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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts & Where to Fuck Them: Day 14 - Salamander

Salamanders are some of the friendliest creatures you could ever meet. Apart from Puffskiens. Those guys are just balls of adorableness.

Salamanders in the Wizarding world actually come in two variants, frost and fire. This particular one I’ve got is the hot blooded Varient, who likes to curl up someplace warm. If they don’t for prolonged periods, they could die.

They also have the ability to heat themselves up to be really hot. I think it’s a defense mechanism.

My friend Barnaby told us a story of how his uncle used to own one and trained it to heat up hot coca during camping trips, so a bunch of us got together and recreated that memory with one of our own from the reserve.

Damn, I almost wish I brought a teapot to teach this one how to do it.

But it’s getting late. It’s been a long day. I should probably call it a night and pick this up in the morning. I think I have enough notes to start drafting my paper.

Once I edit out all the parts that we, um…ahem, went off topic.

You know you don’t have to write down everything you hear, right Mr Quill?

Alright little guy, time to go to bed. I’ll see you in the…hey, where are you going? Ah, he he, he ran up my sleeve. I forgot how playful you guys can…oh, hey, what are you…oh. Oh, you want to sleep with me tonight. I don’t think…

Gasp…sigh…wow, that feels nice. It’s curled up around by breast and it’s…wow, that’s so warm. For a minute I was worried it might burn me, but it seems to know how much heat to generate. I’m sorry, I can’t…


Alright, maybe just a quick nap under this stump. But only for a few minutes, okay.

Voges End.


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