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Nico Experiments with a Girl (Welcome to the Jackson’s)

Nico only came over for a quick visit. That was the intention. But of course Percy and Annabeth were very hospitable as they invited him inside and offered him to stay for dinner. He didn’t want to be rude so he ate with them. It was nice to hang out without all the monsters and gods and undead ruining their day. Afterwards they had tea in the living room where they chatted and laughed like normal people. After a couple of hours he looked at his watch, seeing how late it was. “I should probably be going” he said politely.

“You don’t have to” Annabeth said, sitting on the sofa beside him.

“She’s right mate” Percy agreed, lounging on an armchair opposite them. “It’s been ages since we’ve been together.”

“Just a little longer. Please?” Annabeth begged.

Nico smiled and sank back into his seat. “It is getting late” he relented. “And it’s a long trip back home.”

“Do you need to be back so soon?” Annabeth asked curiously.

He shrugged. “I guess not. Will’s got an early appointment next morning so he’ll be sleeping early.”

“How are things going with him by the way?” Percy asked.

Now Nico flushed a little red. Despite how long it’s been, talking about his boyfriend with Percy still felt a little weird. “Good. Things are great. We’re actually talking about getting a place together.”

“That’s great” he smiled, clapping his knee with his hand. “Good on you.”

“That’s a big step” Annabeth agreed.

“It is” Nico nodded hesitantly.

Annabeth raised an eyebrow. “You don’t look happy about it.”

“I am. It’s just…” he sat up and looked at the two of them. “Can I ask you something? When you two moved in together…we’re either of you worried it was a mistake?”

“No” they both answered simultaneously. When Nico’s shoulders slumped Percy asked “are you having second thoughts about it?”

“No. I’m just…I guess I’m just freaking out a little bit. Moving in is a…a big step” he chuckled.

Annabeth shuffled forward and put a hand on his knee. “It’s normal to be nervous. To be honest, we were nervous about living together too at first” she confessed.

“Speak for yourself” Percy laughed. When he saw his girlfriend’s expression he admitted “okay, maybe a tiny bit nervous. But from my perspective I was moving in with the woman I loved most in the world” he said.

Said woman smiled before rolling her eyes at how corny that sounded. “You and Will love each other right?” She asked.

“Yeah” Nico nodded. But then he hesitantly added “I mean, it’s not like there’s anyone else in the relationship. Not like…” he stopped himself, his face turning red as he averted his gaze.

Annabeth chuckled. “You mean like us and Piper?”

“Yeah. Where is Piper by the way?” He asked.

“She’s at a friends for the night” she explained. “And our arrangement with her isn’t a factor. Percy and I were living together before she and Jason broke up.”

“Okay, but how did you know it was the right time?” He asked.

The two of them looked at each other and shrugged. “We just knew” Percy explained. “I mean nearly dying in the fight against GAIA helped a lot, but in the end it came down to us making sure we’re on the same page. Have you talked to Will about it?”

“We’re talking about it” he confirmed. “A lot.”

“If you’re not ready, then it’s okay to say so” he assured him. “As long as you’re honest.”

“Maybe you should stay here for the night” Annabeth suggested, taking the young man by surprise. “Take some time, sleep on it, figure out where you stand on the topic. Then tomorrow you can go home, talk to Will and figure it out from there.”

Percy nodded. “Couldn’t hurt.”

Nico looked at them both in surprise. “Thanks…kind of you to offer but I couldn’t impose” he said.

“Of course you can. That’s why we have the guest room” Percy grinned.

“You said yourself it’s getting late” Annabeth reminded him. “Do you really want to take the trip home at this hour?”

Nico thought about it a moment. Even if he shadow jumped, the trip would be so exhausting he’d be drained the moment he walked through the door. He reluctantly nodded, accepting their hospitality again. “Are you sure you won’t mind” he asked.

“We’d love to have you” Percy told him.

They chatted for a while longer before Annabeth playfully asked him “so I’m curious. Was Will your first?”

“First boyfriend?” He asked.

“First anything” she clarified, including girlfriends. She knew Nico was gay but that didn’t mean he didn’t experiment.

His answer disappointed her however. “My first, my only” he told her.

“Only?” Percy muttered, dubious in that answer. “So you’ve never done it with anyone else?”

“No, I have, if you’re talking about sex” he explained awkwardly.

