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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts and Where to Fuck Them (First Draft): Day 2 - Bowtruckles

Right, my second subject for this thesis is the Bowtruckle. Fortunately we have a beautiful colony of them here in the reserve. They live in trees and are very peaceful, unless the tree is threatened. They have been known to leap down and attack woodcutters if they think their home is in danger, but otherwise they are usually not dangerous.

If you do want to make friends with them, they can be very difficult to spot. Their appearance gives them natural camouflage and they can often be mistaken for leaves. But if you bring them offerings they can come down to say hi.

They eat insects but their favorite is woodlice. Wizards often give them woodlice like this to placate the bowtruckles so they can get the wood they use to make Wands. An old friend I once knew grew up on a tree farm, so she told me a lot about…

Ah, there you are. I was beginning to wonder if I had the right tree.

Here you go. Wow, there are a lot of you. It’s okay, I’m not here to hurt you or your tree. Don’t mind the magical quill, it’s just dictating notes for my paper.

Okay, where was I?

So Bowtruckles are very territorial, and…

He he

Okay, that tickles. Yes, I know. I don’t seem to be wearing clothes. They’re hanging on your branch…sorry about that. See, I was scoping out potential subjects at the pond down there and I slipped and fell in. So my clothes were soaking and I didn’t want to wait for them to dry. I’ve been using my wand to speed it up, but that’s left me naked in the middle of the reserve.

Good thing I don’t need to be clothed to dictate to my quill. They’re almost dry, so they’ll be off your branch in a moment.

Oh, some of you are rather curious, aren’t you?

Well I suppose it couldn’t hurt…

There…this is my pussy. There’s the vulva…there’s my vagina…up here is my clit…eek…yup, that’s my clit.

Wow, I forgot how sharp your fingers are. They feel like pinpricks on my skin.

Don’t think I don’t see you as well mister. It’s called a breast. And that’s my nipple. It’s darker than the rest of me because…actually, I forget why.

What was I doing? Right, the paper.


Bowtruckles may be common and harmless, mostly, but they are still sort out quite a lot by nefarious thugs and criminals. Their needle like fingers make them very adept at picking locks, and many thieves have kidnapped these creatures to train them to break into places and chests.

It’s awful, forcing such sweet creatures to become criminals. I hope the ministry is able to crack down on such abusive…

Ow! Careful where you’re poking!

Damn, I never knew bowtruckles could be so curious about humans. I suppose it’s not everyday you get to see a naked person hanging out by your tree. Just be careful where you…

Ah! Ah…oh! Okay, yes, that’s my vagina. That’s where a…fingers go when I want to masturbate. And now I’m being fingered by a Bowtruckle…and I’m not stopping it. I don’t want to scare them. His fingers are so long…yes, right there! Oh, I think you found my…oh, that’s my g-spot. How did you find it so fast? I think I’ll name you lucky.


I just had a small orgasm from being fingered by a Bowtruckle. They’re quite good. I wonder if they could be trained to…

No, no…that would be weird. Plus, if that gets out, they’ll be targeted by perverts as well as criminals.

Still…keep going. That’s…just don’t climb inside there. I don’t want to hurt you, and my cunt tends to get very tight when I cum.

Oh, you like my breasts little gut. They’re not big, I know, but I like it best when I play with my nipple like this. Mm, yes, like that. You learn fast.

Ow, ow…ooo

Did you just..?

Wow, that is so weird. I didn’t think you could…hurts a little, but…ow, not so deep. I’ve never had anything pierce my nipple before.

Ah! Lucky, that’s not..that’s my urethra. That’s not really a place for fingeAAH!


Okay, I guess it is now. Oh fuck! Oh shit! OH FUCK!


Shit, oh shit… so weird. Never thought you guys could do anything like this. I feel like I need pee…and cum…or both!

Can’t tell anyone about this…but damn, should probably look into this more…

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