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Leo's Invention (Welcome to the Jackson’s) 1/3

The mechanical legs folded out gracefully, unfurling from the metal body and rolling onto its eight spindly feet. It hummed with the sound of tiny gears and motors as the device came to life, alongside its two friends, one larger than it and the other considerably smaller. They each approached the bed cautiously, following the commands from the device in Leo Valdez’s hands. “What do you think?” The young asked.

“They’re incredible Leo” his young partner replied, staring down at the three mechanical spiders as they waited posed bed her bed. “How long have you been working on these?”

“A few weeks” he explained, putting his arms around the young woman’s shoulders as she sat between his legs, laid against his muscled chest on the bed. He’d put on a bit of muscle since the Argo, all the workouts in the forge paying off bringing this Greek demigod to resemble his ancient forebears. The young brunette in bed with him certainly appreciated it. “I can have one come up and join us if you want a closer look” he said.

Piper’s kaleidoscope eyes glinted with fascination as she nodded, watching him bring the remote control up in front of them and press some buttons. The medium sized spider lifted its head and advanced forward, crawling up onto the bed and pattering over the mattress towards them. Piper curled up a little bit under the bedsheets draped over the pair of them, sitting forward holding the covers above her breasts as the creature climb up her knee. She tilted her head as it paused to look at her, looking back at Leo with a smile before holding out her hand. Leo used the remote and directed it to climb onto her palms as she held both hands out to hold it. It was the size of a football, requiring it to place three legs on each arm to support it, the other two curling underneath as Piper brought it to her face to examine it carefully. The craftsmanship was incredible, the mechanisms so intricate she would’ve thought Hephaestus himself must’ve made it. “It’s amazing” she marveled.

“I’m glad you think so” Leo blushed.

Piper sensed the humility from him and looked at him, lowering the spider down to her lap. “You’re incredibly talented Leo. At many things” she added playfully, pecking him on the lips once again as she reached under the bedsheets and rubbed the very talented young man encouragingly. Leo grinned again, putting his arms around the sexy naked girl once more kissing her back. They’d just wrapped up another round of platonic sex while he was visiting so there was no rush to jump back into it. But he appreciated the sentiment from the daughter of Aphrodite. “What does your girlfriend think?” Piper asked him.

He shrugged. “She’s supportive of most on my projects. I think she’s still on the fence about me modifying these spiders to turn them into household helpers. But since she can no longer use her magic, I thought she’d appreciate it.”

“It’s very sweet, and thoughtful of you” Piper praised, turning back to lounge in his lap admiring his handiwork in front of them. “So what do they do?”

“When they’re finished, they can carry stuff around, act as tables, stools, steps if needed. I’m thinking the big one could be a transport, or something to carry our luggage.”

“Like a personal assistant” Piper giggled. “How many have you made?”

“So far just these three prototypes” Leo smiled. “And I’ve been tinkering with adding attachments too, so they could do more. I was considering adding tools so they could help in the forge, fix things when they break, maybe even do housework.”

Piper broke into a laugh as she raised an eyebrow. “Admit it, you made these to get out of doing your chores.”

“I’ll deny that to the grave” he whispered teasingly. “Still trying to work out the kinks. I thought I might bring them to Camp Half-blood so Cabin Nine could chip in. I’m sure they could think up some uses for these little guys.” He hesitated briefly before adding “I did manage to add one attachment I wanted your input on.”

“Really? Okay, let’s see it” Piper replied, intrigued as she lifted the spider in her hands. Leo picked up the remote and turned a switch. The spider perked up as a green light illuminated from its bronze body, the panels on the underside sliding open to extend a cylindrical device from itself. Piper peeked down and watched in fascination as it extended out until it was poised and…erect? She turned to Leo. “Is that what I think it is?”

He blushed in embarrassment. “The idea came to me late one night, after me and Calypso…anyway, I just came down to the workshop and started tinkering with them and it just… it was supposed to be a proof of concept, just to make sure I could actually add attachments to the device.”

“And you thought you’d start by installing a dildo” Piper laughed.

“A vibrating dildo, with a tank of synthetic fluid meant to simulate semen” he corrected.

Piper’s eyes widened, glancing at the young blacksmith before examining his creation. She saw the tank installed in the hilt of the extension, the motors and ridges running along the shaft, the smooth end of the tip and the hole the fluid would eject from. Leo really thought of everything. It was the most sophisticated sex toy Piper had ever seen. “Does it work?” She asked him. She heard his silence like it was deafening. “Calypso?” She guessed. His cheeks turned red. She stared at him as a huge grin rose on her face. “Does it work?” She asked again.

