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Meanwhile at Hogwarts

The Ravenclaw common room was quiet tonight. It helped that there wasn’t as many here this evening due to the school holidays. Not that Padma would’ve minded either way, she wasn’t doing much sleeping tonight.

After the previous nights excitement with the other girls, the young woman was consumed with hormones and desires left unfulfilled. Which was odd considering how much she got to indulge with each of them last night, including her twin sister. Nevertheless, she tossed and turned in her bed unable to doze off, her body craving her sisters touch once more. She knew they shouldn’t have given into that impulse last night, now they’ll never stop.

“Can’t sleep either huh” a voice giggled from nearby.

Padma opened her eyes and looked up to find a stunning young woman standing by her bed watching her, dressed in a night shirt over some panties leaving the rest of her creamy skin bare including her toned legs and arms. Her black hair fell over her shoulders as Cho smiled down leaning against her banister. Padma followed the girls eyes and found her own hand between her legs inside her pyjama bottoms. At some point in the night she’d started touching herself and Cho clearly noticed. For once the dark skinned witch didn’t shy away from the embarrassing catch. She’d done much more with her study partner Cho. “What are you doing up?” She asked, pulling her hand free and rolling over to look at her, her pyjamas mercifully buttoned up.

Cho flopped down on the bed beside the girl and whispered “I couldn’t relax either. Last night was just so much fun.”

“So what? You thought you’d come and watch me sleep?” Padma asked.

Cho lay down beside her, snuggling in on the mattress. “Actually I was hoping you’d still be awake and ask if you wanted some company” she told her, her hand falling on the girls hip. Her eyes glanced down and she added “though it looked like you were fine on your own.”

Padma rolled her eyes, rolling onto her back to recline while the raven haired girl snuggled closer. She made no objection as the young nympho girl snuggled closer dragging her palm over her stomach a few times. It was an open secret now that Cho has had sex with pretty much everyone, herself included now. “I guess last night did leave an impression, didn’t it” she muttered, feeling Cho cautiously unbutton her pyjamas while they talked.

“You can’t say we didn’t have fun” Cho agreed, leaning over to kiss at Padma’s neck. “You and your sister were really hot. I didn’t know you two liked to fool around like that.”

“We didn’t, not really” she sighed, looking down as the girl opened her pyjamas and began fondling her breasts, biting her bottom lip in response. “We just got really carried away. Though not that we have…”

“You don’t want to stop” Cho teased, feeling much the same as the dark skinned girl turned her head to kiss the young nympho. They moaned and giggled together as their bodies rubbed each other, the kiss becoming passionate as Padma’s hand found its way between Cho’s thighs. “Does this mean you’re up for keeping me company tonight?” Cho asked her.

Padma smiled. She could be persuaded. But the thought was interrupted when they heard something land with a thud across the room. They both shot up in bed to look into the darkness, their eyes scanning the bunks before falling on a shoe at the foot on Luna’s bed. At first they were just about to dismiss it, but then they heard a noise coming from her bunk. The curtains were drawn closed obscuring the white haired girl from view, but it sounded muffled.

Cho and Padma looked at each other inquisitively, pressing pause on their impromptu entanglement to investigate. Padma retrieved her wand from her nightstand just in case, leaving her pyjamas undone as she climbed out of bed with Cho beside her. They approached Luna’s bed and listened carefully, the muffled sounds becoming clearer the closer they got. They reached the curtains and heard Luna’s voice mumbling and moaning, pants mixed with mewls and the occasional squeak. Padma rolled her eyes as Cho held back a laugh. “Oh my god. You hear that? Is she…”

“It would seem she is” Padma sighed, turning away from the bed. “Let’s leave her too it.”

“Don’t you want to peek?” Cho asked, creeping closer to the curtain eagerly teasing the opening.

Padma caught her hand whispering “no you perv. We should leave her alone.”

“Just one peek” she argued, hopping to the other side of the bed to find a vantage point. Padma shook her head, crossing her arms defiantly. But the louder Luna became the greater the impulse grew. Just one peek she told herself, convincing it was to make sure she was alright. She crept forward and found the opening, gently prying the curtains open to peer through the barrier into the bed. It took a moment to find her through the darkness, but once she did her eyes widened.

“Luna!” She cried, throwing the curtains apart to reveal the girls bed entirely.

Opposite her Cho did the same, reacting to Padma’s outrage with a giggle, misinterpretations it as embarrassing the young witch they were spying on. Instead she found the young Luna Lovegood entangled in her school uniform and bed covers as tentacles and appendages coiled aliens her legs and waist fucking her relentlessly. Cho froze in shock as her eyes followed the multiple slithering limbs to their source, the same book Luna had been reading the night before. “Luna, you promised!” She cried out.

