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Liz Tuttle’s Fantastic Beasts & Where to Fuck Them: Day 19 - Chupacabra

What can I say about the Chupacabra?

Well, they are really misunderstood nocturnal creatures. They feed on blood, yes, but they don’t hunt humans like a vampire, though many people like to claim they do. They actually feed off livestock, like sheep, and only take what they need. They don’t kill their victims.

In fact they were very docile creatures. They don’t get aggressive when hungry, they actually get very weak and sick if they don’t get enough food. We had one fall ill a few years ago and we were able to feed up using a blood flavored lollipop from Zonkos. He really enjoyed them. He later went to perform with the Weird Sisters for a while. It was amazing.

Other than that, I don’t think there’s much else I can say right now. And it’s getting late so we should pack up.

Night night, little guy.

What? You expecting something else.

Don’t look at me like that. It’s not possible to have sex with every magical creature, you know.

Besides, there’s nothing sexy about sucking blood.

Not unless you’re that dreamy vampire from that movie…

Speaking of vampires, maybe Victor is home…


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