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Love Underwater: Part 2

It was approaching 11pm when Percy looked at his phone, reading the text from Annabeth saying she was turning in for the night. The quest they were on had taken them through a motel where they all decided to settle in for the night, booking the one room with twin beds. Percy and Annabeth were happy to share one leaving the other open for the third member of their party.

Thalia Grace drifted aimlessly in the middle of the swimming pool staring up at the stars while Percy sat on the side-lines with his jeans bunched up around his knees, his shoes a few feet away from the water. Annabeth had stayed in their room researching tomorrow's travel options. The motel was virtually empty and they'd been fortunate enough not to have been attacked by monsters yet. Percy hoped their luck would hope out at least until morning. He could use a good nights sleep.

"So how are things with the hunters going?" Percy asked Thalia making idle conversation.

"Fine. Bit weird being away from them like this, but it's nice being a regular demigod on a quest again" she replied casually paddling towards him. She was the only member of their group to have a swimsuit packed, hence why she was in the pool and Percy wasn't (throughout this quest she seemed to have everything neither he nor Annabeth didn't). "Hopefully this goes better than our last quest together" she joked coming up to the edge looking up at Percy.

"Do you ever regret it?" He asked after a thoughtful moment. "Joining the Hunters of Artemis?"

She raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Why do you ask?"

"I was just thinking… you only took Artemis' offer because of the prophecy. Becoming immortal in her hunters meant you couldn't turn sixteen and bought us another two years before it came true. But now it's all over. Do you ever think about… I don't know" he stalled shaking his head.

"The prophecy wasn't the only reason I joined Percy" Thalia answered. But she shrugged thoughtfully. "But I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about it sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I love being a hunter and am in no hurry to leave. But…"

She stopped herself. Percy looked down and saw her cheeks suddenly turn a little redder. "But what?" he asked intrigued. Annabeth had taught him a few pointers on how to detect subtle signs that people had more to say. Helps in investigations and finding out when people are lying.

Thalia crossed her arms resting on the rim of the pool, her body hanging in the water drifting in place. Her face got a little warmer, reluctant to share. When Percy gently pressed she ended up telling him "there may be certain things I wouldn't mind changing in my life. Personal things."

"Such as..?" Percy pressed, enjoying the uncomfortable way her face flushed bright red. Something clicked into place. "Thalia, are you saying your lonely?" The embarrassed expression seemed to answer for her. He almost laughed, but he took pity on his friend. "I get it. Artemis has rules about relationships. Wanting a boyfriend isn't something to be ashamed about."

"I'm not pining for a boyfriend" she said curtly. But then she hesitantly followed up with "not exactly." He looked at her confused, so she explained "I'm not looking for a relationship, I'm fine as I am. I just miss… you know..?"

She stared back at the young man sitting next to her, waiting for him to connect the dots. When he did it was his turn for his face to turn red. "Oh" he replied nodding very slowly. "Oh, right."

"Yeah" she nodded, hiding her face in embarrassment.

The conversation died for a short while after that, the two of them sitting in uncomfortable silence until Percy, against his better judgement, turned to her and asked "so you haven't done it since you became a hunter?"

"Excuse me?" Thalia looked up sharply.

He shrugged defensively. "Well, I thought you and the other hunters… you know, when you're not…" the look of horrified disgust on her face told him he was well off the mark., realizing all those rumours and speculation shared around Camp Half-Blood were bogus. "Shit, I'm sorry. I just thought…"

"That the hunters of Artemis are no better than Aphrodite's kids back at camp" she finished. He averted his gaze uncomfortably while she fumed on the edge of the pool, holding back an angry scream. "No" she said after a tense few minutes. "I haven't had sex since I joined the hunters."

He nodded accepting it as the end. But the guy part reverted the subject back to its original course and replied "but you want to?"

She gave him a glance and he worried she'd rip his head off. But instead she released a shallow breath and replied "sometimes. Masturbating just isn't doing enough for me anymore."