“Like who?” Annabeth asked.

His cheeks went red as he shifted uncomfortably. “Just some other guys in camp. Friends of Will’s who he also hooked up with before. The strolls, once.”

“How about girls?” She pressed. “You ever done it with a girl?”

He shook his head. “What, never?” Percy asked.

“Nope. No girls. Not that way inclined, remember” he told them.

Annabeth sat back thoughtfully. “Huh, I thought you…really? You’ve never had sex with a girl before?”

“No” he told her. “I mean, I’ve sort of dabbled, fooled around with Hazel once or twice. But we’ve never actually had sex.”

“Why not?”

“Because she’s my sister” he scoffed. She raised her eyebrows. As if that made a difference her expression said. “Because I’m not attracted to girls” he said.

“So you’re telling me if a girl kissed you, or fooled around with you, you wouldn’t be the slightest bit interested?” She asked dubiously.

“Annabeth, the boy’s gay” Percy pointed out.

“And?” She said turning to him. “I’m not gay, but I can still appreciate a girl all the same” she argued. Percy opened his mouth to argue, but then thought better and closed it again. “You don’t have to be attracted to the opposite sex to be turned on by them” she explained, turning back to Nico. “Haven’t you ever even tried hooking up with a girl before?”

“No. I’ve been a bit busy dealing with being the son of Hades” he told her, chuckling a little. “I mean shit, when did you first start experimenting with lesbian sex?”

Annabeth tilted head before replying “after Percy disappeared.” She caught her boyfriend’s eye and shrugged. “I was lonely. I didn’t want to feel like I was cheating on you and convinced myself making out with girls didn’t count.”

“Wow, I’m…I’m not going to touch that right now” Percy muttered awkwardly.

Nico, wisely, changed topic. “Okay, how about you Percy? Ever experimented with gay stuff?”

Percy was polite enough not to throw up in his mouth at the suggestion. “Um…no, I haven’t.”

Annabeth nodded glumly. “Believe me, I’ve tried” she said. She looked at Nico and coyly asked “out of interest, what is your relationship status? Are you and Will exclusive or…”

“Annie” Percy interrupting in an uncomfortable tone.

“I’m just asking” she said innocently.

Nico rubbing his neck nervously as he quietly replied “we’re…not exclusive. It’s not that we see other people or sleep around, but…I guess we have an open door policy.”

Like us Annabeth beamed, shooting a glance at Percy. “So you staying the night with us wouldn’t…worry your boyfriend or anything?” She asked. He shrugged.

Percy shot to his feet and excused himself, yanking his girlfriend off the sofa and pulling her into the kitchen. “What are you playing at?” He asked her in a low whisper.

“I’m just being friendly” she shrugged.

“That’s what worries me” he whispered. “You’re not this friendly unless you’re planning something.”

“Maybe I just want to help broaden the boy’s horizons” she said. She fixed her eyes on him and added “maybe expand yours too.”

“Oh come, are you still on this with me?” He groaned.

“For gods sake Seaweed Brain, it’s not too much to ask for” she argued. “Why should I be the only person in this relationship who fools around with the same sex? It can’t hurt you to try it with another guy just once. Would you rather it be Jason?” She asked.

“Why Jason?”

“Come on, we all noticed the chemistry you two were packing on the Argo II” she laughed. “Piper and I were taking bets on how long it’d take to get the four of us into bed together.”

“I’m not…fuck sake” he sighed, glancing over to Nico waiting nervously on the sofa. “I can’t. It’d be weird.”

“Why? He’s sweet.”

“He also had a crush on me. I don’t want things to get awkward” he whined.

Annabeth put her arms around her boyfriend, pecking him on the lips. “Do this for me, please. And I promise, if you do, I’ll make it very, very worth your time” she promised. “I swear of the River Styx, you will enjoy it.”

Percy considered it as he swayed in her grasp, unaware Annabeth had snuck some charm-speak into her promise to sway his decision. “Okay” he said hesitantly. “For you. But you owe me” he growled, kissing her firmly. She beamed, kissing him back before bouncing back into the living room. Percy exhaled deeply before following her back to join Nico.

As soon as Annabeth sat back down on the sofa she shuffled up to Nico, who was already feeling a little uncomfortable during her questioning, fixing her stormy grey gaze on him. “So? What do you say? Do you want to stay the night with us?”

