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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts and Where to Fuck Them (First Draft): Introduction

Okay, so how do these auto-write quills work? Do I just say what I want it to write or…

Oh! It’s already working! It’s writing everything I say. Including this bit about me talking about how the quill works.

Okay, I should probably stop now.

Er…can you cross put that bit at the beginning? Can we start over?



Did you just write ahem when I cleared my throat? That’s…okay.

Hi, my name is Liz Tuttle. But everyone just calls me Lizard.

That sounded lame, I should start over. Just cross that bit out as well.


My name is Liz Tuttle. I’m a Magi-zoologist here in Britain, and I’m at the Magical Creature Reserve in Scotland to conduct a study into the unique behaviors of magical creatures as part of my thesis for a research paper on behalf on the Ministry of Magic.

I’ve actually had the privilege of working with many of these animals during my time as a student at Hogwarts…the best Wizarding school in the world, might I add.

That sounded mean. I should redo that at some point.

Are you still writing? Good. Okay.

In this paper, I’m going to talk about some of the many ways these creatures are not only helpful to the Wizarding community, but also why they are amazing and fantastic creatures.

Ooh, that’s what I should call it! Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them!

Oh, wait, Newt Scamander already used that title.

Okay, we can brainstorm ideas later.

I want to share some of my experiences with these extraordinary magical creatures, and show you they are not scary or dangerous.

Well, some are, but they are really friendly once you get to know them.

This is really weird. I feel like I’m talking to myself. You’d think after seven years being the weird quirky girl who hangs out with animals more than humans I’d be used to that by now. I’ve never had a magical quill writing everything down though.

Okay, just…recap. This paper is to show the Ministry that most of the magical creatures out here are not dangerous, nor should they be hunted into extinction or traded on the black market like they’re just…merchandise! Why won’t those jerks open their eyes and see they are suffering out here and need our…

Eep, you’re still writing this down?

Okay, stop. Stop! Please stop.

How do I tell this thing to stop?

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