“Yes, it works” Leo answered, blushing as Piper chuckled at his embarrassment. His girlfriend wasn’t exactly impressed by this particular upgrade, but she too found his approach to field testing amusing. He quickly cleared his thought and sat up before informing his chuckling friend “I could use a second opinion.”

Piper lit up immediately, staring down at the metal creature in her hands grinning. She’d be happy to offer her expertise. “How does it work?” She asked excitedly. Leo took his remote control and adjusted some of the switches and dials while pressing some buttons. The spider in Piper’s hand folded in its legs and collapsed into its offline mode, but this time with the attachment still active. The young woman curbed her enthusiasm but didn’t say anything as she held the medium sized machine watching the artificial phallus carefully. Leo pushed some buttons and it came to life, the long shaft moving up and down on a piston as the ridges rotated around the cylinder, the device vibrating on a low setting. Piper watched it in amazement before moving it to one hand so she could stroke it with her other hand.

“Perhaps I should’ve brought to small one up first” Leo muttered as Piper nearly dropped the machine.

“No, I got it” she said, using both hands again only this time wrapping her mouth around the device. The shaft vibrated in her mouth as she sucked on the rounded tip, humming at the odd sensations. It was just like sucking a vibrator. She closed her eyes and slid the cock deeper into her mouth, the ridges rubbing against the roof of her mouth as her throat vibrated. She pulled it out after a minute, turning back to Leo. “Is it just like a normal dildo?”

“In essence” he nodded, showing her the settings on the remote. While she fiddled with the buttons, turning off the vibration, piston and rotating rings, there was the sound of screeching metal before it came to a halt. Leo sighed. “Problem with prototypes is there’s still a few hiccups” he complained, taking the device from her a moment to look over the mechanism. “Sometimes gears get stuff or wires are misaligned. But they’re all minor so it’s nothing to worry about” he assured her, passing the device back.

Piper smirked, cradling the toy nestled against his shoulder. “I’m sure it’ll be perfect by the time you leave Camp Half blood” she said. “I’d like to test this synthetic semen now.” Leo nodded, pushing a button priming the container in the machine. Piper licked her lips and wrapped her lips around the cylinder again, playing around with sucking the cock before giving Leo the thumbs up. He pushed a button, a discharge of fluid spilling out of the attachment and into her waiting mouth. She recoiled the moment it met her tongue, the texture immediately putting her off as she forced herself to swallow it and suppress a gag. “What exactly is that stuff?” She asked wiping her mouth.

“My attempt at chemistry” he shrugged. “I did my best to create the same texture of real cum, but also keep it organic enough soup that it didn’t have any harmful toxins. You don’t like it?”

“Honestly? It tastes horrible.”

“I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

Piper twisted around and planted her mouth against his, feeding him what was left on her tongue to him.

The boy equally gagged and recoiled. “Okay, I’ll work on that” he promised.

“Other than that, I suppose the mechanism works” Piper told him, placing the inactive spider down beside them on the bed. “It you really wanted my feedback you shouldn’t have switched it off” she noted.

Leo looked at her in surprise. “You want to actually have sex with these things?”

“Isn’t that why you designed them?” She said, snuggling up next to him tracing patterns over his muscular chest. “To be Calypso’s personal assistants. How can you expect to get decent feedback without proper field testing?”

Leo shrugged, scratching his head nervously. “I guess. But when I asked her, she was pretty clear about…I wouldn’t want to put you at risk. There’s still those glitches and…”

“Leo” Piper whispered, putting a finger on his lips as she quietly informed him “I’m willing to be your Guinea pig. Bring the largest machine you brought up onto this bed and let it fuck me.

Leo knew she was charming him. The irony was he would’ve given in to her demands without her charm-speak. As cautious as he was, the perverted part of him still wanted someone to have sex with his machines. So he brought up the remote and activated the largest mechanical spider waiting on the floor. It crawled up onto the bed and stalked before the excited young woman as she whipped the bedsheets off their naked body, lounging against his lap preparing herself for his experiment. It paused in front of her as Leo halted it, casting a glance down to his partner. She nodded enthusiastically, biting her bottom lip in excitement. So he turned the setting to one he had installed and waited to try: seek and destroy

