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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts and Where to Fuck Them (First Draft): Day 1 - Niffler

Okay, so…Nifflers are very friendly creatures. And beyond cute and adorable.

Sorry, that’s not very profession for this paper.


My first subject is a Niffler called Sickleworth. He used to belong to a former teacher here at Hogwarts, who was revealed to be a mean and nasty dark witch working for an evil cabal. She’s in Azkaban now, thankfully, but not before she…

I don’t need to go over what Rakepick did for this.

Hey, Sickleworth, could you hold still!


Oh man! It’s all over my trousers. Hrm…I’ll put them here to dry off.

Good thing I’m not using a camera today. Or working with anyone else. And you won’t tell my boss I’ve been dictating these notes without pants one, will you Sickleworth.

Okay, where was I?

While Nifflers are adorable, they do have one inherent problem that makes them dangerous pets. Dangerous to your stuff, not to people.

They are inherently attracted to shiny objects…like this gold galleon. They’ve been known to tear up furniture and clothes looking for these things.

Hey, Sickleworth! Stay! Look, look at the shiny coin. That’s it, good boy.

So cute.

In fact, that’s why Rakepick took a pet Niffler to begin with. As a Curse Breaker, she would hunt artifacts and relics all the time, so Sickleworth was trained to be a treasure hunter. He’s helped us find all sorts of things in the past.

And they are very easy to train too. A few friends of mine actually held a contest for their Nifflers to see who could find the most coins…

Oof, Sickleworth. Ow! Okay, calm down. I know you what the coin, I know.

Usually they are more well behaved than this. I’m trying to calm him down with the coin, which usually works. He’s just very excited and…

AH! Hey, what..? Oof. What is…is that your… oh, OH! Sickleworth! Stop, calm down. It’s rubbing against my…EEP!


Okay…time to get off…I know, you want the…oh…just let go and…mm…oh shit! It doesn’t…feels bigger than…ah…ah, oh my, it’s in there. It’s in…oh wow…that feels weird.

Okay…slow down…oof! I didn’t realize nifflers could get so…EXCITED! AH! Watch the claws! Bad Sickleworth! Bad! Ba…oh.

Don’t…don’t look at me like that. Naughty! Naughty little…aw, you still look so cute. Why do you look so cute down there? Oh…oh, fuck! Horny little thing.

Okay, okay…let you tire yourself out. It doesn’t hurt. It actually feels…oh, quite nice…fuck, I hope nobody can see me here. Oh shit!

I wonder if Rakepick ever did this? Did Rakepick ever play with you like this Sickleworth? Ha, of course not. That would be WEIIRRD! Oh, right there. You found my…oh…Oh…OH FUCK!




Good boy. Ha…good boy Sickleworth. Yeah, have the coin. Hooof….you earned it.

That was so weird.

I should probably put my pants back on.

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