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Liz Tuttle's Fantastic Beasts and Where to Fuck Them: Day 27 - Billywigs

What to say about Billywigs?

They are small insect creatures native to Australia, but we have a few here in the reserve too. They are so small and so very vast it can be almost impossible to spot one, at least until they have stung you. Their stings are the reason they’ve been classified as an XXX creature; victims are inflicted with giddiness when stung and are caused to levitate. Too many stings however can make this temporary affliction last for days.

Fun fact, some witches and Wizards in Australia used to seek these little guys out for the purpose of being stung. I guess it was considered quite a good time.

Which is part of the reason why I’m here now, hoping to get stung by these things myself. For research purposes, obviously.

Why am I taking my clothes off?

I suppose that’s a fair question.

Fine, between you and me?…I’ve been feeling really horny lately. Probably due to all the…you know…so I figured while I’m waiting for one of these billywigs to sting me I might as well get a quick orgasm out of my system. Nobody is around to see me masturbate so I should be fine.

Ah, this looks like a good place.

Oh, that’s better. Moan, mm…much better.

This could take a while. Waiting to be stung, not rubbing one out. Billywigs don’t usually just run up and sting everyone they come across. If they did, the last one to end up flying around Hogwarts would’ve stung every student in the…


Shit, that was fast. Where did you come…he he he…oh wow…ha ha ha…oh, that feels weird. I’ve gone all tingly…ha ha ha…

Whoa! I’m floating! Ha ha ha. Fuck, I’m floating! I’m naked and I’m floating! Ha ha ha.

Oh, good…he he he…I was worried I might float away into the sky. Ha ha ha…oh, hello there. Oh, you have friends. He he he…oh, I hope you’re not all here to sting me. I only want to…he he he…try this out for a…

Eep! Oh, what are you…ha ha ha…that’s not my…he he he…moan…fuck! Ha ha ha…it’s fucking me with its stinger. I didn’t know they could…he he he…use it as a sexual organ. Ha ha HA! Stop! That’s not my pussy. I need to pee out of that.

Oh, never had something fuck my urethra before…he he he…so weird…

Ow! Ow! Hey, what…ha ha ha…my nipples too? Wait, do you guys cum, or do you…he he he…lay eggs. Are you going to…ha ha ha…lay your eggs in my breasts or something. Moan…ha ha ha…I hope not.

Oh fuck, I hope you don’t sting me when I…ha ha ha…orgasm…ha ha ha…I feel tingly enough already…he he…so sensitive…ha ha ha…

This is much better than masturbating…ha ha ha!


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