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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts & Where to Fuck Them: Day 12 - Murtlap

Okay, you ready little guy?

Chk, chk..

Ah…perfect. There we go. Oh, he he, that’s it. Oh, that feels good. I needed this.


Oh, right…I forgot you were still here.


This is one of my…ah…favorite creatures here at the reserve. They’re called the Murtlap. They are small aquatic creatures with small…incredibly soft…tentacle feelers along their spine. These feelers are often used in potions and are especially useful to make soothing lotions, the most effective pain relief for aching muscles and bits.

I’ve used it quite a lot over the years, especially after…ahem, never mind.

Fortunately these guys are hunted or sold on the black market, because acquiring these tentacle ingredients are very common and easy. They can be cut off, or fall off, on their own without hurting the Murtlap, and they regrow pretty quickly. They are harmless and very friendly, and often are happy to donate some of their feelers.

It’s as if they know they make us feel good.

Oh yes, so good…

Sorry, I’m a little distracted.

Alright, you can’t tell anyone about this Mr Quill.

Sometimes I come down here to the reserve to play with this Murtlap and his friends. It was a game we started when I was in my fifth year of Hogwarts, completely by accident.

Chk, chk!

It was! Or did you mean to crawl between my legs and under my skirt. Seriously, if you hadn’t kept moving while I was hiding you under there from Hagrid, we wouldn’t be here now.

Chk, chk!

Yes, I’m glad you did too. I felt really good and I almost had an orgasm that afternoon.

Your lucky. If that had happened, it wouldn’t been my first time. Imagine losing my virginity to a magical creature.


Okay, I did lose my virginity to a magical creature, but it wasn’t you. And don’t tell anyone, either of you. It’s embarrassing enough I made this game a regular thing, like playtime.

But I couldn’t help it. These tentacles brushing against my clit and pussy feel so nice. It feels wrong using you like a toy, but I can feel you purring every time.

Chk, chk chk!

Oh! Oh, yes! That’s my favourite part, when they slip inside like that. Oh, I’ve got two this time. Ah…I can feel another at my ass. Oh yes, keep rocking like that.

Oh! I’m going to cum!



Chk chk?

Yes, that was perfect.


Oh, look at that. Are you okay?

Chk chk!

Ah…I guess I can bring a few more Murtlap tentacles back with me. Good thing Madame Pomfrey never asked me how I kept getting so many.


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