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Love Underwater: Part 3

Percy came home to find Piper was running a bath, sitting on the rim casually running her hand through the water dressed in a bathrobe. She looked up when she heard him come in giving him a welcoming smile when he poked his head around the bathroom door. "I hope you don't mind I let myself in" she said guiltily.

"Not at all" he replied shrugging off his coat. "You're always welcome here."

She craned her neck to look out into the passageway. "Annabeth not with you?"

"She had a final errand, but she should be right behind me. She'll be happy to see you, but annoyed you didn't call ahead."

"Sorry" she said apologetically. "It was a last minute decision. I hope you didn't mind too much. And I've been dying to have a decent bath for days. Plumbing in my place is rotting. I swear Hestia has cursed me."

"Hestia doesn't curse anyone" he objected. "If she did, maybe it's because where you're staying isn't really home for you."

Piper chuckled quietly suggesting "is that why I keep coming around here then? Is this my home?"

"Annabeth would say it is. And so do I."

She smiled, once more feeling very welcomed. Especially given how things ended with Jason. Moving to San Francisco seemed like the right idea at the time, but lately she just kept looking for excuses to avoid her own apartment. Fortunately Percy and Annabeth didn't live that far away and had even gifted her with a spare key. She tried not to abuse their hospitality but she needed to soak in a functional bathtub. She turned off the hot water and stood up in the bathroom. Before she stepped in she turned to address the handsome young man still standing in the doorway. "Everything okay?" She asked him.

"Everything's fine" he answered. "Why'd you ask?"

"The way you're staring at me, standing in the door" she said in a tease. She took a step closer fiddling with the robe covering her modesty. "Either there was something you needed to talk to me about, or there was something you wanted. Or something you wanted to see?" She opened her robe revealing her nakedness to Percy, watching his eyes fall over her admiring her soft curves and full chest. She could sense his adoration as he looked at her, relished it every time they were together without any clothes on. "You could always join me you know. I'm sure Annabeth wouldn't mind."

Percy watched as Piper dropped the robe from her shoulders, resisting the hungry urge to take her in his arms and molest every inch of her. She looked stunning. "I appreciate the offer but I need to start dinner before Annabeth gets back."

Piper masked her disappointment well, shrugging it off telling him "if you change your mind you know where I am." She sauntered back to the tub before calling over her shoulder "you're welcome to watch though. I don't mind a peeping Tom when it's you guys." She glanced back to catch him shaking his head as he turned away, smiling to herself seeing how red his cheeks were. She stepped into the water and lay down to relax, sighing longingly as she sank down into the bathtub.

Percy started diner and had the food boiling in no time. Somehow domestic life suited him. He checked his watch taking an educated guess at how long it would take Annabeth to get home. By his count he had a few minutes to wait with nothing to do. His attention was drawn to the open bathroom where Piper was soaking in the bathtub, his mind wandering to all the different ways he could pass the time while she was here. Walking over to the doorway he leaned just behind the frame peeping around the corner. Her eyes were closed and she looked very relaxed, her head resting on the spongy cushion at the head of the tub. He gave into temptation and decided to have a little fun with his houseguest.

Even with her eyes closed Piper could sense his gaze on her, bringing a familiar naughty heat to her core. Beneath the surface of the water hidden from view her hands reached lower to her groin rubbing her clit, getting worked up knowing there was an audience watching. She liked it when people watched her, one of her pet kinks. Sex in a public place. Masturbating in front of company. It's her biggest turn on.

Her second biggest was discovered when she started hanging out with Percy and Annabeth more regularly, when their relationship got more casually flexible. As she touched herself in the bathtub she suddenly felt the water shift around her, moving on its own forming two invisible masses beneath the surface to coil around her wrists pulling them away. She whined in protest opening her eyes, looking down to glimpse more translucent tendrils forming under the water circling her body. She let out a soft chuckle as they began stroking her gently, focusing on the sensitive hot spots she liked.

"You just couldn't help yourself could you?" She called out into the passageway where she knew Percy was watching. She peered out to see him smirking as he leaned just outside with his hands in his pockets. He didn't need his hands when he could control water with his mind. Piper loved that he was the son of Poseidon.

