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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts & Where to Fuck Them: Day 6 - Hippogriff

Okay, this one is going to be fun, but dangerous.

Hippogriff’s are very noble creatures. Which makes them easy to offend. If you want to approach one, you must remember to bow first, and wait for it to bow back. If it doesn’t, it’s more likely to attack you rather than trust you to feed it. Some people have even been able to ride one of these beautiful creatures.

I’m hoping it’ll let me pet it today, to help with my paper.

Give me a moment.


Okay, there we go. Good girl. Very good girl. Aw, your feathers are so…


Sorry, my mistake. How embarrassing. I thought you were a girl. You must be the new resident Kettleburn brought in a bit ago. I hope you’re enjoying your stay here.

Wow. The professor told me you were meant to be a wild thing, but you’re actually quite tame, aren’t you. He told me your last owner trained you to do some strange things. He wouldn’t go into detail. Well, you’re safe now.

Okay Mr Quill, where was I?

Oof, hey!

Damnit, I dropped my glasses.


There they are. Ha, that’s better.


Aiee! What are you doing! Hey!

Rip. Tear.

Ah! Watch the talons! And the beak! Ow! You scratched my back! Though I should be glad you didn’t do to me what you did to my clothes. Why did you do that!

Ow! Oof!


AH! Wait! Stop! What is that? Is that your..? Oh no!

Oh! It’s so big! Is this what you’d been trained for? That’s awful and messed up. You don’t have to be like that anymore! Let me go!

Yargh! Squark! Eep!


Pant…pant…how does that fit in there?


Gasp…gasp…mphtf! Fuck…your dick is…so deep…grunt…it feels like it’s in my…inside my uterus…ow, that hurts…too big…urgh…

Squeal! Wait, what are you..? Oh! Fuck! Your talons are…holding me up…AH! Grunt! Ow! Not so rough! You’ll…tear me apart!






Ow…my cunt hurts…belly so full…groan…what kind of sick…person would train you…to do this? Pant…


No…no more! Please. Just…let me…pant…fuck!

No, no Mr Quill…don’t write that down!



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