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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts & Where to Fuck Them: Day 8 - Chimera

Huff, huff, huff, huff…

Why…did I…think…this was a…good…idea..?

Huff, huff…pant…

Okay, I think I lost him.


I swear, he was much friendlier back when I was at Hogwarts.

Oh, good. You’re still here. I was worried you’d been trampled. Sorry I ran off like that, but when a man eating Chimera runs at you, it’s usually safer to run in the opposite direction.


Alright, let’s just get these notes down before we head back out of the forest.

Hoof…my heart is still racing. I knew I should’ve stocked up on steaks.

Okay, Chimeras are one of the most dangerous magical creatures in the Wizarding world. They are notoriously aggressive and won’t hesitate to attack anyone if it’s hungry.

Which is why I was confused when it tried to pounce on me. I thought for sure it had been fed an hour ago. And I had my bag of meat as a precaution. But it didn’t even touch the bag.

Anyway. They can be easily recognized by having the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a snake. If you see one, anywhere, you should not approach it under any circumstances.

Unless you’re like me when I used to follow this thing around Hogwarts in my fourth year, trying to coax it back into the forbidden forest like an absolute idiot. All I did was enable it to attack other students until Kettleburn and Hagrid managed to subdue it.

I thought I could make it my friend. I thought I was it’s friend, hence why I came here to study it for my paper. Maybe there’s something wrong with it? Perhaps it’s acting strangely because it’s sick? Oh god, I hope not! Poor thing.

Alright, enough notes. Let’s get out of here and find someone to take a look at him.

Final note, never try to help an injured or ill Chimera on your own. Otherwise you might lose and arm, or a leg, or an…


Oh crap! Run!



Pant…crap…it’s catching up! Damn that second helping at lunch! Gasp…



Thud. Tear, eep!


Nice Chimera…I’m sorry if I offended you…just don’t eat me!

Ow…bleeding…you really got the back of my leg there. And my back. I thought we were friends?


Eek! Gasp! Okay, forgot your tail could grab my ankle like that. Please don’t…Aiee!


Ah! Eep! Oh, god! You’re…holy shit, you’ve gotten big! Wait, is that why you’re after me? But I’m not…eep! It won’t fit! I can’t…

Growl! Lick.

Whimper…okay, okay…you can mate with me. Better that then let those…really big jaws grab my skull and crush it. Gulp.

Couldn’t you use your tail instead of that huge cock? You know, like you used to when I was in my seventh year?

Gasp! Nope, using that to pull my legs open. Okay…oh, that’s big. It’s as big as my tummy. Gulp, pant…I hope this means we’re friends…



Oh…ah! Eep! Not so…Ah! Gasp! Moan…never…liked it…umphf…rough…ow…grunt…


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