Percy sent his tentacles to pleasure the young demigod, carefully restraining her arms and thighs so she would thrash about too much while he massaged her limbs and fondled her boobs. She gave no resistance, relaxing into their embrace sighing in content. Her head fell back as a slim tendril stroked up her long neck tickling her soft flesh just underneath her ear, a place few had learnt always made the girl shiver in pleasure. "Oh yes Percy" she moaned getting really hot as the pleasure continued. "Oh that's it. Right there. Oh!"

Percy loved it when she moaned like this, the clear tone of begging for more. He stepped it up by manipulating the water around her breasts, playing with her hard nipples until summoning a large tendril to rise out of the water and sit between her mounds. Piper looked down biting her bottom lip as the tentacle was sandwiched between her tits before rubbing up and down, the warm texture sending tingles up her spine. "I love it when you fuck my tits Percy" she praised thrusting her chest out, eager for more what what he could give her.

"What about when I fuck you here?" He asked just as a tentacle pushed into her pussy.

She screamed out-loud immediately cumming as he penetrated her, not at all ashamed of how prematurely she orgasmed. In her experience the faster she climaxed was a testament to how amazing her lover was. And Percy with his water tentacles was always incredible. "Oh yes, give it to me!" She pleaded, begging him to fuck her through her orgasm and into her second. "Fuck! Please fuck me Percy!"

He was happy to see she was enjoying herself, happy to indulge her as he thrust the tendril deep into her body pumping it like a piston. The appendages around her writhing body tightened as she flailed more wildly, holding her still as water spilled from the bathtub. The tendril titfucking her increased its pace until it was mirroring its brother between her legs. Piper was moaning frantically being driven completely wild.

"Percy! I'm home!" Annabeth's voice called from the front door. Percy turned to hear the front lock opening, glancing back into the bathroom hurriedly deciding what to do.

Piper heard Annabeth call out, a broad smile forming on her face. "Annabeth. You won't believe what Percy is doing to meumpft!" Her voice was silenced by an urgent tentacle stuffing down her throat gagging her completely. She chocked on the mass of water looking up to find Percy holding a finger to his lips as he dashed out of sight to greet his girlfriend, leaving Piper alone in the bathroom. Yet the tentacles continued to fuck her.

Annabeth was stepping through the front door when Percy arrived to greet her, wrapping his arms around her and giving her a warm kiss. "What kept you?" He asked taking her coat.

"Nothing. Errand took longer because the damn traffic lights were against me" she complained. She sighed kicking off her shoes before properly embracing her boyfriend. "Did you put diner on like I told you to?"

"Yes. And I put the groceries away like you told me. See, I do listen."

"Occasionally" she smiled kissing him. Her stormy grey eyes stared up at him fondly until they noticed the thin layer of sweat on his brow. "Are you okay?" She asked touching his forehead, feeling the damp moisture.

"I'm fine" he said suddenly sounding out of breath. And distracted. She raised an eyebrow, giving him her curious yet warning look. She could tell there was something off. "There is something I need to tell you" he admitted.

Before he could speak there was a noise from the bathroom down the hall, the sound of splashing water. Annabeth looked from Percy's face to the open door, her eyes narrowed as she stepped around him to investigate. He held his breath when she peered around the wall to find Piper thrashing in her bathtub being pummelled by water tentacles, her moans gagged by the appendage stuffed in her mouth. Annabeth stayed out of her line of sight, turning back to glare at her boyfriend.

"She let herself in" he tried to explain until she put a finger to his lips.

"You just just couldn't help yourself could you" she whispered disappointed. "You couldn't have waited for me to get back first?" He silently apologized kissing the back of her hand. She drew a silent breath glancing back over her shoulder, spying on their sexy houseguest with a smirk. "I forgot something at the corner shop" she said out loud, holding a finger to her lips as she loudly walked back to the front door. "I'll just be a few minutes, okay Percy?"

"Of course" he replied loudly, following her lead as they glanced to the bathroom. "Take your time. Love you."