"Okay, little too much information" he muttered.

She rolled her eyes. "If we're going to talk Sex you can't pick and choose what you want to hear" she told him. To continue her tease, liking the way he shifted uncomfortable under her gaze she asked "do you want to hear how I lost my virginity?"

He nearly fell into the pool whipping back to stare at her. "What? Why would i..?" His skin went pale and he suddenly squeaked "Wait, you don't mean when you and I..?"

Her eyes narrowed. "Percy, nothing happened between us that night."

"Really?" He checked. He recalled her saying the same thing the day after. It had been during the quest to rescue Annabeth and Artemis from Atlas a couple years ago, Thalia and Percy traveling with Grover, Zoe and Bianca. After a brutal fight with a monster along the way Percy took a big knock to the head, leaving him slightly confused that night. Thalia was looking after him and things just happened between them. Percy didn't remember that night in detail but he had vague recollections of talking with her and the two of them suddenly kissing. He woke up the next morning coming up blank, but according to Thalia they just made out and no more. A part of him always feared she'd lied and was sparing him the embarrassing reality.

"Really" she insisted, recalling how worried and guilty he'd been at the time. Which made her laugh because it wasn't like he and Annabeth were dating then. However she had left out the detail that she instigated the kiss and had wanted to make love to him that night, but it was Percy who said no because he was love with Annabeth. She found a new level of respect for him after that.

"No, my first time was not long after I was reborn from the tree" she explained putting Percy's worries at ease. "I felt like I had missed so much. All those years just…" she clicked her fingers. "For the first few days I tried to catch up on everything at once. The new clothes, the food, the music, the movies… and then I did the math in my head and realized I should be in my twenties by now, which meant even more things I've missed out on." She paused sighing with regret. "It wasn't my proudest moment but I asked Travis to teach me about sex."

"You lost your virginity to Travis Stroll" Percy gasped.

"Well, technically it was his brother who took it." She saw Percy's jaw drop. "Turns out those two were joined at the hip. I regretted it immediately afterwards. In hindsight I would've much rather it had been you" she admitted. She looked back up at the silent thoughtful demigod, resting her chin on her arms. "Did you ever tell Annabeth about that night?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Eventually" he nodded. "After everything in Tartarus we wanted to clear the slate so we could build on our relationship from the ground up, or something like that. We told each other everything we thought we were holding back. She confessed her jealousy towards Rachel and me from before. I told her about our kiss. She told me not to worry. After all we weren't dating back then."

Thalia smiled. "I'm happy you two have each other."


They fell back into a more comfortable silence lounging at the edge of the swimming pool, the faint blue illumination casting a soft light over Thalia's glistening skin. Percy kept glancing at her, wondering if there was something he could do to help her. He did have an idea but didn't know if it would go against the rules. And he didn't want to put his foot in it again. Then again Thalia just told me about how she lost her virginity. I think the boundaries of our friendship are beyond such lewd topics now.

"I might be able to help with your little problem" Percy said cautiously testing the waters. Both figuratively and literally.

"What do you mean?" Thalia asked tilting her head.

"You're Sex life."

She let out a small laugh shaking her head. "I'm flattered Percy but I don't think you can help with with that. You have a girlfriend and I've vowed never to consort with men ever again, remember?"

"I don't mean…" he replied quickly, fumbling over his words. "Not like that. Not that I wouldn't want to, but… what I'm suggesting is an alternative solution." She lifted an eyebrow curiously, gesturing for him to continue. "There might be a way for me to… satisfy you without you breaking any of your vows."

She was intrigued. "Okay, I'm listening."

"There's something I've been practicing with Annabeth, something we've been working on together sort of. It's kind of hard to explain…" he stopped talking and instead figured it'd be easier to show her. He help out his hand and gently brushed the water of the pool, effortlessly raising the fluid until a small dripping tendril rose out of the surface.

