking dick" David growled tightening his grip on her hair, bottoming out in her mouth shoving her face against his stomach as he climaxed.

Chloe gaged as his semen filled her esophagus, her cheeks bulging as he emptied his tight bollocks into her throat. "Take it all bitch!" He told her as he ejaculated, cum leaking around her mouth as he kept Ed pumping load after load. She held onto his thighs tightly as she fixed David with a fierce, predatory gaze as she swallowed his cum one mouthful at a time, gulping his seed down determined not to lose a single drop just to best his challenge. Max heard the noises from her bulging throat, her mouth going dry thinking about his hot cum slithering down into her stomach.

David didn't release Chloe's hair until he'd spent every last drop, having not so much as masturbated since he proved his dominance over her in that diner. he'd been saving it for this moment, disappointed at how resilient the punk girl had become lately. His slack penis flopped from her mouth to recover letting her wipe her lips swallowing the last of his cum with a smug expression. "Satisfied?" She asked rising back to her feet standing before him.

"No" he replied coldly, grabbing her by the hair again to fought kiss the cocky girl, his hand reaching to rip her shirt open and glimpse the treasures hiding within. But Chloe retaliated quickly, her hand shooting forward to grab him by his sensitive privates, locking her fingers into a vice grip until his backed off with a reluctant whine of discomfort. His dark eyes glared at her predatory blue orbs, snarling as she squeezed a little more. "If you want more" she told him coldly, "it's going to cost you extra."

"Fucking bitch" he snarled but she squeezed harder, holding him so tight she could feel his Crown Jewels ready to pop. He winced fiercely, somehow utilizing his training to keep from showing how much pain she was putting him in. It was unnerving, so unnerving Max feared Chloe might end up crushing his balls and the man wouldn't even blink. thats kinda terrifying, she thought, her jeans growing rather damp.

"I always dominate" Chloe growled in his ear. "I'll never obey, especially to you, but right now I need money so I'll make an exception for you and let you fuck me right here you dirty old man." She released his balls and took a step back, unzipping her jeans and pulling them halfway down her thighs before doing the same with her panties, leaving her pussy and ass exposed while she slipped her jacket off her shoulders. David watched as Chloe turned to face the brick wall, planting her hands on the surface showcasing her backside to him. "Come on asshole, fuck me."

Max had never felt so turned on towards Chloe than this very moment, biting her bottom lip hard enough to draw blood in an effort to keep from making a sound, her clit pulsing against her soaking underwear while she rubbed between her legs. I've never seen Chloe act like this. So powerful but such a slut.

David didn't hesitate as he fixed his predatory gaze on his step daughter, lunging forward to pin her against the brick wall. His hands gripped her shoulders as he looked over her waiting body, his breath coming in long controlled growls like a wild animal, the hot air making Chloe's skin tingle. She stood her ground defiantly as his large hands roughly massaged her shoulders, sizing her up as she readied herself for whatever he had planned for her. "I'm going to enjoy breaking you" he whispered quietly in her ear, pressing himself against her so his erect cock brushed under her crotch.

She rolled her eyes at his remark, about to retort something witty and sarcastic when his hand suddenly struck her bottom as hard as he could. She gasped out in shock, the pain silencing her voice rendering her speechless as he hit her again, his palm striking the same painful spot on her cheek. In just two smacks David had Chloe on the verge of tears. He wasn't playing with her it seemed. "FUCK!" Chloe managed to cry out as he smacked a third time, digging his nails into the sore red flesh of her ass making her whimper underneath her breath. "You like that you punk bitch?" He snarled in her ear, his other hand squeezing her shoulder to get her attention.

Chloe didn't respond, planting both palms in front of her focusing on her breath refusing to show him how much his punishment hurt. Max admired Chloe's resilience and determination, remembering how stubborn she could be. But she knew how vulnerable she really was behind the brave face and felt sorry she couldn't be up there to kiss her better. Instead I'm hiding here trying not to masturbate to her brutal spanking.

David paused in his abuse to lift Chloe's shirt above her breasts, ripping the bra off her and tossing it aside to roughly knead the tits in his palms, twisting her nipples in his fingers while she bit her lip. She arched her back against him as he giraffes his hips against hers, his dick rubbing between her thighs teasing her pussy. She humped the thick shaft toying with his cock, moaning quietly until his fingers clamped around her throat. "I hope you're getting your moneys worth" he hissed.

