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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts & Where to Fuck Them: Day 25 - Pixies

Sigh. Why do I put myself though this?

If you thought Imps were the biggest troublemakers…which they are…then pixies are imps with wings.

They are small, fast, and potentially dangerous when not handled correctly. And they also come in large numbers too.

It’s literally taking a lot of concentration to keep them from

You okay? Good.

Leave my quill alone! Ow, not the hair!

Huff. How am I supposed to study these little guys if they won’t still still.

Hey! That’s my belt. And my…urg, you guys are worse than the imps. Why do all you guys want me to get my tits out?


Oh, of course. To suck on my nipples. Ow, okay, just watch the teeth.

Whoa! Hey, watch where your grabbing! I might have a nice ass, but you don’t have to be so…oh, okay. Never had someone motorboat my ass cheeks before.

Let’s how they don’t try and climb inside me.

Okay, I think playing with my naked body is calming them down.

Now, as I was saying, pixi

I said leave my quill alone.

No, shoo! You can play with me, but not my qu


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