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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts & Where to Fuck Them: Day 17 - Imps

Okay, this might’ve been a mistake.

I knew Imps were tricksters and pranksters, but this was…

Hey, give that back! No, put that down! Urg!

I should’ve just skipped this one. Or made sure there was only one of these little guys, not twelve. They may be small but they have a nasty habit of…

Oi! Get off! No, that’s not…hey!

Urg, why do they always try and get me naked? Not just me, I think they like to see all the girls without their clothes on. Or maybe they don’t care and just do it because it gets a reaction. Merlin, I can still hear the scream Penny made when one of them ripped the buttons on her blouse. The boys thought it was hilarious, of course, until they pulled their trousers down and we all got to see their underwear too.

Ha, the bewildered look of Barnaby’s face when we all saw his cock for the first time. I swear I saw Ismerelda drooling.

No, that’s not an invitation to…hey! No, let go of them! Shit!


God damn it!

I don’t know what you’re laughing about.

Forget it, I’m skipping this chapter. I’ll have to write it some other time, away from these little pests.


No, let…huff. And now one of them has my bra. Sigh, fine. Not the first time I’ve had to walk back to the castle without my underwear. This time I’m keeping hold of my clothes though.

Oi, get out of there. Those aren’t toys to play with. I mean, they are but, not for you.


Give me that!


Tulip will kill me if I break another one of her wands. I’m only holding onto it..


What are you… ah! No, that’s not somewhere for you to go! Get out of my…grunt.

Fuck, why would you want to go up there?

Hey, no! Give me my wand. And you, give me that!

I don’t know why Tulip asked me to hold onto her sex toys. Oh right, to hide them from her parents why they visit her place. Why does she had a ball gag anyway?

Oof! Hey! That wasn’t funny!

Eep! Ow, no! Get away from my ass you little…gasp! Ah! Oh…no, that’s not where my wand goes…grunt.

Ow, let go of my hair. Stop it! That hurts.

Hey, not the breast! Let…oh, okay, sucking my nipple is actually quite nice.

Grunt! More than having my own wand shoved up my…

Ah! No, I told you, you can’t go in… gasp! Moan…mmm…don’t move around so much…grunt…

Fuck, does this count as being raped by Imps? I’d hate to think what they’d do if they actually had cocks.

Okay, playtime is over. Time to let go and get off now! I SAID…


Nmmph! Gmmft ffish umpf mmh!





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