"Like I said" she replied confidently. "Payment per climax. You already came inside me. If you want a second go, it'll cost you. I'll take payment on delivery" she smiled, wincing as he dragged his nails across her chest leaving deep red scratch marks on her skin.

"Who says I plan to cum?" He asked her biting at her earlobe. Chloe's face suddenly became uncertain as he shoved her against the wall, cheek pressed against the surface as he held her shirt in a tight fist against her back, her boobs hanging below her as he dragged his fingernails along her spine to her stinging bottom. Without another sound David stood over the trembling girl, his palm striking down at her arse with so much force his handprint welted on her cheek. Chloe stifled a scream by gritting her teeth, her eyes welling up as he struck her again, over and over, each slap harder than before until she was practically weeping. But somehow Chloe Price refused to utter a single sound despite the agony David was submitting her ass to. Even Max was wincing in pain as she watched his hit her glowing red backside for the final time, quietly admiring his handiwork before grabbing Chloe by the hair yanking her against his chest. "Is this what you wanted when you agreed to meet me tonight?" He asked her.

Chloe's cheeks were glistening with tears, her face red and flushed. But the look she shot back at him was as cold as ice. "Did you come here to fuck me or to spank me asshole?" She retorted, her voice startlingly focused.

David seemed to admire that as he dragged her off the wall and shoved her to her knees, pushing her onto all fours before lining his dick at her burning entrance. For a brief moment his tip brushed her back entrance, the sound of Chloe's sharp inhaling breath filling the silence until he switched over to her dripping pussy and penetrated her hard. Chloe grunted as he plowed as deep as he could, his hands grabbing her shoulders to get some force behind his thrusts as he pounded into her from behind, her body shaking violently. "Fuck!" David grunted as his step daughters walls squeezed him. "Why are you so tight you junkie whore?"

Chloe groaned as he adjusted his hold over her trying to fuck her harder, her palms scraping the grounds grazing her skin. "Because I'm gay douchebag" she retorted glancing over her shoulder to see his face. "I don't like dick. I'm only letting you fuck me because I need the money."

David glared back at her trying to figure out if she was lying, but her expression was pretty convincing. Max cocked her head thinking back to all the times they hung out since she came back to Arcadia Bay. They never discussed it but it did seem Chloe's sexuality was more directed to girls rather than guys, thought she'd witnessed the punk hook up with a few here and there. And we have hooked up in the past, so I guess that means… Max decided to question her own sexuality later as David renewed his efforts thrusting into Chloe's cunt. "Tattooed lesbian whore" he growled shoving the girl onto the floor flat on her stomach to get a new angle on her pussy.

She lay beneath the overpowering man over the dirty concrete, cigarette butts littering the ground around her. She attempted to lift her head but her step fathers hand pressed against her back pinning her down as he fucked down into her faster and harder. The recent punishment delivered to her ass meant every time the man's hips collided with her body a bolt of stinging pain shot up her spine making her moan. Her fingers clawed at the concrete scrambling for purchase as she was fucked into the ground mercilessly in glorious agony.

David reached down to lift the girl's head, growling into her ear "still don't like my dick you slut?"

Chloe finally relented in her disobedient silence to let out a bellowing scream as he put his weight behind his thrusts, his cock pounding into her pussy so hard she felt like he'd punch her hole through her stomach. "Harder" she gasped, her heart pounding in her ears. "Fuck me you pervert! Fuck your teenage step daughter like a dirty old man!"

David accepted the challenge plowing into her while she creamed insults at him, his own replies cutting just as deep and wild as they went at it on the ground. Max watched in morbid fascination fingering her dripping pussy, her hand inside her jeans furiously rubbing her clit unable to control herself. Seeing Chloe get this wild for sex was driving her crazy, so crazy she didn't even care if the horny lovers heard her as she painted in labored breaths, soft moans expelling from her lips as she drove herself to a subdued orgasm in the bushes, her knees shaking as her thighs clamped together around her hand. "Oh fuck" she cried through her palm muffling her screams, briefly fantasizing about the one time she rode David's cock without his knowledge. She wanted to be a part of this but didn't want to interrupt.