He looked at her, then at Percy who retook his seat silently. “I…I guess, if it’s okay” he shrugged.

“Of course it is” Annabeth beamed, putting her hand on his thigh. “While you’re here, it’s only right we take care of you. And I think it’s awful you’ve never had sex with a girl before” she told him, shuffling as close to him as she could.

Nico looked down at her hand as it stroked his leg, gulping nervously as he looked back up at her. “It fine. Like I said, I’m not attracted to…”

“Don’t bother mate” Percy sighed. “Once she gets an idea in her head, you ain’t changing her mind.”

“Damn straight” she said, stroking his black hair with her other hand. “And I bet I can help you appreciate a girls touch just as much as a guys.”

Nico chuckled. “That almost sounded like you want to turn me straight.”

“No, I’d never do that” she promised. “Unless you realize bisexuality is your thing” she shrugged as an afterthought. She leaned closer and pecked his cheek, her hand moving to his crotch. “The truth is, I don’t buy you can’t find a girl attractive enough to be seduced by them. And I’ll prove it” she whispered, rubbing his groin as she leant in and kissed him on the mouth.

Nico was taken aback by the turn this little dinner had taken as Annabeth kissed him, her lips capturing his while her hand palmed his crotch. He froze in indecision for a moment, his dark brown eyes glancing to Percy wondering if this was okay. Percy caught his eye and shrugged, not voicing any complaints as he sat back and watched. Nico nervously relaxed and let Annabeth control the kiss, making out with her until she pulled away to caught her breath. “You’re a good kisser” he muttered, struggling to think of things to say.

Annabeth took the praise, smiling broadly. But when her gaze fell to his lap her brow furrowed in confusion as she felt a distinct lack of activity in his pants. “We’ll see” she replied, adjusting her seat so she could unhook his jeans and pull the zipper down. Nico sat back and stared as the blonde girl unceremoniously reached into his trousers to fondle his balls, her hand squeezing his manhood. “That’s a nice package you have” she purred, reigniting the kiss while she fondled him. He kissed her back, his hand caressing her blonde hair as they made out on the sofa. It only lasted a minute before the girl pulled back to examine his crotch. “Really?” She pondered, feeling no growth in her palm. She was expecting maybe a little expansion, some throbbing or signs of his erection growing. She looked up at Nico. “Are you sure this isn’t doing anything for you?” She asked in confusion.

He shrugged. “I mean…the kiss is nice” he replied.

She scowled and whipped off her T-shirt, refusing to believe she wasn’t turning this young man on. She removed her bra for good measure, revealing her boobs to the boy as she straddled his lap and slipped her hand into his boxer shorts, her fingers wrapping around his cock and balls firmly. She kissed him deeply as he massaged him, squeezing his balls and rubbing his flaccid penis vigorously. “Come on” she mumbled, playing with his junk mentally willing it to respond to her. Her breast bounced in front of the young man, so she flatly told him to “play with my breasts. Squeeze them. Suck my nipples.” He obeyed, her charm-speak making him reach up to fondle them while she rode his lap. He squeezed her mounds and kissed her nipples, sucking on them gently until she shoved his head between them “come on, boy like titties” she muttered as he motarboated her boobs. But as much as he was making her feel good with her breasts, his manhood refused to grow in her palm. She finally moaned in frustration. “Seriously? Nothing?”

“I’m sorry” he said innocently. “I’m just not attracted to you. I mean, you’re very attractive” he told her, running his hands over her legs and torso affectionately. “You have very nice boobs. But I’m just not turned on by them.”

She sat down on his lap and sighed. “Well that’s not good. How am I supposed to have sex with you if your bloody cock doesn’t work” she grumbled.

Nico shrugged, offering to continue playing with her breasts. She begrudgingly let him, sighing in content as he massaged her breasts. Just because he was gay didn’t mean he doesn’t know how to please a woman it seemed. She stayed on his lap as he kissed her nipples, massaging his scalp affectionately, disappointed she couldn’t turn him on.