Luna looked up at them both, surprised to see them as the tendrils continued to molest and massage her body, removing what was left of her uniform including her shirt, her socks and left shoe. She looked apologetically at Cho while Padma barked at her “I thought we agreed that book should go back in the restricted section?”

“It’s alright” Luna told them, lifting up her hand holding her wand tightly. “I took precautions. Besides, I never reached my…Um…climax last time.”

The two girls looked at each other and shook their heads. “Seriously Luna?” Cho complained. “You couldn’t have at least told us about this? What if I wanted a go?” Padma shot her a glare but Cho just shrugged. "What? You can’t say it wasn’t fun when we did it.”

Padma didn’t want to admit she did, backing away from the bed ready to cast her spell and close the book again just like Ginny did. But she stopped when she felt a tendril rise up and hook around her waist, slithering up her back while another teased her exposed breasts. She almost lashed out in repulsion, but they were surprisingly gentle this time. At least they didn’t shove themselves straight into her throat like last time. “Aren’t they dangerous?” She objected.

“Well I’ve been having sex with it for the last hour, so I don’t think so” Luna replied, relaxing against the mattress feeling the tentacles move deeper into her pussy and ass as more sucked on her nipples. She looked up at Cho as saw the girl eying the tendrils hovering around her as a few slithered up her legs to brush the underside of her damp panties. “Now you’re here, you might as well join in” she sighed, reaching out to take Cho’s hand and pull the girl closer.

Cho reluctantly followed Luna’s lead as she was guided onto the bed, both by the sexy young woman and the eager tentacles stroking her skin. She cast a look at Padma replying “it does look like fun”, pulling her shirt over her head bringing her naked torso to display. The tendrils immediately reached up and wrapped around her breasts to begin pleasuring them while the girl leaned down and kissed Luna on the lips.

Padma looked at the tentacles embracing her, her pyjamas already over her shoulders being coaxed down her arms as a gentle tentacle stoked her neck. She sighed, letting the clothing slip from her body before her bottoms slowly followed suit. “Fine” she relented. “But I’m holding onto my wand.”

The book sat in the middle of the mattress between Luna’s legs, the opens open glowing white as the tentacles reached out to the three girls. It gave them a minute to get themselves situated on the bed and pull the curtains closed, recasting the muffling charms so they didn’t wake their dorm mates. The pyjamas and clothes fell onto the floor, the only signs something was amiss from outside if anyone was still awake. Five different types of tentacles escaped the doorway between the pages: a thin red tendril, a thicker brown tendril with pink bumps, a large green and purple octopus arm, a flat pink arm with nodes lining the edges, and a black version with a phallus head which opens like a mouth with teeth and a tongue. Each one had a distinct style in their movements, their textures delivering a specific type of pleasure, like they were designed for sexual activities.

The tentacles fell upon the girls effortlessly, being much more sensual and methodical than last time. Last time they tore off their clothes and forced themselves into any hole they could find. This time they embraced their naked bodies, massaged their breasts, stroked their skin, warmed them up before penetrating their pussies and asses.

Luna was already being driven crazy by two thin tendrils twisting inside her cunt and the thick tentacle up her ass, a black mouthed tentacle sucking on her nipples. She still had her school shirt and blue tie on, but several tendrils slithered underneath them to coil around her breasts and neck. Cho knelt over her, pink and green tentacles caressing her body making her moan once she was finished kissing the pale blonde girl.

It didn’t take her long to become wet. She was horny before she climbed into Luna’s bed and more than happy to take those cocks again. She had a blast the last time those tentacles used her, using her hands to open up her ass so they could invade her butt. Her pussy was slick and soaking and ready for the thick green tentacle with suckers pressing against her insides. None of the tentacles were latching onto her breasts yet, not even the pink one slithering over her back under her hair. What she really wanted was something to suck on, keeping her mouth wide open waiting for the first one to jump in.

Padma was much more hesitant, making sure the curtains were closed and the charms were in place before letting the tentacles coil around her arms and torso. She kept her wand gripped tightly in her hand as she reclined backwards over Luna’s lap, her knees lifted up in the air and her ankles pulled together. She appreciated how gentle they were being, watching them nervously whenever they hover over her face. Last time her and her sister were amongst the first to be penetrated, the tendrils rushing into their mouths so fast they didn’t have time to react. This time she kept her jaw shut. She didn’t want to be rushed again. The tentacles caressed her, the tentacles circling her nipples and licking her clit. She felt one of the phallus heads open up and lick her clit, the small tongue wet and cold, the sensation making her shiver. More tentacles proved against her anus and pussy, waiting until she was moist from the stimulation before slipping into her body slowly. She allowed a moan to escape her lips, expecting something to jump into her mouth. But they didn’t and she relaxed, reclining against Luna’s writhing body.

