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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts & Where to Fuck Them: Day 10 - Acromantula

Acromantulas are, put plainly, giant spiders. And I mean huge. They can roam jungles and forests and live in giant nests made of webs, where they commonly bring their prey to store and eat and feed their fellow spiders. From what I’ve studied, they can range from the size of a dog to the size of a house. The biggest I’ve ever seen is almost as big as Hagrid’s hut. He lives in the Forbidden Forest, which is where we are now.

This is the entrance to the spiders lair. I’m actually a little nervous being here compared to other places. Acromantulas aren’t very friendly. But they are very intelligent and have been known to talk. And they hunt other loving things, including people. This lair holds what’s called a Cursed Vault, which used to draw sleepwalking students in from the castle. The Acromantulas here would take those students who came into its lair, until a friendly Centaur would start leading sleepwalking students away. I don’t want to think about how many could’ve been eaten by these creatures.

I should include Centaurs in my paper, come to think of it. They are a fascinating people to talk about.

I shouldn’t linger here too long. Like I said, the spiders who live here aren’t friendly and are often very hungry. Last time I came here was…

I should go. I don’t need to see the Acromantulas to write about them.

Don’t leave yet.


My children have yet to meet you.

Gasp. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude. I’ll just be going…gulp.

You…I know you. The girl who visited our nest before. I remember.

I…I hoped you’d forget about me.

You wander in like the rest…asleep yet on your feet…you awoke in our web and cried. My children were eager to feast, but I chose to spare you. I had other uses for your body.

Gulp. Please…I don’t want any trouble…I…


Food is easy to find, even if students no longer come to our lair…but you served a better purpose, one that was denied us by that meddling centaur Torvus. Now you return, and we can finish what was started.

Ah! Let go! I’m stuck! Whoa…stop! I can’t move! I…mmpht!

It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to lay my eggs. I’ve found females to make excellent brood sacs. Don’t worry, if you don’t squirm, you might survive to give birth. My brood will only need a few hours to grow, once I inseminate your human womb.





Good. It’s better if you don’t resist. When it’s over, I’m afraid I must allow my current brood to feed. Some of them are quite hungry.


Enough, foul fiend! Begone!

Hiss, Aiee!


Hold on human. What have they done to you? I’ll have to bring you back to my camp. We must extract those eggs immediately.

Huh? What curious thing are you? Whatever you are, follow. She hasn’t much time.

Chop, chop, chop…


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