That is until she felt a bulge in his pants. She didn’t react, worried it would disappear if she mentioned it. She looked down at the young man wondering if her tits finally made an impact, until she spied his gaze drifting over to her boyfriend. She looked over her shoulder and saw Percy watching her intently, a similar bulge in his pants. A light bulb clicked in her head. “Percy, feel free to masturbate if you want to” she suggested with charm-speak. Percy blinked as he shifted uncomfortably, but then relented and nervously unzipped his fly and pulled out his penis. Seeing his topless girlfriend ride another man certainly turned him on. When Nico got to glimpse Percy’s penis, his eyes widened as Annabeth felt drool on her nipple as his jaw dropped. The bulge in his boxers got bigger. She grinned. “He’s attractive, isn’t he” she whispered.

Nico gulped as he watched Percy bring his cock out and begin stroking it. This was the first time he got to see what hid behind those trousers and it brought the blood to his groin. He licked his lips as he stared at it over her shoulder, attempting to distract himself by returning to Annabeth’s boob. But even as he sucked her nipple he couldn’t take his eyes off of him.

Annabeth chuckled, reaching down to feel that erection she was seeking in her palm. “You still have that crush on him, don’t you?” She asked quietly. Nico glanced up at her and blushed. “You want to put your hands on him like you’re doing with me?” She teased. She began stroking him, feeling him throbbing in her hand. “You want to pretend Percy is the one sitting on your lap stroking your…big cock” she whispered as she rubbed his growing penis, surprised at how much it began to grow. Nico closed his eyes and subconsciously nodded, exhaling heavily imagining just that. Annabeth capitalized on his imagination by kissing him again, the boy melting into her embrace more passionately as he let his mind play tricks on him. She continued to grope him, sensing her boyfriend’s gaze on her as she made out with the boy. When she broke the kiss she looked over her shoulder and smirked, delighted to see how horny Percy looked. “Do you want Percy to see your big cock?” She asked the Son of Hades.

Nico turned an embarrassed red. “I don’t want it to be weird” he muttered.

“It won’t be. It’ll be hot” she promised, sliding off his lap to sit beside him. Nico and Percy met each others gaze uncomfortably as Annabeth fished Nico’s penis out of his jeans, presenting it like a prize for Percy to admire equally. As an added incentive she removed her pants too, pulling her underwear aside and bringing Nico’s hand over to her. “You said you fooled around with Hazel before? Show me” she said, pressing his hand to her moist pussy. Nico looked down and began fingering her, rubbing her clit and stroking her folds. She purred in approval and massaged his cock in return, their eyes looking up to watch Percy jerk himself off faster. “Is this doing anything for you babe?” She asked him.

“You look really sexy” he said, staring at her in awe. She bit her bottom lip and spread her legs wider, playing with her tits as Nico made her feel really good.

But her attention remained on the boy next to her, wanting his pupils dilate as they stared at Percy intently. His dick throbbed in her hand and she was happy to find it standing erect now. She licked her lips eagerly, turning to him asking “would you like me to give you a blowjob?”

Nico blinked and looked at her, glancing at his penis mumbling “I…sure, why not.” She grinned, hopping up in her seat to lean over and begin licking his cock slowly. He gasped softly as she kissed his tip, her tongue circling his crown before her lips wrapped around him and slid down his shaft. He moaned in pleasure, leaning back in his chair staring up in shock. Annabeth hummed around him as she sucked his delicious cock, her hand massaging his balls as she bobbed up and down. After a minute Nico’s hand nervously stroked her hair, torn between holding her or letting her do it herself.

She glanced up at Percy, who bit his lip as he watched her. A lewd idea came to her, which would make everyone happy. She reluctantly pulled her lips away from Nico’s cock with a pop, stroking it firmly as she beckoned Percy to join them. He hesitated in his chair until Annabeth insisted, crawling over before she had to charm him over. “Percy, would you like to give Nico a blowjob?” She asked playfully. Both the boys stared at her in shock, then at each other before awkwardly averting their gaze. Before he could refuse Annabeth cupped his chin and kissed him. “You promised, for me” she whispered, flashing her eyelashes begging him to try it.

He looked into her puppy dog eyes and sighed, unable to meet Nico’s gaze as he shuffled over to kneel in front of him. Annabeth held the penis in her hand, presenting it to him eagerly. Percy looked at it and suppressed the urge to choke. He risked looking up at Nico, who stared down at him in anticipation biting his bottom lip. “Just this once” he said. Nico nodded remaining silent. Percy took a slow breath and reached out to grasp his cock. He leaned closer and hesitantly planted a kiss on it, forcing himself not to recoil. He looked at his girlfriend again, who was watching like a Hawk with an excited smile on her face. He swallowed his nerves and leaned forward, taking the cock into his mouth.