"Love you too" she called slamming the door shut. After they they both creeped back to the bathroom door pressing against the wall so they could both watch Piper together. Percy fell in behind his girlfriend kissing her on the shoulder while she fixed her gaze on the naked girl being tentacle fucked.

Piper heard the door slam and believed their hoax about Annabeth leaving. She had hoped she'd come in and find her. But then that could've meant Percy would have to stop what he was doing and she didn't want this to end. Left with only silence she rode the tentacles through orgasm after orgasm moaning into the tendril in her mouth.

Annabeth got really aroused watching Piper like this, helped along when Percy wrapped his arms around her holding her close. She usually objected to such perverted action but with Piper it felt more exciting. Feeling rather naughty she undid her jeans and guided Percy's hand down between her thighs. He took the hint and started rubbing her through her panties, listening to the quiet soft breaths she released under his touch. He loved they way Annabeth's voice sang when he pleasured her, couldn't get enough of it. At her signal they decided to bring more to the chorus by removing the gag in Pipers mouth so they could hear her sing.

"Oh fuck! Fuck me! Fuck!" Piper cried the moment the tendril pulled out out her mouth. Her head fell back and she screamed to the ceiling, the tentacles in her pussy pounding her relentlessly. She had three of them fucking her now, stretching her opening and filling her body. Her breasts were still moulded around the thick phallus fucking her chest. "Yes! Fuck yes! Keep going! Don't stop!" She swooned.

"She's loving it" Annabeth whispered proudly, on the verge of her own silent orgasm as she rocked against Percy's hand.

He kissed her neck whispering in her ear "I could do you too if you wanted." As he said it a familiar sensation rose in her core as he used his powers to manipulate the moisture growing in her vagina, a tease of what could follow.

Annabeth gasped biting her lip to keep from making a sound, looking back at him with a loving smile. "Maybe later" she told him kissing him on the lips. "Right now I'm happy to watch you fuck our houseguest." They both smiled sharing a passionate moment before turning their attention back to Piper.

She was a trembling bundle of pleasure now, every thrust of the tendril igniting fireworks in her body. She screamed and moaned in an endless climax as she strained to poke her head up and look out the door. She found Percy's head peering around watching her slyly, calling out to him "Hey seaweed brain!"

"Yeah" he called back ignoring the look of disapproval on Annabeth's face. Only she was allowed to call him that. "You okay? He asked.

"I was wondering" Piper shouted between moans, jerking her hips against the tendrils maximizing her ride. "What would…fuck…what would Annabeth say if she saw us doing this?" She grinned feeling like the mistress in their relationship.

Percy looked over to Annabeth who, with a smug look on her face, answered back "I'd ask if you were staying for dinner."

Piper head snapped up so fast she almost got whiplash, her body instinctively clenching around the tentacles trapping them in her body. Percy let go of his control and they melted back into the bathtub, joining his girlfriend as they both stepped around the corner to find a surprised red faced young woman staring back at them trying to cover herself up. "Annie!" She croaked suddenly feeling rather foolish. "Hey. I thought you were… um, I hope you don't mind. My place needed new plumbing and… um…"

Annabeth burst out laughing giving Percy a peck on the cheek. "I'll make dinner" she said walking back to the kitchen. "You're welcome to join us when you're up for it" she called over her shoulder. Percy gave the embarrassed girl a shrug following after her. Piper sat back in the tub, lowering her head below the surface to hide how guilty and stupid she was feeling.

"I'm sorry I cheated on you" Percy said joining Annabeth in the kitchen. "Do you forgive me?"

"Well that depends" she replied leaning against the counter. "Do you plan on have sex with Piper ever again?"

"With you there, maybe" he admitted.

She smiled thinking the same. "Maybe it's time we made our arrangement with her official" she suggested.

"How'd you mean official?" He asked.

"Well, she's here most nights anyway. Maybe she should move in. Like one big happy family?"

"We were discussing how she feels more at home here" he smiled putting his arms around her waist. "You think she'll be up to it?"

She shrugged putting her arms around his neck. "We know until we ask her. But I have a good feeling" she said as the two shared a kiss waiting for their dinner to finish cooking.

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