Of course the original Seek and Destroy function of these machines were more nefarious in nature. But Leo had reprogrammed the function to adapt to these new additions. Rather than destroy all life forms, it’s directive became destroy all pussy. As demonstrated when it’s blue lights fixed onto Piper, sprawled on the bed waiting for it to seek her out, and reared with a mechanical growl. Instantly two metal cables fired out of its underside and coiled around her ankles, the spools spinning reeling her down the bed towards it. Piper squealed as she was dragged into its web, her knees pulled up to be ensnared by two of its legs as two more hooked around her hips. She found herself being lifted off the bed, her head falling till it was almost vertical staring back at the young man watching her cautiously. Her thighs were pulled apart as this spider’s attachment was unveiled, larger than the last one, it’s tip targeting her cunt with a laser until it was aligned. Then it thrust forward, penetrating her in one swift motion. “Oh fuck!” Piper gasped, the cold metal inserting itself into her pussy, making her shiver. It’s pistons started immediately, pumping in and out of her at a steady pace as she hung in its grasp. It was a very consistent fuck. Piper was finding its choice of position a little uncomfortable though, her neck aching as she found it awkward to hold herself up with her arms. “Could it lower be down an bit Leo?” She queried. He nodded, adjusting the remote so the machine would dip lower to the bed so she was a bit more horizontal. Once she was more comfortable she could lie back and enjoy the mechanical toy more.

Leo watched the pair of them intently, alert for any signs of harm to both his machine and his friend. Fortunately Piper seemed to be enjoying herself very much as she moaned in pleasure, the spider keeping her hips elevated as it thrust its piston into her core repeatedly keeping her legs suspended. She didn’t struggle to kick out of the cables restraining her, content to let her feet hang in the air while she threaded her fingers through her hair. Leo noticed she does that when she let herself get lost in the bliss of an orgasm, her voice hitching a decibel higher as she rode through a small climax. “You okay Pipes?” He asked, leaning over her looking at her flushed face.

“Yes, much” she smiled, gazing down at the metal creature patting its bronze head. “You’ve made quite the pet Leo.”

“It’s not hurting you is it?” He asked, peeking under the body to spy the cylinder still pumping into her dripping pussy.

As he asked that he spotted a brief irregularity in its motion, the mechanism almost jamming before spiking into her. She gasped briefly but shook her head. “It doesn’t hurt. Just the odd twitch.”

“Might need calibrating” he considered, holding his remote preparing to deactivate it.

Piper reached up and caught his arm. “It’s okay” she said, urging him to let it keep going. She was enjoying herself too much. "Why don’t you try one of the higher settings? Show me what it can do.”

Leo looked down at her, chuckling in bemusement as he considered how high he wanted to risk it. “For the record, this is the lowest setting. If I set it to its normal state, it would be pounding you into the bed right now.”

“Promises, promises” she mumbled under her breath as she watched him flip a switch. She gasped in delight as the appendage started vibrating, stimulating her walls and her clot when it thrusted forward. She moaned louder, arching her back against the mattress rocking her hips against the cock eagerly. She looked up at Leo, her eyes drifting over him down to his groin where his penis stood erect, his hand stroking it subconsciously as he watched her intently. “Are you masturbating Valdez? Is watching me have sex making you aroused?” She asked playfully.

Leo looked down at his crotch in surprise, his cheeks turning red. But then he looked down at her and smirked. “You are very arousing” he admitted.

Piper pushed herself up to her elbows and beckoned him closer. “I wouldn’t be a good friend if I didn’t help you with this” she said, taking hold of his cock stroking it gently before leaning over and giving him a blowjob. Leo rested his hand on her head as she sucked his cock, sighing heavily as he closed his eyes and enjoyed it. It was nice to have friends like Piper.

A few minutes later they were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and shutting. “Pipes? You home?” Annabeth called.

Piper paused in her blowjob to casually call out “in here Annie!” Leo didn’t even bat an eye as Piper immediately resumed sucking him off, the machine still humping between the girls legs. Neither of them stopped what they were doing until the door to the bedroom swung open.

Next thing they knew there was a terrified scream startling them so much Piper nearly clenched her jaw down on his penis. Luckily he pulled out as her arm jerked out in a panic, his remote control slipping out of his hand to bounce onto the floor with a thud. The device lit up from the impact, a tiny spark erupting from the circuitry, something Leo failed to notice as his gaze shot to the young woman in blonde hair standing in the doorway.

Piper turned her head too, looking at Annabeth as she dropped the bags she was carrying and stood frozen in the doorway, her skin pale as she stared back with wide stormy grey eyes. “What the hell?” She gasped.

Piper looked up at Leo in surprise. She didn’t usually get this kind of reaction when Annabeth walked in on Piper having sex with a boy. “Leo just stopped by to say hi” she explained calmly as the boy waved politely. “He was on his way to…”

“Not that!” Annabeth snapped, her eyes fixed to the large mechanical spider still fucking her best friend. “I mean what the hell!” She said, raising a terrified finger pointing at the machine.

