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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts & Where to Fuck Them: Day 22 - Magadot

I always liked Magadots. People always treat them like they’re dangerous, but they really aren’t. Luckily we’ve been doing a lot to explain that to people.

They have the appearance of black hairless cats, so they sometimes get mistaken for regular pets. In fact, we’ve found a few of them just living it up in muggle households. Their owners have no idea what kind of animal they have…until they change into their more aggressive forms. And since they are resistant to magic, any spells cast at them just make things doubly worse.

But they only change when threatened. Otherwise they are as harmless as regular cats. As a matter of fact, this one here became friends with Mrs Norris, Filch’s cat. Of course Filch misunderstood the whole situation and tried to hurt the Magadot, but we cleared things up for them. Now they have play dates and everything.

Mrs Norris isn’t here today, so I’ve been playing with our little black friend. I think it likes me. You know it’s funny, I’ve always been warned they can change into their second form at will, not just in self defense. But every time I’ve been here you’ve been content to stay in your small playful self, haven’t you?

Yes you have. Yes you…


Okay, I guess you can change into your bigger self. And make a doppelgänger.

Um…I hope I didn’t do anything to scare you.

Oh…ha ha ha. Okay, okay, calm down. Aw, they’re just as playful as before. Only with bigger claws, and bigger mouths, and bigger…oh my!

Oh, my are you pawing at my…oh! Okay, that’s…new. I didn’t think Madagots were interested in that with humans. Okay, okay…better take these off before they try tearing it off with their claws. I’ve already had to replace one set of clothes this month.

Alright, just…be gentle. Please?


Oh, wow. I knew cats tongues are rough, but down there they feel so good. Mm, could you like a little higher? Oh, right there! Yes, right there! Fuck, lick my clit little pussy. Mmm…

Oh, you have something for me too? Oh my, what a big cock you have. And here I thought you were a female…gulp!

Ulp, ulp, ulp…moan, pant, moan…


Gasp…fuck, so deep. Oh, fuck me. Fuck me sideways. Oh…I don’t suppose you could put yours in my ass, huh?

Huh, I guess not.



Gasp, pant…never been spitroasted before…so good…Ulp, slurp sulp…


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