Thalia watched this watery form manifest, following its movements as Percy mentally commanded it to obey his direction. "Impressive" she said politely, fixing her eyes on him. "So how does this parlour trick help me?" Percy held her gaze, the tendril dissolving back into the water but his hand remaining where it was. She watched his fingers twitch and suddenly she felt something touch her leg beneath the surface. She jumped in surprise, afraid a monster was in the pool with her, but when she looked down all she saw was the faint outline of a solid mass of water coiling up her calf as another slithered around her waist. "Oh my" she gasped when one of these masses brushed against her panties.

Percy wasn't sure if what he was doing could be considered as creepy or rapey, hopefully he making the argument without creeping Thalia out too much. Too his surprise she didn't jump out of the pool when his water tentacles found her crotch. Instead she kind of froze in place drifting in the water, closing her eyes and releasing a shallow breath. He took it as a sign she wasn't going to come up and try and punch him in the face so he sent forth a couple more feelers to stroke her skin and body, calling upon his practice with Annabeth to massage the demigod's muscles.

Thalia couldn't explain how being grope by several tentacles while floating in the water felt, but it wasn't amazingly good. They wrapped around her gently, as if to hold her up rather than to restrain her, carefully squeezing and releasing in gentle rhythms relaxing her tense muscles. A lustful sigh escaped her lips as her lower regions soaked the insides of her swimsuit. "Holy crap Percy" Thalia gasped as her body released a mild involuntary orgasm. After all that time being sexually starved she felt relieved to receive such pleasure. She looked up at the young man with a guilty smile. "You really know how to treat a girl."

"I try my best" he shrugged, dropping his hand but not releasing the water coiling around her. "I'm not sure if it would count as me…you know, actually doing it with you."

Thalia glanced up at the night sky, keeping a lookout for storm clouds or low flying arrows that might drop in an smite her for breaking her vow. She wasn't about to turn down the pleasurable sensations however, rolling her shoulders back as tendrils snaked over her out of the pool to slither loosely around her neck and shoulders. "You sure Annabeth would be okay with this?" She asked him, watching the tentacles nervously as it looked around the back of her head to stroke her cheek affectionately.

"I don't think she'd mind after I explain your predicament" he answered hopeful. He carefully willed the tendril to peck the writhing girl on the tip of her nose, making her giggle before playing with her ear. "You okay" he asked her, though she seemed to be enjoying herself.

Thalia felt like a kid being tickled giggling happily, swatting the water arm away before Percy got any lewd ideas about sending it into her brain. The tendril backed off and returned to massaging her shoulders while two more rubbed over her covered breasts, her nipples getting hard pressing to the latex fabric. "Can you feel any of this?" She asked, her voice sounding sultry teasing the perverted nature of the situation.

"Not exactly" he replied, slightly more confident now as his extensions caressed her chest and backside, rubbing her between her thighs. "I don't feel what they feel but I can sense where they are. I can sense the shifting patterns in the water like sonar, especially if I'm in direct contact." His feet kicked casually in the pool, ripples drifting over to cross Thalia's path. He got a mental snapshot of her entire body under the surface, a perfect roadmap for his tentacles to follow.

Thalia was constantly amazed at what her friends were able to do. It seemed like every other week one of them learnt a new power given by their godly heritage. "So what else can you get them to do to me?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Anything I want them to I suppose. Does that mean you might be interested in my offer?"

Thalia didn't give him an answer, but her eyes and smile spoke volumes. It was mad and ludicrous, just like everything else in their lives curtesy of their parents. Thalia was trying to picture the things Percy might do with his new powers, a nervous but excited grim stretching on her face. Percy found himself getting rather impatient however as she suddenly found the knot of her bikini being pulled open by a sneaky little arm behind her.