“See, it’s not so bad once you…get to know it” Luna said, briefly moaning from a mild orgasm as the tendrils swirled and intertwined inside her pussy walls. Her arms lifted above her head, her fingers brushing through her blonde hair as she melted into the pleasurable touch. She felt Cho’s warm breath on her neck when the girl slumped forward, the tentacle in her ass pushing deeper driving the Asian girl wild, her hands falling upon the pale skinned girl joining the tendrils slithering over her chest. Luna barely noticed as she relaxed, her wrists coming together as a thin red tentacle snaked around them binding her while it’s friend gently pried her wand from her grasp. The young witch didn’t make a fuss, too engrossed in her pleasure to care and welcoming a thick black tentacle into her mouth.

Cho looked down at the girl now deepthroating a tentacle and whined. Why could she get a tentacle to suck on? She had one sucking on her nipples already, the head circling its tongue around her nub before latching it’s teeth into her skin. She gasped and moaned, the oily pink tentacles massaging her back as green limbs wrapped up her thighs and fondled her butt. She looked across to Padma, who was still nervously endorsing the pleasure with her feet high in the air coiled up in tentacles. Cho reached over and squeezed on of her boobs to catch her attention, locking eyes with her telling her to relax. “They’re not going to hurt you” she said, moaning from the bumpy tentacles thrusting into her holes.

Padma sighed as the tentacles in her body started moving faster, burrowing deep enough to stimulate her. She had twin pairs of red tendrils twisting around into a solid mass drilling into her ass as a green tentacle fucked her cunt, a slick tongue still licking her clit. Pink tentacles slathered over her torso between her breasts like a tongue, their numbs massaging her flesh as her legs were wrapped together. She kept a firm grip on her wand ever as more tentacles coiled around her arms. She felt a black tendril wrap around her throat and pause by her face, it’s phallus head opening up to brush its tongues across her dark lips. She finally relented and opened her mouth, reaching out with her tongue to twirl around it sharing a kiss with the tentacle. It never went in her mouth, it’s tongue moving along her jaw to her ear and down her neck. Between that and the enjoyable fucking it’s friends was giving her, Padma Patil eventually succumbed to her first orgasm squeezing her new friends. After that the night got even more passionate.

The tentacles took great joy in playing with their girls, passing them between each other as more arrived to fill the space. Their little bed in the Ravenclaw dorm room became a nest of colourful tentacles all eager to enjoy the sexy young women in their grasp. All remnants of clothing were discarded and flesh became the prize, each arm fighting for a taste while the girls let themselves be used. They moaned and begged and screamed as they were tossed and turned around each other, their holes constantly filled. Cho finally got her wish for a cock in her mouth, hoisted upside down by a web of tendrils as more pounded her pussy and ass from above, her hair hanging from her scalp. Below her Luna was held up on all fours, her hair yanked back by a rough tentacle so another could fuck her bum relentlessly. She had a pink tentacle slithering over her torso enjoying her body with her hands lost in the coils of a pair of green brothers, their arms hooked around her shoulders arching her back. Below her Padma lay with her face in Luna’s cunt, licking at the opening dripping with cum and juices from both her and her tentacle friends. She sucked on her clit, her own body molested by red tendrils as brown girth pounded her pussy, her legs caught in an embrace from multiple tentacles. Both her nipples were being sucked and she wondered if she could be milked by this creature. The thought escaped her as her head was pulled back and a cock was guided into her throat, the dark skinned girl sucking obediently while Luna was filled by another cock.

At some point during the night, time losing all sense as the girls lost themselves to the pleasure, Padm found herself beside Cho making out with the girl while Luna hummed softly to the tentacles caressing her body, her head resting between their breasts stroking their thighs, occasionally looking up to watch them. All three of them had their holes plugged by thick pulsing tentacles and more wrapped around their bodies. Cho held another tentacle in her palm, stroking it affectionately. Padma still held her wand, the tip teasing Luna’s nipple absently.

Luna was the first to receive the creatures new gift, sensing the shift in its intentions as its tentacles swelled inside her pussy all the way to her cervix. She inhaled softly, looking down at the bulge in her belly underneath the pink tentacle slathering her stomach. Then she felt the cock inside squirt as cum flooded her womb. She threw her head back and moaned, drawing her friends attention. “Oh that feels really nice” she sighed, climaxing from the sensation of having its cum pump into her womb. One one in her ass did the same, filling her belly with its spunk.

Cho was next, her tentacles bursting at the same time making her scream in shock. She melted almost immediately, catching the nearest tentacle just as it began to drip over her face. She pulled it into her mouth and swallowed the fluid, cum dripping from her lips as it squirted down her throat faster than she could gulp it down. When it was done she pulled it out and grabbed Padma’s face, bringing her mouth to hers for a cum soaked kiss.