For his first time sucking dick, Percy was surprisingly good at it. But then Nico might be biased because he’d dreamed of this happening almost since the day he met the boy. He gasped in stunned arousal as Percy’s lips wrapped around him, a hungry moan escaping his throat as the boy sucked on his tip. He closed his eyes and let the pleasure over come him, his fingers curling into the sofa resisting the desperate urge to grab his head and fuck his throat. He didn’t want to ruin this and push him further than he wanted to.

Annabeth, on the other hand, had no such restraints as she planted her hand on the back of Percy’s head. Each time it looked like he was about to pull it out as he pressed it down, keeping him in place. “Keep going” she said, whispering encouragement in his ear as he sucked the boy’s cock, gently guiding him deeper onto his penis until the boy was sliding up and down more evenly. After a few bobs Percy got accustomed to it, delivering the best blowjob he could manage on a first try.

Nico felt the build up approaching, the desperate need to cum rising in his gut. “Percy…oh gods, so good…I’m going to cum!” He warned, his hand shooting up to comb through his hair wanting desperately to pull on it and stuff his mouth of his sperm.

Percy, however, turning green at the idea of swallowing his cum. He shook his head and immediately pulled away. “I’m sorry, that’s too far” he muttered as Nico whimpered. Annabeth was quick on hand to help thought, diving back onto his dick inhaling his cock. Nico didn’t argue as his hand fell onto the back of her neck, his hips thrusting up into her mouth as she deepthroated him. He ejaculated into her throat filling her mouth with cum, moaning in relief as he unleashed the contents of his balls, wishing it was Percy he was feeding his spunk to. Annabeth caught the load and swallowed most of it, suctioning her mouth to catch the rest as she pulled up his shaft. She sat up and smiled before grabbing Percy’s collar and kissing him deeply, forcing him to taste his semen on her tongue. Percy struggled but Annabeth was persistent, their tongues swirling the substance around their mouths until he was forced to swallow it. “Fuck, not cool” he complained, wiping his mouth.

She giggled, pecking his cheek wrapping her arms around him. “I’m proud of you” she said.

“You owe me” he grumbled.

“Don’t worry. I promise I’ll make it up to you” she said. She turned to Nico and brought him into the brace, kissing him alongside her boyfriend. “Here’s what we’ll do; first I’m going to have sex with Percy, and let Nico watch. Then Nico is going to have his first time with a girl. And if you want to join it, you’re welcome to” she told Percy. But she also leant in and whispered in his ear “by fucking Nico in the ass while he’s fucking me.” Percy turned pale until she kissed him, laughing excitedly as she brought the two boys together. “But first, kiss” she insisted, using her charm-speak to coax the boys into making out.

Nico and Percy shared their first passionate kiss together, which sent butterflies into the stomach of one and somersaults into the gut of the other. But both fell into the steamy session as the made out with each other, their cocks springing back to life. Annabeth grinned as she watched them, getting aroused herself at the flaunting of gayness. When they parted Percy was quick to reestablish his heterosexuality by kissing her passionately. She she giggled as she kissed him back, then kissed Nico more platonically. They cycled the kiss between the three of them until they were all kissing each other, even the boys getting caught up in the passion of the moment. Nico asked if they wanted to move to the bedroom. The others decided it’d be more comfortable staying on the living room carpet.

The kiss they shared got everyone more comfortable around each other, enough that they were able to remove the rest of their clothing in front of everyone. Annabeth wasn’t as bashful as the boys were. Percy kept trying not to look at Nico’s penis while Nico couldn’t tear his eyes away from Percy’s. Annabeth got to play with both of them until she pushed Percy onto the floor so he was lying on his back. She promised she was going to have sex with Percy first, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t give Nico a chance to get him ready. So after conspiring in the young boys ear she joined Percy on the floor and pinned him down with a sensual kiss, distracting him so Nico could crawl up to his lap and return the blowjob Percy gave him. The son of Poseidon moaned into his girlfriends mouth as he felt the boys mouth work him over, gritting his teeth holding back the growl in his throat. Annabeth knew that was a sign of his arousal, peppering his jaw with kisses proudly. Nico relished the opportunity to suck his crush off, pulling away when he was stiff and slick with saliva. Annabeth examined it with approval, mounting her boyfriend ready to ride him. Nico sat back against the sofa, watching the pair of them carefully as Annabeth aligned the penis with her dripping sex. “I hope you’re taking note” she told him as she slide onto Percy’s cock slowly.

