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Nerds on a Date (A Companion's Guide to Smut: Life is Strange)

Everyone was silent in the cinema as the movie rolled into its second act, the big screen lighting up the dark room illuminating the faces staring up at it, and a few who's attention was elsewhere. The seats weren't as densely packed as they had been a few nights ago when the movie first opened, but that suited the two Blackwell students just fine (for different reasons however).

Warren hated the crowds, having to fight your way to get a good seat or waiting half an hour to buy snacks and drinks, a lottery if you'll land two seats side by side for yourself and your date, worse if you're in a group. No, for Warren the best day to see a movie is a couple days after everyone else so you almost get the cinema to yourself. He had intended to see this movie with Max, possibly leading o the opportunity to Go Ape with her afterwards. But the photographer had something else going on with this other girl and couldn't make it. So instead he decided to invite Brooke along and she was perfectly fine with it. Just him and a friend without strings for the night.

Of course what he didn't realize was Brooke had a massive crush on the science nerd and fully intended to push this movie night into a "friends with benefits" opportunity. She'd been waiting for her chance to swoop in and claim her position at Warrens side, envious of how much time he seemed to spend with that Caulfield girl. I don't know what he sees in her. No matter. The slut had left him alone for the evening and 𝘯𝘰𝘸 was her chance to make her move. She leapt at the moment he asked her to see the movie, sure that nothing was going to stop her getting what she wanted.

They sat in silence watching the movie, occasionally glancing over at each other. When Brooke was ready she carefully placed her hand on top of Warrens, a subtle indication of her intentions which he completely missed. He looked down at it and pulled his arm away, whispering an apology for hogging the armrest. She scowled, figuring she'd have to be a little more obvious.

"I'm glad you invited me tonight" she whispered, keeping her voice quiet out of respect for the people watching the film.

He nodded politely. "Me too" he replied.

Brooke rapped her nails against the armrest, calculating her next sentence. "So, you have anything planned after the movie? A dinner or something?"

"Um, no" he shrugged. "I figured we just…see the movie."

She turned away to hide her disappointment, controlling her temper so not to cause a scene. After a moment of silence she decided to gamble speaking her name. "So you and Max hang out like this a lot?"

Warren looked at the tech wizard suspiciously. She didn't usually like it when Max's name comes up so why ask about her? "Yeah. We're friends. Just like we are."

"So if she was here instead of me, what would you guys do after the movie?"

He felt the blood rush to his face, hidden by the darkness of the cinema, wondering if she knew more about their friendship than he thought. "We'd…" he said hesitantly, careful not to say too much. What he and Max were doing wasn't wrong but they both agreed it's for the best if no one else knew about their casual fling. "We just go home. That's all."

She nodded, turning back to the film. He released a quiet sigh of relief, believing he'd gotten away with it. Until he heard her voice hiss back from the darkness "your place or hers?"

He froze, a chill running down his spine as she sat there feeling Brooke's gaze on him. She knew. He felt his brow become soaked in sweat as he glanced across to her out the corner of his eye. She was silent but her gaze was intense. "I…I don't know what you…" he tried to say, rebuff her suggestion, but her voice interrupted him like a knife through butter.

"I know about you and Max" she told him. "I've known you two have been sleeping together for a while. It's so obvious. I could've told everyone, let the school know that you two have been fucking each other on a regular basis. But I don't think you deserve any of that, so I didn't."

Warren looked across at the girl as she adjusted her glasses, fixing her attention to the big screen so she wasn't staring at him. He didn't know what to say, how to respond. "Thanks, I guess."

"I like you" she explained curtly without looking at him. "I don't want to see you get hurt. But she isn't right for you. You two aren't even dating. But it's fine, I get it." She paused a moment to gather her thoughts, taking a deep breath as she finally turned her head to look in his direction. "I just wanted you to know she's not your only option."

"Only option?" Warren echoed, his eyes narrowing in confusion. "What does that mean?"

"It means you don't need her" she told him, rather insistently. "Because I'm your friend to. And I'd love to…make you happy. Whatever you need." She placed her hand on his again, looking across into his eyes ensuring he understood what she was saying.

He turned bright red realizing she was practically offering herself to him for sex. He hadn't even considered the idea of him and Brooke being a thing, not even a one night stand. He and Max just had a good thing going he wasn't looking for other partners. They aren't exclusive though. It wouldn't be wrong or anything. "I.." he stammered lost for words. "I don't know…"

Brooke heard his words and saw the look on his face, her heart clenching as she misread the signs he was showing. Seriously? She thought as her nostrils flared. Would he seriously pick her over me? I would be a great girlfriend, a better partner than Max fucking Caulfield. What can she go that I can't? "I'll prove it" she said glowering, sitting back in her seat to quickly analyze the rows of seats around them. Nobody was on their row and the people behind them didn't have a clear view of the two of them, allowing the geeky girl to reach over and clasp her hand around his crotch.