“What is this?” Padma asked after tasting the cum, looking at it as it dribbled down her chin.

“Who cares, it tastes amazing” Cho smiled, laying back receiving several facials from neighbouring tentacles.

“And they seem intent on filling our belly’s with it” Luna noted, her stomach starting to swell as more tentacles pushed in beside the others to pump their stuff into her womb.

Padma suddenly became worried even as her tentacles started to empty their contents into her. For the first time she wondered if this creature could procreate with humans. What if they were using the girls as breeding stock? Despite her concerns the tentacles successfully ejaculated into her pussy and ass, squirting more onto her skin and face covering her and her friends in the sticky substance.

When they were done, more tentacles rushed in and they began fucking them again. They were fucked and fucked well until more tentacle came, came inside them or on them only to be replaced by more as they continued to fuck the girls over and over tirelessly. After the third cycle and several dozen orgasms Padma felt too exhausted to continue, her body aching. Cho seemed intoxicated by the experience, willing submitting to the tentacles as they continued to pump her full of cum. Luna was barely moving, the tiniest of noises escaping her lips as she was fucked relentlessly, her skin plastered by cum. She seemed sleepy, on the verge of falling unconscious. These tentacles however didn’t seem to care, willing to continue fucking her even while she slept.

Miraculously Padma still hand her wand in her hand, deciding they’d had enough and looked for the book these creatures hailed from. She found it lost under the next of tentacles surrounding them, the pages still glowing as more tentacles crawled out of it. She pointed her wand and shouted the counter charm to force the book closed, her hoarse voice clashing with the bellow of her last orgasm the tendrils pried from her aching cum soaked body.

In a flash the tentacles were yanked back into the pages and the book slammed closed, falling still on the mattress of the bed. The three of them collapsed around it, the curtains fluttering open dispelling the muffling charms hiding from from their bunkmates. None of them awoke in all the time they’d been fucking.

Cho groaned in disappointment, her body succumbing to exhaustion as she rolled onto her side dripping with fluids. Luna lay on her back completely asleep, a delirious smile on her face. Padma slumped onto the bed, her head resting on Cho’s thigh trying to keep her eyes open. She wanted to figure out how long the three of them had been having sex for, what time it was, what the book said about the creature they’d just been abused by and whether it’s cum was harmful or likely to get them pregnant. She had too many questions to ask. But her body objected and forced her to rest, her eyelids falling closed and her wand finally falling from her grip as she fell asleep with her two naked friends.


The next morning they would wake up to the embarrassment of being caught in Luna’s bed clearly having done the deed. While none would explain they summoned a tentacle creature to have sex with, none of them would bother denying they had fun last night. Padma managed to sneak the book away from Luna so she could research the creature herself and get herself checked out after cleaning up.

Her sister, meanwhile, woke up from her delightful slumber in her own bed in the Gryffindor dorm room. She stretched her arms and relished the last remnants of the dream she had, of her and her sister engaging in some more naughty incest. Parvati promised herself to make time to talk to Padma and discuss their sisters bond and it’s future sometime.

She sat up out of bed and looked around the dorm room. She appeared to be the last to wake up, but not the only witch still in bed. She heard the sounds coming from Hermione’s bunk while she was climbing out of hers, her bare feet falling onto the warm wooden floor. Pavati was wearing a T-shirt and panties, natural sleeping attire for her. She didn’t bother getting changed before walking over to investigate the noises. She crept over and found Hermione in bed completely naked, muttering incoherently as a young red-haired woman lay between her legs munching on her pussy. Parvati stood by the red curtain surrounding the bed and smiled, her groin becoming moist as she watched Ginny Weasley eat out her friend.

It had become an open secret the two girls were hooking up every since their game of truth or dare, and Parvati was glad they finally got around to it. They looked incredibly hot together, the sight sending tingles through her sensitive body parts. The two of them continued at it oblivious on her watching until Hermione moaned in orgasm, her head falling back against the pillow and rolling her face in her direction. The moment she opened her eyes she was greeted with the sight of a very turned on Parvati Patil.

“Shit! Fuck, seriously?” She gasped, shooting up onto her elbows staring at the dark skinned girl in surprise. “Where you just watching us?”

“I couldn’t help it” she giggled teasingly. “You’re both so captivating.”

“Oh let her watch” Ginny smiled, lifting her head rubbing Hermione’s clit with her fingers. She crawled up the bed laying her naked body upon hers, kissing the brunette on the lips deeply before glancing at Parvati. “Would you like to pull up a seat.”

Parvati chuckled, biting her finger feeling the excitement building. But she caught the glint in Ginny’s eyes and replied “or maybe I should just stay here and see what happens.” The girls both looked at her oddly until she started removing her clothes, at which point they both locked eyes and smiled playfully.

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