"Hey!" She cried out, pulling her arms out of their water hold to catch her bikini before it could fall away and reveal her tits. She looked up at him, mockingly outraged shaking her head. "Sorry" he said apologetically holding up his hands.

"Just because I let your little friends give me a massage doesn't mean I'm going to let you see me naked" she told him. She gestured over to the flat bed chairs a few feet away, saying curtly "over there. Go on, and no peeking."

Percy rolled his eyes, pushing up off the ledge and walking back to the deck chairs, watching Thalia with a sideways glance while she turned away with her back to him. She kept glancing over her shoulder to make sure he wasn't peeking, hiding a smirk before removing her bikini herself. Percy took the opportunity to roll down his jeans and but his socks and shoes back on, politely averting his gaze after catching a glimpse of her bare back. He reminded himself he was happily in a relationship. He didn't need to see one of his friends naked.

After a few seconds he heard the sound of something wet slapping on the floor beside him, looking down to find the wet bikini at his feet. He turned back to see Thalia returned to her position at the edge of the pool, her arms crossed pressing her body up to the wall to hide herself from his view. He picked up her bikini, walking over to kneel down in front of her where she pulls out the other piece of her swimsuit, dropping it alongside her bikini. "Go on then" was all she needed to say.

"Are you sure?" Percy asked, nervous about actually following through with what she'd just agreed to.

She nodded up to the sky. "Unless one of our parents or Artemis comes down and smites us in the next few seconds then yeah. I'm sure. I need this Percy." As a final confirmation and playful banter she added "please fuck me with your tentacles seaweed brain."

"You know Annabeth is the only one allowed to call me that" Percy said, locking his gaze on hers as he reached down to dip his hands into the swimming pool.

Thalia gave him a look that said what are you going to do about it, quickly swatting his hand away telling him "no peeking." He acted disappointed but he'd already gotten his mental snapshot. Now he knew where to send his tendrils keeping his eyes respectfully above the surface. With a simple silent command the water in the pool contorted around the raven haired demigod approaching her naked body cautiously.

After the little demonstration Percy had given her Thalia was bracing herself for the weirdness she was about to experience. She was a mix of nerves and excitement by the time the first tentacles touched her skin, a shiver crawling up her back. Percy was considerate, not having the arms wrap her up right away instead letting them slither along her bare legs slowly, coiling up her body inch by inch. The construct mad felt spongy and warm, massaging her muscles as they took a hold of her keeping her steady as she hung on the edge. They weren't tight, letting her feet dangle and move in playful kicks. Two tick arms wrapped around her waist brushing the underside of her boobs before gliding up her spine to loop over her shoulders relaxing her gently.

Percy waited until she was comfortable in the tentacles grasp, silently giving her a nod asking if she was alright. She sighed softly, a smile tugging at her lips. He took it as a good sigh. Her arms remained crossed on the side of the pool, her head rolling over her neck feeling very relaxed. He stepped up his game by summoning more tendrils, these homing in on her more sensitive areas. First he sent them to touch her breasts, earning a gentle moan as they softly caressed her small floating mounds teasing the nipples. Second he lifted a large tendril underneath her crotch to brush against her sex, getting a sharp inhale of breath. Lastly a fresh tendril rose out of the water in front of her face, stroking up her neckline to brush over her parting lips waiting for an opportunity to enter her mouth.

When Thalia saw the tendril at her mouth she clamped her lips shut and shook her head. "No Percy" she asked hastily glancing up at him. He lowered the tentacles letting her explain "I hated it when the Strolls put their dicks in my mouth. It was disgusting and I kept choking. Felt like I was suffocating."

"Worried you might drown?" He asked as a joke. She wasn't impressed. "Alright. No blowjobs" he nodded letting the tendril retreat from her mouth. Rather than letting it dissolve he lowered it under the surface to rest between her breasts, rubbing it between them suggestively. She gave him a smirk letting him use the water to press her boobs around the tendril so it could fuck her tits, mouthing a thank you to him resting her head on her arms.

