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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts & Where to Fuck Them: Day 30 - Leucrotta

Okay, last subject for my report. Quite an exotic one too.

Leucrotta most resemble deer, or buck, with large antlers sprouting from their head. But unlike buck their mouths are huge, and are able to expand to the same height and width of themselves. It’s rather daunting if you ever find yourself staring down their gullet.

Their most distinguishing trait though is the ability to mimic anything it hears. It can echo a persons voice.

It can echo a persons voice.

Oh, hello. You startled me.

You startled me.

Yeah, like that. You’re even writing the words it’s repeating.

I have to say, I don’t think I sound quite like that though.

I really need to masturbate.

Oh, you’ve been eavesdropping on me, have you? You know that’s rude.

Okay, where was I?

Fuck, I’m so horny.

Stop it, please.

You know that’s rude.

I’m surprised nobody has tried training you to be part of a double act. You’d sell a lot of tickets.

So, yeah, apart from the ability to mimic voices, and react things it hears, Leucrotta can also…

Oof, hey, what’s up?

Fuck I’m so horny.

Very funny, but I can’t right now. My pussy is still sore from my session with the Abraxan.

I really need to masturbate.

I said no. Just because I haven’t got my clothes back on yet doesn’t mean I’m ready to have sex yet.

Of course I can’t put my clothes on yet because I have to figure out where I put them. I’m sure I left them around here somewhere.

Around here somewhere.

Yes, I’m positive…hah, there! Behind that log. There we go. Let me just lean over and…

Eep! What the fuck! Ah! What are you doing. Eek!

Um, I must’ve missed the part in the text books that said Leucrotta’s eat people. I guess their mouths are big enough to swallow us whole. No, please don’t eat me.

Eep! Oh! Oh fuck! It’s licking me. Licking my feet, my legs, my…gasp! Stop, that’s my pussy. I told you, it’s still sore…

Moan…groan…shit, fuck…

Eek! No…fuck, can’t focus on its tongue on my cunt while holding its mouth open. Moan…I don’t want to be swallowed whole. No matter how nice that tongue is…

Urg, um so orny.

Yes, I know you are.

Fine, if you let me out of your mouth, I’ll let you fuck me.


Fuck, that’s better.

Might have to look into that odd behavior at some point.

I really need to masturbate.

Okay, okay. Impatient sod.

I think I like it better when they don’t talk back. Or using my own words against me.

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