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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts & Where to Fuck Them: Day 11 - Grindylow

Okay, I know what you’re thinking. That I must be out of my mind.

And you might be right. Grindylows are vicious creatures after all.

But I think…I’m sure…they’re not always as dangerous as everyone expects them to be. So I hope to prove it by taking a little swim with one.

Don’t worry, I’ve got my wand and I’m sticking to the shallows. If something does go wrong, I’m confident I’ll be able to get out before I lose an arm or something.

I hope.

Alright, here I am. Now I just have to wait for our little friend, and hope he doesn’t drag me under.

I should probably explain why we’re here, huh Mr Quill, since your still taking notes.

This isn’t for my paper. Or maybe I should start a new paper, considering how a few of these research subjects have gone. It’s all been fascinating.

I’ve been curious about something. Grindylows share the same lake as the Merpeople, yet the two species never seem to fight. If Grindylows are so aggressive, why don’t they attack the Merpeople. I believe it’s because they are actually friends, in some fashion. So I was able to negotiate some ointment that will hopefully make the grindylows think I’m one of the merpeople, which I’ve rubbed all over my body. I had to bribe a lot of favors from Jae to get this for me, but considering the circles he likes to run in I can’t be sure it’ll work. If it doesn’t, he’s going to owe me a big refund.

Oh, there he is. Hello Grindylow.

My biggest concern is I don’t really know what it’ll do if it believes in the trick. Will it just ignore me? Or will it attack anyway?

I’m about to find out. Here he comes.


Oh…aw, he likes me! He’s swimming aorund me and…aw, he’s giving me a hug. He he, I can feel his tentacles tickling my legs. And they’re wrapping around them, but I can still move them to keep me afloat. Well, hello.

So they are very friendly with the Merpeople…or is it just me? No, it has to be the ointment. It worked and it’s…oh, he he…it’s nuzzling my breast. It’s so playful. Ah! It’s tickling me too. I can feel it’s tentacles…




Wow…this changes everything. It’s…fuck…I don’t think this is…it’s not mating with me. I think it’s trying to…oh yes…definitely trying to make me happy.

Oh! My ass as well? I didn’t think Merpeople had…or are you just filling up whatever your can find? Aw, that’s so adorable…he’s sucking my nipple. Both of them! Ah…

I think I know why the Grindylows don’t fight the Merpeople. To them these creatures are pets. Loyal…pant…playful pets…who like to bring…pant…pleasure to their owners.

Oh god, please don’t let the ointment wear off until I cum. I don’t want this to stop!

Pant…pant…so cute…pant…so good…pant…

Oh…I want one…


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