Thalia's body got more and more tingly as pleasure filled her senses, the early stages of a orgasm already building by the time the first tentacle nudged her sex. She inhaled sharply feeling it brush her folds, a second tiny feeler molesting her clit while a pair of arms gently pried her thighs apart to allow better access. She didn't resist, giving Percy a nod when he asked permission. The tentacle pushed into her vagina slowly, sliding effortlessly into her body in one gentle motion. He made sure it was small enough not to cause any discomfort but just big enough that it felt like the real thing. The watery cock wasn't the same as a real flesh and blood version but to Thalia it was just as enjoyable.

"Oh wow!" She exhaled, a micro orgasm coating the limp mixing with the water. Her tight walls squeezed the spongy tentacle as it moulded to her shape, pausing halfway inside to let her adjust. "That feels really good" she smiled. After so long having to rely on just her fingers to masturbate it was heavenly feeling anything resembling a cock filling her up. She rested her head on her arms as Percy carefully dragged the tendril out to the tip before thrusting it back in, fucking her pussy slowly and methodically. She glanced up seeing no sweat or exhaustion but still doubting his story about not feeling anything from the effort. She wondered how she might feel to him, her tight Virgin-like walls wrapped around his dick. "Faster" she said, encouraging to fuck her harder.

Percy could see how much she was enjoying his tentacles, the tendrils fucking his pussy and tits picking up their pace getting a moan from her lips. He was disappointed he couldn't feel what the tentacles were feeling, having to settle for his senses pointing him in the right direction. Feeling confident in said senses a fresh tentacles drifted over Thalia's firm backside, following the curve of her ass while circling the puckered hole awaiting entry. "You okay Thal?" He asked nervously.

"Yes" she sighed, moaning softly wiggling her bum against the new arrival. "Put it in" she told him biting her bottom lip. He obliged, shrieking the limp down so it could slithering into her tight anus pushing into her from behind. "Oh, fuck me" she shuddered staring up at Percy, her blue eyes full of lust. "Can you make them bigger?"

"You sure?" He asked, crouching down beside her as she nodded enthusiastically. He was apprehensive, but he replied "Just tell me when to stop."

Thalia watched as the young man put his hand on the edge of the pool a few inches from her, his gaze drifting over her shoulder into the water as he took a slow breath. A second later the tentacles inside her began to grow, both cocks expanding in size stretching her holes. She held her breath as he body reacted, wincing from discomfort as she was stretched farther than she ever had before. She had thought Travis and Conner were big, but this put them to shame. "Stop!" She cried out after a few more seconds, the sensations starting to get painful. Percy froze the tendrils growth immediately, lowering down to examine Thalia's sweating face as she silently grimaced, worried he might have hurt her. She was clutching at the edge of the pool like she was holding on for dear life, but gratefully took Percy's hand when he offered it for reassurance. "I'm okay" she told him, exhaling unsteadily as a tear fell down her cheek.

Percy felt her hand crushing his as he lay down in front of her, whispering encouragement telling her it's okay as he wiped her cheek with his thumb. She focused on her breathing, her body adjusting to the new berth filling her holes while the other tendrils gentle relaxed her muscles. They didn't know how look they stayed like that for, a minute maybe ten. Percy wasn't ready to do anything more until Thalia was okay, watching her expression intently before finally she said in a shaky voice "I'm ready."

"We don't have to" he told her.

"I want to" she insisted opening her eyes. He reluctantly nodded, mentally signalling for the tentacles to continue thrusting into her. They started slowly, his gaze on hers as her face contorted in both pain and pleasure. The thick tendrils pushed through her walls steadily pounding her body, only increasing in force and pace when Thalia asked him to. He stayed on the ground holding her hand, still worried about hurting her. She was reluctant to let him go, grateful to see his face so close. Her breathing became more laboured, panting in time with the thrusts of the tentacles. The pain was fading. The pleasure was growing. Her body was on fire. It felt incredible.