"Fuck! What the fuck!" Warren hissed, his voice rising over the cinema. Two sets of faces turned and shushed him as he tensed up in his seat, Brookes fingers tightening their hold on his groin. "What are you doing?" He asked her frantically, his penis reacting against his will inside his trousers.

"Showing you I can do everything Max can, but better" Brooke explained, her expression eerily calm while her palm massaged his pants roughly. She could feel him growing underneath the fabric, aroused at how direct and forward she was acting. She hadn't intended their first time to be so public but it was the only way to prove her worth as a superior girlfriend.

She was careful undoing his belt, keeping one eye on the people sitting around them making sure she wasn't discovered unzipping the boys jeans. Warren gritted his teeth as her hand slipped inside his pants, seeking out his manhood inside his underwear while he fought the urge to scream at her. One or two people were already looking at him disapprovingly, warning him with their glares not to interrupt the movie. Biting his lip he squirmed against the molestations of the tech nerd beside him as she pulled out his penis, stroking its hardening length with her fingers. This is crazy! His mind screamed in protest. But a part of him was getting aroused at how risky this was for the two of them. Not even Max would go for something this exposed.

Brooke could sense Warrens body relenting to her touch, his silent protests quelling to silence as he came around to her advances. His dick was out for anyone looking to see, yet all other onlookers were sadly sat out of sight watching the movie leaving her to admire her crushes promising berth all to herself. He felt large in her hand, growing bigger with each stroke. She looked up at his flushed face, sweating profoundly with labored breath. I bet Caulfield never got him with turned on.

Taking their relationship officially to the next level Brooke adjusted her seat and folded over onto Warrens lap, opening her mouth as running her tongue along his length. "Fuck" he breathed clutching the armrest as the girl licked his cock, circling the tip teasing him until he was throbbing. His eyes whirled around frantically, finding a few suspicious looks from those sat a few rows behind him who noted his companion had vanished from sight. "Wait, this is crazy. We'll get caught!"

Brooke glanced up at him, her eyes dancing with excitement at the prospect. She opened her mouth wide and took him into her throat, swallowing his cock as far as she could before her gag reflex was triggered. Wrapping her lips around him she sucked him off proudly, bobbing her head stuffing her cheeks with his big member humming in satisfaction. His hips buckled up pushing himself further down her throat, nearly choking her as she deepthroated him aggressively. His body betrayed his arousal, enticing her forward while the movie distracted the rest of the cinema.

"Shit, fuck, God…" Warren hissed at intervals, risking their exposure with every word he uttered while Brooke sucked his cock. He couldn't believe she would be up for this, let alone performing it. But he couldn't help but admire how amazing her mouth felt squeezing around his dick. She wasn't as naturally talented as Max was, but her inexperience gave way for passion and fortitude. The added danger of being seen drove Warren to the edge, on the verge of exploding sooner than he thought (which was a welcome relief. The sooner this was over, the better). "Brooke" he whispered patting her on the head. "I'm going to cum."

She heard him and increased her pace, milking his dick as hard as she could slurping quietly. She wanted him to cum in her mouth. She wanted to taste his seed and drink every last drop. He grunted and hissed through gritted teeth, still trying to remain silent, gripping her hair tightly shoving her face down into his lap. She came when he put his hands on her, her moans muffled by his throbbing member as her panties were soaked inside her jeans. He was next to cum, ejaculating into her throat with a reluctant groan. She wasn't ready for the level of cum he unloaded into her, struggling to swallow it all leading to a third leaking past her lips and staining his pant and the floor.

Hearing her choking on his cum he pulled the girl off his lap, staring at her worried as she covered her mouth to avoid vomiting or coughing to loudly. White seamen leaked between her fingers as she inhaled through her nose, gulping down the last of his seed before wiping her lips with the back of her hand. "Wow" she muttered falling back into her seat. She still had droplets of white on her cheeks, her eyes glazed behind her glasses staring up at the big screen.

Warren quickly hid his dripping penis, zipping up his jeans before anybody saw them in this state. He fixed his eyes on the screen unable to look at the girl, stunned into disbelief at what she'd just done. What they just did. "You okay?" He quietly whispered to her.

"Yeah" she replied. "That was amazing" she said taking his hand. He looked down at her nervously, glancing up to see her eyes on him as she smiled. Does this mean we're a…thing? Warren hoped Brooke didn't take this as a sign they were now a couple or anything. He still had Max and whatever they were, Brooke would just muddle things up.