Piper looked at the creature holding her bottom half, it’s toy still thrusting into her rhythmically. Her eyes widened as she realized why Annabeth looked so petrified. She forgot about her Arachnophobia for a moment, something most of the children of Athena inherit. “I’m sorry Annie, I should’ve said something” she apologized.

Annabeth stood paralyzed as her eyes were glued to the machine, the sight of it fucking the brunette making her nauseated. After a tense moment she managed to lift her gaze to Leo, asking him “yours?” He nodded. “I…actually, I don’t want to know. Can you just get rid of them? Please?” She begged, backing up against the doorframe. Leo nodded, looking for the remote as he hurried off the bed.

On the floor, the remote vibrated as another spark erupted from the circuitry. In repose the three machines in the room suddenly shuddered, the two not moving suddenly reactivating. They all came to life as the lights turned red, their programming initiating it’s search and destroy function.

Piper sensed something was wrong moments before the large spider holding her suddenly lunged forward, it’s spiny legs digging into the bed as it rose higher lifting her hips with her. She gasped as she was pulled upwards, her head lifting off the mattress leaving her hanging upside down as the cables around her legs coiled tighter. “Leo?” She called, her arms attempting to steady herself as she felt he room invert. The dildo in her cunt stopped momentarily until she heard a worrying shift of gears, it’s legs wrapping around her hips tightly before it engaged it’s pistons again. She gasped in alarm as it fucked her faster and harder, it’s vibrator setting increasing as the rings holding the ridges started to spin. “Leo!” She cried.

Leo paused his search for the remote to check on Piper, his eyes widening as he found her suspended over the bed being pummeled more forcefully. He ran to the machine and tried to pry it off her, but the more he tried the tighter it’s cables became around her thighs to keep her trapped. He stopped when she cried in discomfort, possibly pain, instead examining the machine trying to figure out what was wrong. Damn it, why didn’t I install an off switch he cursed, returning to look for the remote control. He found it on the floor a few feet away, leaping for it urgently.

He leap was interrupted when he felt a cable lash around his ankle sending him tumbling to the ground. He landed on his front banging his nose on the floor, grunting in pain before quickly pushing himself up to his knees. No sooner was he on all fours he felt something collide with him against his back. He whirled around looking over his shoulder and was startled to see the medium sized spider crawling down his back to aim its extension to his backside. He saw the red targeting laser primed at his arsehole and panicked, immediately turning around to crawl for the remote. He got within six feet before the machine lunged forward and forced its cock into his anus, the cylinder already rotating and vibrating as it lodged itself inside him making the boy cry out. As he was driven to the floor his eyes caught a glimpse of the remote’s screen, the warning lights flashing the directive they were operating under. “Oh fuck” he cursed as the spider dug its feet into his flesh and began pounding him from behind on the highest setting. He really should’ve fixed those glitches.

Annabeth’s terror about these things only became compounded as she watched them forcefully rape her friends in front of her. That fear only served to paralyze her further as she witnessed the third spider, the smallest, turn towards her and fix its red lights on her. “No, stay away from me” she squeaked, trying to back away only for her legs to refuse to move. She glanced at the bed, her best friend trapped by the largest of the machines. Piper was moaning and panting, so Annabeth wasn’t sure if she was actually in trouble or still enjoying herself. Either way she saw how hard that thing was pounding her and she didn’t want to see if that’s what this little one wanted to attempt with her. Her eyes darted down and saw the creature take a few steps closer, her gut clenching as she forced her body to drag itself out of the room.

The instant it detected motion from her it reared up and fired a volley of cables at her. She screamed, throwing her arms up in panic, the wires flying across the room and wrapping around her like bollas. She cried out as metal ropes tied up her ankles, her knees, her wrists and chest, sending her toppling backwards landing on her back. She writhed in the restraints, unable to move. “Help!” She squealed, lifting her head trying to sit up. She saw the machine scuttling towards, attempting to shuffle back as it crawled forward and climbed up her bound legs. “Leo! Do something!” She cried, fear clasping her chest as it climbed over her arms towards her face. It’s red lights gleamed menacingly as they trained onto her, her gaze drawn to the underside of its body when she witnessed its vibrating dildo attachment unfold from the base. She shook her head desperately trying to shake it off as it creeped over her face, it’s legs extending around her scalp like something out of a horror movie. “Leo, get this thing off me!” She screamed, until the metal creature dropped itself onto her face jamming its cock into her open mouth. She wailed around the cylinder as as it started vibrating and thrusting into her mouth, her muffled screams reverberating in her throat.