Instead Max Caulfield took the opportunity to grab her camera and use her powers to temporarily freeze time, long enough to sneak out of the bushes and snap a few pictures from different angles, focusing on Chloe's frantic expression as David's cock buried inside her abuses hole. She wanted to record every moment of this climax.

"Fuck Shit FUCK!" Chloe screamed, David's fist in her hair as he increased his pace, his breathing getting shorter as he approached his climax. She rode his all the way to the edge, her cunt crushing his dick with her slick walls as she orgasmed hard creaming herself. "Fuck!" He groaned loudly as he came alongside her, burning his shaft deep into her uterus to pump long spoonfuls of cum into her fertile womb, the sensation of being filled making Chloe's eyes roll back into her skull. The pair collapsed onto the floor in a sweating heap, the older man falling over the girl breathlessly, their bodies shivering as the last of the cum was expelled between them.

David was the first to move, pushing himself to his feet carefully avoiding the quivering girl as he slid his flaccid cock out of her gaping pussy shoving it in his pants to buckle himself up. Chloe stirred a few seconds later rolling herself onto her side, moaning as she felt the discomfort in her stomach from where her cervix was penetrated. "Fuck dude" she whispered rubbing her belly feeling his semen sloshing around inside. "If I get pregnant I'll fucking kill you asshole" she told him glaring up at the security guard.

David chuckled tossing a fresh pile of notes over her trembling body. "Here" he said dismissively as they floated down onto her damp skin. "Money well spent" he declared walking away, leaving her alone in the dark as he continued his patrol.

Chloe weakly sat up against the wall gathering up the discarded cash, ignoring the cramps as she counted her earnings not even finding the strength to redress herself. Across the grounds she heard rustling from the bushes as a shape cautiously rose from the shadows. She looked up to find a light from a mobile phone pan over her as her best friend stepped out to meet her. "Max?" She said in shock, glancing down at the state she was in then in the direction David had left. "How much did you…"

"Enough" Max answered slumping down beside her. She briefly explained what brought her here and what she witnessed, leading to her showing the many photos she took during Chloe's last orgasm as David ejaculated inside her. Chloe was amazed timid shy little Max Caulfield had the balls to take them in such a many, relishing the chance to see herself through Max's eyes in her most sex-crazed moment. "Jesus Chloe" Max breathed sitting beside the half naked dripping young woman, staring at her in bewilderment. "I never thought you'd really want to have sex with someone like David."

"Step douche is just a source of income" she remarked flippantly, still cycling through the photos. "Damn Max, these are hardcore. I look so wasted. I bet you were soaking wet in those bushes."

"I was" she confessed with a giggle. Chloe chuckled gazing at the sexy brunette beside her. Without thinking Max leaned over and kissed the blue haired punk, butterflies aggravating Chloe's aching stomach. The photographer looked down at the girl's leaking cunt, giving her a playful smirk. "How much is still inside you?" She asked.

"Most of it, I think" Chloe replied stroking her stomach, picking off cigarette butts clinging to her skin. "David sure has some big balls."

"Maybe I could help?"

"How?" She asked curiously.

Max only smiled, pecking her on the cheek before sliding down to Chloe's waist taking her thighs in her hands and diving between her legs to wrapped her lips around the sensitive pussy. Before Chloe could ask her what she was up to Max's tongue slid into her core, shoveling out David's cum as she sucked on her folds and clit, drinking the white substance mixed with Chloe's fluids like it was a milkshake. The tattooed girl moaned as her girlfriend ate her out, sucking as much of her step dads seed out of her as she could, her sensitivity shooting through the roof with each gulp as she orgasmed once more creaming into Max's waiting mouth.

"Fuck Max, you're so fucking hardcore!" She whined as the girl returned to face the shaking punk, her eyes sparkling with pride as she pulled her into a kiss to share the combination of cum and semen with her girlfriend. The substance swirled around in their mouths as their tongues caressed one another passionately, sighing in content and lust before they each swallowed their share gazing into the others eyes. "I think you missed some drops in there" Chloe told her biting her lower lip.

Max grinned kissing the punk down her front returning to her entrance while Chloe reclined against the wall, closing her eyes letting Max clean her up nice and slow.

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