Brooke wasn't crazy or stupid. One blowjob didn't mean they were an item. But it opened the door for at least the "friends with benefits". If he's interested. "I need to go to the bathroom and clean up" she whispered to him. He nodded quietly staying where he was. She decided to put their new status to the yes by leaning in to kiss him on the cheek, whispering in his ear "come and join me if you want more." With that she quietly stepped out of her seat and walked up the aisle to the bathrooms around the back.

Warren sat bewildered watching her walk quietly away, the film echoing across the cinema captivating the audience so nobody noticed her leave her seat. He stared up at the screen with his mind in a tail spin. Was she serious? Does she really expect me to follow her? It sounded crazy the more he thought about it, but the more he did the harder his cock became. He had hoped to have sex at the end of the evening with Max, but resolved to a date without it when he invited Brooke instead. He never considered she'd be interested in a one night stand or casual fling.

And yet now I'm uncomfortably horny and she's waiting to see if I join her.

Warren thought about it a moment longer before deciding "fuck it", sneaking out of his seat to walk quietly up the dark isle towards the toilets at the back. Once he left the stalls he faced a puzzle. If Brooke had gone into the ladies did she expect him to follow her, possible leading to an embarrassing confrontation if someone else was in there. Or did she sneak into the men's hoping he'd find his way on his own. But as he pondered the question he found there was a third door, a unisex bathroom. It seemed the logical choice and stayed inconspicuous but there still was a chance she wasn't there. Nevertheless he reached for the handle of option three first, suddenly interrupted when the door flew open and a hand grabbed his shirt and yanked him inside.

"What took you so bloody long?" Brooke asked him as she pulled the boy into the stall latching it behind her. She didn't wait for an answer, lunging forward into a desperate kiss taking his breath away. This time he was ready for her and wrapped his arms around her, meeting her embrace as they made out in the bathroom stall. It wasn't as dirty as he expected it to be but the thrill of getting caught was still there, the adrenaline exciting both students as they pulled at their waistbands.

Brooke had Warrens dick back out in seconds, pumping it furiously while yanking his trousers down to his knees before shoving him back onto the toilet. He sat staring up at her as she turned her back to him to undo her tight jeans, shimmying the waist and down her thighs along with her panties revealing her smooth bottom to the drooling boy.

He reached out to take the girls backside him his palms, marveling at how soft she felt giving her an encouraging slap. She moaned quietly as he pulled her back onto his lap, his prick rubbing between her cheeks begging to be inside one of her juicy holes. He looked up at the raven haired nerd sitting on his knees, the purple and red streak of hair falling over her glasses. "You sure about this?" He asked her.

"What do you think?" She sighed impatiently, leaning back to kiss him on the lips before raising her hips. "Now shut up and fuck me already" she said aligning his cock with her dripping pussy. He took the hint and grabbed her hips slamming her down onto his manhood.

Brooke had dreamed of this moment, having Warrens penis inside her vagina and feeling his size stretch her walls, grinning in delight now it's finally happening. She got so excited she nearly orgasmed prematurely, holding it in so she could hold onto his knees and bounce on his lap slowly, drawing out the pleasure. His breath got heavy as she massaged his length, each thrust mirrored with a groan matching her moans. He reached around her and pulled her back against his chest, groping her breasts through her shirt before reaching down to play with her clit. "You feel so tight" he whispered in her ear.

"Faster" she replied, trying to increase her pace while wrapped up in his arms. His hips thrust faster into her, turning her moans to squeals as she rode his hard member. His pace increased so much she had to put her hand on the cubicle wall to steady herself, her body shaking as pleasure rippled through her skin. Her clit throbbed under his touch, her orgasm imminent biting her lip.

He could feel it too, his own climax approaching right behind it. "I think I'm going to cum" he warned her.

Brooke wanted him to cum inside her, to fill her up, but she still had enough of her faculties to realize how foolish that would be. "I…I don't have protection" she told him. "Pull out!"

Warren nodded quickly lifting her off him, sitting his erection between her legs where she dutifully jerked him off until he finished. He groaned as his white seed squirted all over the far wall, the girls hands around it like holding a firehose before shuddering in her own orgasm. Her cum dripped over Warrens lap as the nerd collapsed into his arms, relaxing against his chest as they both fluttered down from their high.

"You want to see the rest of the movie?" Warren asked her as they sat in silences in the bathroom cubicle.

She sighed thoughtfully looking back at him. "We could" she replied wiping a tear from her cheek. "Or we could go back to my place and pick up where we left off. I have condoms at my dorm."

Warren smiled, pulling the girl into a passionate kiss taking her up on her offer. He may not have gotten to go ape with Max tonight, but Brooke is more than happy to become a willing replacement.

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