“Annie!” Piper cried back, twisting her neck unable to see her as she jerked her hips and kicked out wildly. She could break out of the spider’s grasp as it pounded her faster and harder. She heard the gears shifting violently inside the machine as it spun the dildo even faster, stirring up her insides like a drill. She felt woozy from being elevated this way, the blood rushing to her head while all feeling seemed to gravitate to her core. She moaned hoarsely, feeling her body submitting to its fifth forced orgasm, the cock continuously stimulated her sensitive cunt. She gasped and panted, pushing through the aching buzzing as it slowly turned to agony. She reached up to grasp its legs with her trembling hands, trying to climb up its body to free herself. But every climax made her back arch until her spine seemed to lock up, jolts of electricity shooting down to the base of her skull making her whimper. “Stop…please” she begged, banging her fists against the bronze head as her legs curled up, her body falling into a painful state of constant orgasms. Demigod or not she couldn’t stay like this forever. It was torture and starting to hurt, the piston punching deeper banging against her cervix like a battering ram. Her eyes watered and she gritted her teeth, holding on for just a little longer.

Leo just needed a little longer. A few more inches as he shuffled closer to the remote control in front of him. He heard Annabeth’s muffled screams from the doorway. He heard Piper’s pained whimpers from the bed. He knew they were in trouble. So was he as the medium sized spider pounded his backdoor, spinning its pistol like a drill burying it into his anus. He hissed in discomfort as it clutched his backside, pain and pleasure shooting up and down his spine making his knees shake. He couldn’t find the strength to use his legs so he crawled, dragging himself forward sluggishly resisting the ache in his loins as his erection twisted uncomfortably against the ground. He focused on the remote, the only way to shut these things down and fix this. He ignored the ache in his balls as they begged to release. Fuck, why did I design these things this way? After an agonizingly long time his fingertips brushed the remote. “Just…a… little…more…” he hissed, wincing as the drilling in his ass made his cock twitch as semen squirted from the tip onto the floor. He exhaled in a wheeze, pushing himself closer until he got his fingers around the device.

He yanked it back and immediately twisted a dial and the base and pushed a button. All three of the spiders jolted to an abrupt stop as he initiated a force shutdown, the lights blinking off until they felt still. The attachments all ceased to function, freezing inside the relative orifices of its captives. The demigods all froze for a moment before exhaling a relived breath.

Moments later, however, the machines all started to whine and groan. Suddenly they sparked and stuttered as parts of each device broke. Piper was dropped back onto the bed with a grunt as the cables snapped from the chassis. The spiders all sparked scaring the three of them before the canisters holding the synthetic semen burst, leaking all over the demigods staring their clothes or skin. Leo collapsed onto the floor hearing the clattering thud as his spider fell off his body, his backside stained white. Same for Piper, who lay panting for breath with the fluid covering her bottom half, her spider still standing over her immobile. Annabeth was able to pry the spider hugging her face off, coughing up the stuff as it pasted her jaw and neck. She threw the machine to the side curling into a ball heaving, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The bedroom fell silent, the ordeal over. After a few minutes of heavy breathing the trio were able to move again. Leo dragged his arms underneath him to lift himself up to his knees, slumping into an uncomfortable sitting position looking at the disabled machine. “Annabeth? Piper? You girls okay?” He asked.

Piper groaned in response, awkwardly shifting her feet to check she still had feeling in her legs. She flinched when her thighs rubbed together irritating her groin, panting heavily feeling her heart beating against her rib cage. “I think you still have some bugs to fix” she told him. She lifted her head looking at the mechanical creature still standing over her, sluggishly crawling back to rest her head against the pillow. “Annie?” She called out. “Are you alright?”

She got her answer when she and Leo jumped at the sound of metal against wood as the daughter of Athena smashed the spider creature against the door frame with her feet. She kicked the small machine into scrap metal in fury, still tied up in its cables. Her friends lifted their heads to look at her as she sat slumped against the wall dripping with sweat, the white fluid covering her face beneath the strands of blonde hair as she heaved erratically. When she lifted her gaze her stormy grey eyes were full of fury. “First I’m going to dismantle your toys, then I’m going to rip of your testicles and shove them up your fucking arse” she growled, fixing her glare on their creator.

Leo gulped as he hunkered behind the bed, cradling his creation protectively, praying to his dad for protection from Athena’s vengeful daughter.

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