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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts & Where to Fuck Them: Day 23 - Graphorn

Now this is ambitious. And dangerous.

I don’t think I’ve ever attempted anything like this with a creature so big.

I like Graphorns, as long as they aren’t trying to trample me. This one is very tame, which is good. He likes me, which is even better. He looks very confused as I’m getting undressed in front of him. That’s not a surprise, I’d be confused too.

I’m going to try something a little different with this guy, now that my research project is going this route. I’ve seen his penis, it’s big. Too big. Seriously, I almost wish you could draw so my readers could understand…not that I’m going to let anyone read this part of my paper…it’s as big as I am. It would rip me in half. So I’m going to focus on something else the Graphorns have that’s unique…it’s mouth.

Graphorns mouths are lined with thick tentacles, which they use to help pull their food into their mouths. They work a lot like elephants and their trunks. I just hope this one doesn’t get carried away as I get it to eat me out.

In going to cast the levitation charm to help lift be up into position. If this doesn’t work, I know a few stunning spells that will scare if off without hurting it. I just have to be careful not to impale myself on its tusks or horns.

Here goes. Wingardium Leviosa.

Wow, floating is really cool.

Okay big guy…that’s it, right open here. Just let me get my balance and open my legs…

Oh! Easy. Nice and slow…oh, those tentacles…ah! One slipped in. Oh…aw, it slipped out again. Oh, so many… I didn’t know they had so many around its mouth. Careful with the tusks. Oh, it’s letting me hold them to steady myself as I float here. At least it’s not being aggressive. I think it’s curious.

Ah, it’s pulling me in. Oh…oh! Wow, I can feel it’s tongue. It’s licking me! Gasp. Those tentacles are wrapped around my hips. I can’t move. Oh, so rough. The tongue is rough but so good!

Ah! The charm wore off!

Oof! I’m hanging upside down. My legs are hooked over it’s tusks. Wow, this is new. I’ve never had sex upside down before. I should try it sometime.

Oh, it’s still licking me. Pant…so good. Blood is rushing to my head…ah! Something’s leaking down by belly. I can’t tell if it’s saliva or my cum. I’m on my second orgasm. Pant, pant…oh, it’s so good at this! Have you done this before Mr Graphorn? Pant…

Third orgasm…fourth…

I should probably have come up with a plan if it doesn’t stop licking me…pant…I think I dropped my wand…


Fifth orgasm…

Getting dizzy…I think I’ll just close my eyes…




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