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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts & Where to Fuck Them: Day 21 - Mooncalf

Love a full moon. I really do.

Of course, a lot of creatures like the full moon too. Or hate them. Do werewolves like the full moon? I don’t think they would.

Sorry, I’m not here to talk about werewolves. I want to talk about Mooncalves.

They are adorable. They have this big round eyes and long necks, and they feel so soft when you hug them…aw, I want one.

Sorry, I’m sitting by a clearing watching a small pack of them right now.

The best part is they dance. I think they are the only magical creatures who dance. When the moon is full they gather up and jump and twirl in circles around each other. It’s so dazzling to watch. They look so happy.

Sigh, I wish I could go over and dance with them.

I mean, I suppose I could. I could just walk over and join in. They’d let me, they’re very friendly. But last time I did they got a little too friendly. We were dancing and I was twirling with this one Mooncalf and suddenly we’d gotten a little too close together and I felt him humping the back of my leg. I was having so much fun I didn’t think about it, instead I started grinding myself against him. He seemed to like it, and soon we were humping each other while the others danced around us.

Yeah, turns out one of the other things the full moon signifies is the mating period for Mooncalves. When two calves partner up, the other dance around them while they mate. So it seemed I had just been seduced by the adorable eyes of this creature.

I must’ve been hypnotized by the dancing because at some point I just went with it and unbuckled my belt, unzipped my trousers and pushed them down my legs as I fell to my knees. Quite an intoxicating feeling having a pack of cheerful creatures jump around you while you are having sex. I guess it counts as my first orgy. But oh, it was wonderful and exhilarating. And by the way, their penis is very long and can curve inside of you. Most of our night it was in my ass though, way deeper than any other dick I’ve had. But when it found my pussy…fuck, I feel like I’m going to cum just imagining it rubbing inside me.

Oh, there’s a pair mating in the middle of the circle now. They look so cute together.


Fuck it, I really want to dance.

Don’t follow me. Vegas end.


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