Nico watched with curious fascination as the young woman rode Percy's lap, her hips bouncing up and down on his shaft in a gentle rhythm. She rocked slowly, her ass giggling as Percy collapsed it to encourage her to go faster. They both moaned hungrily, their bodies coming together in a practiced dance that mesmerized the young man observing them. He became transfixed by the way Percy’s dick slid in and out of her pussy, biting his lip in arousal as his cock grew larger in his hand. He might’ve ignored Annabeth as she arched her back if her action didn’t sheath his dick completely inside herself, obscuring it from view. She moaned seductively rubbing her breasts, tantalizing her boyfriend who reached up and squeezed them, pulling them down to his mouth so he could kiss them. He trust his hips up to fuck her harder, his balls swinging up and down as he pounded her from below. Annabeth hugged him tight, kissing him deeply until she climaxed, her fluids gushing around him as she squeezed him tightly. He grunted in orgasm as she milked his cock, squeezing as much of his cum as she could into her pussy. Nico got to watch the young man cum in his girlfriend, the sight arousing him as he jerked himself off. When his cock pulled out semen oozed from her quivering hole, the demigods sharing a passionate kiss before they parted.

Annabeth climbed off Percy and turned to look at Nico, enjoying the hungry look on his face as his eyes followed her dripping cunt. She crooked her finger, beckoning him over as she sat back and opened her thighs. “I know what you want” she purred, presenting herself to the young man. “Come and get it.” Nico licked his lips and crawled over, staring at her glistening pussy before diving in to like Percy’s cum out of it. Annabeth gasped softly as Nico devoured her like a hungry puppy, licking at her pussy scooping the cum out hungrily. She leant back and watched him have his fill, stroking his head gently. Percy caught his breath nearby, watching with amusement. Annabeth giggled, moaning softly feeling like the boy might unwittingly make her cum again. Alas he pulled away once she was cleaned out, leaving her feeling empty and dissatisfied. She quelled her complains though, kissing him lustfully nonetheless. “That was quite nice. Have ever eaten a girl out like that before?”

“No” he replied.

“Not even your sister?” She teased.

“Gross” he grimaced. Annabeth shrugged, pecking his lips before stroking his cock. He looked at her nervously, his cheeks turning read. “So, Um…what do I do?” He asked.

“It’s not that different to having sex with a guy” she told him, guiding his penis towards her waiting entrance. “Just put it in here and move your hips. And don’t stop until I tell you to” she instructed, spreading her legs wider. Nico nodded, aligning his dick with her pussy brushing her entrance. It was more silky than a man’s butthole, her folds opening like a flower when her thighs parted. She took hold of him and eased him closer, aching for him to enter her. He leaned forward and almost fell on top of her as she pulled his hips down, his penis sliding into her slick walls stretching her folds. She moaned softly, wrapping her legs around the boy as he dropped further, a gasp escaping his mouth as he felt her envelope him until he was balls deep inside of her. “Wow” Annabeth breathed, putting her arms around his shoulders as he fell still, getting accustomed to being inside her. “That feels great.”

“Yeah. It’s…nice” he marveled, looking up at her face as she smiled. “You feel really nice” he told her.

She chuckled. “I’ll accept that” she said, kissing his lips. “Now just move your hips and you can start fucking your first girl” she said. He laughed, sliding his cock out of her walls slowly before sliding them back in. The second time entering her felt even better and he moaned. Soon enough his hips were moving faster, building a steady pace as he thrusted into her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, enjoying the feeling of being a boy’s first girlfriend again. She caught her boyfriends eye and smirked, blowing him a kiss while he watched her mesmerized. After a short while she turned back to Nico and asked him “have you hanged your mind about having sex with girls yet?”

“I…I’m willing to try it some more” he replied uncomfortably. But after a brief uncomfortable pause he quietly told her “I’m still not turned on by you.”

