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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts & Where to Fuck Them: Day 13 - Kelpie

Hello there. Are you ready? Just let me get my clothes off.

I love this Kelpie. It lives in the Hippogriff Club in the Former Student Centre, but it has its own portal which can take it to the Black Lake here by Hogwarts.

We had to fix it because it used to release her into the Thames, and the Ministry didn’t want a Kelpie swimming through London where the muggles might see her.

She seems happy out here in the open now though, and can come and go whenever she wants.

She’s very tame too, especially when I put this bridle on her. We were able to tame another at the reserve, but I don’t think these two have become friend yet. I hope they do. Right now though I’m going to have a ride with her. Tame Kelpies only let people ride them if they really trust the person. Luckily I’ve been helping this one for long enough she lets me ride her often. Which is why I’m wearing only a swimsuit right now. Our rides can take us under the water, so I don’t want to get my clothes wet.

Wild Kelpies would often tempt people into riding them, only to drag them under the surface and drown them. But you won’t drown me, will you?

Okay, I’m ready.

Oh, hold on!

Quill, Voges End.

Okay, where was I?

Oh, yes, I had a good time too. I just need to finish these notes while I dry off.

So, er…Kelpies have been around for a long time. They also have the ability to shape-shift, which means they’ve been recorded in a variety of forms over the centuries. Their most common forms are as horses or sea horses like this one, but I’ve heard legends they could even take the form of nymphs or humans to lure unwary victims into the water with them.

Kind of like mermaids from old legends, I suppose.

I’ve never seen this one shape shift though. I think she prefers to stay in her…


Oh, hello? Who are you?

Wait…green skin, seaweed hair…oh my…holy shit! You’re…you look amazing.

This is incredible! The Kelpie just changed its shape to that of a young female woman. A green skinned woman with seaweed for hair and clammy skin, but a woman! She’s beautiful. You are…oh! Wow, she has boobs and a penis. Huh? Why would…


She just kissed me. That was unexpected.

Oh, I think she wants me to touch her. Wow! This is so strange. I didn’t think Kelpie’s were interested in this sort of thing with humans.


Well, I wouldn’t be doing my bit for research if I didn’t see where this goes.

First, let’s get a taste of that cock.

Suck. Mmm…

Tastes like kelp.


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