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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts & Where to Fuck Them: Day 20 - Ashwinder

Ashwinders are a funny case when it comes to Magical Creatures.

They ultimately resemble snakes…I mean, they are snakes. But they aren’t normal snakes. There are born from the remains of a magical fire that’s been left unattended, and only have a short life span. They are ultimately pretty harmless to other creatures or humans.

So much so I’ve been tending to the few who we have pop up in the reserve every so often, just like this one.


Yes, just like you. Oh, you’re very warm, aren’t you? Hmm…that feels nice. Oh, I like it when you coil around me like that. Sigh, I wish I could take you home, but my landlord doesn’t allow pets. Not even the gentle slithering kind.

Or maybe my thing about snakes is a Slytherin trait. Fuck, I wonder if other Slytherins are as friendly with you guys as I am? Giggle.

Moan…fuck, I was wondering when your tail would do that. Moan…

Oh, right, where was I?

Oh fuck me…

Um…no, the snakes aren’t…aren’t dangerous to humans.

But their eggs…oh…their eggs are the real danger. When they lay their eggs, the ashwinders turn to ash soon after. The eggs however, they can get so hot they’ve been known to cause fires. It was one of those fires that doomed a play being put on at Hogwarts…many years ago…

Fuck, sorry…hard to dictate my notes while I’ve got a…a snake wrapped around me…and fucking me.


Should probably mention I’ve been…volunteering to look after the Ashwinders at the reserve. I mainly keep them occupied…keep them company…mmm…so to speak…and watch they don’t have their eggs anywhere flammable.

I’m not the only who volunteers. Just the only one who…has a unique relationship with them.

Oh fuck, do deeper. Yes…yes! Fuck!


I’m a Slytherin girl who has sex with snakes. Don’t judge me.


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