She raised an eyebrow, adjusting her hips to massage his erection. “You feel very turned on” she said. But then his eyes drifted away and she guessed “you’re pretending I’m Percy, aren’t you?” He blushed bright red as he shrugged. “You boys are are hopeless” she muttered as she sighed. Fine, I didn’t turn him bisexual. At least I broadened his horizons. “Promise me you’ll at least fuck other girls, just to have fun” she asked him. He laughed and nodded, promising to fool around with girls more if they asked him to.

Speaking of fooling around, Annabeth prayed the last part of her night of fun would come to pass as she watched Percy from the corner of her eye, silently hoping the suggestion she planted with Charm-speak would take effect soon. Sure enough, as the young man watched Nico Di’Angelo fuck his girlfriend he got the urge to join in. But as he stroked his erection his sea green eyes drifted over the young man’s slim body as it humped between her legs, falling onto his firm round bum. He tried not to stare, but something about it kept drawing his eye. He also remembered the promise he made Annabeth and grumbled, shuffling over to them making sure his cock was slick with cum and saliva. He slipped in behind Nico, which drew the boys attention as Annabeth eagerly uncoiled her legs from around his waist, giving Percy perfect access to that ass. “Just this once” he said as he took hold of Nico’s waist and aligned his stiff penis.

Nico held his breath as his long time crush did the unspeakable and penetrated his ass. He moaned in excited arousal as Percy entered him from behind, pleasure shooting through his body making his cock stiffer inside Annabeth. She cheered proudly as the three of them became joined at the hip, Nico’s cock brushing her G-spot as the boys nudged against her. She looked up at Percy’s expression which gave away how good it felt inside the younger boys ass. It squeezed his shaft as he reluctantly moved his hips, doggy fucking the boy shoving him deeper into Annabeth’s cunt. Nico gave up all control, too excited to resist as he became the couple’s fuck toy, rocking between them rolling his eyes into his head. Annabeth thrust her hips up, grinding against his as Percy thrusted faster from the other side, sandwiching the demigod between their bodies much to his delight. He felt his climax approaching, panting heavily as he begged them to cum with him. “I think he wants you to cum in his ass seaweed brain” Annabeth said.

“So tight…I don’t think I can pull out” he muttered, his orgasm rushing to his balls.

Don’t” she insisted, determined to cum with them both as their movements became erratic. Their end was near and it was going to be incredible. She locked eyes with Percy, happy and proud to see him experiment with his sexuality. He gave in to the impulses and gripped Nico’s shoulders, pounding his ass desperate to finish. Nico screamed as he was pummeled into Annabeth, who moaned louder as he fucked her in return. Their walls and balls suddenly clenched as they climaxed simultaneously, their voices mixing together as they all came together. Percy ejaculated into Nico, painting his ass white as he emptied his balls. Nico whimpered as he was filled, ejaculating into Annabeth’s womb instinctively, her walls milking his cock while his ass squeezed as much as it could out of Percy. Annabeth trembled as she orgasmed twice, back to back, the sight of her boyfriend using another man as his cum dumpster too much for her while she was being dumped in herself.

The three of them shuddered together until the shared experience was over, their bodies succumbing to fatigue as they all collapsed on top of each other. Annabeth found herself crushed under the weight of two men, both of them panting heavily pulling their deflated cocks out of two tight holes. Nico was unable to move until Percy rolled off his back, falling onto his ass with a grunt beside Annabeth. Nico pushed himself off the girl, collapsing onto his side opposite, leaving the young woman caught in her breath between the pair of them. She wiped her brow and sighed, a big smile on her face as she looked between her two lovers. “That…was…hot” she beamed.

“It was…an experience” Nico muttered, staring at the two of them dumbstruck.

Percy turned his head and glanced at the boy, his cheeks turning a rosy red. “Yeah, it was” he agreed.

Annabeth curled up beside him, kissing his shoulder proudly. “Does this mean you’ll try gay stuff more often?” She asked optimistically.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself wise girl” he said. First he had to wrap his brain around the fact he did indeed just have anal sex with another boy.

“If it helps, you were incredible” Nico grinned, resting his head on his elbow staring affectionately at him. Percy’s blush got redder as Annabeth giggled, kissing them both snuggling up between them. They both cradled her body, sharing body heat as they took a nap on the floor. Percy spooned his girlfriend lovingly, occasionally caught in Nico’s eye until the three of them fell asleep together, concluding it had been an eventful and enlightening evening.

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