She locked eyes with Percy and could see the conflicted indecision in his eyes. He was afraid it could go too far and she'd be hurt. He wanted to slow down. She squeezed his hand begging him not to. She trusted him. She needed him. Her face was inches away from his, his warm comforting breath on her skin. She felt her head inch closer, a flutter in her stomach pushing her towards him. One mistake and it would be over.

Thalia wanted him so badly right now. Later she might blame it on the hormones, the heat of passion, but the truth was it was the exact same urge she felt back when she made the move on Percy years ago. That kiss wanting more. She took an oath. She vowed she wouldn't consort with another man or woman ever again. The tentacles provided a loop hole but it was still Percy fucking her. She glanced down at his parted lips, the urge to take them with her mouth driving her insane. She wanted to grab him by the hair and drag him into the pool alongside her, make out with those lips until she couldn't breath. She wondered how big he might be. She wished it was him in the pool with her, pressed against the wall with her legs parted, his cock pounding into her while she kissed the hell out of him. His skin on hers, their bodies intertwined making such passionate love. His girlfriend forgotten. Her oath forgotten.

Their lips were an inch apart. One kiss and Thalia would break her vow. One mistake.

Fortunately her body gave out before she could give in. Her panting moans shattered into a piercing scream as she climaxed, an orgasm ripping through her core slamming her walls shut as she clenched tightly, severing the water tentacles and trapping two large gulps of water inside her body. Percy inhaled sharply reacting to her explosive trigger, the rest of the tendrils evaporating letting her go so she could quake and shiver free of restraint. She gripped his hand like a vice as she let out a long strained moan, her forehead pressing against his as he held hand, weaving his other hand into her hair calming her gently telling her to breathe. She took shallow deep breaths, riding the orgasm to its conclusion, her walls still clenched tightly.

"I don't feel so good" she muttered, feeling sick and bloated. Percy told her to keep breathing and relax her body, promising she'll be alright. She was still holding onto a gallon of water trapped in her pussy and anal passage unable to push it out without help. Percy used his powers and carefully coaxed the mass of liquid back through her body and out the holes they came in. Thalia groaned as she felt the gust of water leave her body, emptying her insides. When it was done she felt exhausted and limp. Percy was the only one keeping her upright.

After a silent minute she managed to open her eyes and look lazily up at him, her vision hazy like looking through a fog. "Are you okay?" He asked brushing a strand of hair from her eyes, his worried voice sounding miles away.

"That was more intense than I could've imagined" she replied sounding sleepy. A guilty tug clenched in her stomach and she added "Annabeth's lucky to have you."

Percy gave her and awkward smile examining the drained young woman. "Do you need help getting back to our room?" He asked her.

"You've already done so much.." she tried to say declining his polite offer, but realizing she did when her arms were too weak to lift her out of the pool. She glanced at him guiltily saying "are you going to tell Annabeth about this?"

"She'll understand" he told her pushing himself up to a crouch offering his hand.

"She won't hate me for letting you fuck me?"

"She'll probably hate me more for suggesting it" he joked. He planned to explain it all the first chance he got. Honesty in the relationship and all. He hoped she'd understand, Thalia was their friend after all. "Permission to see you naked?" He asked smirking.

She looked down at the discarded swimsuit and sighed. "Granted." She lifted her arms and Percy helped pull her out of the swimming pool, dragging her onto unsteady and shaking legs where she hooked an arm over his shoulders slumping against him. He grabbed the rest of their stuff and carried her up to their motel room. "Thank you for tonight" Thalia mumbled against his shoulder.

"You're welcome" Percy whispered giving her an affectionate kiss on the cheek. She appreciated the gesture, her heavy eyelids falling closed as they reached the door. She fell asleep the moment her head hit the pillow, a small smile on her face the rest of the night.

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